40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1541: Life and death, time does not wait for me! (Fifth more!)

Li Yao desperately scratched his hair, scratching his hair from the bird's nest to the bushes did not solve the problem. The current situation is too complicated, too chaotic, and too difficult to crack!

However, there is one thing that Long Yangjun made a very correct analysis.

Now sending a signal to the Star Federation to summon a fleet from the motherland does not do much good.

Let alone what is going on in the federation at this moment, will he send out a signal at the risk of being stunned, and in the end he hasn't summoned one.

Even if they really get strong military support, so that many Nascent Souls and Gods of the Ancient Sage Realm choose to surrender, this surrender is destined to be impossible.

Then, they are very likely to be mixed in the federation team, taking advantage of the critical moment of the battle between the federation and the empire, and stabbing it from the back!

Such a "owner" is more terrifying than the enemy.

Even if the Xingyao Federation can get rid of these Nascent Infants and Transformation Gods and directly communicate with the middle and lower levels of the major sects and even the ancient sacred world, it will not be possible to draw too many resources from this world for a while.

Li Yao knew the virtues of the major sects a long time ago. He would rather deal directly with the imperial immortal cultivators than with these gangsters.

"Wiseness is not open" is not an empty talk. Most of the poor people in the ancient sacred world are not strong people like Meng Chixin, Han Baling, and Qi Zhongdao who are calm, sensible, and advanced in thinking. Within five years, accept an "alien government"!

The labor force expedition of the Federal Fleet will only bring chaos to the ancient sacred world, and even turn into a quagmire of war, dragging a large number of troops and resources of the Federation into it and dragging it into an endless war of security.

As a federation that is about to or even caught up in a battle with the Black Wind Fleet, it is destined to be impossible to open up a new battlefield in the ancient sacred world.

After all, the Federation mainland is too far away from the dark nebula, and too greedy. If every planet and world is not let go, the long star sea supply line is destined to cause a military disaster.

Li Yao repeatedly calculated and felt that the status quo was still good for him.

Among the twelve people is Long Yangjun, a half-truth ally, and he has the lifeline of everyone's giant soldiers. As the "key figure" of the entire plan, he also has a considerable right to speak.

At least for now, there is no need to rashly change the status quo.

Let's wait three days for everyone to make a decision.

The next three days, for Li Yao, are not only like years, but also like sparks of lightning.

He spends all his time studying the repair and modification of the giant soldiers.

Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun really did what they said and gave them all the jade slips and other information storage magic weapons that they had collected over decades about the giant **** soldiers to Li Yao, and let him study and practice.

The so-called "Jade Slips" in Nuwa civilization is of course not the same as ancient and modern jade slips. They are things that look like light sticks. When you twist them lightly, a few tremors will automatically emerge from the end. The towering Lingsi synapses can be inserted into the temples and foreheads of people, and they can be used for information input and copy operations.

The information transmission method of these jade slips is very advanced, and language is rarely used. Instead, they directly paste and copy through some kind of "telepathy" idea, which disassembles and disassembles a large number of giant soldiers' maintenance structure diagrams and psychic operation diagrams. All were imprinted in Li Yao's mind.

For people who have never been in contact with giant soldiers, these complex and delicate spider silk structure diagrams and dynamic principle simulation diagrams are absolutely heavenly books.

Even because of the massive data, it will hit the soul, making people go crazy and fall into madness!

However, Li Yao was originally the foremost expert on giant soldiers in the Xingyao Federation, and he had the valuable experience of studying giant soldiers in the "Kunlun Ruins" for five years.

These original and original "Manuals for Repair and Reconstruction of Giant God Soldiers" from the ancient times just filled in the key part of his incomplete Kunlun ruins, and it made him so intoxicated!

Li Yao almost madly swallowed everything related to the giant soldiers, and even almost forgot all the things that happened outside!

The giant soldier is by no means as simple as the "giant metal puppet" of the ignorant, but is somewhat similar to the concept of "super giant biochemical crystal armor" that Li Yao once proposed in the blood demon world.

It is like an indomitable giant, with its own bones, nerves, viscera and flesh and blood systems, fused into an organic whole!

And its "bones, nerves" and other parts are most likely to be refined from the meridians and other organs of some ancient starry beast, and hundreds of fierce souls are sealed in, and cold crystal cables and crystal lines. , Must not be the same!

It is not so much a "giant metal puppet", it is better to say that it is a living giant, a giant in...without self-awareness, a "vegetative" state!

And its driver just fills in the part of its missing self, causing the "vegetable" to wake up from their long sleep and roar in rage!

Precisely because it is "alive" in a certain conception, its preservation is so difficult that the giant soldiers that once spread throughout the universe during the Battle of the Gods have undergone hundreds of thousands of years of erosion. Very few are left.

Within three days, Li Yao overhauled all the giant soldiers in the maintenance warehouse, and found a total of 14 giant soldiers that could be put into combat after a little maintenance.

Although the rest of the giant soldiers also have repair value, Li Yao did not plan to repair them in the short term. Instead, he planned to disassemble them and use them as spare parts for the repair of the twelve giant soldiers.

Especially the "Nine Nether Profound Bones", since it is his own dream car, Li Yao of course has to fake his own public for his own sake, and he has to make all the strengthening components for it, hehehehe!

All this was done without the knowledge of Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun.

In the eyes of the two gods, Li Yao was still holding many "glow sticks", swallowing them with a frown, and occasionally climbed onto the giant soldier to fumble, but after a while, he climbed down shaking his head, even because The information in the ancient jade slips was over-transmitted, and I vomited again several times!

This is when Li Yao feels the "light and stone fire".

And every time he left the giant soldier warehouse and returned to the rest area, the atmosphere was immediately suppressed, making life like a year.

The imperial female soldier Hei Yelan has already confessed a lot of things, politics, economy, culture, history, military... all-inclusive, everything.

After each jade slip was filled, eleven copies were immediately copied and distributed to the ten great Yuan Ying and the two great gods for research.

The truth from the depths of the universe is like a scourge, impacting and destroying the original unbreakable Three Views and Dao Xin of the natives of the Ancient Sage Realm.

Qi Zhongdao, Han Baling, Ba Xiaoyu, Master Kuchan, Qi Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu... Regardless of good and evil, good and evil, all innate infants and gods are like clay idols, holding a few jade slips, sitting in a daze. In the depths of their respective cabins.

They are sometimes dumbfounded, sometimes thoughtful, sometimes ecstatic, sometimes depressed to the extreme, and even lost in despair, like crazy!

During the past three days, when Li Yao stayed in the rest area, he often had the illusion that he had been in a strange hospital for the madman.

Not to mention the young emperor Phoenix Emperor who has not yet finalized the Three Views, even the first handsome man in the ancient sacred world in his mind, the benevolent, compassionate and compassionate bitter cicada master, vomited blood in the mouth the next day, and almost went crazy.

Li Yao can actually understand their feelings.

Because Heiyelan's explanation not only included the basic profile of the real human empire, but even included part of the "brainwashing tutorial" that Su Changfa once imposed on Li Yao in the past.

Although it is only a "text version", it is not as immersive and full of voice as the "brainwashing room" back then.

But the sharpness and chill between the lines is not diminished at all, even more direct and rude!

At the beginning, even people like Li Yao who also came from the "modern cultivation civilization" and were extremely determined in Taoism were almost caught, let alone these ancients who had no idea about modern civilization at all!

Their deep confusion and confusion in the first two days and their increasingly decisive expressions on the last day really made Li Yao scared.

He wanted to find an opportunity in private. First, he gathered several righteous monks such as Qi Zhongdao, Ba Xiaoyu, Master Kuchan, and gave everyone a few shots, but he never found a chance.

The rest area is just such a big place, and when going out, there is a group of three, supervising each other, plus Li Yao himself is "especially valued" by the two gods, and he studies the giant soldiers with him every day. Related questions.

So, until the dust settled three days later, everyone had read all the intelligence output by Hei Yelan and seemed to have reached their own preliminary conclusions. When they got together again, Li Yao still didn't find a chance!

The meeting took place in the small restaurant at the end of the lounge area.

This restaurant was originally supposed to be set up for human soldiers, and the long dining table is just the right size.

As the host of the meeting, Meng Chixin was sitting at the front end of the long table. Another old Huashen Wu Suiyun sat at the other end of the long table. The other ten people had five on each side and looked at each other.

Quite rudimentary environment.

But it is very likely to determine the history of countless stars in the next ten thousand years!

And many of these people who are about to make a ruling are still in a trance, unable to break free from the impact of the vast ocean of stars.


Meng Chi flexed his fists, knocked on the table without seriousness, and said in a deep voice, "I know that everyone must be greatly impacted at this moment. In any case, it is hard to believe that there is such an incredible universe beyond nine days!"

"However, whether you believe it or not, if you can accept it, the universe is there! Either we suppress it, or it swallows us!"

"Life and death, time doesn't matter, we don't have time to sigh and hesitate!"

"We are the twelve people with the strongest cultivation base in the Ancient Sage Realm, and the future of this realm is in our hands! In any case, I hope you all can show the care and demeanor of Yuan Ying. Today, just today, take Come up with an idea how to save our world!"

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