40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1542: Judging the future! (Sixth!)

One word awakens the dreamer. After all, many super naive infants are all outstanding people who dominate the roost. They have three days to digest slowly. No matter how deeply shocked they are, they must accept the cruel reality of the cold universe nine days away. Make every effort and do your best to let yourself and your world survive!

"Amitabha, what the benefactor said is quite true."

Master Kuchan used a clear Buddha name to wash everyone’s minds and calm everyone down. “The safety of the thousands of people in the ancient sacred world is all tied to our twelve thoughts. We really didn’t No matter how time feels sorry for itself, I am inexplicably shocked, but I must come up with a charter as soon as possible!

"it is good!"

Meng Chixin looked around and saw that everyone was gradually regaining clarity and determination, and he said in a deep voice, "I see that you have a determined mind, and there is no need to talk nonsense, let's start discussing immediately!"

"But before you say your own views, I want to reiterate that the twelve of us should put aside our previous suspicions, put aside our contradictions and prejudices, and unite as one!"

"We have only two enemies. One is the vast and perilous sea of ​​stars; the other is the despicable, insatiable and insatiable major sects, as well as other ambitious forces besides Dagan and Yunqin. These are not enough. Something more than defeated!"

"Only when we are highly united and thoroughly implement the same will, can it be possible to contend with these two enemies and firmly control the future of the ancient sacred world in our hands!"

"So, if a fellow daoist disagrees later, even if you speak freely, no matter how whimsical it is, it doesn't matter if you speak it out. Let us study it slowly. We will persuade people with reason and convince all fellow daoists before launching a unified action! Don’t get bored in your heart and become devil! Don’t worry about the seemingly absurd speech of a fellow Taoist! We must know that everything we do is for the same goal, that is, survival, our common home. Survival!"

"Do you all agree on this point?"

The ten Yuan Ying looked at each other and nodded unswervingly.

"Okay, then let's start to make a decision immediately!"

Meng Chi cleared his throat and said, "In the past three days, you have read all the information provided by the real human empire female warrior Hei Yelan, and have a good understanding of the general situation in the universe, including the political, economic, cultural, and military aspects of the empire. With a preliminary understanding, I believe that we can make some judgments based on these news-Friends Wandao, what's the problem with you?"

Wan Mingzhu screamed: "Senior Meng, our current judgments are based on Hei Yelan's intelligence. The younger generation wants to know, is it possible for Hei Yelan to lie?"

"What if she provided false information and deliberately led us to make wrong judgments?"

"probably not."

Meng Chixin said indifferently, “When Hei Yelan provided all the information, she was closely monitored by Wu Suiyun and me. Judging from the fluctuations in her psychic energy, the trembling of spirits, and the changes in facial expressions, it is basically true.”

"On the other hand, if she really has the ability to lie unhurriedly under the supervision of the two gods, how terrible is her cultivation? If a female warrior of a real human empire is so terrifying, the entire empire, Can we still resist it?"

"Therefore, we don't need to worry about whether she is lying, just take everything she said as fact!"

Wan Mingzhu pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Thank you, senior, for your guidance, juniors are fine."

Meng Chi said, "Then let's make the first decision immediately. Everyone now understands that the sea of ​​stars is vast and the universe is endless, and in the sea of ​​stars, there are so many unparalleled races and forces. The problem is that we should How to face all this? Is it possible that the Ancient Sacred Realm, as a separate force, completely relying on itself, contends with these star-sea forces, or at least is hiding in the depths of the dark nebula, and will never be discovered by them?"

"If this is possible, then we will kill Hei Yelan now, pretending that nothing happened, and it doesn't matter when the head is shrunk!"

Numerous Yuan Ying looked at each other and shook their heads subconsciously, knowing that such naive fantasies were untenable.

"This is impossible."

Qi Zhongdao said bitterly, "There are two. Since Heiyelan can discover the ancient sacred world, others can naturally too. We are destined to hide for long!"

"What's more, we will always lie in the ancient sacred world as a head-shrinking turtle, we will always be trapped in a whirlpool of cannibalism, and one generation is not as good as one generation, and it is almost impossible to maintain!"

"For the future of the ancient sacred world, we must go out and join the entire universe!"

"We can’t stand alone against the entire starry sea. If we want to be integrated into the universe, we can only find one force to cooperate, or...be attached to it. At least initially, we don’t know anything about the subtleties of the universe. Under the circumstances, it should be like this."

These speeches seemed to have exhausted all Qi Zhongdao's strength, and the nominal leader of the Dagan cultivation world sat down somewhat sullenly.

Perhaps it is extremely difficult for him to make the decision of "depending on him".

"Friends of Qi Daoist are reasonable, it's really the same as what the heroes see!"

Meng Chixin didn’t talk nonsense, and the tiger’s eyes shone, staring directly at the rest of the people, “The Ancient Sacred Realm must go out and integrate into the universe! Do you have any opinions on this? If not, we have reached a consensus, yes. Go to the next question!"

This is clear at a glance, even the most conservative Yuan Ying is unwilling to be a tortoise with his head, not to mention the "Fairy World" is the sea of ​​stars, originally the ultimate destination of every cultivator!

Deep down in their hearts, all of them faintly yearned to go to the end of the star sea, the other side of the universe, and see the moving scenery there!

Ten Yuan Ying nodded at the same time!

"Well, we all agree that the Ancient Sage Realm must rush out of the dark nebula and merge into the universe. In this way, it must be attached to a certain power in the star sea!"

Meng Chixin said, "Now in the sea of ​​stars, there is a situation where the two heroes are fighting for hegemony, the Covenant Alliance and the real human empire!"

"The second question, do some daoists think that we should be attached to the'Covenant League'?"

Everyone was startled slightly, and they all shook their heads.

Meng Chi smiled and said, "As I guessed, it seems that all Taoists don’t want to be puppets without emotions and desires and losing themselves. What's more, even if we want to cooperate with the Holy League, the boundaries of the Ancient Sacred Realm and the Holy League are separated by a thousand. Mountains and rivers, thousands of stars-you can't find the temple gate even if you burn incense!"

"Then...it seems that there is only one choice left, which is to join the real human empire according to Hei Yelan's words! Fellow Daoists, what do you think?"

This is the sole focus of today's meeting.

All Yuan Ying's backs straightened suddenly.

Meng Chixin’s eyes were firm and clear. He changed to a more gentle and calm tone, and said lightly: "You don’t have to have any worries, although you can speak freely, let me express my attitude first-this does not mean that you have to agree with me. The point of view is unacceptable!"

"Meng believes that the empire is powerful, the ancient sage is weak, and the hard work is tantamount to hitting the stone with a pebble. The current situation seems to have to first stand under the wings of the empire, lurking minions, and dormant temporarily, after slowly growing himself, When the situation in the center of Xinghai changes, I will try to figure it out again!"

"So, I agree to join the real human empire!"

"Friend Qi, what do you think?"

Sitting under Meng Chixin’s head, Qi Zhongdao didn’t seem to recover from the depression just now. He coughed a few times, staring blankly at the metal pattern in the center of the dining table, and said softly, “Qi has been studying the truth for the past few days. The system of the human empire found that although the people of this country are martial arts and conquered endlessly, the laws are strict and there are quite rules for up and down. According to their rules, even the most humble slaves, as long as they can awaken their spiritual roots and cultivate magical powers. It's possible to make a steady progress, to be a general, and even become the lord of the world!"

"The real human empire is relying on this set of ‘rules’ to ensure that hundreds of large worlds are in order!"

"There are rules, better than no rules, Qi, I, I, I agree to join the real human empire!"

Li Yao's heart was cold.

Before the meeting, he had also calculated how many of the Nascent Souls would choose to surrender to the empire.

Qi Zhongdao is the key figure in his calculations that may be vacillating. He didn't expect that he was the first to bow his head because of the word "rules"!

Han Baling lined up behind him, and said gruffly: "The real human empire has killed and killed with iron and blood, and has smashed out a sea of ​​stars and mountains. It is quite the appetite of this king! The empire, the first empire! Better than All right, Shengmeng!"

Han Baling is a "classical ****" and the real human empire is a "modern ****", Li Yao is not surprised at his choice.

"I don't like the attitude of the real human empire towards the common people. Isn't that not treating the common people as human beings?"

The white lotus mother Wan Mingzhu, who was behind Han Baling, said dryly.

A ray of hope suddenly rose in Li Yao's heart.

Come on, Bai Lian, your old man is the legendary leader of the peasant uprising, isn't it so unprincipled?


Wan Mingzhu changed his words, "I read from Hei Yelan’s intelligence that many remote and large worlds of the true human empire adopt a completely autonomous approach. As long as sufficient resources and taxes are provided to the capital, what will happen in the locality? Governance, the capital will not interfere!"

"So, many remote star regions have some weird and messy systems."

"If we can also win autonomy and let us manage the ancient sacred world, we can manage whatever we want. It doesn't have to be the same as the inland of the empire?"

"If this is the case, if you can keep the ancient sacred world safe, it is not impossible to negotiate."

"I also agree to join the real human empire, but the'autonomy' must be carefully studied. We must not allow outsiders to interfere with the affairs of our ancient sacred world, and even take our people from the ancient sacred world to the outside world and use them as slaves. , This one, I will never give in!"

Wan Mingzhu sat down awe-inspiringly, or "floating" down.

Li Yao's heart also seemed to "puff", and he fell into the well in December, freezing cold!


Sixth, today is complete.

Lao Niu is not a person who likes to save manuscripts.

In this way, I was embarrassed when I was in a bad state for the first two days, and when the family was full of chores, many friends were not satisfied with reading two chapters a day, and the old man was also very sorry.

Ordinarily, in this situation today, two chapters can be deducted to prepare for emergencies.

But... it's the **** thing, just post it when you finish writing it, everyone is happy to see it!

I repeat, because there are still some places where book friends are asking, where is the first publication of this book-please log in to "Qiji Chinese Net" or download the related "Qiqiang APP", search for "Forty Thousand Years of Cultivation", genuine support Lao Niu.

Every bit of your support, no matter subscription, monthly pass, recommendation or enthusiastic speech in the book review area, is the biggest driving force for the old bull to burn, and it is also the most precious raw material for the continuous expansion, expansion and enrichment of the world for 40,000 years of cultivation. "!

thank you all.

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