40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1543: Kuchan's difficult choice

Qi Zhongdao, the "leader of the cultivation world," and the "peasant uprising leader" like Wan Mingzhu, both chose to join the empire. Do the rest still need to talk about it?

Sure enough, Wan Mingzhu had just sat down. Another "peasant uprising leader" looked even more unscrupulous and lawless "Huntian King" Qi Changsheng laughed strangely and said: "The mother of white lotus is true, since the real human empire There is a rule of'autonomy' in the system of the empire. What system is implemented in other parts of the empire and how to treat their people is actually irrelevant to us! We only need to ensure that the ancient sacred world is left to us! "

"In these days, if we have soldiers and food, we are the grass head king. As long as our own fists are big enough, even if we take refuge in the empire, others may not be able to interfere with our internal affairs! On the other hand, if our strength is relative to the empire, , If it is insignificant, then no matter how we struggle, it will be superfluous!"

"So, I also agree that regardless of the three-seven-one, first surrender to the empire and then rebel, the big deal is the next time the rebellion, this is a well-established business! Of course, the conditions must be negotiated, but it can't be two things. Jujube, just casually sell so many kinds of infants and gods! Want to hire us to fight? All right, let’s take out the real money!"

The head of the refugee did not change his true color, but he was magnanimous. He knocked on the table and frowned. After speaking, he grabbed the stubble on his chin and looked at Yan Liren next to him with a smile: "Daoist Yan, I'm finished, you What's your opinion, buddy?"

"I do not mind."

Yan Liren touched his big bald head, and said lightly, "Since the true human empire is a superpower fighting for hegemony in the sea of ​​stars, there must be something to come...In modern civilization, the most powerful swordsmanship and secret sword , I really want to see, how sharp are the swordsmanship of the cultivator? The empire, the empire is good!"

The people's speech made Li Yao's heart getting colder and colder, and a white and miserable ice shell was about to condense. A few strands of expectant eyes split out and fell on Ba Xiaoyu.

The beggar, Ba Xiaoyu, is an old-fashioned, loyal hero, a hero who is jealous of evil!

He shouldn't agree with the real human empire's practice of treating ordinary people as "primitives"?

Sure enough, the beggar Ba Xiaoyu showed hesitation, struggling and even pain on his face, like falling into an invisible swamp, and even breathing became extremely difficult.

He breathed hard for a moment, his chapped lips trembling constantly, under the gaze of everyone, he was speechless for a long time, until Meng Chixin urged, his voice hoarse and said: "Biao Huazi, me, can I abstain from voting?"

Meng Chixin raised his eyebrows and said, "Friend Ba, what is meant by'abstaining'?"

Ba Xiaoyu closed his eyes and said slumpedly: "I really can't accept the idea of ​​a real human empire. This kind of country that treats ordinary people as pigs and dogs can't be associated with a beggar for a day!"

"However, I also deeply know the power of the true human empire. If we are really enemies with it, the ancient sacred world is destined to usher in a catastrophe!"

"Countless people will die, countless people will be displaced, countless people will mourn in the raging flames, and even if we pay such a tragic price, resist desperately, fight **** battles, and kill everyone from ordinary people to cultivators. , I am afraid that it will not help, and it will not stop the iron hoof of the true human empire from moving forward!"

"The beggar can't be so selfish, can't, can't drag so many people from the ancient sacred world to the funeral because of their own likes and dislikes!"

"You, your analysis is correct. Perhaps now, surrendering to the real human empire is the best way out of the ancient sacred world."

"The beggar doesn't want to surrender to the real human empire, but is unwilling to prevent you from finding a way out for the ancient sacred world, so I choose ‘abstain’!"

"That's it."

Meng Chi nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Then, when we really submit to the empire, and the ancient sacred world becomes the territory of the empire, how will Fellow Daoist Ba prepare to deal with it?"

Ba Xiaoyu's face was extremely gloomy. After a long silence, he said quietly: "The way is not good. I float in the sea, begging Huazi to think that even in the era of the so-called'modern civilization of immortality', there are still casual cultivators, right? I will stay in the ancient sacred world and cause you trouble. The sea of ​​stars is so big that there is always a place where I can accommodate a... insignificant beggar!"

Between the lines, the meaning of sadness and loneliness is undoubtedly obvious, no longer the old days of laughing and screaming under the tiger roar, the blood and heroic galloping horizontally and horizontally!

Ba Xiaoyu's choice silenced everyone for a while.

The faces of Qi Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu were a little unnatural, their eyes flickered, and they didn't dare to look at the ugly face of Ba Xiaoyu.

Han Baling sneered disdainfully, seemingly dissatisfied with Ba Xiaoyu's behavior of "fleeing from the wind".

Qi Zhongdao sighed softly, with mixed feelings, his gaze was a little dazed.

I don't know if I recalled the night when everyone joined forces to expose the "Black Evil Cult" conspiracy under Tiger Howard!

Li Yao even sighed in his heart. The beggar who was most likely to confront the empire also chose to succumb!


In the end, Master Kuchan broke the embarrassing deadlock and said softly, "The poor monk chooses the real human empire."


With a strange cry in Li Yao's heart, his eyes widened.

"Monk, you—"

Ba Xiaoyu and the rest of Yuanying and Huashen were slightly startled.

Regardless of the righteous and evil positions, they originally thought that Master Kuchan might be the most difficult object to persuade, how could it be!

"Yes, the concept of the true human empire is indeed inconsistent with the aspiration of the poor monk. I am afraid that it is also contrary to the purpose of my Buddha's "compassionate and universal life". It stands to reason that the poor monk should choose to go far and high, just like the patron , Go to the depths of Xinghai to be a casual repairer."

Master Kuchan was expressionless, and said every word, "However, Lord Ba Shi, you have said that for the safety of hundreds of thousands of sentient beings in the Ancient Sacred Realm, we must submit to the real human empire."

"After surrendering to the true human empire, the affairs of the ancient sacred world will most likely be decided by the twelve of us!"

"We don’t like the idea of ​​a true human empire, so we can naturally leave without seeing or worrying, but in this way, the future of the ancient sacred world, the safety and good fortune of the thousands of people will all be In the hands of... the rest of the donors."

"The poor monk doesn't have a prejudice against which donor, but, Ba donor, are you really willing to see ‘certain’ benefactors in this room... taking power?"

Master Kuchan's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he made no secret of his distrust of Wan Mingzhu, Qi Changsheng and the like!

Wan Mingzhu sensed the monk's extremely unfriendly look, and sneered again and again: "Monk Kuchan, you don't need to go around in circles, don't you just don't trust us gangsters!"

"Amitabha Buddha, good is good, monks don’t talk about it, yes, the poor monks are very distrustful of all benefactors, Qi benefactors, including Han Baling, Han benefactors, and Wangxi King benefactors!"

"You are the famous'four evils'. The poor monk really can't choose to go so far, but you are handing over the future of the ancient sacred world and the lives of tens of thousands of people!"

"Good monk!"

Wan Mingzhu glared with anger and ghostly aura, "I knew you, the demon monk, was a painted puppet thrown by the court and major factions to confuse the public and erode our will to resist! What happened to the'four evils'? There was no such thing as the'four evils'. , Is it possible that the world is peaceful and the world is peaceful, so that the people of Li people can live and work in peace? I yeah! Isn't it still natural disasters and man-made disasters, the water is raging!"

"Keep your dog's eyes wide open and see clearly that it is the court and sect behind you that created natural and man-made calamities. Natural and man-made calamities created our'four evils', not our'four evils'!"

"Hmph, you don't trust me, I don't trust you demon monk yet! As the saying goes, neither bald nor poisonous, neither poisonous nor bald, the worst in the world is you monks who don't produce but only know how to sell buttocks!"

Wan Mingzhu was originally a refugee, but he absorbed a lot of the grievances and anger of the poor people before slowly cultivating a ghostly supernatural power. He can usually pretend to be a man of good manners. Now he is full of anger, half-truth. He yelled, and everyone frowned.


Meng Chixin was surrounded by a layer of black flames, transformed into thousands of wolf heads with open mouths, grinning at Wan Mingzhu, "Friends of Wan Dao, we all agreed just now. Everyone can speak freely, no matter what. Put it on the table to discuss! Right now is the time of sincere unity, so why bother to speak out like this?"

Wan Mingzhu squinted his eyes, staring at the spirit flame wolf behind Meng Chixin's teeth and dancing claws for a long time, and there were waves of invisible waves surging between the two ghost cultivators!

Until the end, under Meng Chixin’s gaze, Wan Mingzhu softened first, and then smiled at Master Kuchan, “Master Kuchan, my mother is very straightforward. Say whatever you want. You are a master of Taoism. Don't be familiar with me!"

"Speaking of which, listening to the words of the'master', is that you have made up your mind to'combine with the people' and surrender to the empire with us, the'troubled people and gangsters'?"


Master Kuchan was expressionless, without sorrow or joy, and said lightly, "Where the thousands of people in the ancient sacred world stand, the poor monks will stand on which side, and will never leave them."


Wan Mingzhu's eyes rolled, and he smiled, "But, I really submit to the empire. Maybe you will go to expedition to other worlds with the empire fleet to do the thing of burning, killing and looting. Master, are you going with you, or Staying in the ancient sacred world, pretending to be deaf and dumb, deceiving ourselves, and watching us go to a massacre and take back the rich trophies to help all living beings?"

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