40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1544: A knife behind?

This question pierced Master Kuchan's heart like an awl.

Master Kuchan's face was bloodless and his lips were pale. The super handsome man who was originally in Yushu and was in the wind, was spotless, but now he was extremely haggard.

He said with a voice that was as light as a dead leaf: "I, I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

After saying this, I didn't know if it was prevarication or self-comfort, the monk also fell back, leaning back in his chair and breathing heavily.


Meng Chi watched his words and thoughts, knowing that Master Kuchan had also reached the critical moment of the battle between heaven and man.

The monk had gone crazy the day before yesterday, vomiting blood violently, thinking about it just couldn't get through the difficulties in my heart.

If you are aggressive at this moment, maybe the monk will be enchanted and die suddenly!

Meng Chi said with a stern face: "No matter what choice you make, you must have your own reasons and difficulties. As long as it is not too contrary to common sense and completely different from others' opinions, there is no need to explain it in detail!"

Ba Xiaoyu also stepped forward and supported Master Kuchan, his ugly face twitched, full of shame, and he whispered: "Monk, you, it's not easy for you! What you said just now wakes up the beggar, the beggar can't just Once everyone in the ancient sacred world is left, the beggar will stay, and join you, fight against these'four evils', and check the overall situation of the ancient sacred world. They must not be allowed to temporarily expedient. The plan has become a total surrender, and even the real human empire's system that does not treat humans as humans has been implemented in our ancient sacred world."

"Only those high-sounding, supreme cultivators will not treat people as human beings!"

Wan Mingzhu stared again and said sternly, "We are originally born as poor people, so how can we be like you, a handsome young man like you!"

Although the beggar Ba Xiaoyu is now a poor and ruined look, he is indeed a noble son of a wealthy country on the East China Sea islands.

Wan Mingzhu, who was born in poverty in the southeast coastal area, is almost innate to Ba Xiaoyu, who owns a private island and takes a knight as a hobby.

"Okay, since your opinions have been unified, there is no need to repeat it? Wang Daoyou, you are almost the ‘think tank’ among the twelve of us, what’s your opinion?"

Meng Chi resolves disputes and speeds up the pace of the meeting again.

Everyone's gaze fell on Long Yangjun-Wang Xi.

Long Yangjun's opinion is indeed very important, and it can even be said that it is second only to the two great gods, the most important spokesperson.

Although the twelve Yuan Ying and Huashen are equal in name, they differ according to each other's characteristics and expertise.

If it is a technical issue involving giant soldiers or other magic weapons, then there is no doubt that Li Yao has the most power and authority.

If you want to use force, then it is Yan Li's turn to go, and even the two great gods will respect his "sword idiot" opinion.

If it involves issues such as life and death, ghosts, and ghost cultivation, then everyone has to listen to Wan Mingzhu, the "mother of all ghosts in the world". No matter how bitter she is, she has to listen honestly. There is no way, she is professional!

Qi Zhongdao likes and is good at setting rules. Maybe he can be the organizer and supervisor among the twelve, and he can make the relationship between everyone clear.

Han Baling and Meng Chixin, both masters and apprentices, are both talented and broad-minded commanders and commanders with strategic vision. Naturally, they can say more than Yan Liren, Ba Xiaoyu and others when it comes to planning long-term issues.

Long Yangjun-Where's Wang Xi?

She was a master in the court, turning her hands into clouds and covering her hands into rain, helping the emperor to fight against the major factions, a "treacherous minister" who has stood firm for decades, not to mention her formation of super intelligence and intelligence such as "Ghost Painting Talisman". The assassination organization has made the entire cultivation world a terrifying ability!

If you have to put a label, in the eyes of most Yuan Ying and Huashen, she will be regarded as an out-and-out "conspirator"!

Among the remaining eleven people present, there may be many who don't like it, and even deeply jealous and hate Long Yangjun.

But no one will ignore her opinions on this matter!

Her opinion is very likely to make many people change their minds and re-examine the whole thing!


Li Yao's heart was beating, and he said silently in his heart. Fortunately, Long Yangjun is always on his side anyway. As long as she throws out an objection, the whole matter is sent back and re-examined, maybe there will be a turning point. Up!

Now Ba Xiaoyu and Master Kuchan are not so firm in their surrender to the empire. They are just forced to do nothing. They should be persuaded!

He, Long Yangjun, Ba Xiaoyu, and Master Kuchan add up to four, four to eight. The Yanli people over there are not **** empires, but just follow the trend, and Han Baling’s generation is even more surrendering. When you drink water, you will rebel against you, just like everyday meals.

These people can all change their positions, so there is still some rescue, as long as Long Yangjun——

"I choose the empire."

Long Yangjun is simple and simple.

Li Yao: "..."

Meng Chi looked at her heartily, "Wang Daoyou finished talking?"

"It's over."

Long Yangjun’s expression was very relaxed, and when his gaze swept across Li Yao’s face, he was quite natural and open. He didn’t seem to remember that he had an agreement with Li Yao two days ago, and he didn’t care about the consequences of Li Yao’s exposure of her identity. Well, the previous fellow daoists have finished talking, and everyone is very reasonable. I have nothing to add. The real human empire is the only choice!"

After Long Yangjun, another old monster of the god, Wu Suiyun, who represents the right way, said: "I don't like the real human empire very much, but when you think about it, we actually don't know anything about the situation in the sea of ​​stars. There is no big difference in how to choose. The most important thing is that we must unite and work together!"

"So, since so many Daoists have chosen the empire, I don't need to run into troubles and increase conflicts. I will join with everyone to submit to the empire for the time being, understand the situation in the star sea, and then slowly care about it!"

Now, two of the gods and eight Yuan Ying have chosen the real human empire.

The last two people did not speak, namely, Master Lingjiu-Li Yao, and Phoenix Emperor Zhu Zongyou.

Everyone's eyes, and all the pressure, fell on the two of them, their faces, and the depths of their pupils!

Thick as a mountain, dense as a deep sea, and breathless pressure like a swamp, turned into a big cold sweat on the young emperor’s forehead, which also made his expression uncertain and entangled to the extreme: "I, I, I..."

In all fairness, the Phoenix Emperor certainly did not want to surrender the empire.

Not to mention that he was deceived by the imperial female warrior Hei Yelan for so long, but the other party even dared to pretend to be his ancestors-is it tolerable or unbearable?

Just as he is the "Emperor of the Great Emperor, the Ninth Five-Year Lord", like the beggar Ba Xiaoyu, the monk Kuchan, and the heads of gangsters such as Qi Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu, surrender to others?

That's not it, isn't that the king of subjugation!

In an instant, the final tragic fate of countless "princes of subjugation" in the past dynasties flashed in the Phoenix Emperor's mind. In any case, he could not accept such an ending!

"His Majesty."

Long Yangjun respectfully suggested to the Phoenix Emperor, but his gaze "coincidentally" fell on Li Yao's face, "If there is no Qianlong in the abyss, where can the flying dragon be in the sky? Right now the enemy is strong and we are weak, temporarily lurking minions to endure. What's the big deal?"

"Think about the time when His Majesty had not yet risen, didn't he dormant in the Leiwu Hall, far away from the whirlpool of right and wrong in the deep palace, and then there will be such a good fortune in the future? At that time, the prince who fought in the imperial palace and fought hard, Princes, where are you now?"

"Not to mention, our temporary submission is just an expedient measure, and will not affect the independence of the Dagan Dynasty. You are still a dignified emperor, the eldest of the ninety-five years!"

"Even if the country is really subjugated, as long as you leave the seeds, you can return to the country again! But if the body disappears, the soul is scattered, then there is really nothing, your majesty think twice, think twice!"


The Phoenix Emperor glared at Long Yangjun angrily, and obviously hated the “eunuch” who had taken over the power and had troubled the court.

Long Yangjun smiled, completely ignoring the hostility of the Phoenix Emperor's fire fighting and Li Yao's very secret anger, and said lightly: "Your Majesty is considered to be the'high disciple' of the imperial female warrior Heiyelan. He should be more powerful to the empire than I am. A deeper understanding? As the saying goes, "I would rather be the head of the chicken than the queen of the cow." In fact, among the twelve of us, who really wants to bow to the real human empire? But if we don't bow, what else is there? Choices? Are not all expedients, humiliating acceptance!"

"Such humiliation can be tolerated by even the dignified God of Transformation and Yuanying Peak. Your Majesty has a great future, and he has to build a great cause for all generations. Isn't it possible to judge the situation and save a ray of vitality for yourself?"

The Phoenix Emperor was speechless, wiped his sweat, closed his eyes, his eyelids trembled for a long time, and said with difficulty: "I... agree to negotiate with the real human empire and start cooperation!"

Now, the two transformation gods and nine Nascent Souls, eleven of the twelve strongest in the Ancient Sage Realm, have all chosen the empire.

Eleven to one.

Only Li Yao is left.

Li Yao was in a state of chaos, and his mind was constantly dancing, colliding and shattering like a blizzard.

What the **** is Long Yangjun doing? Why did she suddenly change her position and stand firmly on the side of the empire, so she is not afraid that she will die and her secret will be exposed?

No, it seems a bit weird to say that she is "steadfast."

Listen to what she said to the Phoenix Emperor at the end, what "I would rather be the head of the chicken than the queen of the cow", and what "Even Huashen and Yuanying Peak must be humiliated and accepted"!

What do you mean, what is "humiliation" acceptance, this is something in the words, obviously provokes the unwillingness of many Yuan Ying and Hua Shen's heart!

However, even if she really provokes a bit of unwillingness, it's 11:1 anyway, is there any way for her or herself to turn the tide?

"Friend Lingjiu Daoist!"

As Li Yao was thinking about it, Meng Chixin’s voice came coldly, "We have all made up our minds, but I don’t know if you have different opinions. If not, the matter is settled like this—no matter what. True or false, the ancient sacred world can only join the real human empire for the time being!"

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