40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1546: Long Yangjun’s bad idea (fourth!)

Meng Chixin gave a dry cough, and stopped everyone's discussion. He leaned out a little and looked straight at Long Yangjun: "Wang Daoyou, do you have something to say?"

Everyone listened respectfully.

No one dared to ignore her opinion for this scheming and overwhelming "eunuch leader". At least what she said is definitely more valuable than the views of the "sword idiot" Yan Liren. .


Long Yangjun’s slender fingers lightly touched his lips, and his fat-like face overflowed with a smile that charmed all living beings. The depths of his eyes were filled with rainbow-like vortex luster, mysterious. He stared at Li Yao geologically, and smiled slightly, "Dear friends, don’t be restless. Just now, the daoists Lingjiu said that I was touched by Wang. It made me think of a whole new possibility. You guys, wait a moment. , Wait for me to deduct one or two in my head!"

Li Yao was staring straight at her, making her heart hairy. I don't know what the **** was this prehistoric dead **** doing!

"The deduction is over!"

After a while, Long Yangjun’s smile became brighter, and his voice became softer and softer, as soft as an irresistible swamp. His brilliant eyes were drawn away from Li Yao and scanned the other eight Yuan Ying one by one. And the two Transfiguration Gods did not rush and said, "Actually, what the daoist Lingjiu said is not unreasonable, I am afraid that every daoist here is like me, and has slightly considered the possibility of joining the Star Federation! "

"The real human empire is so powerful that we join in it, as Lingjiu Taoist said, it is the icing on the cake, and even the begging dog can only get a little leftover from the owner!"

"The Xingyao Federation is weak and faces huge war pressures. If we give up in the snow, we can not only guarantee our independence, but also get the Federation's gratitude and sincere cooperation opportunities. It may even turn against the object, enter the top of the Federation, and become the Federation. One of the controllers!"

"This is like a gambling game. There are two options to buy the big and buy the small. The former is relatively safe and has a higher winning rate. , Although the risk is extremely high, but if you win, it is a huge profit!"

"You all agree with Wang's opinion?"

Long Yangjun's eyes kept wandering, and finally fell on Qi Zhongdao's face.

Qi Zhongdao's character and xinxing, and the Yuan Ying of the two ways of righteousness and evil are considered quite recognized.

Qi Zhongdao pondered for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, surrendering to the real human empire is at most'guaranteeing'. Joining the Star Federation, but there is an opportunity to gain a lot of money and make a big profit! In the sea of ​​stars, we and the Federation are both barbarians and barbarians. It’s easier to talk about each other, and it’s easier to get equal status. As the prince said, we do have the opportunity to enter the center of the federation, represent the interests of the ancient sacred world, and speak our voice!"

"So, when we people are considering the way out of the ancient sacred world, why haven't we considered the Federation?"

"The problem is that we don't know anything about the Star Federation, we don't know the strength, size, position, and attitude of this country to the outside world at all!"

"The system of the real human empire is naturally not perfect, but at least it is effective and can ensure the stable operation of a huge country. Maybe the Star Federation is a country that is a hundred times worse and evil than the real human empire, or it Really weak and vulnerable, so what?"

"So, after thinking about it, Qi erased the choice of the Star Federation from his mind!"

Long Yangjun nodded and said: "So that's why everyone is the same as Wang. It's not that you can't consider the Starlight Federation, but you don't know the specific situation of this country, so you can't make a choice, right?"

"Of course!"

Ba Xiaoyu couldn't help but said, "If there is a slight possibility, the beggar is not willing to become the eagle dog of the empire, but even if we want to join the Federation, which pier should we go to, which **** and Buddha, and what incense should we burn? We can achieve what we want. When we sit here and discuss, a federal scout will fall from the sky. Let's torture, right?"


Bai Lian mother Wan Mingzhu again sang the opposite tune with the beggar Ba Xiaoyu, "If a federal scout really falls from the sky, it will not be trustworthy, but it is necessary to doubt whether there is any trap here-how can there be such a coincidence? !"


Long Yangjun nodded again, "Everyone’s concerns are very reasonable. Our biggest dilemma now is that we don’t know anything about the outside world. We can only rely on the true and false confessions of an empire scout, If you roughly speculate about the situation on the empire side, what is the difference between this and a blind man touching the elephant?"

"The Federation is even more miserable. We can't even catch such a prisoner, and we don't even have information for the'blind man to touch the elephant'!"

"This is like a blind man walking blindly between cliffs. In fact, no matter how you walk is wrong! The most correct response may not be to rush to make a choice, but to find a way to collect more information about the universe. intelligence!"

Han Baling said coldly: "Prince, what you said is true, but Hei Yelan has already explained everything about the Xingyao Federation. There are so many! We are sitting here trying to break our heads, and it is impossible to push. Show the truth about the Federation! Are we just waiting for a Federation scout to drop from the sky and tell us honestly that everything about the Federation is impossible?"

Long Yangjun smiled faintly, and suddenly said to Master Kuchan: "Master, I once heard a saying from your Buddha Sect, called ‘The mountain is not just me, I will go to the mountain’, right?"

"Mountains don’t have long feet, so naturally they won’t take the initiative to come in front of us. If we want to appreciate the scenery on the top of the mountain and the deep clouds, we only have to take a trip to the depths of the mountain in person-it’s not easy. The truth!"

"There is absolutely no possibility that the scouts of the Xingyao Federation will appear in front of us by such a coincidence and tell us everything about the Federation."

"What's more, hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing, no matter which force's scout has received the cruelest practice, will he speak the truth? Will he speak the truth?"

"If you want to truly understand a country, and even the vast universe outside, maybe the twelve of us should not sit here and talk, but take the initiative to form a'Natal Infant-class scout team' belonging to the ancient sacred world. Go to the Star Federation!"

After Long Yangjun finished speaking, there was a strange silence on both sides of the table.

Immediately, there was an extremely fierce noise!

The discussion, questioning and rebuttal after everyone was stunned, even Li Yao's loud coughing was overwhelmed!

"Proactively attack and kill to the Star Federation? Do we have this ability?"

"That's not right, isn't this going deep alone, too risky!"

"We don't have the experience of living in the modern cultivation civilization, and the manners and appearances of the locals in the Star Federation must be very different, and they will be exposed at any time!"

"It's incredible, too whimsical, too ridiculous! It's said that the tiger fell to Pingyang by a dog, and when we leave the ancient sacred world, isn't it the tiger falling to Pingyang!"

"Tuk! Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!"

Long Yangjun tapped the dining table unhurriedly again.

She was calm, confident, and calm, like a contagious virus, unknowingly suppressing everyone's discussion and doubts again.

"You don't need to rush to refute. Wang Mou was just in the spirit of Taoist fellow Lingjiu's suggestion, only then came to light. Thinking of this possibility, there are naturally a lot of roughness and improprieties, but the benefits are also obvious. If you study it patiently, maybe you can really break a new path for the ancient sacred world?"

Huntian King Qi Changsheng roared anxiously: "What are the benefits, please tell me the prince!"

"Not urgent."

Long Yangjun smiled and said, "This matter should be considered in two ways. First, the twelve of us have joined forces to penetrate into the Star Federation. What are the benefits and the disadvantages? Second, if it is really a big deal. Good, then do we have the ability to cross the sea of ​​stars, find the Star Federation, and infiltrate it!"

Many Nascent Souls and Huashen looked at each other, and Meng Chi thought thoughtfully: "Wang Daoyou has considered it very carefully. It is true. Please explain one or two!"

Long Yangjun gave a dry cough, and said: "Two aspects, let's talk about it one by one, first say'one'. In Wang's opinion, if you can really sneak into the Federation, it will be a great benefit to us, with great benefits and very few disadvantages. Although it cannot be said to be risk-free, it is definitely worth a fight!"

"What are the benefits? It's simple!"

"First, study!"

"We are now ignorant of the situation in the sea of ​​stars. We are all aware of the social forms of modern cultivation civilization, the government system, the refining of magic weapons, the operation of magical powers, tactics and strategies... these things that have been ahead of us for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, are all. If you can't figure out the way, shouldn't it be right to find a suitable place and study hard?"

"We just thought about joining the empire. There is also a part of the reason we want to learn from the empire. But if we join the empire, what we can learn is only the other party actively sends it to the door and allows us to learn what will be true. Is it a good thing?"

"Disguise, sneak into the Federation, but can freely choose everything we want to learn, and strive to'open our eyes to the universe' in the shortest possible time, and close the gap between each other!"

"Friend Lingjiu, seeing you thoughtful and even nodding your head, do you agree with Wang's point of view? You also think that if we can really sneak into the Federation, we will definitely learn a lot. The empire can't give us magical powers and knowledge, right?"

Li Yao: "...big, probably!"

"The hero sees the same thing, and the daoists Lingjiu agree with me, so I can rest assured!"

Long Yangjun smiled like a piranha in bud, "The second benefit, observation! Fellow Taoists, don’t you all want to know whether the Star Federation is big or small, whether it is strong or weak, and can Will it withstand the attack of the Black Wind Fleet? Then we can form a team and take a look at it!"

"Unconsciously, we have penetrated into the Star Federation, thoroughly inspecting the country’s politics, economy, culture, armaments, and their attitudes towards the outside world and civilians, and many other aspects. Everything is our own eyes. What you have seen, personal experience, it is absolutely impossible to fake it, isn't it clearer than catching a scout to torture it?"


Let's change four today, I really can't hold on~~ Fortunately, the general context has come out, huhu, it's not easy, my friends!

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