40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1547: Deterrence deep behind enemy lines!

Numerous Nascent Souls and Huashens were all shaken by Long Yangjun's whimsical but reasonable suggestion, and each one showed a strange look.

It's not strange why Long Yangjun made such a proposal, but he was surprised why he didn't think of it earlier?

"Third, as the so-called snipe and clam are fighting, the fisherman gains a profit and penetrates into the Federation, then we can have both sides and strive for the initiative in the war between the empire and the Federation!"

Long Yangjun was shining all over, showing strong self-confidence, and said incessantly, "Exotic goods are available, and the higher prices are paid. Now that the Empire and the Federation are both potential'buyers', why should we not see them? Before the'financial power', did he eagerly trade himself out?"

"Infiltrate the Federation, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, while understanding the war potential of both sides, while learning their tactics and strategies, and even trying to get to their important positions, determine the side with a greater win, and induce the other side to make a move that cannot be rejected. After meeting our conditions, launch a thunder attack on the other party at the most critical moment!"

"In this way, we can not only strive for the greatest benefit for the ancient sacred world and ourselves; we can also bet on the side with a bigger win, which is relatively safer; and we can freely choose the target to attack without worrying about being Using the Federation or the empire as cannon fodder, is it not killing three birds with one stone to attack the fortresses of the heavily defended planet?"

"Fourth, if we can go deep into the Federation, and the Federation loses in the war with the Empire, maybe we can make a fortune, and take advantage of the turmoil in the army, and grab him a vote!"

Long Yang Jun’s mouth was like a hanging river, he didn’t want to take a breath, and said, “The starships, crystal armors, giant soldiers and other magic weapons of the Star Federation may not be the most advanced in the star sea, but for us, they are equally powerful. Appeal!"

"If we surrender the empire right now and fight behind the empire **** stupidly, even if we really defeat the Federation, when we distribute the spoils, we will definitely only get some leftovers!"

"It's not as good as we prepare early, sneak into the Federation early, choose the target, wait for the opportunity to start, and even threaten the government of the Star Federation at the last moment!"

"The specific details can be discussed slowly, but this idea is absolutely correct!"

"The above four benefits are all that we are sitting in the Ancient Sage Realm stupidly, and there is absolutely no way to get it. Fellow Daoists, what do you think?"

There was silence on both sides of the dining table, and everyone was dumbfounded!

However, when Long Yangjun talked about observing the politics, economy, culture and military of the Star Federation, Qi Zhongdao nodded involuntarily.

When it came to "betting on the side with the larger winning side", Wu Suiyun showed a thoughtful look again.

When talking about "grabbing him a vote", Han Baling, Wan Mingzhu and Qi Changsheng had their eyes bright, especially the "Huntian King Qi Changsheng", they were even more excited and almost cheered her!

The host of the meeting, Meng Chixin, fell into long thoughts, and muttered: "Wang Daoyou's proposal is ingenious and shocking! These four advantages are indeed very important to us who are now'blind people'!"

"However, in this way, we will go deep alone. At least within a year and a half, we will completely cut off the news from the ancient sacred world. Will it be too risky?"

As soon as these words came out, many Yuan Ying nodded one after another, all scrupulous about this.

Although these Nascent Infants and Huashens are both powerful and powerful, they have never taken half a step out of the ancient sage world in their lives. They are "hillies and buns" - and they are ancient buns that are thousands of years behind the times!

Long Yangjun gave out a plan of lonely troops to penetrate into the modern cultivation civilization, and it really made them feel a little thorn in their backs, fidgeting.

"It seems that three days of analysis and research still failed to make you fellow Taoists thoroughly understand!"

Long Yangjun’s voice gradually turned colder, but the surrounding aura became stronger and stronger, "You always think that the ancient sacred world is our lair, safe haven, and strongest backing. As long as we are in the ancient sacred world, we are Safe-a big mistake!"

"In the current situation, the ancient sacred world is not only our strong backing, but even the unbreakable shackles, which completely confines our true strength. The tortoise is here, and it will always be a dead end!"

"I'm here to ask fellow daoists, what do you think is our'source of power', and what exactly do the twelve of us rely on to control the ancient sacred world?"

"Is it the power, the subordinates, the cultivating sects outside, and the ‘loyalty’ of the tribes and tribes of the four sides of the wasteland to us?"

"Naturally all are not!"

"The source of our strength, the things used to control the ancient sacred world, are our twelve invincible forces and twelve giant soldiers!"

"As long as our twelve powerful forces are still there, the twelve giant soldiers can inspire the most powerful destructive power, no matter where we are, we can easily come back to control the ancient sacred world!"

"On the other hand, we are huddled in the ancient sacred world, and we are mingling with the selfish, short-sighted guys of the major sects outside. What is the use? These pigs and dogs are really qualified to be our backing. Will you stabbing a knife in our back?"

Long Yangjun's extremely cold voice was like nailing an ice skate to a dining table.

She struck the table hard and continued, "In the past three days, I have carefully studied the fighting methods of the peerless strongmen in the star sea based on the intelligence spit out by Hei Yelan, and found that they are completely different from our past tactics!"

"If the twelve of us continue to stay in the ancient sacred realm and are dragged down by the mountains and rivers and thousands of'comrades' here, it will be like being tightly sealed by the shackles. !"

"Our enemy can mobilize a large number of Star Sea battleships directly, and when they are very far apart, they can use "Star Destroyer", "Orbital Cannon", and "Destroyer Cannon" to bombard our world completely. It's a piece of scorched earth. What else can we do besides being passively beaten, getting burnt to the ground, or going into a hole in the ground and shouting?"

"In this case, we originally had 100 points of combat power, and we couldn't even play a point!"

"In the second case, if we leave the ancient sacred world, in the stars, meet with the powerful modern cultivation and civilized fleet, and start an offensive—"

"In a short period of time, it is impossible for us to train the giant soldiers to the level of the unity of nature and man, and the fire is so perfect. One of us can hardly shake up three or five starships, and we all add up to thirty or fifty ships, at most. With nearly a hundred starship-sized'medium-sized fleets', the issue of logistical supplies has not been considered here!"

"Under this circumstance, we are the one hundred percent of our combat power, and we can't afford to consume it in a tough battle!"

"However, considering the third situation, if we go deep behind the enemy, mix into the enemy's town, and mix with the enemy's people, the situation will be very different!"

"I heard Hei Yelan say that the big cities of true human empires often have tens of millions or even tens of millions of people. They are a super labyrinth intertwined! I think the towns of the Star Federation are smaller, with a population of 10 or 20 million. some!"

"The twelve of us, if we can mix into the big city of the Star Federation with a population of 10 or 20 million, and lock the most densely populated area, or the vital yamen and other facilities, if we suddenly get into trouble-how powerful can we play? Destructive power?"

"Furthermore, in the other side's heart, the other side can't use any means to destroy us at any cost."

"They can use the'Star Destroyer' to bombard the surface of the ancient sacred world. Could it be that they can even blast their own big city of tens of millions of people? Even if they really razed the big city of tens of millions of people to the ground, it might not be true. It can kill us!"

"In this way, our...using a few new terms we have just learned, our survivability, surprise attack ability, continuous combat ability, and our ability to play and negotiate with the other party have all been greatly improved!"

"The original one-hundred-point combat power is very likely to be increased to 10,000 points!"

"To sum up, my point of view is that when fighting in the environment of modern cultivation and civilization, the Nascent Soul and the God-Transforming Powers should never be foolish to fight frontal, positional, and defensive warfare with the enemy, but should go deep behind the enemy and use guerrilla warfare, Attack warfare, ultra-restricted warfare, decapitation tactics, asymmetric tactics', give full play to the strength of your own individual strength!"

"The above tactics are all mentioned in Hei Yelan's jade slip, you should all understand the meaning, don't I need to repeat it?"

"So, in the game of the empire, federation, and ancient sage, the three forces, as the weakest overall, but with twelve giant soldiers, we should never guard the ancient sacred world stupidly and wait for the other starship. Come to bomb, but you should release yourself and the giant soldier, penetrate into the opponent's internal organs, and play a bigger and more unlimited role!"

"After I have finished speaking, what do you think?"


Including Li Yao, everyone looked at Long Yangjun dumbfounded. For a long time, no one said anything.

Long Yangjun frowned slightly: "Dear fellow Taoists, do you still think that Wang is whimsical? Any advice, but it's okay!"

"Don't dare to teach."

The overlord of the grassland, Han Baling, first came back to his senses. He sighed and said with a wry smile, "Duke, although we have known each other for so long, it is not until today that this king understands why you can beat the wind and rain in the Dagan court for decades. And it won't fall down!"

Long Yangjun smiled slightly and said frankly: "I once established the'Ghost Painting Talisman' with one hand. It is an assassin institution with the nature of intelligence gathering and infiltration and assassination. Some of the tactics of the real human empire are quite similar to my use of the'Ghost Painting Talisman'. There are similarities, so I have spent some thought to study it, that's it!"

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