40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1551: Lie to the dead

The "Star Reaching Plan" was unanimously approved by the twelve ancient sages.

Although this plan of "going deep alone and penetrating the sea of ​​stars" is still immature, there are many omissions and risks.

However, the ancient sacred world is facing major changes that have not been seen in 100,000 years, and it is impossible to survive the catastrophe without risk.

Even if you surrender the true human empire now, you are still facing the risk of being drained and swallowed by the Black Wind Fleet-this is what the top twelve know!

No one was a strong person when they were born from the mother's womb. The twelve of them can cultivate to the realm of today. I don't know how many **** storms, swords and shadows have been experienced, and I don't know how many risks they have taken, and how many laps in front of the gate of ghosts.

Even if there is a very high risk, as long as the final return is likely to exceed the risk ten times, it is completely worth the effort!

The plan to pick the stars passed smoothly, but not much time was left for them. In the depths of the Star Sea, the war between the Empire and the Federation may be on the verge of onset, or it may have been in full swing, and even entered the stage of stalking and lingering.

They must race against time and act now!

After repeated deductions, the top twelve came to a unanimous conclusion, leaving them with only half a year to repair the Imperial battleship "Huangya" and master modern magic weapons such as crystal armor and giant soldiers.

After half a year, you must set off, rush out of the darkness, and run to the universe!

In this way, it is possible to jump to the Star Federation within a year, and to catch up with the critical moment before the outbreak of the war!

In the three-way game between the Empire, the Federation and the Old Sage, the biggest trump card of the Old Sage Realm is the strong strength of their twelve.

However, their strength needs to be augmented and released through the "Giant Soldier", the ultimate weapon of the universe.

Therefore, the giant soldier has become the key point!

This is also why the two gods of Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun value Li Yao so much, and they are even willing to use the strongest giant soldier "General Jiuyou" as a bait to win over Li Yao, and Long Yangjun also said that Li Yao has "irreplaceable" The reason for the role.

A few days after the passage of the Star Reaching Plan, Li Yao worked day and night, forgetting to sleep and eat, and devoted all his energy to the inspection and debugging of the giant soldiers.

He is not only responsible for testing, debugging, and maintenance, but also to accurately grasp the performance characteristics of each giant soldier, and as a "consultant", he chooses the most suitable giant soldier for each strong.

Uh, of course, it also includes the heavy work of "opening the back door" to the giant soldiers.

As for these "back doors" inserted in the depths of the giant soldiers, will they be discovered by many ancient gods?

Well, Li Yao feels that the possibility of them discovering a "back door" is a hundred times smaller than the possibility of directly proving their identity.

If there is an ancient sage native who can practice the maintenance, modification and inspection of the giant soldier to the extent that he finds the "back door" he set up by several times more profoundly than Li Yao, then Li Yao - also admits it. Up!

Seven days later, there was an independent training room on the left side of the Great God Soldier Hall.

In the huge virtual illusion test field, there are only two people, Li Yao and Long Yangjun.

There is also a giant soldier selected by Li Yao for Long Yangjun.

Testing the giant soldiers is a very secret thing, maybe the tester will display the magical powers at the bottom of the pressure box, and will never be known by others.

So they have a very reasonable excuse to completely seal up the training room and set prohibitions on the door and the walls.

In order to show respect, even the two great gods could not attack the prohibition and infiltrate and eavesdrop.

What Li Yao chose for Long Yangjun was a lightly armored, high-speed, streamlined, long and thin, snake-shaped giant soldier.

Its biggest feature is the slender and long head, like a snake neck, that can rotate 360 ​​degrees flexibly, except for the superficial layers, tightly stitched, and extremely dense black and white scales.

Above the head resembling a poisonous snake's head, more than a dozen crooked crystal silk tentacles have grown around, which are antennas that can amplify and agitate spiritual thoughts.

"This is a giant soldier for reconnaissance and surprise attacks that pays special attention to agility and concealment. Its firepower and melee fighting ability are not too strong, but it has a very powerful stealth and escape ability."

Li Yao lightly patted the black-and-white snake-scale thin armor full of oily and leather feelings, and explained to Long Yangjun expressionlessly, "I think, as the prince is despicable and shameless, insidious and indecent. , The curious and unpredictable personality, and the status of the'doghead warrior' in the team, if there really is a fierce battle, you don't want to rush to the forefront to fight?

"Then, this flexible, mobile, and easy-to-sneak giant soldier is the most suitable for the prince!"

"Not to mention, inside its snake-neck structure head, it is equipped with a very powerful command and communication dedicated crystal brain. Through dozens of divine mind augmentation antennas, it has very strong intelligence collection, battle situation monitoring, tactical processing and transmission capabilities. It can also be used as half a'commander'-I'm so professional, can the prince understand it?"

Long Yangjun smiled and nodded, looking at the giant soldier's eyes, just like looking at a lover who had reunited after a long time. He smiled and said: "The Daoist Lingjiu really deserves to be the'Great Zhou Jianzong', the strongest swordsman in the ancient sacred world. The giant soldier you chose for Wang was exactly what Wang saw earlier! What's the name of this beautiful giant soldier?"

Li Yaodao: "According to the'Operation Manual' embedded in this giant soldier, it was originally called'Black and White', but since the Prince is its new owner, it is natural to give it a new name."

"Black and white?"

Long Yangjun looked at this giant soldier up and down in black and white, like the appearance of the scales on a chessboard. He immediately understood the origin of the name, pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "This name is not good, since it is in my hands, I I want to call it...'yin and yang'!"

"yin and yang?"

Li Yao's gaze swept across Long Yangjun a few times, thinking of her freely switching between the two identities of "Wang Xi" and "Long Yangjun", her unpredictable magical powers, and a smile in her heart: what "yin and yang", Obviously "Neither Yin nor Yang" is right!

"Well, the name of the magic weapon is also closely related to the power that the magic weapon can release. Since the prince is willing to call this giant soldier "yin and yang", I will naturally help the prince make changes in the control interface later."

Li Yao said calmly, "Now, please try the performance of the giant soldier's yin and yang. I will make more precise adjustments based on the prince's behavioral habits and combat style."


The front of the breastplate of the Giant God Soldier "Yin and Yang", split into dozens of tentacles like crab claw chrysanthemums, blooming outwards, revealing the cockpit of the black hole—the entrance to the spiritual palace. The blood basin of the beast is just like a big mouth.

Li Yao spread his hands and made a "please" gesture.

Long Yangjun rolled his eyes and said with a chuckle: "Controlling the giant soldier, what's the urgency, now there is no one around, the door and the walls are restricted, and no one can overhear our conversation."

Li Yao said: "So?"

Long Yangjun said: "So, should you thank me well?"

Li Yao smiled, but he really didn't change his face. He seemed to be very sincere and said: "Thank you, Lord, for speaking up at the meeting that day, and trying to turn the tide, I finally managed to control these runaway wild horses!"


At this time, Long Yangjun was really surprised. He looked at Li Yao up and down for a long time. He shook his head and laughed aloud, "It seems that I still underestimate you. I thought you would be furious and yelled at me for not being credible. Well, I didn’t expect you to understand it a long time ago. All the reactions at the meeting that day were pretended to be?"

"It's not necessarily all pretends. At first, I was a little surprised."

Li Yao squinted his eyes and said, "The prince throws out the'Star Reaching Plan', although it can temporarily prevent the ancient sacred world from immediately surrendering to the empire, making the Black Wind Fleet lose the most perfect place to camp, and may be able to fully attack time Going backward for a year or a half, even if they can’t find a suitable planet, as the “front-line base camp”, the overall combat power may be weakened by 30% to 50%. These two points alone are of strategic value to the Federation. It's incalculable—"

Long Yangjun chuckles and said: "So you all know it, that's not worth it, I took pains, racked my brains, and helped your Federation come up with suggestions!"

Li Yao lightly snorted: "However, if these unpredictable dangerous elements are placed inside the Federation, the game is getting bigger and bigger, the variables become more and more, and it becomes more and more uncontrollable! You at least You should explain to me in advance, let me be prepared, this is the kind of cooperation! Otherwise, next time I will have no signs, in front of everyone, first expose your'Nuwa Rebirth' identity, and wait for everyone Sharpen the knife, prepare to slice you for research, and then throw out the follow-up plan with a smile-do you want to taste this?"

"Well... I didn't know that at that time, the acting skills of Taoist Lingjiu would be so good. If you think about it, you dare to go single-handedly and go deep into the ancient sacred world alone. How can it be easy to be the same as you? The status in the Federation should be a hundred times higher than that of Heiyelan in the Black Wind Fleet, right? It is indeed my negligence to underestimate the strength and acting skills of you, a major figure in the Federation, and I can apologize!"

Long Yangjun still smiled and said, "The game is becoming more and more thrilling, but thinking about it, we know that we have no choice, Meng Chixin, Han Baling, Qi Zhongdao, Qi Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu, Ba Xiaoyu... none of them. It is easy to be deceived and persuaded. I will not make the difficulty of infiltrating the Federation a little lower, and the benefits will be exaggerated. How can they easily take the bait and throw themselves into the net?"

"If they are not sent to the Federation, they will only have to surrender to the empire. Once the Black Wind Fleet obtains such a good rear base in the Ancient Sacred Realm and is supported by a large amount of manpower and material resources, you will definitely die, right?"

"What's more, what are you afraid of, Fellow Daoist Lingjiu?"

"These'simple' ancient sages and natives will naturally not understand, no matter how wise they are, they will not understand what modern cultivation civilization is all about.

"However, from the mottled memory fragments deep in my brain, I can barely understand how huge, complicated, and terrifying the war and the army in the sea of ​​stars are!"

"Manpower is sometimes poor. No matter how powerful a cultivator is, he can't compete with a modern cultivator country. You know this very well, so that day you will readily agree to the'Star Reaching Plan', right?"

"Furthermore, the star-catching plan wants to succeed. The twelve ancient sages want to turn the river and the sea in the Xingyao Federation, all of which rely on the giant soldiers, and the lifeline of all the giant soldiers is firmly in your hands. I don’t believe you, you won’t move your hands or feet at all."

"Friend Lingjiu, my proposal is simply to tie all the ten ancient sages all over, strip them and clean them, and send them to your federation's blood basin. Even if there are some flaws in the details, can't you forgive me? ?"

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