40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1552: let's make friends!

Li Yao glanced at the "yin and yang" of the giant soldiers next to them, and did not deny that he did indeed move his hands and feet in the giant soldiers, but said: "For a master of the Nascent Soul Stage peak or even the Transcendent Stage, Even if there is no giant soldier, just relying on a set of crystal armor, or even without crystal armor, it is extremely dangerous if you have bare hands!"

"The most terrifying thing is not the current abilities of Yuan Ying and Huashen, but the extremely terrifying learning ability. Once you sneak into the Star Federation, you will definitely swallow everything in the modern cultivation civilization like a bottomless pit, relying on powerful deduction and computing power. It won’t take long for you to fully integrate into it and become a standard modern cultivator!"

"It's impossible to control everyone by relying on giant soldiers."

Long Yangjun smiled: "So, are you still afraid? If the Star Federation is afraid of even the twelve aborigines from'ancient', what qualifications does it have to confront the real human empire? Wouldn't it be more important to surrender early? it is good?"

Li Yao also laughed, with strong confidence between his eyebrows, which is completely different from his attitude at the Twelve-Man Conference: "Who said I was afraid? This is a dangerous challenge, but our Federation has never Reject any challenge, whether from the real human empire, from the ancient sacred world, or from the many other forces in the sea of ​​stars!"

This was the first time he had confessed his secrets from the Star Federation in front of Long Yangjun.

It means that from this moment on, he will be fully involved in this dangerous game and win the final victory!

"Also, you made a mistake."

Li Yao paused, and said sternly, "Although for you, it was a conspiracy and trickery to deceive those ten people into a thief ship, tying them all together, and throwing themselves into the net - but our Xingyao Federation is neither a dragon's lair, nor is it' "The thief ship', I have absolutely no idea of ​​entrapping anyone."

"I came to the ancient sacred world a long distance away, hoping to find some friends who can truly cooperate, alliance, fight side by side, and have the same goals. Up to this moment, I still have not given up the hope of'win-win'. I believe that the ancient sacred world and There are strong opportunities for cooperation and complementarity between the federations. If they can work together side by side and unite as one, it will be good for everyone."

"That's why I don't oppose the idea of ​​the other ten strong men going to the Star Federation to take a look."

"Although their positions, camps, and experiences are different, many people are not compatible with the words'good men and believers', and even some are ruthless and murderous people, but I believe one thing-at least they are not a fly camp. Those who are short-sighted, selfish, and think only for themselves, want to find a way out for the people around them, people with the same destiny as themselves, in the chaotic world!"

"In the ancient sacred world, they will never find such a way out. The system of the real human empire and the'Dao Xin' can't satisfy them completely, but I believe that when they see the operation of the Xingyao Federation, they will see After the demeanor of a modern cultivator, there will be new touches."

"Leave aside others, at least I believe that Ba Xiaoyu and Master Kuchan will like the Xingyao Federation; rebels like Qi Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu from poor backgrounds will also get new insights from the way the Federation treats ordinary people; witches Suiyun and Qizhongdao, you can also go to the Federation’s "Basic Law of Cultivation" to see what the'rules' of modern cultivation civilization look like.

"Meng Chixin, Han Baling, Yan Liren, Phoenix Emperor... Maybe you will find different shining points from various areas of the Federation. In the end, you will realize that the Federation can give the Ancient Sacred Realm absolutely more than the Empire. Much!"

"This is the biggest reason why I would approve of the'Star Reaching Plan', rather than just tricking these people into the Federation to arrest them, using prohibitions to enslave and drive them, and forcing them to surrender the whole Ancient Sacred Realm-this is the practice of the empire, not the practice of our federation."

Long Yangjun's eyes twitched: "It turns out that this is the real you. You are really domineering and confident in yourself!"

"I am not confident in myself."

Li Yao smiled, showing white teeth, "I have confidence in my homeland and my compatriots! I believe that during the period of time when I leave, they will build the Federation extremely strong and prosperous. Human civilization...the real future!"

"I believe that these ancient sage monks who have been groping for 100,000 years in the dark will not refuse the future!"

Long Yangjun’s eyes flickered, and he murmured: "Then I really can’t wait to see it, but since you have such confidence in the Federation, you can control everything with the giant soldier, why am I still in you? I felt an elusive worry on my body, what are you worried about?"

Li Yao raised his eyebrows and said, "You are right. There are indeed many ways to solve the problem perfectly and achieve a win-win outcome for the twelve ancient sage natives who sneaked into the Federation. Han Baling and others were bothered, but they were worried about another issue."


Long Yangjun's eyes flickered, "What's the problem, it is more serious than Meng Chixin, Qi Zhongdao, Han Baling and others combined, can make you, a superb person from outside the world, be so distracted?"

Li Yao stared at his opponent: "Yes, that's you!"

Long Yangjun blinked: "Me?"

"You are too dangerous."

Li Yao frowned, "I have been thinking about what you said at the meeting that day. I really understand what it means to be sold by you and count the money for you. No wonder you can be in the court. Turning the clouds and rain, and causing the entire cultivation world to be torn apart, and even without a single soldier, many sects can be played alive!"

"It's just that, what you said to Meng Chixin and others at the meeting that day, and what you said when facing me today, it's obviously the same thing, but it can achieve two opposite effects. You have to betray. Who is it?"

"Will you actually betray me, and I am cheerfully counting the money for you right now?"

"This is what I am worried about. What I am worried about is not the ‘Star Reaching Project’ itself, but you who threw out this plan!"

Long Yangjun laughed dumbly: "Friend Lingjiu, you are too suspicious, Meng Chixin and others will not be misled by me if they don't know my true identity and origins; but you are clear, my purpose is very simple. It is to find a force with which one party can cooperate, repair the Nuwa battleship, and find my mission, nothing more."

"Now, the Star Federation is the most suitable partner for cooperation. Under the pressure of the Empire and the Holy League, you are unlikely to completely turn your face and swallow my battleship, right, then I ask you to cooperate sincerely, wouldn't it be very reasonable? So far, everything I have done has been very good for your federation. Where is your doubt?"

"it's here."

Li Yao pointed to his temple, "Intuition."


Long Yangjun smiled and shook his head.

"Although my intuition may not work every time, when it really works, it often goes wrong."

Li Yao looked directly into the depths of his opponent’s eyes, but it seemed to be covered with a thin layer of mist. He could not see the fluctuations in the deepest part of Long Yangjun’s brain. "Meng Chixin, Qi Zhongdao, Han Baling, Emperor Phoenix...I know what those people want."

"Even the strategic intentions of Heiyelan, the Black Wind Fleet, and the entire real human empire can be guessed one or two."

"But you, Mr. Long Yang, or some kind of humanoid ‘existence’ that claims to be ‘Long Yang Jun’, what exactly you are and what you are going to do, I really can’t guess.”

"I do not like this feeling."

"Fangmeng Chixin, Qizhongdao, Han Baling, these'ancient people', and even Qi Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu, who entered the Federation in the eyes of the'righteous people', who are extremely vicious, I don't care, because I believe they will be shocked and nurtured by the Federation. And assimilated."

"However, if you want to let you and let your'Long Yangjun' enter the federation, for some reason, I always feel a sense of'horrified heartbeat'. I always feel that you are more dangerous than the other ten people combined, even if there are Two transformation gods, and you are just a Nascent Soul!"

Long Yangjun smiled weirdly. He didn't deny his danger. He just said, "But you can't prevent me from entering the universe. If you don't agree with me to go to the Federation, it doesn't matter. I will naturally find a way to contact the Black Wind Fleet. , You can also return to the Xinghai Sea, into the new universe after hundreds of thousands of years.

Li Yao stared at her, "What on earth do you want to do?"

Long Yangjun spread his hands and said, "It's nothing special. It's probably just like other people who don't wake up from a long sleep and wake up in the vicissitudes of life. He wants to see the new world and make some new friends. ,that is it."

Li Yao had a strange expression on his face: "Friend?"


Long Yangjun said, "Most normal humans have friends. I have experienced the emotions of killing, conspiracy and betrayal. I now want to experience the taste of the rest of the emotions in the seven emotions and six desires, including'friendship', what is there? strange?"

"By the way, starting from the isolated island of the East China Sea, we have known each other for several months, and we have also known each other’s greatest secrets. We are also facing each other, and we are cherishing each other. We are still in the same boat and working together. We should be friends, right? But you know My real name is Long Yangjun, but I still don’t know your real name and surname. Is it somewhat...unfair?"

Li Yao squinted his eyes: "First, no one will'cherish' with you; second, who can guarantee that'Long Yangjun' is your real name; third, I will not tell you, my real name, you have the ability Let's do it slowly by yourself!"

"I have been with you sincerely, so why should I refuse people thousands of miles away?"

Long Yangjun's eyes were deep, and he said quietly, "Maybe one day you will find that everything I say today is the truth, I really just want to go out... observe the new world outside, the new human race."

"It's a pity, when you really found out that I didn't lie, maybe it's... irretrievable."

Long Yangjun's words caused Li Yao to fall into a momentary loss of consciousness.

Just as he was about to ask again, Long Yangjun smiled slightly and floated up to a dozen meters in the air like a wisp of cloud, drifting into the giant soldier.

The "yin and yang" of the giant soldier was activated, and the scales of black and white were suddenly erected. The cockpit, the depths of the spiritual palace, heard a mysterious sigh that had been covered in dust for hundreds of thousands of years...

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