40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1554: The road to rise to immortality is open!

However, as a last resort, Li Yao didn't want to use such a method. This was only the ultimate "insurance."

Ba Xiaoyu and Master Kuchan are all good people, and Li Yao doesn't want to fight with them at all.

Even Han Baling, Qi Zhongdao, Qi Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu and others have their own merits. They are not entirely selfish and unforgivable.

Li Yao sincerely hopes that they can comprehend something that they have never thought about, seen, or thought about in the Star Federation, and make a breakthrough in their "Dao Xin"!

Star Reaching Project, the third month.

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

In the depths of the Yongye Icefield, above the Nuwa battleship, in a whirlpool-like blizzard, two giant soldiers are fighting like two wild giants!

The height of the first giant soldier is about 20 meters, the silver-white shell is crystal clear, and it seems to be integrated with the wind and snow. The shoulders, elbows, knees and other parts of the body have sharp blades protruding, the overall style Undoubtedly highlight the word "brute".

What is more eye-catching is the two-handed giant sword in its hand that is almost the same height as the body, with a wide blade and a thick back. The surface is engraved with intricate spider-like patterns, as if it can change into another form at any time, even mountains. Both can be broken with one sword!

This is the giant soldier that Li Yao carefully selected for Jian Chi Yan Liren.

As one of the strongest attack points in the team, Li Yao dismantled the magic weapon units of several giant soldiers to strengthen it. It was a giant soldier who fully utilized the essence of the word "offensive".

Yan Liren named it-Great Sword!

And its opponent is chubby, chubby, with a small top and a big bottom. It is a tumbler magnified tens of thousands of times, or the Buddha sitting on a lotus throne, surrounded by eighteen pale golden balls. It bloomed with a soft and vigorous brilliance, forming a continuous psychic shield, and silently withstood the attack of the sword light time and time again.

This is Master Kuchan’s "Float", the most defensive of all giant soldiers. When its psychic shield is fully opened, it can even cover a radius of hundreds of meters, protecting everyone. inside!

The strongest attack and the strongest defense collided fiercely, knocking out bright sparks and stormy shock waves.

Li Yao was nervously collecting and analyzing their battle data, striving to adjust the connection and array of each magic weapon unit of the Giant God Soldier to a degree that better matched their own characteristics.

Behind this "colossal battlefield", psionic flying boats flowed endlessly, and the magic weapon units and key facilities that were disassembled from a large number of Nuwa battleships were transported to the south.

The rest of the twelve giant soldiers have all acted as temporary "porters". With the blessing of these steel giants, it seems that even the violent wind can be completely conquered, and the depths of the Evernight Icefield will become a piece of land. A large workshop in full swing.

——When Li Yao devoted himself to the study of the Giant God Soldiers, the rest of the top twelve were not idle, and the star-catching plan was advancing vigorously.

Meng Chixin, Han Baling, Qi Zhongdao, Qi Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu, Phoenix Emperor... these people control the most powerful force in the ancient sacred world, and the energy that they burst out of their cooperation is amazing.

In the south, near the border between Yunqin and Dagan, they found a large-scale crafting workshop that was originally used to refine the psionic flying boat, and it was transformed into a repairing the bloodblade-class assault ship Huangya of the true human empire. Secret base.

A large number of magic weapon units and facilities of the Nuwa battleship were transported to the vicinity to upgrade the assault ship.

With such a mammoth movement, it is naturally impossible to hide the six high-ranking monks who entered the "Xiangong" together to explore.

However, the two great gods, the top ten super soul infants, these twelve powers representing the most powerful forces, force, and cultivation base of the ancient sacred world, all gathered together and jointly suppressed them, except for obediently obediently. , What else can I do?

What's more, Long Yangjun had a very thorough understanding of these people's thoughts, and made a very tempting promise to them.

"There are only so many Yunqinjin people in the ancient sacred world. Naturally, it is impossible to share it with you. Even if you tear your skin, it will not benefit you at all. This, you all, the Sect Masters and the heads, all know well. ?"

"However, it doesn't matter. We learned the amazing news about the'Xianjie' from Leiyun Xianjun, and we are about to open up the channel from the ancient sacred world to the fairy world!"

"As long as the'Xianxian Channel' is successfully developed, not only will you get a large number of magic weapons from the fairy world, you can also get a lot of magic weapons from the fairy world, no matter what fairy clan battle armor, Yunqin Jinren, and the difficulty of'Broken Void, White Sun' will be greatly reduced, even Even you can easily enter the fairy world!"

"Our trip will not be too long, as short as one and a half years, up to three and five years, and we will definitely return with a large number of the treasures of the fairy family, and maybe more people will be brought to the fairy world at that time. "One person can get the way, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven"!"

"However, to whom we are going to bring back the Xianjia Supreme Treasure, and to whom we will open the ‘Shengxian Channel’ to whom, it depends on your attitude today!"

These words successfully bluffed everyone.

What's more, Long Yangjun is not lying, whether they cooperate with the Federation or the empire, they are not the six small factions, and the scattered cultivating world can bear.

Who would dare to mess around during the time they left the ancient sacred world, then don't blame them for being ruthless when they returned from the "Fairy World".

Together with Han Baling, Qi Changsheng, Long Yangjun and others, there were originally a group of loyal trilogy.

These people did not rebel under the strong pressure of the "Leiyun Immortal Monarch", and naturally it was even more unlikely that they would rebel when they controlled the twelve giant soldiers and the situation was very good!

With these loyal subordinates to stabilize the overall situation, and the legendary "Fairy Realm" as hope, within three to five years of the Ancient Sage Realm, there will be no chaos in the world.

Star Reaching Program, the fourth month.

In a valley at the junction of Yunqin and Dagan, in the secret dock, the maintenance of Huangya is progressing smoothly.

Certain structural features of this imperial assault ship are similar to the "Qingyang" piloted by Su Changfa, Kou Ruhuo, and Tang Qianhe, the first batch of immortal repairers in contact with the Star Federation, and they all have quite advanced automated repairs and repairs. extensions.

As long as you find abundant resources, you can refine a large number of mining spider puppets, repair spider puppets, battle spider puppets, etc., and perform simple self-repair on the battleship.

The reason why Hei Yelan progressed slowly at the beginning was that she could not find most of the rare metals and natural treasures on the one hand; on the other hand, the mining, smelting and maintenance caused too much noise, and the spirit wave spread to hundreds of Thousands of miles away, it will definitely be felt by the strong of the ancient sage world.

Therefore, she temporarily put aside the maintenance plan.

Now, these two problems no longer exist.

With the support of the twelve powerhouses, all the treasures and rare materials of the ancient sacred world can be consumed, not only need not be hidden, there are even the power of the twelve powerhouses, and a large number of master refiners from the six major factions. Support, coupled with the removal from the Nuwa battleship, the ready-made magic weapon units and facilities are strengthened, although it is a patch pile, the appearance looks unsightly, the sailing performance parameters of the Huangya have been rapidly improved, and it is expected to be used In less than a month, you will be able to restore the ability to navigate the stars and even to jump in four dimensions!

Star Reaching Project, the fifth month.

Breakthroughs have also been made in the study of star maps in the prehistoric era and the setting of jumping channels.

The star map inside the Nüwa battleship records the state of the stars hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Hundreds of thousands of years, for a civilization, may be a long life from rise to decline, but for the big concept of "universe", it is nothing but a gap between the white horses. In just a few moments, the relative position and condition of the stars and the sea is not enough. Too much change has taken place.

As the daughter of the Black Wind Fleet Commander, there is no reason why Hei Yelan can't read and derive the star map. The star map deduced and calculated by her, although not as accurate as Li Yao mastered, can jump directly to Tianyuan In the low earth orbit of the star, at least it was not too far away from the two realms of Tianyuan and Blood Demon.

First, through an ultra-long jump, roughly jump to the vicinity of the Star Federation, then survey the latest situation of the surrounding star domain, fine-tune the jump parameters, and make a second precise jump—this is their plan.

After Li Yao and Long Yangjun discussed in secret, they did not want everyone to jump directly to the core area of ​​the federation. The unexpected encounter would be of no benefit to both parties.

In the end, Long Yangjun put forward his opinion and set up their first jumping destination in a place on the star chart called the "Light Star Field".

This place is a certain distance from the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Fei Xing, and it should not have been discovered by the Federation as soon as it jumped over.

Although there were no habitable planets hundreds of thousands of years ago, there may be some metals and crystals on the several resource planets marked on the star chart, which can supplement the Huangya after the long-distance jump.

They can take a break in this "buffer" before deciding what to do next.

Long Yangjun followed Hei Yelan's "learning" for several months of starship control, and "progress" was rapid. In the twelve-member "observation group", she will serve as the navigator of the starship.

The jumping points she proposed were fairly safe, and they were quickly passed unanimously.

Star Reach, the sixth month.

Everything is ready, just waiting to go.

The restored Barren Tooth, like a cluster of dark red crystals, stood quietly in the depths of the valley. Although it has not been activated, it still releases a scent of "opening teeth and dancing claws" and "not angry and self-prestigious".

A radius of five hundred miles has been designated as a restricted area. Except for the most loyal and loyal subordinates who have undergone many tests, those who dare to trespass will not be forgiven!

The "Journey of Ascending Immortals" for the ancient sages and natives to break through the dark nebula for the first time in 100,000 years will begin in an hour!

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