40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1555: Triple identity

"Really... sharp!"

Although within half a year, I have witnessed that it has been riddled with holes and tatters, and it has been repaired and strengthened by the maintenance spider puppets and many refiners of the warship.

However, when the Twelve Ancient Sages once again stood in front of the newly refurbished "Wild Tooth", they could still perceive from the Xinghai Killer cast by modern immortal civilization, when they saw it for the first time, that This kind is completely different from the ancient repair era, as if it can tear through all the cold texture, and the powerful shock it brings.

Many of them could not help but murmur.

"Imperial Bloodblade-class assault ship", as its name suggests, it really looks like a **** dagger made of countless clusters of crimson crystals, and it looks like a man-eating shark swimming on the crimson seabed, even if only quietly. Standing in the depths of the valley, it makes people feel that it will open its blood basin at any time.

Fortunately, Li Yao and Hei Yelan commanded the repair of the puppet spiders, and added countless messy and unnecessary magic weapons to the shell of Huangyao. On the one hand, it can resist the meteorite collision in the star sea and the enemy's artillery bombardment. On the other hand, It also slightly conceals its murderous temperament from the empire.

Although it is impossible to hide from everyone's eyes, long-distance scanning beyond the line of sight, hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, may not be able to scan the true identity of the ship.

This is also consistent with the false identity that Long Yangjun set for them.

Long Yangjun set up a triple-linked false identity for this extremely dangerous observation group.

On the outermost layer, their observation group came from a world "burning stone world" that was suppressed by the real human empire more than 500 years ago.

It was a real world, and it was also a world of cultivation that was tenacious and unyielding, and was unwilling to surrender to the empire.

The cultivators of the Burning Stone Realm once challenged the empire, and in the end they were brutally suppressed without any suspense. They fought an extremely brutal and **** battle, and the entire Burning Stone Realm was almost turned into a pool of blood and a sea of ​​fire.

Before encountering the real human empire, the Burning Stone World had developed a fairly developed star sea navigation ability.

After that battle, countless resistance fighters were exiled to the depths of the star sea on starships, turning into small resistance forces and guerrillas in the empire to continue to deal with each other.

They looted the transport ships of the imperial Celestial Star plundering resources from various worlds, and attacked the mining sites in the vast expanse of the empire, and even some extreme avengers would penetrate into the core area of ​​the empire, assassinate the empire’s senior officials, promote the idea of ​​resistance, and provoke the imperial capital and peace. Local relations instigated the autonomy and independence of the outer world of the empire, and even carried out terrorist attacks in the purest form of revenge.

It took the empire two hundred years to slap all these pesky little flies to death.

However, it was not until 300 years after the suppression of the Burning Stone Realm that the last resistance warship of the Burning Stone Monk was discovered, and the "Burning Stone Rebellion" was completely over.

This information was revealed by Hei Yelan, and it was verified and judged by the two gods to be true and reliable.

Then, according to the script made by Long Yangjun, suppose that some burning stone monks escaped the cruel empire's strangulation as the fish that slipped through the net, and also seized an imperial warship in the fight. After hundreds of years, they fled all the way to the Xinghai. Edge-like the last power "Firefly" of the orthodox government of Xinghai Republic.

In this way, it is possible to reasonably explain why they suddenly appeared over the Federation on board the Bloodblade-class assault ship.

For this reason, Long Yangjun repeatedly questioned Hei Yelan about all the details of the "Burning Stone Rebellion".

This incident is not a military secret of the empire, it is a past hundreds of years ago, and there is no need to be sealed, Hei Yelan honestly said everything.

Based on these details, Long Yangjun made up a brand new identity for twelve of them, no, it was thirteen including Heiyelan.

She is the leader and creator of the "Ghost Painting Talisman" of intelligence and assassination agencies. Li Yao estimated that she was hiding in the Nuwa army in the Nüwa clan's army in the battle of the gods hundreds of thousands of years ago, breaking through behind the enemy. It’s natural to be familiar with all of this.

This is just their first disguise.

If this layer of disguise is seen through-the twelve ancient saints have never underestimated the terrible federal people, this possibility of being seen through is there, and it is quite large-then they will use the second level of identity.

In the second level of identity, they will reveal part of the truth.

The best lie is always like this, wrapped and disguised with a lot of truth.

They will admit that they are from a certain "ancient civilization", but they are vague about the coordinates of the ancient sacred world, and the strength of themselves and the ancient sacred world will be greatly reduced.

The ancient sacred world in the past had too much aura to squander unscrupulously, so there was no such thing as a "convergence of spirits" to constrain the aura and hide the strength.

However, the "Grasping Divine Art" itself is not too clever and complicated. Both the Star Federation and the True Human Empire have a large number of similar supernatural powers. Naturally, Heiyelan has also dabbled with several kinds of supernatural powers.

I think back then, when Li Yao had just awakened the spiritual roots and was an ordinary college student, he learned the "converging spirit technique" and "burning soul technique".

These profound, wise Nascent Souls and Old Monsters of Transformation have spent half a year in painstaking cultivation, so how can they not learn the truth?

Therefore, they can at least do whatever they want, suppressing one or two great realms with their own cultivation base, and disguising them as ordinary foundation building, most of which is the core of alchemy cultivators, not to mention it.

Long Yangjun also designed a brand-new script for this heavy identity, telling how they unintentionally excavated a prehistoric warship from the depths of their world, and how they finally mastered the driving force of the warship after hundreds of years of concentrated research. The method, however, was discovered by the Claw Fleet of the Imperial Expeditionary Force during the first voyage of the Star Sea, how after a battle of wits and bravery, they seized the Imperial battleship and fled all the way to this...

Of course, there are many loopholes in this story, which may be seen through.

So they also have a third identity-a completely true identity.

In the most extreme case, they can say everything about themselves, the ancient sacred world, the Nuwa battleship, and even the bloodblade-class assault ship that crashed into the ancient sacred world, everything is true.

There is only one point, some small "adjustments" need to be made.

In the story, they did not fall to the side of the real human empire, but after using the "soul search method" to interrogate the imperial fighters on the assault ship, they killed the imperial fighters because of excessive force.

Killing the imperial warriors, they had nowhere but to fall to the side of the Xingyao Federation.

Triple identities, deep layers, even if they are actually discovered by the "federal government", they can be disguised and concealed layer by layer-this idea has given most of the twelve ancient sages, Great sense of illusory security.

"Teacher Lingjiu, Huangya has completed its self-check and can start at any time!"

The imperial female warrior Hei Yelan said respectfully by Li Yao's side.

For the past six months, she and Li Yao have stayed together almost every day, conducting research and maintenance on the giant soldiers and starships.

"Master Lingjiu"'s crazy learning speed of modern magic weapon repair methods made Hei Yelan feel terrified. In less than three months, he had already come from behind, far surpassing Hei Yelan's level.

Hei Yelan was surprised and admired for this "Great Zhou Jianzong". He inadvertently revealed the magical ancient sword-making techniques, especially the application of these "ancient casting magical powers" to modern magic weapons. Mercury rushing to the ground, naturally natural, ingenious, and ingenious, I really admire the five-body cast to the ground!

Such amazing ancient sword-making skills, such as the "innate" feel and intuition for crystal armor and giant soldiers, if it can be applied to the technical department of the Black Wind Fleet, how much effect can it play !

Hei Yelan regarded Li Yao as one of the ancient cultivators in the ancient sacred world that was most worthy of being recruited by the empire.

She heard that the "Master Lingjiu" has not yet accepted a disciple, and is a lonely family member.

Although she is a pure warrior and has no plans to become a refiner, it is not a bad thing to have a good relationship with such an excellent refiner!

Li Yao was so happy to have such an imperial female warrior. As her assistant, entourage and maid, she would naturally not refuse the other party's courtesy, and occasionally imparted the essence of "ancient sword-making" to the other party.

In this way, the relationship between the "Imperial Female Soldier" and the "Federal Secret Spy" is quite close, and it's "happy and harmonious"!

"Dear friends, it's not early, let's set off!"

Li Yao's eyes were piercing, and he smiled toward the front of Huangya, and the other eleven ancient sages with different expressions.

The boarding passage of the Huangyao, like the long tongue of a giant beast, slowly stretched under the feet of everyone.

Everyone looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and stepped onto the corridor!

When he arrived at the beggar Ba Xiaoyu, the sloppy hero, who was not afraid of the sky, laughed and cursed, but beaded with sweat came out of his forehead, and he chewed a pipe stick, and hesitated in his footsteps.

"Friend Lingjiu, you personally presided over the maintenance of this ship. You and the beggar are honest, it, it can really take us all out of the nine clouds, through the sea of ​​stars, and jump more than one hundred and eight thousand miles. Go out one hundred and eight thousand times?"

Ba Xiaoyu hesitated and asked in a low voice.

Before Li Yao could answer, he waved his hand indiscriminately, trying to erase what he had just said, "Forget it, it's a stab to stretch your head, and a stab to shrink your head. If you ask, it's all for nothing. Can I still escape? Staying in the Ancient Sage Realm is a death, no matter how dangerous it is, we will always take this step!"

He grabbed the pipe stick, took two steps forward, thought about it, stopped again, and whispered to Li Yao: "Thank you, fellow Lingjiu!"

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