40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1557: End of the volume

The fourth volume of "Ancient Saints" is over, and I would like to say a few words to everyone as usual.

First of all, I must apologize to you, because friends with good memory may remember that at the end of the third volume of "Blood Demon", Lao Niu said that the fourth volume will be called "The Rise", which is about the federation. The story of the rise of Xinghai Beach.

The original plan was indeed the case. From the Yuanying Conference to the Kunlun Relics, the Law of Pangu, as well as the various social attitudes of the ancient sacred world, the style of the strong, etc., are just the foreshadowing of the "Rise", which should have been swept away, directly Returned to the Federation.

However, just as Lao Niu often happens when he writes in the past, as he writes, everything in the pen is out of control, he has his own voice, showing his will!

It’s just that, in the past, only one or two characters (especially the villains, haha) who “jumped out” on their own initiative were often the only ones who “jumped out” this time are the whole world—the ancient sacred world!

It is as if the book "Forty Thousand Years of Cultivation" really has its own life, or on the other side of the galaxy, there really is an all-encompassing world of cultivation, and its divine thoughts are sent to it in the form of electric waves. In the brain of Lao Niu, I borrowed the hands of Lao Niu to show it to everyone.

What is this world like? It’s not completely controlled by Lao Niu. Like everyone else, Lao Niu is just exploring a strange, unpredictable, mysterious labyrinth. Together, we will slowly uncover the "Old Sacred World". When I opened the veil of a small map, I discovered, oh, it turns out that this is a world that can be so complicated and so mysterious!

As a new genre of online literature with millions of words, serialized daily, this is its unique excitement and charm.

Every online literary work is a labyrinth of self-growth and endless extension. The so-called author is just working side by side with all readers to stumble and explore, appreciate, fight and move in the labyrinth... that's all.

The story of the ancient sacred world has roughly come to an end, and then the real "rise chapter".

The marvelous experience of the Twelve Ancient Saints in the Federation, the Black Wind fleet approaching the city, the first confrontation between the Federation and the Empire, and the true mission of the mysterious Nuwa warrior Long Yangjun, even including the "Vulture Project" and mystery that Li Yao never forgets The truth about the "earth" of the world... I hope I can give you an explanation at the end of the fifth volume.

Finally, thank you all again.

When Lao Niu decided that this book would go from the first volume of "Tianyuan Pian" to the simple, straightforward and refreshing style of the second volume of "Feixing Pian" and later, he was mentally prepared for the subscription and income to fall by half.

Because at that time, Lao Niu did not expect that in the world of online articles, there are still so many readers who are willing to be patient and discuss relatively serious, entangled, and even no correct answers at all.

The so-called web text is just for the general public to do a simple psychological massage after hard work and study every day. It is like a pole show in a nightclub. It doesn’t matter how exciting the dance is. The important thing is fat buttocks and **** and dare to be exposed. , Whoever ran to the nightclub to dance ballet turned out to be a misfortune. It was purely boring and boring in the brain to find a ballet. At that time, Lao Niu thought so.

Thank you all for your support, bit by bit, to tell Lao Niu-I was wrong, terribly wrong!

It turns out that there are so many friends with noble personality, deep interest, ideals, morals, culture and discipline, who are willing to go to the nightclub to think about life and explore the road after a hard day of study and work!

You are the Lao Niu who created this work and gained the greatest wealth. Everyone’s collisions in the book review area, wonderful debates, and the refreshment brought to Lao Niu are far better than the simple subscription numbers in the background of the author.

It also made Lao Niu realize for the first time that being an "Internet writer" can also be a very proud, very proud thing that can be proclaimed aloud!

Everyone has always supported this way, and Lao Niu will definitely stick to it this way.

Goodbye to our fifth volume "Rise", all the cultivators, cultivators, and even the holy allies who appreciate the "Pangu Covenant", return to their respective positions. So far, the most vigorous battle of the Great Dao will begin!

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