40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1558: Universe, I am back! (The rise chapter opens!)

Xinghai jump has three main elements.

The most important nature is the coordinates of the destination.

It is a series of information sets composed of hundreds of parameters.

Not only need to explain the relative position of the destination in the universe, but also analyze the speed and trajectory of its revolution around the star and even the center of the galaxy, etc. The mystery is extremely complicated.

Even if there are thousands of parameters, one of them is missing or wrong, it may be a little bit different, a thousand miles away, and be transmitted to a completely different direction.

The second is Star Torch.

The star torch is equivalent to the lighthouse in the sea of ​​stars. When sailing on the vast sea, it is useless to know the location of the "port". In many days of heavy storms, rains, darkness, and fog, there must be one or even ten or twenty. The continuous guidance of a high-power lighthouse can reach the goal smoothly.

The more super-giant starships, large-scale fleets, and ultra-long-distance jumps, the higher the number of star torches required, and the greater the power.

Otherwise, it is very likely that dozens of starships will jump to their destinations, but they will collide and even merge together, causing a chain explosion and a tragedy of complete destruction.

It's like dozens of huge ships of 100,000 tons rushing into a narrow port at the same time. Without the guidance of lighthouses and pilots, they will inevitably collide and run aground, the same reasoning.

The third major factor is naturally the psychic energy consumed by Xinghai Jump.

Xinghai Jump is a special kind of transmission. It is necessary to present a certain quality of matter in the three-dimensional space, tear the barriers of the four-dimensional space, resist the storms, tears and distortions in the four-dimensional space that humans cannot imagine, and accurately transmit it to another. At one point, it is reduced from four dimensions to three dimensions and reconstructed in its original form-the psychic energy consumed in the whole process is astronomical. The longer the transmission distance, the more precise the destination, the higher the psychic energy consumption. .

In the past, Li Yao was able to take the "Spark" and jump from the Bone Dragon Star to the Flying Star Realm. That's because he didn't set a destination at all. In terms of "accuracy", he was infinitely close to zero, so he fell asleep. On the Spark for thousands of years, there are very few psionics left to do this.

But such a ten thousandth of good luck is not something that can be encountered every day. In most cases, jumping aimlessly will only jump to the depths of the dark and cold sea of ​​stars, psychic energy, planets and even interstellar dust... Nothing at all.

In preparing to determine the destination of the Star Sea Jump, the major launch platforms all have their own strong energy sources.

Tianyuan Star’s "Tianyuan Cannon" uses the explosive force of underground magma.

The "Blood Demon Eye" in the Blood Demon Realm uses the tidal force that interacts between the three satellites and the planets.

The "cosmic slingshot" on the Flying Star Realm and the Ice King uses the powerful magical powers left over from the Xinghai Empire era to accumulate the power of planetary rotation bit by bit, just like the clockwork of a mechanical watch. When the point is above, go out again!

right now--

The ancient gods possessed the remains of the ancient star map on the Nuwa battleship, as well as a signal trail that shot from the ancient sacred world to the two realms of Tianyuan and Feixing a hundred years ago.

Through the superposition calculation of these two things, the approximate coordinates of the "suspected Star and Yao Federation" can be initially locked.

And the red giant star, which is “outside the sphere of influence of the Suspected Star Federation”, is called the “Limmer Star Field” on the star chart, and its spectrum and parameters are also recorded and locked in detail, which can be used as a guide in the four-dimensional jump. Direction of "Natural Star Torch" to use.

The only problem is the psionic energy consumed by such a long jump.

The Bloodblade-class assault ship is a "tactical-class" starship. Its usual method of warfare is to follow the super-giant mothership and perform short assaults on the enemy, just like a shark following a blue whale.

Generally speaking, the bloodblade-class assault ship does not perform ultra-long-distance star-sea jumps alone, but is mixed in the imperial fleet.

Naturally, there are "shuttles" in the fleet that are specifically responsible for building "ultra-large-scale teleportation arrays" in the vacuum of the universe. Not only can they radiate temporary teleportation arrays directly in the stars, but they can also output a super-strong protective and condensing magnetic field, which will help the bloodblade level The assault ship and the fleet's command mothership, transport ship, battle assault ship, etc., are packaged and restrained together, and transmitted to the destination at the same time in the original formation and form.

Without the magnetic field envelope of the mothership and the super-powered psychic propulsion of the shuttle, the bloodblade-class assault ship can only make a series of short jumps. It is the limit to jump from the periphery of the dark nebula to the depths, and it is impossible to jump to it. Go to the star field near the relatively distant Star Federation.

In layman's terms, it needs someone to kick it **** its "butt" in order to "spread its wings and soar through the stars."

What's more, when Xinghai jumps, the higher the repair base of the passengers carried, the greater the "quality" presented in the four-dimensional space, and more psychic energy needs to be consumed.

Because of this, the "Secret Star Club" of the former Star Federation could only choose the cultivators of the base-building phase to perform the mission of exploring the secret stars through the sea of ​​stars, because the number of Tianyuan cannons at that time was not enough.

Now, if Heiyelan is counted, eleven Nascent Souls need to be teleported, plus two Transmigration Gods!

On the main mothership of the Imperial Fleet, it may not be possible to carry so many peerless powerhouses in one go.

Not to mention this bloodblade-class assault ship that was riddled with holes, stitched and patched, and barely pieced together.

Li Yao, Long Yangjun, Hei Yelan, Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun thought hard and studied for several months. Finally, Li Yao and Long Yangjun came up with a somewhat adventurous way.

They disassembled a Xinghai jumping unit from the Nuwa battleship, connected it to Huangya's buttocks, and used it as a disposable "pusher".

And the star-sea jumping unit of this Nuwa clan tears four-dimensional space, and the energy for star-sea transmission comes from the sun!

"Dear fellow daoists, sit firmly, for us so many super-class masters to make super long-distance star-sea jumps, it takes endless psychic energy to explode in an instant!"

Long Yangjun rubbed his hands in excitement, and smiled in the visual communication channel, "The Wandering Tooth itself is not enough to blast such a powerful psionic energy in an instant, so we have to use the power of the sun, or more accurately, to use the'prominence burst.' 'Power!"

"You don't need to know what'prominant eruption' is, just imagine it as a wave released from the sun! Next, I will search for the saddle-shaped depression on the sun's surface where prominence is most likely to occur, and then manipulate it. The star-sea jumping unit of the Nüwa battleship shoots a special mysterious light into this area, trying to break its originally stable psychic structure, stimulating the power of the prominence hidden in the corona, like a huge wave, which will smash us. 'Push it out', launch a three-dimensional world, and march towards a higher dimension!"

"If you don’t understand what I’m saying, it’s okay. Everyone just needs to know that this is the method recorded on the jade slip in the power compartment of the Nuwa battleship. The success rate should be very high. Even if it really fails, it doesn’t matter, because we will instantly Being swallowed by hundreds of thousands of meters high prominence, and instantly melted in the huge waves of the sun, I promise that there will be absolutely no pain at all!"

"Ha, I found the saddle-shaped depression, everyone sit firmly, all exercises, strengthen Dao Xin, guard the soul, I am going to start, bombarding the sun!"

The sun in the ancient sacred world, compared with the little Huangfang, is like the relationship between a raging sea and a little frog on the seashore.

It's real, a drop in the ocean!

However, at this moment, this frog at the bottom of the well, which had just crawled out of a dry well on the seashore, was burning towards the universe, like an eternal sea of ​​flames, opening its big mouth and roaring of its own!

In front of the sun, both the roaring sound and the mysterious light fluctuations that accompany the "roar" from behind the Huangyao to the depths of the sun seemed so insignificant and completely negligible.

However, after the light wave penetrated the surface of the chromosphere of the sun, a saddle-shaped area that was obviously darker than the surroundings, like black ice floes, this "black ice floe" suddenly burst, like a volcanic eruption, like a flood, facing towards Beyond the solar corona, a large amount of matter and flames were ejected, forming a magnificent, splendid, and brilliant fountain to the extreme!

This fountain hurled over at Huangya, swallowing hundreds of thousands of meters in an instant.

The "solar sail" with gleaming silver light and thin as a cicada's wings has been opened at the rear of Huangya for nearly a hundred different angles, specially designed to bear and collect the huge waves rushing from the surface of the sun.


Hundreds of thousands of meters high prominence instantly envelops Huang Fang, as if a huge wave swallowed surfers mercilessly.

Hundreds of "solar sails" all bulged, and the densely engraved ornate runes gleamed one by one, devouring the powerful psychic energy contained in the prominence.

Although the prominence looks terrifying, the actual temperature is extremely low, only 5,000 to 8,000 degrees Celsius, which is not the same as the hot **** inside the star, which can easily reach millions of degrees.

It can even be regarded as a mass of "cold air" blowing from the surface of a star into the universe.

Because of this, it gave Nuwa civilization the possibility of using prominence to shuttle through the sea of ​​stars.

However, even the "cold wind" of "five thousand to eight thousand degrees" is still a very tormenting test for the Barren Tooth who is barely repairing, as well as the internal members.

Everyone put on the imperial mustard combat suit and crystal armor, and curled up in the protective gel, while listening to the sun's torrent hitting the starship shell, making a dull dull sound and metal twisting sound, while silently operating the exercises. , Strengthen one's Dao heart and soul, or grit your teeth and pray to everything you believe in!


Rao is so, there are still many Nascent Souls and Huashen, under the impact of the sun's torrent, they involuntarily let out a low growl!

Under the repeated impact of the prominence, Huang Fang turned into a crystal clear crimson crystal, which gradually melted.

"Wang, prince, start the star sea jump!"

Hei Yelan was shocked and screamed at Long Yangjun, "Our hull is about to be melted!"

"Wait, we haven't got enough psionic power from the prominence!"

Long Yangjun squinted his eyes, a smile of excitement appeared at the corner of his mouth, staring at the parameters on the main control crystal brain interface, "With the current psychic energy and the power of the sun, we may not be able to jump accurately. of destination!"

"Crack, creak, rumbling!"

All kinds of piercing noises were emitted from Huangya, the lights flickered and dimmed, sparks exploded everywhere.

Even Li Yao had a pale face, gritted his teeth and looked at Long Yangjun.

The shell of Huangya has completely turned crimson, like a small maverick flame in a raging flame, it will be melted in a few seconds!

"It's now!"

Long Yangjun was very energetic, his eyes were shining, he let out a high-pitched scream, and slammed on the control interface, "Universe, we...the ancient sacred world, we are back!"


Ho Ho Ho Ho, the fifth volume of "Rise" begins, the passion has doubled, the blood has doubled, the battle of the road...all doubled!

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