40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1563: The devil is here!

"Cough cough, cough cough cough cough cough."

Li Yao coughed a few times and interjected, "Ding Lingdang--who is it?"

Fitch released deep fear and the most desperate fear in his eyes, and his hollow eyes shot behind everyone, as if Ding Lingdang was standing there, "She, she is the vanguard of the Star Alliance’s invasion of the alien sea, and the largest of the Federation. The executioner is a cruel, bloodthirsty, and unforgivable devil!"

"No matter where this female devil goes, it will bring endless killing and destruction. Several large worlds have been tragically poisoned and ravaged by her, and countless innocent people have died tragically under her giant soldier'Great Flame Dragon Sparrow'. , The entire Xinghai trembled in the smirk of this devil..."


Li Yao frowned, "Don't be so exaggerated, try to be the main point, what did Ding Lingdang do to you "Sky Ring Realm" that made you hate you so much?"

"She destroyed our splendid Tianhuan civilization with one hand!"

Fitch growled, gasped, and stammered, "She, she—"

"Don't worry, speak slowly."

Long Yangjun whispered softly, and a few crooked silver needles appeared on his fingertips, and silently pierced the back of Fitch's head.

Fitch trembled slightly, his breathing gradually became even, his pupils slightly dilated, and his voice became clear.

Under Long Yangjun's unique manipulation, he entered a trance-like semi-hypnotic state, unconsciously speaking out everything in his subconscious mind.

This technique is somewhat similar to the technique that Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun put on Hei Yelan.

However, Heiyelan is an elite master of the true human empire, and has also reached the primary cultivation level of the Nascent Soul Stage. The exile of the Tianhuan civilization, Fitch, can’t even match Heyelan’s little finger, and is naturally better The performance is even more unbearable.

Feiqi murmured: "In the beginning, we didn't know the existence of this female devil, let alone her terrible name in the sea of ​​stars. She sneaked into the Celestial Realm by herself, and at some point, she hid. The surface of our home planet is intricately intertwined, in a cobweb dense mine."

"This is the way the Star Federation is invading. First send a team or even infiltrate by one person, and then unite inside and outside, and win in one fell swoop!"

"At that time, we didn't know our homeland. We had been spotted by the brutal Ding Lingdang and the Xingyao Federation."

"The second phase of the Tianhuan project is actively advancing, and we are planning to expand the higher, larger, and more magnificent second-day ring outside the original first-day ring, which will serve as the newest foundation of our civilization. !"

"Neither the Tiangang clan nor the Earthsha clan are working tirelessly to achieve this great goal!"

"At this critical moment, I don't know when, in the depths of the underground mines, some rumors suddenly spread among the originally honest and responsible miners of the Earthsha clan!"

"Some miners began to complain that the working hours were too long, and they turned upside down day and night. On average, one month later, they would have to work 16 or 7 hours a day."

Li Yao said, "Sixteen or seven hours? How long is your day?"

Fitch replied: "Converted according to the standard time of the Xinghai Empire, our home planet's rotation is about 27 hours and minutes, so our day is slightly longer than the standard time. It is just a digging. Sixteen or seven hours of mine, how much? You know, above our heavenly circle, many designers, writers, and artists, once they devote themselves to work, they will not work for three days and three nights at once. Surprising!"

Li Yao turned his head and glanced at Qi Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu.

Sure enough, the two "peasant uprising leaders" sneered slightly maliciously.

Fitch continued: "Some miners complained about personal safety, saying that this way of working overtime and frantically collecting, caused frequent accidents, and the death rate of miners was too high, so they quit!"

Li Yao asked again: "The mortality rate is very high? How high is that?"

Fitch hesitated slightly. Under Long Yangjun’s nerve stimulation, he still revealed the most real and most undisguised emotions in the deep cerebral cortex: "In fact, it’s not too high. Our mining engineers have accurately calculated that The average mortality rate is about 5%, and no more than 10% at most."

"These earthshak tribes are very capable of breeding. No litter has ten or eight cubs. In order for the great sky ring of our civilization to be built as soon as possible, everyone must dedicate and sacrifice. The 10% mortality rate is considered What is it? Seniors, everyone is a cultivator. Is this the truth?"

"Furthermore, the mortality rate will not be so high forever. When the ring is completed the next day, our Tiangang people will have a larger and more comfortable living space and more advanced training rooms and research rooms, so we can concentrate more and take it easy. Develop civilization without worrying about population explosion and cramped living space."

"At that time, our civilization will be more prosperous, and when the tide rises, of course there will be many benefits to the Earthsha clan!"

Without waiting for Li Yao to turn his head, Huntian King Qi Changsheng couldn't help but sneered: "Really?"

In the subconscious, Fitch really regarded them as the immortals of the real human empire, and did not hear the sarcasm in the words of Qi Changsheng, the rebel leader, and continued: "Of course! Also, originally to make these earthsha They all work honestly and do their duties. We will regularly provide them with some calming, relieving pain and happiness potions, called "Happy Water"-this is also for their good! After all, the Disha people are all. They are some very crude and ignorant inferior people. It is impossible for us to enjoy the exquisite and shocking literature, music, fine arts and other high-level art like our Tiangang people, and to derive high-level happiness from them, only through this simple and crude Way, let them get a moment of joy, relieve fatigue and depression, what's wrong with this?"

"This has been the case for thousands of years. No one has made irresponsible remarks about'Happy Water'. This is clearly a benefit of the Tiangang tribe to the Earthsha tribe. Numerous neurologists, doctors and alchemists of the Tiangang tribe have exhausted their lives. The dedication to work is to help the Disha clan develop a more efficient, safe and stable "Happy Water". What can be blamed for this kind of compatriot friendship?"

"But now, some of the miners suddenly start to say, what is happiness water... drugs and narcotics will erode people's nerves and hearts!"

"It's really a matter of sliding the world. What kind of'spirit' can be eroded by the Disha people. Besides, it's not that we take the initiative to provide them with'happy water'. Many times they are crying and kneeling and rolling towards us. Please!"

"Just these verbal rumors and rumors are not enough. The most intolerable thing is that we have discovered that there are many Shah tribes who secretly grow food and graze exotic animals!"

"and many more!"

Bai Lian mother Wan Mingzhu screamed, "Why, don't the Disha clan even grow a little grain of their own and raise some exotic animals?"

"You seniors don't know anything about it."

Fitch said, "The situation in our Celestial Circle is different from that of other large worlds. The surface of our home planet has been severely damaged by wars. There are poisonous fog, poisoned water and various pollution everywhere, as well as deep buried underground. Gene bombs can be triggered at any time!"

"In this heavily polluted environment, the food and livestock grown and raised privately are highly toxic. If they feed on it for a long time, it will ruin our body, corrode our minds, and make us more and more. The more filthy, lazy, stupid, evil, and weak, our civilization will end over time!"

"Therefore, for the future of Tianhuan civilization, in order to make generations of Tianhuan people smarter, stronger and more determined, it is natural not to grow food and raise livestock in contaminated areas."

Wan Mingzhu screamed: "Then what do you eat?"

Feiqi said: "Above the sky ring where our Tiangang people live, there are naturally unpolluted starry sky plantations and pastures. At least decades ago, they have been able to meet the daily needs of the Tiangang people."

"Even on the highly polluted ground, we have taken great pains and spared no effort to purify the land, and build a large number of pollution-free'planting areas' and'pastoral areas'. Even the cheapest of the Disha people can enjoy from our planting areas. The cleanest and healthiest food produced."

Wan Mingzhu said: "Understood, you control all the farmland and pastures in your own hands. If you don't put food, the Disha clan will be starved to death."

Fitch blinked his eyes and said in confusion: "Everyone is from the sky ring. How can we starve all the evil spirits to death? However, people who do not work cannot eat. This is a natural principle. We just want the evil spirits. The clan goes to mine in exchange for food."

Wan Mingzhu sneered and said: "Naturally, the exchange price of ore and food is very low. I am afraid that you can dig out thirty or fifty catties of ore in exchange for a steamed bun?"

Fitch tilted his head thinking for a long time, and shook his head honestly: "I don't know, I have never cared about these trivial things."

Long Yangjun said softly: "Let's go on, there was commotion and dissatisfaction among your miners, then what?"

"Then there is a strike."

Fitch said, "Almost half of the Celestial Ring Stars, in tens of thousands of mines, there are Earth Sha people who have launched a general strike at the same time!"

"Hey, we thought at the time that it was the inherent inferiority of these Earthshakes that had relapsed."

"After all, I have just introduced to your seniors. The ancestors of these Earthsha tribes are those who love to work, are lazy by nature, obscure but rebellious, they are the dregs of Tianhuan civilization! Laziness and depravity flow naturally in their bodies. The blood, excitement, and craziness, even if we have been enlightened by our Tiangang people for thousands of years, they still cannot completely overcome their own inferiority. Every few years, there will be more or less strikes."

"Actually, it's just their ignorant minds, unable to control the inexplicable commotion in their hearts. Just let them make a fuss and make a fire."

"At the time, we all thought this was a common routine strike. When the violent flames blazed on all sides of the celestial ring and gathered into a sea of ​​raging flames, we realized that this time is different. This time it is. It's really bad."

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