40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1564: The war between the Federation and the Celestial Circle

Fitch bit his teeth into a "crack" and let out a gloomy poisonous fire in his eyes, saying: "After discovering that the scale of this strike is extraordinary and it is about to sweep the entire planet, we immediately plunged into the medical team from the sky ring. 'Go to treatment."

Long Yangjun raised his hand: "Wait, treat?"

"Yes, treat their'strike syndrome'."

Fitch explained with a serious face, "In our understanding of the Tianhuan civilization, strikes are defined as a highly contagious mental illness. It is due to the lazy and depraved nature of the Earthsha clan, and the jealousy hidden in the depths of genes. It is caused by the mixture of rebellious and destructive desires."

"This is a disease that can only be transmitted and attacked by the Disha people. Our Tiangang people love to work before it's too late, and we never go on strike."

"Strike syndrome is explosive and destructive. Once contracted with this kind of mental illness, the diligent, hardworking, dedicated and dedicated Earth Shaman will become insatiable, hard to fill, and only knows the destruction of lunatics and monsters! "

"This disease is extremely contagious. In a large underground mine, as long as one miner is infected with the'strike syndrome', it will often spread rapidly in extreme times, ten, one hundred, one thousand... There was a chain reaction, and the number of infected people increased exponentially!"

"The strike syndrome will not only cause serious harm to the Earthsha clan itself, it will turn good laborers into useless people. If left alone, it will also erode our entire civilization and destroy the Tianhuan civilization! Therefore, once discovered, it must be No immediate treatment!"


Long Yangjun said, "Then...how to treat this...strike syndrome?"

Fitch said: "Strike syndrome is also hierarchical. Generally speaking, different concentrations of'Happy Water' can be cured. However, if it is judged by a mental illness expert to be a severe strike syndrome, there is no cure. They can only be sent to the abandoned mine hospital in the deepest underground for life-long quarantine, or try regular forced labor, dead horses be living horse doctors, and there is a chance to awaken the genes of hard work and dedication in their bodies. From saboteurs and takers, re-transformed into people who are useful to society and civilization."

"Because the intensity and intensity of this strike is unprecedented, the size of the medical team we dispatched is also quite large. In addition, the situation is critical and the strike syndrome is spreading rapidly among the crowd. Our civilization is at stake, and we have to take some drastic medical treatments. ."

"Those ignorant and ignorant Disha people didn't know that we were saving them, but when we were undergoing'compulsory medical treatment', they rose up to resist and even killed our'doctor'!"

"In this way, the strike became a riot!"

"We were not afraid of the riots of the Earth Shaman, because most of the magic weapons are in the hands of our Tiangang tribe, and our Tiangang tribe has to accept elegant and graceful combat skills since birth. Those bare-handed, only a barbarian How can the powerful Earthsha clan be our opponent?"

"and many more!"

Huntian King Qi Changsheng said in a deep voice, "Isn't mining spar veins used quite a lot of mining magic weapons? Vibrating picks, percussion drills, spar explosives, and various large mining magic weapons can be used as anything. Weapons, since even the hardest mountains can be excavated, can human skulls be harder than rocks? How can they be "bare-handed"?"

Fitch said: "This predecessor does not know that our Tianhuan Star was the military base of the Xinghai Empire as early as 10,000 years ago. The shallow underground mineral veins suitable for large-scale mining were mined as early as 10,000 years ago. Do nothing."

"Now, if we want to mine, we can only go deeper underground."

"The environment there is harsh, the air is dirty, the mine roads are narrow and rugged, and there are all kinds of exotic animals that can destroy large-scale mining magic weapons, and the veins are mostly inferior mines that are barren and rich in impurities. Rely on manpower, use handwork, plan out little by little."

"Therefore, in our underground mines, we never use large-scale mining magic weapons, and even small mining magic weapons such as percussion drills and shock picks are not used much."

"Most of the time, it is the Earth Sha clan who use both hands and brute force to mine."

"These Earthsha tribes were originally guys with well-developed limbs and simple minds. Our scholars and doctors of the Tiangang tribe have spent thousands of years to strengthen their bodies, and through the modulation and tempering of various secret methods, they have changed. It became a existence like steel and iron, with infinite power."

"We have also optimized and improved some basic exercises, such as "Steel Body Art", "Iron Arm Art", and "Eagle Claw Hand", so that the Earth Sha clan can practice since childhood-in this way, their arms and palms When an abnormal change occurs, it can replace mining magic weapons such as percussion drills and shock picks, with higher mining efficiency, more flexibility, and lower costs."

"For thousands of years, day after day, day after day, their bodies have become stronger and stronger, and their hands have become stronger and stronger. In the depths of the underground veins, various spars radiate And during the invasion of alien animals, some highly dangerous unstable elements emerged among them, and some high-risk latent carriers of the'strike syndrome' virus!"

"If it's just that, then everything is still under our control."

"I have practiced "Steel Body Art", "Iron Arm Art" and other superficial introductory supernatural powers, and the deformed strange claws that have evolved, are our crystal armor and battleship opponents?

"Countless large-scale outbreaks of'strike syndrome' and even riots in the past have been easily'cured' by us."

"But we didn't expect that this was not a spontaneous riot, but was bewitched by the most dangerous female demon from the Star Federation!"

"The female devil, Ding Lingdang, has long sneaked into the depths of the underground mines, hiding from the ignorant and easy to be deceived by the Disha clan."

"She claims to have brought dignity and hope to the Earth Sha clan, using the strange talk of the Star Federation to fan the flames among the Earth Sha clan, inciting the desire for destruction and self-destruction hidden in the blood of the Earth Sha clan!"

"More, more, and more terrifying is that she has brought a brand-new cultivation magical power to the Earth Sha clan, a magical power that can stimulate powerful destructive power without using any magic weapons, which belongs to the magical power of the ‘Original Martial Artist’!”

"The original warrior!"

Hei Yelan, who listened with her breath holding her breath, couldn't help exclaiming.

The original warrior is a concept that came out of modern cultivation civilization. The ancient sage monks such as Meng Chixin and Qi Zhongdao didn't know what "original warrior" was.

But the Heiyelan, who was born in the real human empire, naturally knew the terrifyingness of this type of monk.

Think about it, the original warrior who is so proud to disdain to use any magic weapon and weapon, relying on his bare hands and unparalleled flesh to dare to compete with all enemies-what a terrifying existence!

Feiqi desperately said: "No one thought that the magical powers of the Disha clan and the original warrior would match this way! Deep in their blood, after thousands of years of strengthening and radiation, they have long contained extremely terrifying destructive powers. In the past, I just didn’t know how to stimulate it."

"Ding Lingdang brought a complete set of the original martial artist's cultivation supernatural powers and systems, and he unkindly disclosed them all for free. In just a few years, like a wildfire, it spread to the entire sky ring star in the dark! "

"In less than five years, there have been no less than 100,000'primitive warriors' who have mastered superb martial skills and cultivated their hands into peerless weapons in the Earthsha clan!"

"These original warriors formed a resistance organization in secret, and Ding Lingdang was the leader of this resistance organization. When we were'treating' the riot, we never expected to encounter thousands of original warriors' raids. They captured them all at once. Our hundreds of shuttle ships traveling between the sky ring and the ground directly attacked the sky ring, the symbol of our civilization!"

Numerous Nascent Souls and Huashens all listened attentively.

The Huntian King Qi Changsheng, who was born in the murderous rebellion, beamed his eyes, slapped his thigh, used the magical power of sound transmission, and laughed in everyone's ears: "Good fellow, what a devil, Ding Ling, this girl Energetic, what a **** man!"

Li Yao swallowed his saliva and asked calmly: "Ding Lingdang brought tens of thousands of original warriors to the sky ring... Did it succeed?"

"Not at first."

Fitch shook his head and said, "We Tiangang people have lived on the sky ring for thousands of years. We have long transformed the sky ring into a solid state, and there are a large number of crystal armors and starships stationed there. It is not just tens of thousands of beginners. It can be conquered. They only occupied a certain section of the ring compartment on the sky ring for ten days, and it was put out by our government, the'Sky Ring Mansion'!"

"However, up to this moment, we still didn't realize that Ding Lingdang was a federal monk who came from a foreign land and was ill-intentioned."

"There are many rumors about Ding Lingdang among the Earthshakes. Many rumors portray her with three heads and six arms. Naturally, we will not easily believe that she is also a native Earthsha, but with good luck, we found the original warrior in the ground. It’s just a legacy!"

"We did not expect that the reason why she led tens of thousands of original warriors to attack the sky ring was not to completely occupy the sky ring, but to seize the giant array antenna on the sky ring and send the precise coordinates of the sky ring to the Star Federation. , And guide the direction for the emergence of the first Federal Fleet!"

"When the riot on the ground was about to be completely'cured', the first Federal Fleet unexpectedly appeared on the periphery of the Celestial Circle. We, we were really caught off guard!"

"The five-year war between the Star Federation and the Celestial Circle Realm broke out!"

"Speaking of starships, Sky Ring was originally a large shipyard in the Star Sea Empire, and our starship refining technology is quite good. Although we haven't had time to start the star sea voyage across the vast world, it guards the native stars of the Sky Ring Realm. The domain is more than enough."

"But our enemy is not only the Federal Fleet that keeps jumping from Outland, but also the intensified Earth Sha riots and rebellions on the ground!"

"There is the indiscriminate bombing of the Federal Fleet in the Star Sea, and all the mineral deposits and resource transportation on the ground are destroyed by mobs. More and more mines have changed hands, which in turn transports resources for the enemy... We are completely affected by the enemy!"

"In this way, the war has been going on for five years, and we finally can't support it anymore. The mobs of the Shah tribe, the dirty, nasty, smelly, and stupid miners, under the leadership of Ding Lingdang and the support of the Xingyao Federation Next, we have completely captured the symbol of our civilization-the ring of heaven!"

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