40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1574: Boss, do you want to smuggle?

As the leader of the cultivation world, Qi Zhongdao has experienced countless battles in his life.

But I have never seen such a dangerous scene-I can't even think of it!

"This woman... is so glamorous and exposed, she is simply shameless, she must be a demon girl who is proficient in the art of replenishing!"

The beggar Ba Xiaoyu also said with a grim expression beside Tie Sheng Qi Zhongdao.

As the two of them focused their eyes, the advertising girl's smile became more and more mysterious, her hot red lips trembling lightly, sending out a secret stream of information, gently licking into their brains.

Ba Xiaoyu trembled and his eyes widened: "The curious and wonderful magical powers can actually perceive the turning of our eyes and the dilation of our pupils, and directly transmit our thoughts! Only the people who are fully absorbed in this giant...light curtain, Only then will you receive its information, but others will not be affected and interfered!"

"Modern cultivation civilization is incredibly advanced!"

"However, what exactly does the message sent by this demon girl mean? What is the meaning of'Golden Peak Yulu','Dragon Hunting in the East China Sea','Feng Huaxue Yue','High Mountain Flowing Water','Reverse the Universe','Bead Curtain' Hebi'... the name is quite elegant. Could it be some secret magical power of the Demon Cult, and in this way, to deceive people into joining the Demon Cult?"

"In any case, dare to haunt such a big fan in broad daylight, the local magic sect is too arrogant!"

Including Qi Zhongdao and Ba Xiaoyu, even Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun, the two great gods, all the ancient gods are dazzled and stunned under the radiance of hundreds of giant light screens. The feeling of being overwhelmed by the flood of information.

"Is it the first time for the bosses to come to Yulong City, then you must find a guide!"

Just as everyone was at a loss, a thief suddenly sounded nearby.

But it was a ghost, driving a pointed, rusty, half-old and not new psychic prosthesis, rubbing his hands and greeted him.

The ghost nodded and bowed at the crowd, and said with a very flattering smile, "Wow, bosses, if you happen to need a guide, my'screw head' is the most famous in this area, and the famous service enthusiasm. Well-informed, fair fees, and absolutely safe!"

There are indeed two huge bulges on the iron skull of this ghost psychic prosthesis, which seems to have forced two large screws into the skull.

It is estimated that it is a special form of antenna, which is convenient for him to release the power of the ghost and exchange ideas with the outside world.

The screw head stood up very proudly, with a "click" steel thumb, poking at the badge imprinted on the steel chest, and pointing to the hungry hyena not far away looking at them like a hungry hyena. Some idlers waited and said, "Boss, please take a look. This is the logo of the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce. My screw head is a regular guide registered in the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce assigns you to our side. You are not the field guides who don’t have any licenses to provide services!"

"If you guys go to those guys, yes, the charge may be a bit cheaper, but who knows where they will take you? Take you to some black-hearted magic store that specializes in fat sheep, and spend a lot of money. Buying a few counterfeit magic weapons that are not to be used, this is considered good, and what is more, I found that you have a lot of tickets on your body, and you have bad intentions, and you are directly brought into the depths of the poor streets and alleys. Cut it over, even swallow the belt bone, that's normal!"

"Hehe, I see all the bosses with red faces, straight backs, and no anger or prestige. I know at a glance that they are big people who do big things and make big money. There is no need to take such a big risk just to care about such a small amount of money. Right? We are all regular guides under the "Four Saints Chamber of Commerce". All services are clearly priced. We will never slaughter customers, and we will accompany you. The average Xiaoxiao will never move the bosses, which can save you a lot. Trouble, isn't this better than finding those field guides?"

"Even magic weapons--"

Ba Xiaoyu was slightly startled, just about to ask how this "screw head" even had a fake magic weapon, but Long Yangjun was carrying his hands on his back, gently shook his hand at him, and looked at the "screw head" up and down, and said noncommittal: "Guide? What can you do for us?"

"In Yulong City, as long as you have money, you can do whatever you want!"

When the screw head saw the bait in business, the four fiery red crystal eyes on his face were shining together, turning around like four glass beads that collided with each other, dancing and introducing, "If you are holding a lot of tickets, come here. Yulongcheng is chic and happy, then I will take you to the most famous Jinjin Caves, all the feasting, sensual, exciting, exciting, everything!"

"Naturally, even if you don't need me to lead the way, the bosses can find these places by relying on the map."

"However, if there are no acquaintances to bring in, some special VIP areas will be difficult to open to you! And my screw head can help you apply for the most favorable discount. When you come and go, I will earn the guide fee. When I come back, it's like hiring me to serve your bosses for a few days. Isn't it no more cost-effective?"

"Feasting, sensual and sensual?"

Long Yangjun snorted softly and said, "What else?"

"and also?"

The four eyeballs of the screw head turned and turned again, and the smile became more and more intense, "It's more to go! If all the bosses are looking for more excitement and have confidence in their skills, I will take you to the competition. If you want to hire some manpower, I can also take you to the right place to ensure that everyone is cruel and superb. If you come here with the heart to become famous In the Dragon and Snake Star Territory, I can also contact a lot of missions, let you choose!"


The red crystal eyes of the screw head shone, and the expression became more weird, pretending to have a low voice, but deliberately let everyone hear it, "If you guys want to use the Dragon and Snake Star Territory as a springboard, enter Xing Yao As for the Federation, I can arrange the perfect identity for you all!"


Long Yangjun's pupils suddenly shrank.

All Nascent Souls and Huashens squinted their eyes, and their seemingly unwavering gaze scanned the surrounding environment and pedestrians transparently in an instant.

Everything is under control, including how to destroy Yulong City in the shortest time!

Screwhead didn’t realize that a catastrophe was coming. He smiled on his face and even nudged Long Yangjun with his elbow. He smiled and said: “Why the bosses are so nervous? This is not a shameful big secret. As soon as the boss came out of Star Harbor, I knew it. All the bosses came from'over there.' This is the first time that you have seen such a colorful and feasting metropolis, right?"

Long Yangjun frowned slightly: "Over there?"

"Hehe, isn't it the "Firefly"!"

The screw head waved his arm and made a few downward gestures, "Relax, take it easy. Like the bosses, I have operated the screw head hundreds of times! The bosses are the orthodox government of the Xinghai Republic. Citizen, isn’t it? It’s a crew member on the Firefly, isn’t it? I can’t stand the hard and hard life on the Firefly. I want to use the Dragon Snake Star Territory as a springboard to sneak into the Star Federation and try it. Your ancestors haven't tasted the taste of living down-to-earth on the planet, haven't they?"


Long Yangjun was stunned slightly, his thoughts flashed, and he put on an expression of embarrassment and anger, not knowing how to respond.

"It's okay, it's okay, this is completely understandable, is it human nature!"

The screw head is very empathetic and said, "To be honest, you can persist in the star sea for a thousand years, it is already amazing! The true human empires are all immortal cultivators, and everyone has different ideas. You naturally cannot surrender the empire! But' The “Xinghai Republic’s Orthodox Government” and the “Xingyao Federation” are both ruled by cultivators. Big brother and second brother, are they the same in which world they immigrate to?"

"Furthermore, in your'orthodox government', aren’t there many people who support joining the Starlight Federation? Haven’t there been a lot of noise in recent years? Maybe in another year or a half, the Firefly will join the Federation completely, everyone. They have all become federal citizens. You are just one step ahead. You don't need to have any shame or worry at all!"

"In short, if all the bosses are really here for this, I will handle everything from the fake identity to the transport ship entering the Federation, and after arriving in the Federation, I will find someone to cover all the problems in subsequent life! In other words, although the price is higher, it is absolutely safe, reliable and proper!"

Long Yangjun and Li Yao looked at each other. No one thought that the “identity” problem that seemed the most troublesome could be solved so easily. If there were no articles in it, then there would be a ghost!

Long Yangjun pondered for a moment, and said: "You just said that you have... helped hundreds of our people and smuggled into the Federation?"


Screw head said, "And it can't be called'smuggling' at all, but'semi-legal'!"

Long Yang Jundao: "What is ‘semi-legal’?"

The screw head pretended to cough, and looked around again, and then said mysteriously: "My bosses and I see each other as we know each other. The more we see, the more we are bound to each other, so let’s just tell you the truth. Boss, you guys must not spread it out, or else my screw-head job will be smashed!"

"Actually, my screw head is just a little guide in Yulong City. He eats with his mouth and eats. How can there be such a magical power that can get you to the Star Federation?"

"However, I know some bosses who come from the Federation, who can obtain absolutely legal and true identities for you, and let you sway into the Federation. The federal government also opened its eyes and will never interfere and pursue it!"

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