40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1575: Duo Duo!

Long Yangjun and Li Yao glanced at each other. They couldn't believe that the Star Federation's defense against the outside world would be so weak that it could allow people to swagger into it without knowing it. The two looked at each other, and Long Yangjun said suspiciously: " How could it be possible that I heard that the Secret Sword Bureau of the Star Federation is not ubiquitous with hands and eyes connected to the sky?"

"Of course the Secret Sword Bureau is ubiquitous, but I have said that it is a ‘semi-legal’ identity, so naturally I won’t be investigated!"

The screw head said astonishingly, "This matter is considered a semi-open secret within the Xingyao Federation. The Federation needs the talents, technology, and magical powers of your Firefly, but the'Xinghai Republic Orthodox Government' will not be for a while. By agreeing to merge with the Federation, the Federation will naturally do everything possible to attract talents on the Firefly, and start a'talent battle'!"

"No matter what position the bosses are on the Firefly, you still have some unspoken secrets from the center of the Star Sea? Perhaps in your opinion, the ordinary magical powers, techniques and magic weapons are what the Star Federation urgently needs and can be filled. Key blank links in some important areas of the Federation!"

"Now that the war is about to come, the Federation pays the most attention to talent reserves, and all the bosses are most likely to be strangers in the Star Federation. If you are willing to join the Federation, it is too late for the federal government to welcome them. How come there are so many obstacles? "

Long Yangjun blinked, pretending to be embarrassed: "But, our government..."

"Your ‘Xinghai Republic’s orthodox government’, of course, hates such behaviors of people migration and brain drain. The two sides have negotiated many times and absolutely forbid this behavior, so I say it’s ‘semi-legal’!”

The screw head patted his chest and promised, "At the official level, the Federal Government will never admit that it is digging the corner of the "Xinghai Republic Orthodox Government". Therefore, it is impossible for you to immigrate to the Federation through regular channels. The possibility of repatriation."

"However, secretly, many very influential big factions in the Star Federation are actively operating. They can prepare a seamless new identity for you, open up all legal joints, help you make a facelift, and join the Federation!"

"These big sects are eager for talents from the Firefly. If you all have a skill and no secrets, you can definitely immigrate to the Federation under their operation and live comfortably. Isn’t it better to live in a new life than to stay on the dark and cold, precarious Firefly?"

The screw head said nothing, everyone was silent and lost in thought.

It seems that although the orthodox government of the Xinghai Republic and the Xingyao Federation are both civilizations of cultivators, and they face enemies like the real human empire together, the relationship between them is far from harmonious!

Long Yangjun turned his head and asked everyone's opinions with his eyes. After getting an affirmative answer, he pretended to be hesitant again, and said to the screw head: "You, don't care where we came from, we still I don’t think about whether I want to go to the Federation. In short, I’ll stay in Yulong City for a few days to see, walk around, and have fun.”

With that, he took out a spar coin surrounded by purple light and threw it at him.

The screw head took the spar coin and placed it on his iron skull and tapped it lightly. The brightness of the four crystal eyes suddenly doubled, and he smiled and said, "Okay, there should be more of such an important thing. Observe and observe before making a decision. We in Yulong City have a lot of information about the Federation. After reading it, we can guarantee that all the bosses will have a deep understanding of the Star Federation. It will not be too late to decide how to go the road ahead!"

"Wait, screw head."

Li Yao interjected, "When we were on the Firefly, I heard that the relationship between your Dragon Snake Star Territory and the Star Federation is not very good. Why is it here that you don’t look like it?"


The screw head spreads with both hands, and it doesn't matter if the relationship is good or bad, it is also the things that the big and rich people above should worry about. Does the boss look at my screw head like a rich person?"

"In the Dragon and Snake Star Territory, nine out of ten are ordinary people and low-level monks like me. If you can make do with it, you must do your best. Who has the spare time to worry about the relationship between the Dragon and Snake Star Territory and the Federation? "

"Anyway, there is money to be made, food to eat, whatever the federation is not federation, the empire is not empire?"

"Furthermore, my hometown is the Netherworld. Our Netherworld is a big world that joined the Federation earlier. It's not like the Celestial Realm where there was a war of real swords and guns. The matter of Chen Zhizhi and rotten millet decades ago. , And there is no blood feud, who cares so much!"

"Don't say so much, where do the bosses want to go shopping first, do you want to eat first or find a hotel to stay, or do you have any special hobbies for casinos, arenas, and nightclubs?"

The screw head rubbed his hands straight, seeing Jian Chiyan Liren, Qi Changsheng and the ghost of Qin Xiong, Han Baling, and others, all staring at the most magnificent and majestic giant light curtain in the sky, immersed in the light curtain transmission. In the shocking picture that came over, I couldn’t help but smile: "This is the latest'immersive glare phantom' drama, the seventh part of "The Young Flame God's Biography", which is about the adventure of Wuma Yan on the Iron Star when he was young Although the plot is not new, this'immersive glare phantom' is quite different from ordinary glare phantoms. The most powerful thing is that the audience can freely'immerse' into the perspective of any character in the scene. In the way of thinking, emotions and even ways of thinking, with different identities and angles, experience a thrilling and wonderful adventure in all directions! How about it, do you want to try it?"

"Wuma Yan..."

Long Yangjun looked at Li Yao, but asked the screw head, "Is it the chief disciple of'Vulture Li Yao'?"


The screw head smashed his fist, and said excitedly, "It's the monster gas refiner who claims to have broken through the 1,000-thousand stage of the Qi refining stage, and even the old monsters of Yuan Ying are not in the eyes!"

"One thousand weight during the refining period?"

Qi Zhongdao, Yan Liren, Han Baling, Qi Changsheng...All the old primordial souls, it's so Xuan didn't even spit out breakfast.

Li Yao coughed lightly and his face became a little weird.

Long Yangjun blinked his eyes and said suspiciously: "Since there is the dazzling phantom of Wuma Yan, why isn't there a drama based on'Vulture Li Yao'?"


Screwhead said, "There are more than 120 copies of "The Vulture True Story". As for the rumor, don’t tell the story of the jokes, there are not a thousand and eight hundred, and even the story of Li Yao’s childhood in the magic treasure tomb was filmed. Dozens of them have been disgusted by the audience decades ago. Now who would dare to spend money to shoot that bad street stuff! But if you want to admire the style of this "Three Realms Supreme", I can also bring you guys. Go to some nostalgic theaters, and make sure you won’t be the same in the last year!"

Rao is a resourceful Long Yangjun, looking at the flood of information shining in the air, he is a little dazzled, and he doesn't know where to start.

At this moment, dozens of hundreds of huge light curtains suddenly flickered and jumped to the same picture.

In the picture, at a crowded gathering, an old man with white beard and hair, with extraordinary momentum, said something loudly in front of thousands of excited people, and bowed deeply to everyone, very sorry.

"Breaking news!"

Screw Head held his head and screamed, "The candidate'Su Chenzhou' launched by the Nine Faction Alliance has officially admitted that he has failed and will withdraw from the election of the Supreme Speaker of the Star Federation, and begged his supporters to turn to support. Jin Xinyue that snake and scorpion girl! And the Nine Faction Alliance will also reach a strategic cooperation with the Skyfire Organization, and become the largest power in the parliament in one fell swoop! It's over, this time is really over, even the respected Su Chenzhou has surrendered, this time The general election has changed from a battle for hegemony to a duel between two heroes. Jin Xinyue is highly likely to be elected. This is truly the end of the world!"

Sure enough, shortly after the extraordinary "Nine Faction Alliance" candidate Su Chenzhou announced his withdrawal from the general election, dozens of pictures flashed and he was switched to another venue with a larger scale and more explosive momentum.

In the center of the venue, surrounded by hundreds of millions of supporters and cheering, without any interference, it was Jin Xinyue who stood quietly like a nine-day mysterious girl. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Li Yao looked at the disciple in the light curtain, feeling full of emotion in his heart.

One hundred years ago, Jin Xinyue had the cultivation base of the "Demon King" equivalent to the pill formation period. One hundred years passed without leaving the slightest trace on her appearance, but it made her watery eyes. The eyes became deeper and deeper.

She was dressed in a moon-white linen robe, and she looked quiet and noble, spotless, generous, and inviolable.

Perhaps it is that the true human empire is about to conquer the territory, the new Federation Speaker must show a tough posture. She added a golden jade belt to the outside of the moon white robe, and she carried a handle inlaid with the nine-star rising dragon emblem on her waist. The long sword, more and more set off the graceful figure and thrillingly beautiful slender jade legs.

Jin Xinyue emptied the long sword with one hand and stretched out the other with a sincere smile on her face.

Li Yao was in a trance, as if he saw the shadow of another person in his smile.

Jin Tuyi, Li Yao had the most terrifying experience in his life, and it could even be said that he was the only opponent who had not completely defeated him!

"Jin Tuyi, your'Red Tide Project' is still close to success after all!"

Li Yao sighed with mixed emotions in his heart, "One hundred years after the blood demon world declared defeat, your daughter Jin Xinyue has finally fulfilled her past promises to you, to me, and to herself, and she has stood to run for the federation. On the stage of the Speaker, and defeated almost all the powerful enemies, he is only one step away from the Three Realms...no, it is the throne of the leaders of the Seven Realms!"

"It's just that the plan a hundred years ago will soon become a reality very smoothly. Jin Xinyue should be the best candidate to command the Xingyao Federation and fight against the real human empire. Why am I still faintly disturbed?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon came out from the depths of his brain: "Are you faintly worried, this time, like every time in the past, at the critical moment, what trouble is going on?"

Li Yao: "Yes, from the experience of each of our previous adventures, Jin Xinyue is definitely not so easy to become the Speaker of the Federation! Even if she can rush to the end smoothly, something thrilling and bizarre will happen. , Unpredictable, a big conspiracy that may subvert the entire Federation!"

"However, it doesn't matter, fortunately we rushed back in time again!"

"Hmph, if this conspiracy is still the same as the previous conspiracies in the Flying Star Realm, the Blood Demon Realm, and the Heavenly Origin Realm, then the master messenger behind this conspiracy is already ready!

"Jin Xinyue should not betray me and the Federation, she is loyal!"

"Then, her rival, no matter how celestial, kind-looking, and respectful, on the surface, loyal to the country and giving everything to the Federation... These are all false impressions. This person must be a treacherous person and the main messenger behind the conspiracy. !"

"It's like Xiao Xuance to the Flying Star Realm, Youquan Ancestor to the Blood Demon Realm, and Lu Zui and Zhou Hengdao to the Tianyuan Realm. The more powerful and powerful, the greater the destruction will be!"

Scarlet Heart Demon: "It makes sense!"

Li Yao was confident, smiled faintly, and asked the guide: "Screwhead, you just said that the federal election has entered the stage of a'two-lord showdown', so there are only two candidates for the chairperson? One is Jin Xinyue, and Who is one?"

Screw head said: "There is another one, isn't it the'Red Flame Dragon King' Ding Lingdang, except for her, who is qualified to compete with Jin Xinyue?"

Li Yao: "..."

Scarlet Heart Demon: "..."

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