40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1576: Ding Lingdang, gorgeous debut!

Along with the crowded and heated atmosphere in the picture, a voiceover came: "...Audience friends, we can see that just as the candidate of the Nine Faction Alliance Su Chenzhou announced his withdrawal from the election and supported Jin Xinyue, Jin Xinyue was approaching. Millions of supporters gathered in the Federation Square in the capital, and they gathered into a sea of ​​enthusiasm. In the phantom banners they shot into the sky, Jin Xinyue’s campaign slogan "Glory and Dreams" was written, and they shouted Jin Xinyue’s name. ."

"Wait, wait, they yelled neither Jin Xinyue nor Minister Kim, but-Speaker Kim!"

"Listen, these voices from the capital's supporters, Chairperson Kim, Chairperson Kim, Chairperson Kim! It seems that Jin Xinyue and her supporters have a winning ticket, and they are determined to win!"

"So on the other hand, let us immediately connect with colleagues who are on the front line of the Shuhai Realm. Our other candidate, the leader of the Patriot Front, Ding Lingdang, who has the title of'Federal God of War, Scarlet Flame Dragon King', is now Attended the opening ceremony of a large-scale aided training hall there, and will give a speech to their supporters, let us see how Ding Lingdang and her supporters would respond to Su Chenzhou’s withdrawal!"

The picture on the light curtain trembled for a moment, as if throwing a stone into the calm lake water, after ripples appeared, calm again.

The picture has changed abruptly. It is no longer a modern metropolis lined with tall buildings, but has become an endless sea of ​​trees and a primitive jungle covering the entire planet.

Looking up, under the green background color, the whole planet is colorful and colorful.

Occasionally there will be small clearings in the jungle, like "isolated islands" in the sea of ​​trees, on which traces of man-made buildings will appear.

——This does not mean that Ding Lingdang’s supporters are very few, because in the sea of ​​trees, inside and outside the canopy, branches, and "tree nests" made of intertwined branches, densely packed people are standing, all of them are for Ding Lingdang cheered for the arrival.

Li Yao kept his eyes fixed, staring at the huge light curtain, almost inlaid with his eyes.

No pen and ink can describe him at this moment, the excitement hidden beneath the surface calm, like a rock and a crack.

I haven't seen him in a hundred years, how will my wife make her debut?

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the picture, deep in the jungle, there was a loud and deafening noise, and the towering trees tens of meters high made the sound of "Xi Xi Suo Suo", and they swayed.

The "Tree Sea People" who have been living in the jungle for generations, the cheers became more intense and turned into passionate worship!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The roar became louder and louder, faster and faster, getting closer and closer, escalating from "deafening" to "landslide."

You can clearly see the pictures taken from the top of the sky with a shuttle car. In the depths of the jungle, tens of meters high, four or five people hugging the towering giant trees, one after another fell to the sides, as if they were easily pushed aside. The bushes showed a truth that was "crushed" by some kind of strong existence.

That is--

Li Yao couldn't help but stood on his toes and opened his mouth slightly, his eyes full of expectation and affection.


A super-giant Tyrannosaurus rex at least fifty or sixty meters tall, covered in iron armor, covered with bone spurs, with a hideous face, densely packed with six rows of fangs in the mouth of the blood basin, jumped out from the depths of the sea of ​​trees, like a single one fell from the sky The steel shooting star is blasting down!

Centered on the landing point of this super-giant iron armored tyrannosaurus, the shock waves that fell heavily formed a wave of air, spreading rapidly in all directions, it was like a thunder on the ground, and a group of super storms rising from the ground!


The reporters in the front in the voiceover all exclaimed in despair.

"The Dragon King is mighty!"

Countless people in Shuhai danced and danced, too excited to be themselves.

Li Yao: "..."

Scarlet Heart Demon: "Spit up if you want to vomit blood, vomit my share by the way."

Li Yao swallowed hard, and as the screen zoomed in, he watched intently, and finally saw that his wife was sitting there firmly on the folds behind the head of this super giant Tyrannosaurus rex!

Like him, Ding Lingdang was also the first group of participants in the "Sky Road Project". In the past 100 years, he basically spent hibernation and exploration. Although he woke up three times during this period, the total was about a dozen. Twenty years.

However, for a cultivator who is close to the realm of transforming gods, a little restraint and a little bit of economy, living three to five hundred years old is not a problem, more than ten or twenty years, it is not a problem at all!

Even after Jin Xinyue had spent a long hundred years, her appearance hadn't changed much, and Ding Lingdang naturally wouldn't have changed much, and she was still exactly the same as the night when the two parted.

However, this is just the appearance.

Even through the light curtain and the billions of stars, Li Yao could clearly perceive that if there is such a strong breath in his wife, the two seem to have returned to the youthful time they had just met. The blood is pumping, eager to try, and the feeling of wanting to defeat and conquer at all costs is back!

Li Yao licked his hot lips, his mouth was dry and his heart beat faster.

Ding Lingdang at this moment is more like a queen from a wild birth than Jin Xinyue.

She wears a colorful high crown woven with rainbow parrot feathers, and a short skirt of pale gold animal skin that faintly exudes hundreds of levels of light. Her toned and powerful arms and round and strong legs are unscrupulously exposed. On the outside, it blooms with a healthy luster like honey.

She was shining like the sun, a little sun riding on the neck of Tyrannosaurus!

And her mount...

Obviously, this is not an artificially domesticated spirit beast, but a ferocious, grumpy, wild monster.

Judging by its size, it is very likely that it is the king of monsters in the depths of the nearby jungle, otherwise it is absolutely not qualified to grow such a huge.

This behemoth was full of scars, dozens of strong bone spurs had been broken, and a half of its mouth full of fangs had been abruptly knocked out.

Not to mention that kind of unwillingness and helplessness. For the first time in his life, he tasted the taste of "fear", the expression of utter sorrow, and even told everyone very aggrievedly-it was just accepted by Ding Lingdang!

Li Yao saw that on the head of the super giant Tyrannosaurus, Ding Lingdang hooked up a finger and flicked it on its skull.


The super giant Tyrannosaurus uttered a scream of pain, obediently lowered his head, and in a very uncomfortable posture, Ding Lingdang sent Ding Lingdang to her supporters.

Voice-over: "Oh oh oh, it turned out to be the most dangerous hunter on the land of the tree starfish, the terrifying existence at the top of the food chain, the purple-crowned giant tyrannosaurus!"

"No, look at the deep purple collision horns on top of its head. This is a ‘Purple Crowned Tyrannosaurus’ that has undergone a second metamorphosis and has evolved into a mature stage!"

"In just half an hour, Ding Lingdang, with his bare hands, not to mention the giant soldiers, even the crystal armor was useless, so he defeated a'Purple Crowned Tyrannosaurus' alive! This is really, really, It really deserves to be our Federation God of War, the Scarlet Flame Dragon King!"

"It can be seen that all citizens on the whole tree starfish were deeply shocked by Ding Lingdang's amazing performance, completely crazy!"

"Visitor friends, as we all know, the tree starfish covered by a large virgin forest that spreads from the land to the sea, due to environmental constraints, is the region with the most backward economy and the least developed civilization among the seven worlds of the Federation."

"The rugged jungle, the deep sea, and there are not too rich spar resources, even if there are underground veins, it is difficult to develop on a large scale."

"In the Shuhai Realm, there are only monsters, all over the mountains, monsters and beasts!"

"The industrious and brave ancestors of the Shuhai Realm began to learn how to use the only resource of'monster beasts' thousands of years ago. After thousands of years of exploration and accumulation, they gradually developed a unique'beast imperial civilization'. Everything in daily life and the development of civilization is inseparable from subduing, hunting, domesticating and driving monsters."

"Shuhai people attach great importance to courage and courage. The higher the level of monsters who conquer and hunt, the more ferocious and tyrannical character, the more respect and praise he can get!"

"In just half an hour, Ding Lingdang conquered a superb purple-crowned tyrannosaurus with bare hands. This is probably the best gift she gave to Shuhairen, as well as the withdrawal of Su Chenzhou and her support for Jin Xin. Yue’s best response!"

"Well, we have received a lot of books from the audience from Linghe, saying whether Ding Lingdang's dress and such behavior today... exceed the standards of a'supreme speaker candidate'."

"Yes, in the three realms of Tianyuan, Feixing, and Blood Demon, there are indeed many viewers who may not be able to accept this... shocking, but as the so-called'going to the countryside as the custom is,' I believe that Ding Lingdang must be left to all the people in Shuhai today. After being deeply impressed, all citizens of Shuhai Realm deeply realized that Ding Lingdang was one of them and would definitely fight to the end for their benefit!"

"Well, according to our dynamic real-time poll data, after Su Chenzhou announced his withdrawal from the election and supported Jin Xinyue, and Ding Lingdang appeared in the public with such an'ingenious' appearance, the two people supported the polls. Interest rates have changed!"

"With Su Chenzhou’s endorsement, Jin Xinyue’s support rate in the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Fei Xing has greatly increased, and Ding Lingdang may be because today’s reality is too'shocking the world', so that her support rate is far from being absent. Remaining in place, but fell slightly. Many interviewees said that they could not imagine a Federal Supreme Speaker riding on the back of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. The picture is really... so beautiful!"

"However, in the four realms of Tianhuan, Shuhai, Crystal, and Nether, Su Chenzhou’s endorsement has played a counterproductive role. Ding Lingdang continues to maintain a leading advantage here, especially in the Shuhai realm. Her shocking performance today has completely conquered. In the hearts of the people of Shuhai, we have achieved a significant lead! An interviewee from Shuhai said that Ding Lingdang is the perfect federal speaker in the minds of Shuhai people. She symbolizes the courage and bloodliness of all federal citizens. and strength!"

"It seems that, as we predicted yesterday, the'old three realms' of Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Flying Star are the basic plates of Golden Heart and Moon, and the'new four realms' of Tianyuan, Crystal, Nether and Giant Tree are Ding. Bell’s major ballot center, and the two-final confrontation pattern has been completely formed! It is still unknown who will have the last laugh in the general election three months later!"

Li Yao blinked his eyes and pulled his ears vigorously.

He thought that either the voiceover was wrong, or he heard it wrong.

The "Old Three Realms" of Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Feixing are the basic plates of Jin Xinyue. Instead, the four worlds newly added to the Federation have become Ding Lingdang's "big rear"?

This, this, what happened in the past 100 years!

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