40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1591: I don’t speak, just watch you pretend...

Chu Chongjiu coughed violently, flowers blooming in all the wrinkles on his face, with a touch of kindness, respect and embarrassment, and said: "Tang... Teacher, I knew you were here. There is no room for me to show my ugliness, are you kidding me!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Everyone looked at her shameless mysterious girl in amazement, not knowing what she came from, and making Chu Chongjiu such a well-known master crafting master so respectful!

——Chu Chongjiu's attitude towards the mysterious girl "Teacher Tang" is much the same as Sha Yongming and Zhao Tongtian's attitude towards Chu Chongjiu, except that they are not so inferior.

The word "teacher" was a little reluctant to say, which made some smart people quickly think that this woman must have a high status on the Firefly, and she must have another important job, and she is definitely not a "teacher" in an ordinary school. So simple.

Just now, the "Thunder Lion" Zhao Tongtian, who had viciously rejected the mysterious girl's help for overhauling, had prominent eyes, sweat on his forehead, and his legs trembling slightly.

The mysterious girl "Ms. Tang" smiled and said, "Where else, Uncle Chu is always strong and vigorous. There are too many places worth learning for me. What do you say "show your ugliness"? I originally wanted to hide in the crowd, and I told Uncle Chu more. After studying, my hands are showing flaws. I knew I should wear a pair of gloves to go out."

Chu Zhongjiu smiled bitterly, and said: "Tang... Teacher, since you are here, why didn't you come up and help a little, but let me come out and make a big fuss? Among the younger generation of the Federation, the'ghost' witch Ma Xuan's works are among the best, and they are still very chewy."

The mysterious girl "Teacher Tang" smiled and did not answer.

"Thunder Lion" Zhao Tongtian was sweating, and his legs shook more severely.

Sha Yongming, the craftsman next to him, snorted and said, "Return to Mr. Chu, just now, this teacher... Tang wanted to help Deputy Commander Zhao check the crystal armor, but he was killed by Deputy Commander Zhao. ... refused."


Chu Zhongjiu was stunned slightly, every wrinkle on his face bloomed with a sharp light, and his eyes were even sharper like two scalpels. He stared at Zhao Tongtian, hehe sneered and said, "I just said that. Deputy Commander Zhao is really powerful and prestigious, even--"

"I, I don't know!"

"Thunder Lion" Zhao Tongtian doesn't know where he has offended a big man who must not be offended. His legs are shaking like sifting chaff, his face is sallow, and the tip of his nose seems to be dripping with oil.

"Uncle Chu, forget it."

The mysterious girl said, "I don’t know who is not guilty. I was too reckless just now. This is indeed an exquisite crystal armor. He doesn’t know who I am, and he doesn’t let me come forward to touch it. Wrong, don't care about him in general."

Chu Zhongjiu nodded and said yes, gave Zhao Tongtian a fierce look, and sneered: "Zhao Tongtian, Zhao Tongtian, tell me what is good about you. I don't know how many people are lining up on the Firefly to ask'Teacher Tang' to help train Jing. Kai, the team hasn't been in the turn for a year or two. It's rare that your boy Hong Fu Qitian bumped into Teacher Tang in a good mood, kindly willing to help you, but you refused? Teacher Tang's skill in refining art is at least higher than that I tripled, do you think you are a dog with no eyes?"

Zhao Tongtian was so ashamed that he wanted to find a way to sew in, and he regretted that he wanted to slaughter himself: "I, I..."


Chu Chongjiu snorted coldly, turned his head, and didn't bother to pay attention to Zhao Tongtian anymore, but he became more respectful to the mysterious girl, his eyes shone lightly and said: "Tang, now that I have seen the whole process of repairing and training me just now, the trick is If there are any problems or areas worthy of improvement, please give me some suggestions!"

Obviously, Chu Zhongjiu, the master craftsman, really admired the mysterious girl's craftsmanship skills to the extreme.

And he, who has been stationed in Yulong City all the year round, does not often have the opportunity to return to the Firefly to communicate with the mysterious girl.

It's a rare encounter here, the occupational disease of the refiner suddenly broke out.

The mysterious girl said: "Don't dare to give advice. Uncle Chu is one of the best on our Firefly in terms of maintenance and training. From a technical perspective, the training just now is perfect, and I can't spot any flaws."

"From a purely technical level?"

Chu Chongjiu's expression became more and more serious, "That is to say, besides the technical level, I have made some mistakes? No wonder, I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't tell it, and I feel guilty in my heart!"

"No, Uncle Chu, you didn't make any mistakes. You have adjusted this crystal armor to a very standard and perfect. It's just..."

The mysterious girl hesitated.

"Just what?"

Chu Zhongjiu asked.

Zhao Tongtian, Sha Yongming and most of the onlookers around also craned their necks, waiting for the mysterious girl's answer.

Only Li Yao's eyes flashed, and he nodded slightly.

The little girl is okay, she can even see this?

The mysterious girl pondered for a moment, cast a soft gaze on Zhao Tongtian, and still politely asked: "Is that deputy head Zhao? I want to ask you three questions. Please answer me honestly, because This may be related to the next use of your crystal armor."

"Although Uncle Chu adjusted your crystal armor to a very standard and perfect state today, if these problems are not clear, maybe your crystal armor will still appear after you continue to use it at high intensity for three months to six months. The same failure."

Zhao Tongtian opened his mouth wide and nodded in confusion.

The mysterious girl said: "First, your crystal armor is a limited edition made by Wuma Xuan himself, and it should be your own combat video, strength, speed and various parameters, even if you have used it in the past, it is highly worn. After sending all the crystal armors to Wuma Xuan, he personally fine-tuned the'tailor-made' version according to your characteristics, right?"

Zhao Tongtian blinked and nodded vigorously.


The mysterious girl sighed, "I can meet a master craftsman with great potential like Wu Maxuan, and for the first time since his debut, he designed crystal armors by himself. I want to refine every crystal armor to perfection, so I can even connect you. Such people can get the opportunity for him to customize and craft them."

"I can guarantee that now Wuma Xuan's reputation has been thoroughly established with the crystal armor of'Dark Blue Thunder'. When he designs the next crystal armor, or even refines the next batch of'Dark Blue Thunder', all parties The strong must all flock to it. Even if you drop ten times the money, it is impossible to ask Wuma Xuan to customize it for you!"

"Okay, let's not talk about him, let me ask you the second question, whether your left arm, or to be more precise, the left shoulder blade, has been injured a long time ago, causing your left shoulder to run a little dysfunctionally. When the second psychic energy moves to the left shoulder and left arm meridian, there will be a small stagnation?"

As soon as he said this, Zhao Tongtian was even more dumbfounded, wondering how the mysterious girl would see it.

His response is naturally the answer.

The mysterious girl smiled slightly and said faintly: "Third, although your left shoulder blade has an old wound, but recently... within half a year, it should be cured by some means and recovered as before, right?"

"how do you know!"

Zhao Tongtian couldn't help it anymore, exclaiming, he was so scared that he took three steps back, looking at the mysterious girl, like looking at a ghost that has been lying behind him for many years!

——If it wasn't for the ghost lying behind him, how could he even know such a thing!

The surrounding viewers also have expressions that are difficult to describe with pen and ink, and every pore is full of unbelief!

"Very simple, I saw it from this crystal armor."

The mysterious girl said openly, "Your left shoulder blade has been severely injured, causing the left arm to be unable to exert strength, and the arms are slightly out of balance. Although you may have cultivated a lot of magical powers to make up for it, there will always be some weak effects. "

"This matter, you also mentioned it in the information you sent to Wuma Xuan, even if you don't mention it, from the eyes of Wuma Xuan, you can definitely see it from your fighting video."

"So, when Wuma Xuan helped you customize the crystal armor, he ingeniously strengthened the left shoulder armor. The left shoulder armor's power augmentation rune array and auxiliary power rune array have been carefully adjusted. , There is a certain difference from the standard."

"The crystal armor trained in this way fits perfectly with you, whose left and right power is not balanced!"

"This may be what Uncle Chu said, Wu Maxuan inherited from his mother, Master Xie An'an, it is mellow, appropriate, and comfortable."

"But after you got this crystal armor, you inadvertently healed the old wound on your left shoulder, and the left and right forces became balanced again. Then, Wu Ma Xuan tailored it for the'you in the past'. Crystal armor is no longer suitable for the'now you'!"

"Because the power of your left arm has been restored, some of Wuma Xuan's adjustments have become untimely, and this has led to increased wear and tear on the left shoulder of this crystal armor and the armor of the left arm, which is several months old. After the strength is used, serious wear and tear appears-this is the reason why you sent this crystal armor to be repaired, isn't it?"

"You think this is just a small problem. There is no need to send it back to the original factory for repairs. Of course, it is indeed a small problem. Uncle Chu has solved it perfectly for you."

"However, Uncle Chu may not know that your left shoulder was severely injured and recovered after a few years, so the fault has been eliminated, but the root cause of the fault is still there. The problem is not big. It will be delivered in a few months at most. It's just an overhaul."

The mysterious girl whispered, except for Li Yao, thunder blasted from the hearts of everyone at the scene!

"Want to be so exaggerated!"

"Just through some slight wear on the crystal armor, so many things can be analyzed, this, this, what is the origin of this teacher?"

"No wonder that even Chu Chongjiu treats her so respectfully. It seems that the so-called'weapon refining skills exceed Chu Chongjiu three times' is not an exaggeration!"

"Terror, terrifying weapon refining technique, terrifying eyes!"

Li Yaoqian yawned amidst the shock, admiration, admiration and incredible gasps of the crowd.

A little boring.

It seems that there is no need to waste time and continue to watch this farce. It's better to go back and polish the Xuangu generation.

Anyway, some mysterious girls took action to re-adjust the crystal armor to completely solve the hidden danger. Zhao Tongtian bowed his head and slapped himself, crying bitterly. It was nothing to behold.

Li Yao passed through the dumbfounded onlookers, put his hands in the pockets of his beach pants, kicked and walked outside the test field.

At this moment, there was a slight vibration in the ear canal.

News from Long Yangjun and their "money grabbing team"!

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