40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1592: The purpose of a girl surnamed Tang

"Have you got the first start-up capital?"

As soon as Li Yao heard Long Yangjun's slightly frivolous laughter, he knew that there must be a show.

"Well, very smoothly."

Long Yangjun’s voice directly shook Li Yao’s eardrums, “It turns out that Yulong City is engaged in the triennial golden ring game "Ace of Life and Death" these days. The gambling forms are rich and varied, and the bets are unlimited. The high-rollers from around the Dragon and Snake Star Territory, even the Firefly and the Star Federation, are spending huge sums of money. It is the best time to make a fortune. Our side has already made a small gain."

Li Yao smiled: "Sword Chiyan leaves the human race, naturally there is no problem."

Long Yangjun coughed dryly: "Then you guessed wrong. Although Yan Liren's sword is fierce, he doesn't know how to conceal it. Although he has suppressed his strength at the pill formation level, he still slays the gods and destroys the Buddha. The aura of slaying everything', but I can’t hide it! The people here are all savvy. After seeing him like this, and seeing him after two battles, how can he be taken to lose? The result? He quickly became a big hit in the "Ace of Life and Death", and the odds went up and up again, completely one-sided, there is not much to take advantage of!"

"It's the Daoist friend Ba Xiaoyu, who is born to be an acting school. In every game, he pretends to be trembling in battle, stumbling, and passing through a thrilling stage. He also participated in a gambling style called'passing the stage and cutting the general'. It only counts if you win nine games in a row. "

"From the very beginning, we naturally took out all our net worth to bet that he could win nine games in a row. With this sum alone, we would earn at least three or five high-end crystal armors, ha!"

"It's a pity that after winning nine consecutive games, Ba Xiaoyu's true strength has also been exposed. Now his odds have reached a high point, and there is not much money."

"Fortunately, I stepped a little bit better on my side, and locked a few wealthy high-rollers, and waited for the right opportunity at night to do it."

"You send the dynamic account of the bearer crystal card first, and I will transfer the first money to you. You will prepare the crystal armor and magic treasure first, and wait for our second harvest here."

Li Yao nodded: "Okay."

He took out the bearer crystal card issued by the Dragon Snake Starfield Underground Bank, and entered a weak psychic energy. The surface of the crystal card suddenly flickered slightly, and a series of more than 20 random numbers that constantly changed appeared. .

In a smoggy place like the Dragon and Snake Star Territory, many people do not want to be traced to their source and whereabouts of their funds. Therefore, the commonly used "unregistered crystal card" not only does not require real-name information, but does not even have a fixed card number— —Otherwise, having a fixed account is not tantamount to leaving clues, and it is extremely easy to be locked by enemies or federal headhunters.

This kind of unregistered crystal card adopts quite advanced dynamic account technology. Each crystal card can generate a brand new account that is only valid within one minute at any time, which is equivalent to unconditionally applying for a brand new account anytime, anywhere. Traces of the new card.

The exchange of funds through this new card naturally has to be handed over to the underground bank that masters this dynamic account algorithm. A high handling fee, but the victory is safe enough, secretive enough, and convenient enough. The best tool for face robbery.

Sure enough, Li Yao had just sent the randomly generated account number, and the bearer crystal armor trembled slightly, and a number that was enough to make a whistle appeared immediately.

"There are so many rich people in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory!"

Li Yao said lightly in his heart.

For him now, no matter how much it is, even if two or three zeros are added at the end, it is really just a string of numbers.

"By the way, keep a low profile when you are in the Magic Mall, and be careful when you go out."

Long Yangjun suddenly reminded him on the communication channel, "When we stepped on the spot just now, we felt that the atmosphere was not right. It was a bit of a'hill and rain are coming and wind is all over the building'. It seems that apart from our group, Several other forces are also secretly planning some actions."

"I understand. This situation has happened in the past. The Super Gambling Competition is held every three years. All the strong players and large amounts of funds in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory are concentrated here. ."

"But, how should I put it, I still don't feel very good. The forces dormant in the dark seem to come for more than money."

"Anyway, you should be careful and keep a low profile."


Li Yao said, "As of now, I have been very low-key."

He cut off the communication, stood on tiptoe, craned his neck, was stunned looking at the unpredictable "Tang Teacher" from the Firefly, waved his hand: "I want to see your products. The first batch of special materials and magic components on the list, but if you want to inspect this batch of goods, it seems that you have to pay a deposit to your magic center's account. Can you arrange it for me?"

The staff member watched "Mr. Tang"'s superb operation on "Deep Blue Thunder" not far away, and was already demented. He didn't even see Li Yao waving at all.


Li Yao frowned and snapped three consecutive fingers on the tip of the staff member's nose before calling his soul back, "Did you hear what I said?"


The other party was in a trance, wiped his saliva, and has not completely awakened from the shocking, incomparable, unparalleled adjustment technique of "Ms. Tang".

Li Yao sighed, "I want to pay a deposit and go to your secret treasure warehouse to directly check a few magic treasures and some materials."

Staff: "Now, now?"

Li Yao: "Yes, now, what's the problem?"


Half a day later, in a special mixing room for VIPs in the Four Holy Magic Treasure Center.

Chu Chongjiu was talking to the mysterious girl "Ms. Tang".

When no one was around, Chu Chongjiu's attitude became more respectful, and his name for the mysterious girl also changed: "...Miss, why did you come out? The place in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory is messy enough, I just , Ahem, you really shouldn't break your identity!"

"It's okay, Uncle Chu."

The mysterious girl surnamed Tang smiled and said, "I did not intend to hide my identity this time when I came out. Instead, I joined the'General Election Observation Group' in the name of public, and went to the Star Alliance to observe their general election through the Dragon and Snake Star Territory. Wherever you go, it’s best to leave a trace to show that we are upright, so as not to be caught by those people and talk unnecessary gossip, so I will take the initiative to stand up, but you are not too big with Uncle Chu. Relationship."

"It turned out to be so."

Chu Zhongjiu breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a while, and lowered his voice, "General Election Observation Team? It means your father, right? So, he is determined to get closer and closer to the Xingyao Federation?"

"It's really what my father meant, but it's not getting closer."

The voice of the girl surnamed Tang was originally very gentle, but when it came to this question, she suddenly became firm and Shen Yi, "I want to join the Federation and become one!"

Chu Zhongjiu was startled slightly, and said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect you to be more radical than Captain Tang!"

"This is not radical, but the last line of life in desperation. We have no choice but to join the Star Federation!"

The face of the girl surnamed Tang hidden under the mask of light and shadow revealed a deep sorrow, "Uncle Chu, don't you know, what has happened to our Firefly over the past thousand years!"

"For a whole thousand years, we have been drifting between the stars and the sea, drifting away. In the early stage, we can get some supplies from the great world that is unwilling to succumb to the imperial power. There are even many warships from the great world that have been connected to the Firefly. Above, countless world’s resistance fighters and elite cultivators have joined us, turning the Firefly into a “super-giant battleship community collection” and bringing a lot of fresh blood!"

"But...this is all hundreds of years ago!"

"In the past few hundred years, the true human empire and the Covenant Alliance have encompassed all the essential areas of human civilization, and have stretched out tentacles and minions from the heart of civilization in all directions. One world after another has fallen into their clutches, and the rest The whole world is trembling and self-enclosed. Even if we discover the horror of the empire and the Holy League, we dare not make more contact with us!"

"We are completely reduced to orphans among the stars, a very small and lonely starship civilization!"

"If you want to carry a civilization, or even make this civilization continue to make strides forward, you need to have a certain population base!"

"We may be able to overcome the shortage of supplies, energy shortages, and harsh environment on our Firefly, but we only have a total of 150 million people. This is the limit that the Firefly can support. How can such a small number of people be possible? Support the continuation of a great civilization?"

"Uncle Chu, you and I are both crafting masters. Let's take the craftsmanship we are most familiar with. Because of the insufficient population, we can't select good seedlings with enough potential. In the past thousand years, how many magical powers we have Are you all lost?"

"Many inheritances were originally mastered by only one refiner, but he couldn't find a suitable disciple among the 100 million people. After he died, this inheritance would be completely cut off! Even if it can be through jade slips and other forms It has been preserved, but many of the skills and techniques that need to be taught by hand are impossible to reproduce!"

"Because of this, our technological level, level of civilization and reserves of magical powers have actually been slowly declining in the past thousand years. We are limited by the'population', slowly declining and heading for extinction. Starship civilization-no one can deny this!"

Chu Chongjiu's dry smile was frozen in the wrinkles, his face suddenly became extremely gray, and he said weakly, "We can use the'hibernation technique' to preserve all the experts and masters in various fields. They are our'Xinghai Republic.' 'The supreme wealth is the seed of our civilization!"

"It is true, but let alone the side effects of long-term hibernation, the risk of doing so is also high."

The girl surnamed Tang said quietly, "Uncle Chu has forgotten the accident more than 120 years ago. During that accident, a total of 355'masters' who were in hibernation died instantly. It is the catastrophe of our civilization!"

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