40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1598: Shocking! (Fourth!)


Li Yao ate the sour soup in one bite, the marinated egg was full of juice, and he moaned contentedly. He wiped the corner of his mouth with his thumb, and said, "Do you know that you and Wuma Xuan are fundamentally guilty." Where is the most fatal mistake?"

"Senior, please give me some advice!"

The girl surnamed Tang paled, her expression was trance, and she had to breathe hard at the corner of the table. She trembled, "This is impossible, this is impossible! Even if Wumaxuan's design and my adjustments have not yet reached perfection At the realm, there are various omissions, but'the root is grossly wrong'? Where does this start!"

"Wumaxuan's fatal mistake at the root was to sell the crystal armor he designed to Zhao Tongtian."

After Li Yao finished eating the braised eggs, he fished in the noodle soup for a long time, picked up a small soft sausage, sandwiched between the chopsticks, and said lightly, "And the mistake you made was that you didn’t help Zhao Tongtian point this out. One point, it continues the big mistake Wuma Xuan committed."

"According to what I said, Wuma Xuan should refuse to sell'Dark Blue Thunder' to Zhao Tongtian, and as a responsible craftsman, you should also inform Zhao Tongtian that he is not suitable for this crystal armor. Rather than sillyly burying your head in adjustments."

"The direction of departure is wrong. Isn't it just going the wrong way, getting deeper and deeper? No matter how good the adjustment is, what if it is inappropriate, it is inappropriate!"

"Senior, why did you say this!"

The girl surnamed Tang red-faced argued, "This'Dark Blue Thunder' is a limited edition made by Wumaxuan himself. It is tailor-made based on Zhao Tongtian's cultivation level, body shape, and combat parameters, even with Zhao Tongtian's shoulder blades. The old wounds and such small details are considered. In the eyes of the younger generation, even if it is not "perfect", it is not far away!"

"As for Zhao Tongtian later healed his old wounds and rebalanced his arms. This is something that Wuma Xuan could not have predicted. If something goes wrong, he can't be blamed."

"After my adjustment, even this little problem was solved. The combination of this crystal armor and Zhao Tongtian is perfectly seamless. Why is it said that it is'not suitable'?"

Li Yao smiled and said: "Now in the circle of Xingyao Federation's craftsmen, there are mainly two major schools. They are divided into two groups, namely the'Deep Ocean Current' and the'Great Waste Current'. The former pays attention to compact structure, complex maintenance, and psychic transmission. It is cumbersome and impacts the performance limit; the latter is just the opposite. The refined magic weapon has a bit of "silly and thick black" taste. The performance may not be as outstanding as the former, but it is absolutely durable and does not require high repair and maintenance. The cost is also relatively low."

"Deep Ocean Current is the traditional refining genre of the Federation. The representative figures are the "supernova" Jiang Sheng, the "eclipse" Jiang Shaoyang's two uncles and nephews, and the nine superb refiners known as the "Nine Stars Link"."

"Dahuangliu is a newly emerged refining genre in the last century. The leading figures include Professor Mo Xuan, the former chairman of the Federation’s Association of Refiners and the current President of the Guixiu Association, as well as his four true disciples known as the “Four Heavenly Kings”. Master Xie An'an you mentioned earlier."

"And this ‘ghost’ Wuma Xuan, the most popular in the Federation recently..."

"His mother, Master Xie An'an, is the current head of the Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy, and he was deeply influenced by his mother when he was a child, but people's talents and interests are different. He is always more suitable for the'Deep Ocean Currents.' 'The way of refining tools, this cannot be forced, so Master Xie An'an will send him to Master Jiang Shaoyang to practice."

Taking advantage of his spare time, Li Yao had already learned about the current situation of Wumayan, Xie An’an, and their son Wumaxuan on the Internet. At this moment, he can naturally talk about it, "Wumaxuan’s crafting style is mainly Inherited and absorbed all the characteristics of the "Deep Ocean Current", and even developed the characteristics of the "Deep Ocean Current" to the extreme with the unique and fearless impulse of young people, and finally refined the masterpiece of "Deep Blue Thunder" !"

"This is indeed a work that can make people's eyes shine, and it is also a typical'deep ocean current' crystal armor. It has a sophisticated structure, complex psionic circuits, and extremely difficult maintenance. Pay these prices to impact the crystal armor. Extreme performance!"

"Little girl, in what kind of combat environment do you think such a crystal armor is most suitable for its strongest power?"

With a small sausage in his mouth, Li Yao smiled and looked at the girl surnamed Tang.

The girl surnamed Tang was a little at a loss: "What kind of combat environment? This is an all-terrain universal crystal armor that is very suitable for both cosmic warfare and high-gravity environments in the atmosphere..."

"That was not what I meant."

Li Yao shook his head and said, "Let me talk about my own point of view. I think this crystal armor is more suitable for federal insiders, large sects in the prosperous world, and even masters of the Federal Army to use in group operations."

"the reason is simple."

"In the prosperous world inside the Federation, especially in the environment of large-scale group operations, logistical support will definitely be effectively supported. There are also many master craftsmen on demand, and various expensive and complex magic components can also be very convenient. Purchased locally."

"Under this environment,'Dark Blue Thunder' can unscrupulously exert its strongest power. Even if there are various failures such as overdraft limit performance, component wear, symbol array overload, etc., it is easy to find master repairs and component replacements. "

"Think about it, isn't it such a reason?"

The girl surnamed Tang thought deeply and nodded involuntarily.

Li Yao had no expression on his face, and slowly chewed on small sausages made mostly of flour: "Then you think about it again, does the Dragon Snake Star Territory have such an environment? That Zhao Tongtian seems to be able to get the logistical support of the large army regularly. , And the person who helps the master craftsman to repair and maintain?"

"Dragon and Snake Star Territory is a place where fish and dragons are mixed, and the level of crystal armor refining and maintenance is not as good as that of the Federation, especially the three core worlds. Moreover, the cultivators here do not have the concept of a large-scale army. Form a squad and fight at most in the form of an'armor division'."

"And what are their combat missions? Or they are hibernating in the dark sea of ​​stars, in the depths of the meteorite star belt, ready to plunder passing ships; or they are staying on the transport ship for years to prevent others from looting; Or combine the two into one. If the conditions are right, grab one, and if the enemy is strong, we will defend ourselves!"

"In short, it is common for a combat team to wander among the stars for three to five months without effective support and extremely scarce supplies!"

"Thunder Lion Zhao Tongtian is also a well-known master in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory. The'Thunderbolt Armor Division' he belongs to is a typical Dragon and Snake Star Region Armored Division battle team, which is rarely visited outside the star region. It is commonplace to fight for three to five months or even longer in the place where supplies are supplied!"

"Now, do you still think that such a crystal armor, which is relatively'squeaky' and extremely difficult to maintain, is really suitable for people like'Thunder Lion' Zhao Tongtian?"

"Sure enough,'Dark Blue Thunder' arrived in Zhao Tongtian's hands. It didn't take long for a minor fault to occur and needed maintenance. However, the Thunder Armor Division's own refining master and refining room were unable to carry out even a small maintenance. It has to be sent to the best magic weapon repair center in Yulong City, and only the most intelligent experts can perform maintenance!"

"Do you think this is the glory of Wuma Xuan? It is very powerful and remarkable to be able to refine a crystal armor that ordinary refiners cannot maintain?"

"In my opinion, this is a manifestation of Wuma Xuan's incompetence. The crystal armor is used for combat and is used to smash and beat. If there is nothing to do, there will be a problem. If there is a problem, it cannot be solved on the spot. If you want to send it back to the original factory for repair and maintenance, what kind of crystal armor is this? Is it possible for an adult to buy two sets as soon as they buy, one set is usually worn, and one set is always on the way to the original factory for repair? "

The girl surnamed Tang was like a hammer hit on her forehead, instantly opening a brand new door.

This mysterious senior with a small sausage in his mouth is too, too, too reasonable!

"About Zhao Tongtian's identity and the business scope of the Thunder Armor Division, I just searched the Internet in ten seconds."

Li Yao said lightly, "Since Wuma Xuan has obtained Zhao Tongtian's detailed combat information, there is no reason not to know what kind of environment his customers will fight in, and what kind of equipment the customers really need. Crystal armor!"

"If Wuma Xuan really has self-knowledge, he should know that the crystal armor that this customer really needs cannot be created by his refining style."

"If Wuma Xuanzhen is wholeheartedly starting from the customer's point of view, he should reject the customer's order and make a reasonable suggestion to the customer-this customer is obviously more suitable for the crystal armor of the'Dahuangliu', and his mother is the'Dahuangliu' Master, I believe that the needs of a mere pill cultivator can still be met?"

"But he didn't."

"Perhaps it is to show off his technology; maybe it is young and vigorous, thinking that there is nothing in the world that he can't do; maybe it is the first crystal armor he designed independently in his life, and it is rare to have a customer from the Dragon and Snake Star Territory. It happened to open up the situation in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory; maybe I overestimated him, he didn't think so much at all-anyway, for whatever reason, Wu Maxuan still helped Zhao Tongtian's body Customized such a crystal armor that is not suitable for the combat environment of the Dragon and Snake Star Territory."

"Huh, if it is a mass-produced crystal armor, or if the customer buys it from the second-hand market, it's fine, but since it is said to be'tailor-made', even the most basic combat environment has not been considered. , It’s really disappointing. Zhao Tongtian doesn’t understand it himself, and he is stupid to come to the door. It doesn’t mean that you, as a crafting master, Wu Ma Xuan, you can also ignore these issues, but blindly pursue the minutiae of the'extreme performance of squeezing'. !"

"In the final analysis, whether it is Wumaxuan or...Miss Tang, you have always put all your minds on the cold magic weapon, instead of treating the customer who controls the magic weapon as a real person, so You can’t start from the customer’s point of view and consider his most critical, important, and real needs!"

The girl surnamed Tang wanted to speak but stopped, her cheeks flushed, and she couldn't be ashamed of herself.

"Yes, that ‘Thunder Lion’ Zhao Tongtian is indeed arrogant and domineering, he is disgusting and disgusting. You didn’t put this guy in your eyes at the time, and you were full of contempt for him in your heart, so you completely dismissed him?"

Li Yao stared at the girl surnamed Tang, saying every word, "If you really hate him so much, you can completely refuse to refine and repair magic weapons for him, or even kill him with a single knife."

"For whatever reason, since you have taken the order and got their magic weapon, you should ignore their appearance and identity, treat them as the purest'customer', put your heart into it, and serve you wholeheartedly. Consider the problem from his perspective, to refine and perfect the magic weapon, after all—"

"The magic weapon is for human use, not for the refiner to show off his skills!"


The fourth one is sent!

A total of 330,000 words were updated this month, with an average of more than 10,000 words per day, and it ended perfectly!

Just a reminder, everyone still didn't vote for the monthly pass. After tonight, it will be invalidated, haha!

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