40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1599: Senior Lin (New January, ask for a monthly pass!)

"The magic weapon is for people to use, not to show off skills..."

The girl surnamed Tang took a deep breath, her confused eyes gradually became clear, her eyes looked very different when she saw Li Yao, "I seem to understand, senior, I really shouldn't help Zhao Tongtian adjust the crystal armor just now, but I should tell him bluntly-this crystal armor is not suitable for him to perform dormant and patrolling tasks without logistical support for a long time in the complex environment of the Dragon and Snake Star Territory. No matter how it is adjusted, it will treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. Even if it can be adjusted to perfection in a short time, after three or two less intense battles, it will become very troublesome if only a small glitch occurs!"

"in fact--"

The girl surnamed Tang turned red, her voice lowered, "I've seen this a long time ago, but I didn't take it to my heart. That Zhao Tongtian is indeed a very annoying guy, and I didn't even have to look at him directly. , Didn’t even consider him the true master of Deep Blue Thunder, I don’t think he... is worthy of this crystal armor!"

"I also think so."

Li Yao said, "I don't like this odious guy either. I also don't think he is worthy of'Dark Blue Thunder', so at first, I didn't even have the interest to stand up and study this crystal armor carefully."

"In the beginning?"

The girl surnamed Tang flashed her eyes, and she keenly grasped the point of Li Yao's words.

Li Yao smiled and changed the topic: "Do you know that I was busy just now and studied the works of Wumaxuan's mother, the representative figure of Dahuang Liu's refining art master'Xie An'an', especially the combination of her crystal armor Compared with Jiang Shaoyang, the leader of Deep Sea Flow Artifacts, I found a very interesting difference."

"In the circle of federation craftsmen, it is generally recognized that Jiang Shaoyang is the most outstanding figure besides the older generation master craftsman'Professor Mo Xuan'. He even has the momentum to'see the mountains and small mountains'. Although Xie An'an is not bad. He is a master craftsman, but compared with Jiang Shaoyang, there is always a gap."

"This statement is not necessarily wrong. After all, several of the most cutting-edge and leading high-level crystal armors of the Federation are all made by Jiang Shaoyang. There is even a general view that high-level cultivators above the core should wear the'Deep Ocean Currents.' 'Crystal armor, low- and middle-rank cultivators below the pill formation, are suitable for the'great waste stream'."

"This view may not be unreasonable, but after I carefully studied the hundreds of crystal armors polished by Xie An'an and Jiang Shaoyang over the past 30 years, I found that although Jiang Shaoyang's crystal armor is in various performance parameters They all lead Xie An'an across the board, but Jiang Shaoyang is 7% higher than Xie An'an in terms of serious failure rates that cause disability and death!"

"Of course, Jiang Shaoyang's crystal armor uses various new technologies, even cutting-edge magical powers that are still being tested, and a slightly higher rate of serious failures is normal."

"But what is the serious failure rate of the crystal armor polished by Xie An'an himself? Zero! Hundreds of crystal armors, even in the arduous environment of the'Sky Ring War', were worn and touched by the masters of the pill formation and even the Yuan Ying series. Climbing and rolling, withstands the bombardment of the battleship’s main guns, and the ravages of the enemy’s Nascent Soul. Sometimes for months or even a year and a half, it has not been effectively maintained and repaired, but it has always remained stable. The incident of the division's disability and even fall has occurred!"

"It's terrible, it's terrible stability. No wonder most of the top experts in the Federation choose the Deep Sea Crystal Armor and designate Jiang Shaoyang as his queen maintenance and adjuster. At the same time, Ding Lingdang, known as the Federation God of War, always chooses to thank you. An An is her own royal craftsman!"

"I think that the word'round and melt' in Xie An'an's refining style should refer to her ability to put her whole heart into the magic weapon, and to consider the spirit of the user wholeheartedly, not just the refining technique. Is it different?"

"Wumaxuan thinks he has learned his mother's ‘mellowness’ technique. In fact, he has learnt nothing but the fur, but he hasn’t understood the true essence at all. This young man has a long way to go!"

While sighing, Li Yao drank the sauerkraut beef noodle soup, smashed his mouth, and handed the empty bowl of noodles to the girl surnamed Tang.

The girl surnamed Tang looked at Li Yao.

Li Yao also looked at the girl surnamed Tang blankly.

"Oh, oh!"

The girl surnamed Tang suddenly realized that she held the noodle bowl with both hands respectfully, threw it into the trash can, and turned her head back to listen to Li Yao's teaching with her breath.

"I am the person who pays the most attention to fairness in trading. The ancient green star stone is a rare treasure at the edge of the sea of ​​stars. You are willing to use it to exchange my guidance. Of course, I can't just play it casually."

Li Yao pondered for a moment, "Do you know, why should I talk so much to you?"

The girl surnamed Tang shook her head: "I don't know the younger generation, please tell me."

Li Yao said, "Let's put it this way, do you think the mainstream refining technique on your Firefly is more inclined to the "Deep Ocean Current" or the "Great Waste Current"?"

The girl surnamed Tang was startled slightly and frowned slightly, "We don't have such a division method, but if we insist on saying it, I'm afraid we still tend to have more ‘deep ocean currents’, right?"

Li Yao said, "I think so. After all, you are from the center of Xinghai. You were originally the so-called'government army'. Various advanced technologies and supernatural powers are emerging in an endless stream. At the beginning, they must have carried a large number of sophisticated magic weapons onto the ship. It's the path of the'deep ocean current'."

"However, after thousands of years of exile, I think the magic weapons and materials on your ship should be almost consumed, and the Firefly is also broken, and even a lot of technology and supernatural powers have been lost, right?"

"Do you think it's really appropriate to still follow the refining route of the'deep ocean current' in this situation?"

"I don't mean anything else. I just look at the problem from a more objective perspective. I think if you really have technical exchanges with the Starlight Federation, it is better to have more contact with the'Great Wilderness Stream'. I think'the Great Wilderness Stream' Some of the concepts are more suitable for the current Firefly!"

The girl surnamed Tang trembled slightly and fell into deep thought. After a while, she was so excited that she couldn't help but said: "The junior's name is'Tang Xiaoxing'. She is a lecturer in the Refining Department of'Xinghai University' on the Firefly. Senior respected the name?"

"Lin Jiu."

Li Yao casually made up an unnutritious pseudonym and took the homophony of the word "Lingjiu".

Tang Xiaoxing naturally knew that "Lin Jiu" could not be the real name of this mysterious predecessor, but she did not expect to gain the full trust of the other party in this way. She gave a deep salute, "Senior Lin's words have benefited the younger generation a lot, but This is not a place to talk. I wonder if I have the honor to invite Senior Lin to the magic treasure warehouse set up by our Firefly in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory. Let's talk slowly?"

"Go to your magic treasure warehouse..."

Li Yao thought about the pros and cons over and over again.

The main problem is that the Xinghai monks on the Firefly must be the focus of attention of all forces, including the messy eyes and ears of the Emperor's Council, the Secret Sword Bureau, etc., must be staring at them.

Li Yao, a "vulture" who has been accustomed to dormant in the dark since his boyhood, doesn't like the taste of walking under the spotlight and being watched by many people-no matter whether he is foe or me.

However, the materials brought from the center of Xinghai are indeed attractive.

Moreover, the identity of this "Tang Xiaoxing" on Firefly is definitely more than that of "Lecturer of Xinghai University Refining Department". Li Yao wants to use his own power to leverage the situation of the war between the Federation and the Empire. The Firefly may be a very critical entry point. point.

"Yes, we have a very large magic weapon warehouse in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory. There is also a state-of-the-art refining chamber built with Xinghai Central Technology. It is better than the refining facilities here, and is generally not open to the outside world. , For our own use."

Tang Xiaoxing said with great excitement, "However, Senior Lin is naturally a different matter. No matter what materials and magic weapons you need, the juniors can help Senior get it!"

"The refining chamber is no longer needed."

Li Yao made up his mind. He didn’t want to use a refining room that was very likely to be monitored by others. After all, many refining techniques were secretive. Even the refining room in front of him was tested and tested again and again without any problems before he could use it with confidence. , "You can look at the materials. I will make a list here. How long will you help me to get all of them, and how much will it cost?"

"no problem!"

Tang Xiaoxing was overjoyed, "Senior Lin, please!"

"And one more thing."

Li Yao lifted Erlang's legs and flicked his slippers on his feet. "Actually, I like to be low-key. This is the end of the conversation. There is no need to be known by the third person. Are you? If you agree, say Maybe you will often have the opportunity to talk like this just now."

"Like low-key..."

Tang Xiaoxing looked at Li Yao's very low-key look, completely speechless.


The entrance to the Four Sacred Treasures Center.

Idlers in twos and threes are chatting.

"Have you heard that a very powerful crafting master came to the Magic Treasure Mall today, and his superb skills have stopped the audience!"

"I know, isn't it Chu Chongjiu, Master Chu? That's a master on the Firefly, the art of refining is indeed domineering!"

"What Master Chu is another'Master Tang' who should be several times younger than him, but is also several times more powerful in refining art!"

"What? Tang, Master Tang?"

"I don't know, come here, let me tell you, I was there at the time, and Master Tang's adjustment methods made my eyes straight!"

Over the heads of these idlers, three black and shiny hidden armed luxury shuttles roared past.

One behind the other are two bodyguard cars full of masters. In the middle one is luxuriously decorated like a moving palace-like shuttle car. Tang Xiaoxing, who has been hailed as "Master Tang" by countless people in the Magic Mall, sits nervously. Opposite Li Yao, he looked at his hands curiously, trying to guess the identity of "Senior Lin" from these ordinary hands.

Li Yao looked out the window.

The small light spots floating in the air outside the window gradually dimmed, and "night" fell.

Yulong City finally revealed its smoky and lawless true features. In the dark corners of the city, fighting and explosions were faintly heard.


The long-planned show is finally about to start in an all-round way, a new month, a new "plan", a new fierce battle!

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