40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1600: Great battle!

Floating in the void in the center of Yulong City, the last small light spot as beautiful as a firefly finally extinguished.

Instead, there are some dark blue, more blurred, more elusive light clusters, which converge into a faint blue sky, like a bright moonlight faintly flowing.

Although human beings have been free from planets and have entered the sea for a long time, even people who have lived on starships all their lives are accustomed to using "day" as the unit of time and simulating "day" and "night" with artificial environments.

——I'm also used to it. When the "dark night" comes, I can do those things that don't see the light, but need to see the blood.

On the dark night of murder, the wind set fire to the sky.

Yulong City is a big city of Xinghai built by the strongest of the four new world exile forces.

But the exiles from four different worlds are not monolithic in themselves, and they are full of intrigue and deceitful contradictions.

What's more, there are countless murderers who are not afraid of death and want money without life, and they will come to Yulong City to make trouble with the idea of ​​making a big profit and flying away.

Perhaps due to unwritten rules, during the daytime, various forces with ghosts and unpredictable intentions can barely suppress their desire to kill and destroy.

However, when night fell, Yulong City became a paradise for all criminals, such as star thieves, thugs, gangsters, headhunters, emperors...

The triennial super ring "Ace of Life and Death" brings together strong and high-profile players from the Dragon and Snake Star Territory and even the surrounding major forces. Astronomical funds flow like a gurgling stream on the side of the gaming tables and arenas, and even more so. Add fuel to the chaotic situation!

Three luxury shuttle cars shuttled silently on the magnetic track.

Yulong City is a three-hundred and sixty-degree three-dimensional city built inward. There is no distinction between "sky" and "ground." The so-called "airspace" is also very narrow. Without effective space control, the speed can reach hundreds of kilometers per hour. The shuttle may collide head-on at any time.

Therefore, the shuttle cars here are all attached to the magnetic tracks to drive. On the one hand, it controls and diverts traffic. On the other hand, it can also obtain energy from the magnetic tracks. It is cleaner, cleaner, and pollution-free, and suitable for ichthyosaurs. The city is a fully enclosed environment floating in the sea of ​​stars.

Through the car window, Li Yao watched the explosions and fires in the depths of the city, and listened to the endless whistling of crystal armor, thinking about his next move.

The Four Saints Chamber of Commerce is the ruling power of Yulong City. Generally speaking, the Chamber of Commerce can handle all emergencies.

A few nights before Li Yao and others came to Yulong City, explosions and shootings were often heard in the first half of the night, but most of the destruction and plundering operations would be cleaned up by the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce, instead of floating in mid-air. The small spot of light turns into the fiery red symbol of dawn, and a large number of corpses with their eyes removed will be thrown into the vacuum of the universe through the garbage pipe. The whole recorded picture will be scrolled and played over the entire city through the light curtain. Tell the criminals who dare to make trouble in Yulong City, what kind of price they have to pay.

However, today's explosion and fire are very different.

Li Yao gently shrugged the tip of his nose, as if he could smell an extremely dangerous breath in the air.

Tang Xiaoxing twisted his buttocks and fidgeted around Li Yao for a long time. In the end, he couldn't help it. He turned his mind and asked cautiously: "...Senior Lin, with your skills, in the circle of Xingyao Federation's refiners , Must be a famous big man, right?"

Li Yao looked out the window and didn't look back: "No, I've said it all. I am a relatively low-key person."

Tang Xiaoxing went up and down a lot of Li Yao's costumes, and muttered a few words in his heart. Seeing that Li Yao didn't mean to be furious, he became more courageous and said: "But I don't know what Senior Lin came to the Dragon and Snake Star Territory. What about Guigan, our Firefly also has some small forces here. If Senior Lin is useful, just give it to you!"

"Not needed for now."

Li Yao said lightly, he hasn't figured out how to cut into the Firefly. He has heard a lot of rumors these days, and it seems that the situation on the Firefly is very complicated.

Eleven Nascent Souls and Huashens with ambiguous positions are enough to have a headache. Another firefly number will add chaos to the chaos?

Tang Xiaoxing touched a soft nail and didn't give up, saying: "Junior understands that Senior Lin only needs materials, so we are right. We have many rare materials brought from the center of Xinghai on board, even if they have been stored for a thousand years. It is still in excellent condition, and it is absolutely impossible to find at the edge of the Star Sea! What materials senior Lin needs, as far as the juniors can do, they are willing to give it away with both hands, no money!"

"Who wants you to give it away with both hands?"

Li Yao finally turned his head and frowned, "Money is not a problem for me. I have said that I like to be low-key and indifferent to fame and fortune. I think money is like dirt. You think I can use a little money. Are you pleased?"

"The junior is reckless, the junior knows it is wrong!"

Senior Lin was angry, and the consequences were serious. Tang Xiaoxing was terrified and apologized like a frightened little rabbit.


Li Yao thought about it seriously, and said, "It's a coincidence that money is not a problem for me. The problem is that I have no money now. If you can let me go on credit for a batch of materials, I will not refuse. of."

Tang Xiaoxing: "..."

Li Yao: "Uh, besides that, if you can borrow a sum of money from me privately, it would be more appropriate!"

Tang Xiaoxing: "Senior Lin and Lin, don't you'see money as dung'?"


Li Yao said of course, "It is because of'seeing money as dung' that there is no money. Who would take the'dung' to walk around?"

Tang Xiaoxing: "..."

Li Yao's heart moved, the tip of his nose moved faster and faster, he lowered the window of the car to a gap, listened to the whispers like a monster in the wind of Ling Li, watched the night in the window sink, and the fire was shining. A shuttle car is by their side, shuttles like ghost shadows.

"Ask a question, have you offended anyone in Yulong City?"

Li Yao asked nonchalantly.

The second monk Tang Xiaoxing couldn't figure it out: "No, I just arrived in Yulong City yesterday. In addition to getting supplies here, I just went to the Fabao Mall and said hello to Uncle Chu. It happened to be adjusted. Tai Jing Kai, that's all."


Li Yao thought about it, "From past experience, will all the forces in the Yulong City, including the desperadoes of the entire Dragon Snake Star Territory, take action against the Xinghai monks who came down from the Firefly? Killing people and winning treasures? "

"How can it be?"

Tang Xiaoxing sneered, "Although we have been in exile for a whole millennium, the overall quality of the armor master is at least three levels higher than the rabble here, and most people here are directly and indirectly relying on the deal between the Firefly and the Xingyao Federation. Eat, they dare not move us, and they have no ability to move us!"

Li Yao: "So, the shells of your three shuttles are clearly marked with the'Firefly' logo, so that everyone knows that this is the shuttle of the'Xinghai Republic Orthodox Government', right? "


Tang Xiaoxing didn't know what to do, "In a place like Yulong City, it is still very important to play the banner. It can avoid unnecessary troubles. What's the problem?"

"Then the problem is big, ask your people to immediately switch the driving route and return to the original road!"

Li Yao struck **** the soundproof panel between the passenger compartment and the cockpit, "Let the driver sit next to me, and change me—"

Before he could finish his words, Li Yao was infused with psychic energy, and the ear canal reconstructed with spirit silk received a faint sound from the air. His pupils suddenly contracted, giving up his plan to get into the cockpit, but he turned around. All of a sudden, he pounced on Tang Xiaoxing and opened the psychic shield!

"Be careful!"

As soon as this sentence was spoken, I heard a loud “boom”. They were as if they were hit by another heavy shuttle at a speed of more than 800 kilometers per hour. Throwing away from the magnetic track in a whirlpool!

The explosive psychic energy of the stormy sea impacted the narrow carriage.

"Boom boom boom!"

The airbags hidden in the car shell burst one after another, but under the constant impact of external spiritual energy, all of them burst!

Even Li Yao was shocked to the point of bleeding from his seven orifices, his appearance was terrifying, his brain buzzed, and for a while he felt like psychic energy was stagnant!

"Open, what's the joke, even Yuan Ying boss can cause such a heavy injury? What the **** is this!"

From the appearance, this luxury shuttle car completely turned into a group of smoking scraps of copper and rotten iron, spinning rapidly in mid-air, attracted by artificial gravity, and fell towards the nearest "ground".

Li Yao's thoughts were released like light smoke in all directions, and he sensed a high building in the northeast corner and a crystal track train in the southwest. Two strong and unmatched psychic energy fluctuations were sent from them. They were impartial and just hit. Two bodyguard cars before and after them.

"Boom! Boom!"

After the two loud noises, the two bodyguard cars directly turned into two large burning fireballs. The elite firefly armor master inside even made a scream before turning into ashes. The blood-red fireball illuminates the quiet. The blue night sky!

"Crack, click!"

The magnetic track they were on was also blown off, and dozens of shuttle cars that were driving on the magnetic track suddenly lost control. Headless flies generally flew in mid-air, colliding with bright fireworks.

Li Yao's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of the needle tip, and suddenly expanded to fill the entire eyeball.

"Analyzed by the aftermath of psychic energy escaping from the muzzle, it turned out to be the main gun that should be installed on a small assault ship!"

"Have you made a mistake, take down the starship's main gun and transport it to the urban area of ​​Yulong City secretly, and use shells that can penetrate the shield and armor of the enemy starship to attack individual targets? You will get a nosebleed!"

"It's too exaggerated, who did such a big battle! Also, how did they lock us? So accurate!"

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