40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1604: Another hunter

When lurking, Li Yao never liked to occupy the best observation point, and in many cases even discarded the second best observation point.

The reason is very simple. There are always only one or two best observation points in a complex area. Others are very likely to see what he sees. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if both sides collide in one observation point?

Therefore, instead of choosing the best observation point, he left some "gadgets" in the best observation point, creating a trap that is not a trap.

He was not sure that besides Tang Xiaoxing and the attackers, there must be a third force coming.

However, it can be inferred from common sense that such a complex place in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory is very likely to be a gathering place specially prepared by the Star Federation for those "anti-federal" elements. Yulong City must be full of secret sword bureau agents.

And since Tang Xiaoxing is participating in the so-called "election observation mission," he wants to liaise with high-level federal officials, the federal side must be prepared for such an important matter.

The Secret Sword Bureau agents had no reason not to respond to something as important as Tang Xiaoxing's attack.

I'm so sorry that Chunfeng and Jin Xinyue have cultivated them for a hundred years, right?

And if the third force really exists, this best observation point is very likely to be their dormant place.

Li Yao guessed it right.

This is the "battlefield" carefully selected by Li Yao. Before the opponent reacted and rushed here, he had three minutes to set up everything. Three minutes, for Li Yao, was enough to spread enough eyes and ears here to disperse this slum. Completely become your own "home court"!

Although the two lurking observers used the magical powers of sound transmission to communicate, "transmitting sound to secret" in the final analysis is only a technique of condensing and controlling sound waves, as long as their positions are basically kept fixed and they are in advance. Special monitoring magic weapons are installed from different angles, and they can still be eavesdropped on.

Li Yao gently pressed his left ear, quickly filtered the noise that shook his eardrums, and quietly eavesdropped on the conversation between two lurking observers.

The voices of the two lurking observers were kept as calm as possible, and only a slightly faster speech speed showed their deep anxiety.

"Seven fully armed Xinghai monks, at least above the pill formation period, have a fairly strong team tactical coordination, and they wear specially modified high-level crystal armors. They look like secret police from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Stars Association! "

"There are also thirty-six armor masters of the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce. Although their strengths are uneven, there are more than ten pill formation, and the involvement of the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce proves that they are likely to call in more armor masters at any time. ——This city, but the site of the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce, is in trouble now!"

"What on earth did those guys in the intelligence team eat? They didn't even detect such a major event as the attack on the'General Election Observation Group'. Now, how do we want our observation team to wipe their ass?"

"In any case, Tang Xiaoxing can't fall into the hands of other forces. Her father is the leader of the'alliance faction', which is of vital importance to the Federation. We must rescue Tang Xiaoxing and protect her!"

"Wait, I'm uploading spiritual thoughts, calling for support, and determining the next course of action..."

"what's happenin?"

Li Yao heard that the voice was relatively rough, and it seemed that one of the two observers, who had a higher position, was halfway through the conversation, but lightly cursed his mother, and then fell silent.

The other had a softer voice, and seemed to be younger. The more impatient observer asked several times, and the former observer gritted his teeth and said: "No support, no action, the upper hand wants us to continue to observe!"


The shrill voice said anxiously, "What does it mean to keep watching? If you continue to observe, they will take Tang Xiaoxing away! Once the daughter of Captain Firefly falls into the hands of people with ulterior motives, everything will become very troublesome! What are you thinking about?"

The rough voice stubbornly said: "The semi-public contact point of the Secret Sword Bureau stationed in Yulong City has just received a message from the Firefly that the Xinghai Republic’s government-in-exile has officially released its response to the'former captain' Tang Dingyuan. Hundreds of people are wanted for crimes including treason, espionage, leaks, corruption, etc. Among them, 33 of the wanted persons were senior members of this'general election observation group' and were conducted in Yulong City tonight. It is a completely legal arrest operation!"


The shrill voice was stunned for a long time and said, "Legal, which law is it?"

"Any law fits well."

The rough voice said, "Unless we are determined to launch a coup on the Firefly, or attack the Firefly by force, and completely eliminate the "Xinghai Republic Exile Government", which is also a civilization of cultivators, we will have no position. Interfere in other people's internal affairs!"

"After all, no matter how small they are, they have a population of more than 100 million, have super starship clusters composed of hundreds of starships, and possess countless supernatural powers and technologies that surpass us! In theory, even if not Counted as a'state', people are all political entities with equal status to our federation. Their parliament has issued the most wanted order. What can we do, let go of the fire and fight, and take away the wanted criminals?"

"Black Panther, calm down, you are in the observation group now, not the previous assault group, there is no room for you to mess around here!"

"Keep watching and tracking, waiting for further orders!"

The valuable dialogue between the two secret sword bureau agents ends here.

However, it was enough for Li Yao to understand the current chaotic situation in part.

The relatively sophisticated and respectful Secret Sword Bureau agent was right. Since it was the most wanted order issued by the government-in-exile against his own citizens, the Secret Sword Bureau did not want to intervene hastily.

After all, the relationship between the government in exile and the Xingyao Federation is very delicate, and the true human empire is likely to come to the city at any time. If at this time, two cultivators, one large and one small, are in conflict, the consequences will be serious!

"Do you want to do it?"

Naturally, Li Yao would not sit idly by. Whether it was for the national interests of the Star Federation or to save Tang Xiaoxing's life, he would definitely take action. It was nothing more than a matter of timing.


Li Yao, who was squinting his eyes and observing the surroundings, calculating the rescue plan one by one, suddenly felt very faint fluctuations in the air, as unobtrusive as the sighs of wandering souls.

Changing to an ordinary person might be the illusion of being nervous.

But Li Yao, a Nascent Soul boss, clearly saw that when the blue moonlight blew across the ruined walls, there would occasionally be slight distortions, like ripples reflecting the setting sun!

Someone is hiding in the air!

There is more than one, but there are at least a dozen or twenty masters who are proficient in the art of hiding and converging psychic energy, wearing high-level crystal armor with mimicry and invisibility, silently sneaking into the ruined walls, and choosing the best Attack angle!

In addition to the Firefly, the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce, and the Secret Sword Bureau, there is actually a fourth force, and as soon as this force debuts, it reveals extremely sharp fangs!

This is an elite combat team with extremely high cultivation base, extremely well-trained, and super domineering equipment!

Li Yao exclaimed in his heart, and glanced at this elite combat team with extremely admiring eyes, sneaking into the depths of the slums in a posture of "diving into the night with the wind, moisturizing things silently", and died silently At least seven armored masters of the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce guarding the periphery did not encounter a little trouble until the eighth person, who was a very cunning Xinghai monk disguised as a ground snake.

Before the Xinghai monk's neck was severed or "pushed" by a liquid high-pressure saber, he let out a scream, which looked particularly harsh under the dead night sky.

A short and fierce encounter started instantly.

The Xinghai monks and the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce Earth Snake still dominate in terms of numbers, but their quality varies. Only the secret police of the exiled government can have a team above the level to cooperate and play tactics. Those Earth snakes are the first when they are caught off guard The round of fire was completely stunned.

The elite tactical squad from the fourth force completed the tactical arrangement before disposing of all the outposts, occupying most of the commanding heights, and locked their respective targets. After the battle started, mottled camouflage patterns immediately appeared in the air. Guangbo, outlined a cold and efficient killing machine, within three seconds, more than a dozen ground-headed snakes fell under their cross fire net.

And the leader of this mysterious elite tactical team is even a Nascent Soul monk!

Although it looks like an elementary stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, it possesses the most violent battle blood, coupled with a high-level crystal armor that has been obviously modified and strengthened by masters, it is almost impossible for people to kill, and Buddhas to kill Buddhas!


Li Yao yelled in his heart, and even the legendary Yuan Ying old monster was dispatched!

Although with the prosperity of the Star Federation's national power, various cultivation supernatural powers and equipment are emerging in an endless stream, the Nascent Soul Boss this year is not as rare and valuable as it was a hundred years ago.

However, Yuanying is Yuanying after all. This kind of combat type Yuanying who is good at performing secret infiltration and assassination tasks is a very important professional talent no matter what era it is placed in!

Yuan Ying acted like a broken bamboo. The secret police from the government in exile who came to arrest Tang Xiaoxing never thought that there would be a third party who would dare to rob people with such a big fanfare. He was completely disoriented. The first secret police shouted, "You are the secret sword. Agent of the Bureau? This is our most wanted criminal, you can't—"

He was kicked out by the mysterious Yuan Ying, judging from the burst of thunder and lightning light from his chest, this kick is really not much lighter than the bombardment of naval guns.

The mysterious Yuanying Rabbit flew and fell, and quickly came to Tang Xiaoxing's side, took her up, and with a "wave", the defensive range of the psychic shield expanded, and Tang Xiaoxing was firmly protected inside.

This action caused Li Yao to temporarily give up his plan to attack.

The purpose of the elite combat team is to save people. When Tang Xiaoxing got his hands, they immediately retreated in a series of violent explosions, like a vague demon knife, coming and going without a trace, disappearing into the darkness in an instant!

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