40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1605: Dark Moon Team (Achieved 5 million words!)

This raid was as perfect as a meteor flashing away. In less than half a minute, he took Tang Xiaoxing all over and retreated, leaving only the secret police of the government in exile and the Yulongcheng ground snake all over the place.

There were screams in all directions.

That was the sound of countless crystal armors rushing towards here.

Streams of flames have drawn bright marks in the night, like hundreds of flying swords cracking into the air!

Most of them are armored masters of the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce, as well as secret police officers in exile who were attacking and arresting other senior members of the "General Election Observer Group".

Their reaction was not unpleasant, and they rushed to the scene only a minute after the other party disappeared with Tang Xiaoxing.

In particular, many secret policemen, after bowing their heads and discussing for a while, immediately dispersed again, surrounded by traces of the other party's retreat, and chased them up!

Up to this moment, no matter whether the secret police of the exiled government, the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce, the secret sword bureau, or the mysterious fourth force-still no one knows that this is the battlefield that Li Yao deliberately chose for them.

Li Yao did not move. The two secret sword bureau agents who were lurking and observing did not move, only the rough voice secret sword bureau agent snorted coldly and said: "It's the'Dark Moon Team', these lawless bastards, Do you want to fight a world war?"

The young agent was shocked: "It's them—"

The elderly agent said coldly: "Stop it!"

The two stopped talking, like two snakes that had been dead for the whole winter, entrenched in the darkness, motionless.

Li Yao hid in the darkness deeper than them, touched the crystal brain with his finger to send a message to Long Yangjun.

Li Yao: "What is your environment?"

Long Yangjun: "The environment is quite good. We are participating in a dinner party specially prepared for high-profile guests. We have to admit that modern cultivation and civilization... the enjoyment of sensual dogs and horses is really lingering and amazing. Many Taoists are Eye-opening, Dao's heart is swaying, hahahaha!"

Li Yao lowered his head and looked at his body curled up in the ruins like a silkworm: "I have a small situation here."

Long Yangjun: "Oh, what's the situation?"

"It's an old problem."

Li Yaodao, "At the wrong time, together with the wrong person, appeared in the wrong place!"

Long Yangjun: "...need support or not, we somehow here, the defensive power of the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce suddenly weakened a lot, and many masters originally locked in were hurriedly transferred away, so there is no need for so many Taoists. Go out together, wait, hey, does the transfer of these masters have something to do with you?"

Li Yao said: "It's not really related to me, but I suddenly found an opportunity. If we succeed, it may allow us to enter the Starlight Federation with a more suitable identity, whether it is for all the Taoists in the ancient sacred world, or It is of great benefit to the national interests of the Federation, and it is a real win-win situation."

Long Yangjun: "What do we need to do?"

Li Yao: "I don't need support for the time being, but you'd better suspend the original plan first, and wait for news from me at any time. If we get it well, we don't need to bother to rob and fake identities, and then sneak in with fear. The Federation is now, and I have a chance to go on the red carpet with integrity! In addition, help me investigate a word,'Dark Moon Team', I need to know all the information related to this word."

"Attention, don't use Lingwang to check!"

"Darkyue Team, it’s unlikely to be highly classified, otherwise I would never hear it from others, but even if you can find some news on the Lingnet, just type in the four'Darkyue Team'. When it comes to writing, it is very likely that some counter-spirit will be targeted!"

"Unless you are a real Lingwang expert, don't take the risk-do you have Lingwang experts here?"

Long Yangjun: "...what do you think?"

Li Yao: "It doesn't seem to be the case. Then you do it like this - as of now, with your overbearing lineup of a dozen Yuan Ying Hua Shen, you are preparing to do sneaky and shameful activities. It should have been locked up long ago. A group of Four Saints Chamber of Commerce local snakes, peripheral members of the Emperor's Council, and even secret sword bureau agents, right?"

Long Yangjun: "It's true, but it's all small guys and peripheral members, the real core figures, how can it be so easy to show up?"

Li Yao: "It doesn't matter. In this way, you can find some older young men and peripheral members, think of ways to hypnotize them, and ask them for information about the'Dark Moon Team'. This is definitely not highly confidential. Just ask. A few people will always piece together something."

"The most important thing about this matter is confidentiality. Is there any kind of hypnotism that can make the hypnotized person never know that he has been hypnotized without leaving any traces?"

Long Yangjun: "Yes, but it depends on the cultivation level of the hypnotized person. If it is a low-level cultivator below Qi refining or foundation building, it shouldn’t be a big problem. If it’s a powerful pill-forming cultivator who wants to hypnotize people. But he was not discovered, and he didn't leave any clues in his brain. The difficulty was too high, and Yuan Ying might not even be able to transform the gods."

"Yes, I don't require the accuracy of the intelligence, as long as I have a general understanding of the'Dark Moon Team'."

Li Yao said, "The key is to be fast. It's best to tell me the relevant information within a quarter of an hour, because according to my estimation, I will see the dark moon team again in a quarter of an hour!"

Li Yao cuts off communication.

And at this second, the ground snakes still stuck in the slums, with criss-crossing eyes, happened to leave Li Yao's hiding place one after another.

Like a black gecko climbing in the night sky, Li Yao jumped up from where he was hiding, turning into a hazy black smoke, and chasing him in the direction where Tang Xiaoxing was taken away.

He went up and down, left and right, and he avoided all sights and scans of crystal eyes with ease.

Swish Swish!

A large map of Yulong City's urban area appeared in his mind, analyzing the most likely escape route for the other party.

A full dozen or twenty armor masters whizzing past are not as easy to hide as twenty cockroaches. There is no need for Li Yao to do it personally. The local snake from Yulong City will replace him and bring this mysterious "Dark Moon Team". "It was pulled out.

Li Yao's judgment is correct.

In fact, the Dusky Moon Team did not completely get rid of the double interception of the secret police and the earth snake.

As long as Li Yao followed the fanfare local snakes in secret, ten minutes later, he faintly smelled the harsh and secretive smell of the dark moon team.

Long Yangjun's voice came from the ear canal just right: "The information of the Dark Moon team has been found."

Li Yao raised his eyebrows and looked at the busy downtown area in front of him: "What do you say?"

"Decades ago, the Dark Moon Team was originally a professional combat team under the Secret Sword Bureau of the Federal Intelligence and Investigation Agency, or a new department!"

Long Yang said eloquently, "First of all, the Federal Intelligence Service, the Secret Sword Bureau, has been defensive and not good at offensive since the establishment of the Federal Intelligence Service. Nonsense."

"Well, keep talking."

Of course Li Yao understood what Long Yangjun meant.

When the Secret Sword Bureau was born, the Star Federation had only one enemy, and that was the Blood Demon Realm.

At that time, the situation of the two realms was that the blood demon was strong but the Tianyuan was weak. The blood demon realm had the strategic initiative, and it was often used to fight against the Tianyuan realm, and countless demon spies were dispatched to sneak into the Federation and wreak havoc.

The Secret Sword Bureau established under this situation is naturally a defensive organization that emphasizes internal security. Before the Spring Breeze was the first division of the Secret Sword Bureau, the chief of the Demon Slashing Division, the main task was to capture and suppress the infiltration of the Federation. The internal monster spy.

Although the Secret Sword Bureau also has a group of eyes and ears lurking in the Blood Demon Realm, their mission is only to steal information related to the Tianyuan Realm, not to aggressively attack the Blood Demon Realm.

In fact, until Lu Zui and Zhou Hengdao threw out their extremely crazy "Patriot Plan", the Xingyao Federation had no intention of expedition to the blood demon world, let alone the ability to send a large number of agents into the blood demon world to wreak havoc.

The Secret Sword Bureau was born a defensive organization, and this was the gene in its bones.

Long Yangjun continued: "Under the old federal system, the Secret Sword Bureau was a defensive intelligence agency that emphasized internal security; however, in the new federal era, the Star Federation, which has three great worlds, has greatly increased its strength. It’s on the outward expansion...well, if you don’t like the word'expansion', I can use the word'integration of the worlds', um, you have embarked on the road of external integration."

"Especially after discovering the four new worlds one after another, the focus of secret sword bureau's secret work has changed from internal security to...'accelerating integration', from defense to offense, and a lot of them appear. In jargon, Dirty and smelly'wet work'."

"Daoist Lingjiu, I said so tactfully, will it cause any sway to your Dao Heart?"


Li Yao frowned, "I'm not so kind enough to think that secret intelligence work means harmless work for humans and animals. Do you think my nickname "Vulture" is for nothing? Tell the point!"

Long Yangjun: "Okay, the point is, the Dark Moon team is a special unit that specializes in'wet work' in the Secret Sword Bureau, especially in the four new worlds. Of course, their names are not called on the surface. 'Dark Moon Team' is the fourth place in the Secret Sword Bureau."

Li Yao: "The fourth place, where?"

Long Yangjun: "The Logistics and Cleaning Department is responsible for cleaning some dust and dirt that are blocking the advancement of the Star Federation."

Li Yao: "...and then?"

Long Yangjun: "This'clean office' has made great contributions to the fusion of the four new worlds in the Federation for decades. It can even be said that it has helped several of these worlds to be fully integrated into the Federation decades in advance. However, I can be considered as such. In the words of modern comprehension civilization, half an agent knows the difficulties and pains of doing "wet work". Many times they are walking in the gray area between black and white, and they will be stained a little bit that cannot be washed away if they are not careful. The **** color slowly rots and stinks..."

Li Yao: "So?"

Long Yangjun: "Therefore, within the Secret Sword Bureau, questions and disagreements have gradually arisen about the methods and styles of the Dark Moon team. Other departments are increasingly dissatisfied with the'Clean Office', and wait until the four new worlds are completely integrated into the Federation. After that, the original'external problems' became'internal contradictions'. Everyone is a federal citizen, so naturally, we can no longer use the dark moon team."

"Flying birds, good bows hiding, cunning rabbits dead, running dogs cooking, after the integration of the seven realms, there are fewer and fewer times to do'wet work'. Even if you really want to do it, there are other departments, in a more gentle way. So, the historical mission of the'Cleaning Department' or the Dark Moon team has been successfully completed, so it is facing the problem of being adapted or even eliminated."


Suddenly discovered that the book is five million words, and the old Niu was so excited that tears filled his eyes.

Sprinkle flowers to celebrate! This is the common achievement and pride of Lao Niu and brothers and sisters!

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