40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1606: The dark side of the moon

Li Yao involuntarily moved the corners of his mouth, and whispered: "The Federation will not treat every hero that it has dedicated to, especially the unsung heroes on the secret front!"

Long Yangjun chuckled: "Perhaps, but these'cleaners' of the Dark Moon team have been engaged in the most secret and dirty offensive intelligence work during the decades of the Federation's integration of the four new worlds. Most people are scarred and left with many diseases-both physically and psychologically, they have been turned into a machine of killing and destruction by the Black War. Such people, even if they are really heroes, cannot be like Like ordinary veterans, they can easily return to society and lead a normal life, right?"

Li Yao said with an "um": "What is the final fate of these ‘cleaners’ from the Dark Moon team?"

Long Yangjun said: "There are great disagreements within the Secret Sword Bureau regarding the whereabouts of the Dark Moon Squad or the'Cleaning Office'. It is said that several senior officials of the Secret Sword Bureau are making trouble very unpleasantly. The cleaners of the Moon Squad have all gone out and set up a special'Dark Moon Foundation' to take charge of their future lives, ensuring that they have no worries about food and clothing, or even squandering them for the rest of their lives."

Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief: "Isn't this great?"

"Not good, not good at all."

Long Yangjun said, "Everyone is a high-ranking monk, and you can compare your heart to your heart. Is it enough to satisfy you with the words'good for food and clothing, squandering', friend Lingjiu?"

Li Yao was startled slightly, his brows gradually frowned, and he murmured: "It is reasonable. After the cultivation level reaches the level of pill formation, material needs are basically no longer a problem. High-level cultivators need spiritual satisfaction and spiritual satisfaction. The recognition of the public, and even the implementation of their own Dao Xin, should expand their ideas to the entire sea of ​​stars!"

"But, having said that, does the'Dark Moon Team' have any philosophy or Dao Xin?"

Long Yangjun said: "We can't find out such specific details. In short, the Dark Moon Foundation was incorporated by another government department shortly after it was established. It is inconvenient to continue to engage in some governments, the Federal Army and the Secret Sword Bureau. The task of many big sects will also be solved through the Dark Moon Foundation when they want to defend their sect’s interests in the New World."

"You can understand it this way. The Xingyao Federation has two major intelligence agencies, one bright and one dark. On the bright side is the Secret Sword Bureau. This is an open, defense and homeland security agency. You can be in the federal capital. Found the building of the Secret Sword Bureau, the director of the Secret Sword Bureau, Guo Chunfeng, was also one of the high-level federal officials who frequently appeared in the media. Even with the passage of time, the files and dossiers of the Secret Sword Bureau’s secret operations over the past few decades have been decrypted one by one and presented. In front of the public."

"Open, bright, focus on security and defense-what a flawless intelligence agency!"

"And in the dark, there is another'non-existent intelligence agency', that is, the Dark Moon Foundation. This is an offensive, secretive and cold organization. Its name is definitely not found in the sequence of federal government departments. Even private funds are secretive about it. The high-level federal officials will never admit that there is such an organization, let alone endorse all the actions of this organization, but it really exists, and it penetrates all federal forces and secret swords. In a dark and **** corner that can't be penetrated by the game!"

Li Yao was silent for a while: "Understood."

Long Yangjun smiled lightly: "No, you don't understand. Do you want to know who is the founder and first commander of the Darkyue Team and the biggest supporter of the Darkyue Foundation? Do you know of you? Good apprentice Jin Xinyue, why is it called the "Snake Scorpion Demon Girl"?"

Li Yao quickly blinked, "Isn't it?"

"Is there a'no'? You don't think of the true disciple of the low and dignified'Three Realms Sovereign' like that, do you?"

Long Yangjun said quickly, "More than a hundred years ago, the Heavenly Origin Realm and the Blood Demon Realm were still in war. Demon Temple Saint', you should know this, right?"

Li Yao said: "Of course."

When he and Jin Xinyue first met, Jin Xinyue was the "saint of the Pantheon". She was sent to the "saint of the saints" by her father Jin Tuyi since she was a child to accept the most cruel and professional saint. Cultivation-the so-called "saint" is a mixture of female assassins, female spies, and female agents.

In the two hundred years since the Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm discovered each other, the Blood Demon Realm has always occupied the advantage on the battlefield, pressing the Tianyuan Realm to fight, so the "Saint Woman's Palace" and the "Secret Sword Bureau", which are both intelligence agencies, are genetically There is a huge difference.

The Saintess's Palace is more focused on offensive, and its purpose is to send more monsters agents into the Federation to perform various destructive tasks in preparation for the blood demon world to suppress and even invade the Tianyuan world.

The Secret Sword Bureau emphasizes defense, and its main job content is to dig out these monster spies who sneak in and wreak havoc.

If the Secret Sword Bureau is the strongest shield of the Federation, then the Saintess Palace is the sharpest spear that the Blood Demon Realm stabbed at the Tianyuan Realm!

Long Yangjun said: "Because the blood demon world is conditionally surrendered, and Jin Xinyue's father, Jin Tuyi, the former commander of the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demon Army, has carried most of the war crimes on his shoulders, and the imperial expeditionary army is imminent. Therefore, the blood demon world’s system hasn’t been altered to the point of painful changes—at least before Jin Xinyue raised the butcher knife to her compatriots. The Saintess Palace, a training camp for demon intelligence personnel, was also affected. The facelift was retained, and it fell into Jin Xinyue's hands."

"Jin Xinyue herself was born in the'Holy Woman', and she knows everything about the'Holy Woman's Palace'. On the one hand, she relied on the Skyfire Organization to implement innovations on the bright side, and on the other hand, she organized it through the'Holy Woman Palace' He took the first batch of absolutely loyal private soldiers, and relying on these private soldiers, used the most ruthless and resolute means to wipe out all the aliens in the demon race, and in the following decades, they carried out an earth-shaking transformation of the blood demon world. !"

"While fully integrating the Blood Demon Realm into the Federation, she also gained absolute control over the entire Blood Demon Realm that her father Jin Tuyi had never done before!"

Li Yao let out a long sigh of relief, not knowing what to say.

Long Yangjun smiled softly: "I really like Jin Xinyue, this little girl, and I must introduce it to me if I have the opportunity! Continue to say that Jin Xinyue is making a ruthless transformation of the blood demon world. At the same time, she also slowly marched towards the Federal Center. She used some of the benefits of the Blood Demon Realm to exchange for the appreciation of many Federal sect leaders, and thus entered the Secret Sword Bureau."

"Because the key task of the Secret Sword Bureau at that time was to solve the various problems that appeared in the union of the three realms, especially the union of the Tianyuan realm and the blood demon realm, and most of these problems were caused by the unruly monster race. It would be more appropriate if Jin Xinyue, a demon saint, would solve it in person."

"Jin Xinyue did a very good job indeed, so she quickly made her mark in the Secret Sword Bureau, becoming the forward commander responsible for direct action in just 20 years."

"At this time, the first new world was discovered, and in the foreseeable future, there will surely be more worlds to be discovered. The focus of the work of the Secret Sword Bureau must shift from internal to external, and from defense to offense. ——This is a situation that the traditional agents of the Secret Sword Bureau have never encountered before."

Li Yao thought for a while, Long Yangjun made sense.

Take the best secret swordsman of the Secret Sword Bureau, who had confronted him many times a hundred years ago, and finally joined hands to solve the "Patriot Rebellion" in the spring breeze.

At that time, Guochunfeng was known as the "strongest golden pill" with four levels of talents. Even if he encountered Yuan Ying and old monsters, he was not too daunted, and he did almost catch Li Yao's tail in many pursuits. .

But Spring Breeze is indeed better at defensive than offensive, and better at being a cat catching mice, rather than sneaking in and wreaking havoc. His relatively conservative and calm character makes him the best candidate to defend the federal homeland security, but But it may not adapt to the new strategy of the Federation actively...expanding in Xinghai!

Long Yang Jundao: "Understood? The traditional habit of the Secret Sword Bureau is to focus on defense, but the traditional style of the'Holy Woman's Palace' is offensive, which is infiltration, spying, destruction and killing. Since Jin Xinyue is now the Secret Sword Bureau. The head of operations, facing the new situation, naturally thought of his old team."

"Therefore, the original'Sacred Woman's Palace' under the Pantheon Palace of the Blood Demon Realm, after decades of reincarnation, face-lifting, and gossip, it became the'Fourth Division of the Secret Sword Bureau', known as'Logistics and Cleanliness'. Chu', the internal code name is'Dark Moon Team'. Many of the original members have the blood of the demon race, and Jin Xinyue himself served as the first commander."

"The original Dark Moon team was probably just a temporary organization. It was only formed to solve a special event or a particularly stubborn and sinful enemy, but... in just a few decades, four things were discovered in one breath. This new world must complete the integration of resources and the unification of the people’s ideology before the empire’s army crushes the territory. This kind of'special events' must be endless, so in the next few decades, the scale, strength and authority of the Darkyue team will It keeps swelling, and it gradually forms a tendency that the tail can't get rid of it!"

Li Yao took a deep breath: "Wait, these inside stories can't be asked in just ten minutes, right?"

Long Yangjun smiled and said: "Hey, you discovered it, yes, these details are compiled based on the information I collected a few days ago, as well as the information I have just asked, plus some of my own past experience. , But the gap with the truth shouldn’t be too big, don’t leave ten, trust me!"

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