40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1610: Xinghai Jump Matrix

Li Yao's hands turned into radiant rainbows on the light screen, and he thoughtfully said: "So, your father's prestige on the Firefly is quite high? I ask you, if there is no today In this case, compare your father’s strength with that of Speaker Cui Lingfeng, which one is stronger and weaker?"

Tang Xiaoxing thought for a while, and said seriously: "My father's prestige is indeed very high. After all, all technical problems that occur on the way to the stars must be solved by technicians and low-level sailors, and only by the bureaucrats in the parliament. It can neither plug the leaking case nor repair the overloaded power unit."

"So on the Firefly, the supporters of my father must be far more than the supporters of Speaker Cui Lingfeng. In fact, most people hate our bloated parliament, and this is what my father dares to force to join the federal vote. the reason."

"However, although my father's prestige is high, he never thought of cultivating a force blindly loyal to him, and most of the people support him only because he is the captain of the Firefly. I am now I am worried that Cui Lingfeng's group will deliberately plant some crimes on my father's head. Even I am'treason'. My father must be more serious!


Li Yao concluded, “Your father is very prestigious on the Firefly. It’s impossible for your speaker Cui Lingfeng to execute your father secretly. If you want to completely defeat your father’s “affiliated faction”, you will only be accused of Luo Zhi. My father was ruined, and everyone believed that the captain was guilty!"

"In this way, the Speaker's faction can firmly control the Firefly again, isn't it?"

Tang Xiaoxing bit her lip lightly and nodded: "Yes."

Li Yao's eyes rolled round and round: "So, can you roughly guess what crime the other party will frame your father? After all, he is the commander of the dignified ship, and can be regarded as the second person who can fight against the speaker. Well, ordinary trivial charges will not be able to bring him down. On the contrary, it will arouse the anger of the people at the bottom, become more and more disgusted with the parliament, and eventually have the opposite effect."

"So, the crime of planting your father on your father must be quite serious, and the other party must have fabricated irrefutable evidence. What would it be, treason? Secret contact with the Xingyao Federation and trying to join the Federation is considered treason. ?"

Tang Xiaoxing shook his head, "Of course, contact with the Federation is not treason. We and the Xingyao Federation are both cultivator civilizations. We have common ideas and similar systems. After a thousand years of hard work, Everyone knows the status quo on the Firefly. Except for the top parliament who still clings to the sign of the "Xinghai Republic", the people at the bottom can't stand the harsh environment on board for a long time, and they don’t see the slightest hope. Up!"

"We have escaped to ten thousand years ago, in the age of the Star Sea Empire, on the verge of the expansion of human civilization. If we escape from here, it will really be an unknown world that has never been explored by humans, the dark universe, we really have to change. It has become a wandering civilization without roots!"

"Enough, a thousand years of escape is enough, no one wants to continue to escape, since returning to the old homeland has become an unattainable dream, then we also want to find a new home on the edge of the star sea. !"

"Therefore, many people on the Firefly, especially the low-level sailors and their family members who live in the harsh environment, are not opposed to it, and even eagerly want to join the Federation!"

"We heard that the Star Federation’s Tieyuan Star, the Tree Sea Star, and the Skeleton Dragon Star sandwiched between the Tianyuan and Blood Demon realms are all stable planets with vast land and sparsely populated areas. With a population of over 100 million people, it is perfectly possible to rebuild their homes and build a new federation together!"

"This is the voice of countless people. My father is just a representative of this voice. Joining the Federation has been arguing and advancing with integrity from beginning to end. Even our'general election observation group' has won the parliament. It’s been sent out with the authorization of the People’s Republic of China, and everything is legal.

Li Yao mused: "Therefore, the other party must have some kind of vital evidence. You can nail your father all at once, and even be sure that it will not cause a large-scale backlash from the people at the bottom. That's why today's secret is too fast to hide. Arrest...My next question is, what about you, what is your special importance?"

Tang Xiaoxing was startled slightly: "...Me?"

Li Yao finally pulled his gaze away from the light curtain, and glanced at her gently: "Although you are the daughter of Captain Firefly, listening to your description just now, I think you are just the identity of the captain's daughter. , It’s not enough for the other party to value you so much and send such an elite secret police squad to arrest you secretly. After all, you are only a refiner. Normally speaking, there is little chance of escape."

"A problem that can be solved by a few people clearly has to be so exciting, so I think your value must be more than that of the ‘Captain’s Daughter’, right?"

Tang Xiaoxing was hesitating.

Li Yao continued to look at the light curtain, and said lightly: "I am not interested in your secrets when I ask, but I am evaluating your value in the other party's heart, including whether the other party must leave your mouth alive during the firefight. Will it be possible to throw a rat, etc., this matter is very important to our future actions, or that said, if you don't believe me, you can get off the bus at any time-for example, at the entrance of the snack street in front?"

Tang Xiaoxing took a deep look at Li Yao, gritted his teeth and said: "Senior Lin has a torch-like gaze, and he is right at all. My father is a tough guy. He will never betray the interests of all his compatriots for the sake of his daughter's safety. The reason they want Catch me, I'm afraid it is not to threaten my father with me, but for the part of the'jumping key' I have."

"Jump key?"

Li Yao blinked, "What is that?"

"It's the activation secret pattern of the Xinghai Jumping Matrix on our Firefly."

Tang Xiaoxing explained, “The Firefly has the most advanced array of star-sea jumping units in the entire universe. Its biggest feature is that it can greatly shorten the distance between two starships during star-sea jumps at the same time, and can even shrink to an astonishing hundreds of meters. To the extent, there is still no mutual interference-can Senior Lin understand the meaning of my sentence?"

Li Yao nodded.

The so-called Xinghai jump is the process of "jumping" from the three-dimensional world to the four-dimensional world, and then from the four-dimensional world to the three-dimensional world.

In this process, the jumping or teleporting object is bound to cause ripples of time-space fragments at both the jumping point and the point of arrival-is it the so-called "Broken Void"!

Such spatial fluctuations will undoubtedly cause strong interference with things next to them.

Suppose there are two starships within close proximity, for example, within one or two kilometers-on the cosmic level, this is a very small distance-at the same time as the star sea jump, and then jump to the same destination, extremely There may be collisions or even fusion, you have me, I have you, the consequences are disastrous!

Therefore, in the vast sea of ​​stars, not only is it suitable for building "gates to the starry sky", there are not many star regions that implement large-scale star-sea jumps, and even if a suitable star region is found, battleships are often separated from each other. After hundreds of kilometers of distance, ensure that they do not interfere with each other, the Star Sea Jump can be carried out.

The larger the battleship, the longer the distance to be traversed, the stronger the destructive ripples in the "Broken Void", and the greater the space around it.

In many cases, if you want to mobilize a large-scale Xinghai fleet and expedition to another world that is billions of light years away, it is impossible to transmit all the large-scale main battleships in one go-doing so will only As a result, the fleet becomes a pile of iron bumps that continue to explode at the destination.

Therefore, it often takes three to five days or even one or two weeks to complete the jump and deployment of the entire fleet.

And when the expeditionary army jumped, which is when it was most vulnerable-the starships that have jumped to the destination are often very separated, and there is no concept of battle line and formation at all; subsequent starships are still stranded in the billions. The starting point beyond 10,000 light-years cannot be transmitted to the destination instantly. Even if it is transmitted, the crew in the "broken void sequelae" and the starship entangled by the ripples of space will not be able to perform one-tenth of the performance. Combat power.

It is as fragile as the ancient army crossing a turbulent river. The so-called "half-crossing strike" is no joke.

But Tang Xiaoxing actually said that the Star Sea Jump Matrix on the Firefly can shorten the jump interval between starships to a few hundred meters?

In this way, the Firefly’s requirements for the stability of the star field of the jumping destination have been greatly reduced, and its flexibility, concealment and maneuverability have been greatly improved. There is a slight disturbance, and hundreds of stars are connected together. The ship can escape instantly!

The value of this kind of technology in Xinghai War is simply inestimable!

Li Yao quickly blinked his eyes: "Does the Empire and the Holy League do not have the same technology?"

Tang Xiaoxing said: "It shouldn't be. The predecessor of our Firefly is a test ship under construction. It is said that it used a lot of magic weapons from the Xinghai Empire era, and even the relic technology of the ancient prehistoric era. Many of them are unique. After capturing this test ship, it is precisely by relying on such a vast star-sea jumping matrix that we can hide from the east under the siege of the real human empire for thousands of years. If they also have the same star-sea jumping technology, I’m afraid we I've been caught long ago!"

"However, after a thousand years of fleeing, our Xinghai Leaping Matrix has long been overwhelmed and requires comprehensive maintenance and overhaul, and I happen to be one of the refiners responsible for maintaining the Xinghai Leaping Matrix."


Talking to a book friend today, I came up with a very interesting question.

Say——Many young people in this article, such as Tang Xiaoxing, who seem tender and out of water, are actually very powerful craftsmen, or are important project leaders, or university teachers, etc., are they a bit unrealistic? Is her qualifications, experience and level enough? Did you write this deliberately for excitement?

After all, arranging a gray-haired grandmother to take an adventure with Old Mo Li, it seems...not so good?

It just so happened that Lao Niu read today's news and said that the Long March 5, which was just launched successfully, had an average age of 33 years for the entire scientific research team, and there were three 90s.

I think this should be enough to explain the problem, right?

Finally, congratulations on the successful launch of the Long March 5, our past is from all nations, and our future is the sea of ​​stars!

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