40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1611: Long-lost smile

Speaking of this, Tang Xiaoxing paused for a long time, then took a serious look at Li Yao before continuing: "Now, the Xinghai Jump Matrix is ​​under maintenance. If you want to restore it to running status, you need to enter a'jump'. 'Key', this key is divided into six secret patterns, which are controlled by five refiners including me and my father. If one is missing, it will be very troublesome."

Li Yao said: "What is the trouble?"

Tang Xiaoxing said: "Firefly will not be able to perform the Star Sea Jump!"

Li Yao understood.

In the vast ocean of stars, the two closest star systems are often separated by several light-years. If you can’t make star jumps and can only trek with conventional power, it is simply impossible for a snail to travel around the world. !

Losing the Xinghai jumping ability, the Firefly had her legs chopped off, and she couldn't escape even if she wanted to.


Li Yao pondered, "Can this secret pattern be obtained by torture, or simply by killing you and removing it from your brain?"

"Of course not!"

Tang Xiaoxing was like a frightened cat, her hair exploded, "I used special magical powers to deeply imprint the secret pattern in my brain. Unless I voluntarily and personally operate it, it is impossible for others to get this secret. Tattooed! If it really kills me, it will take at least three to five months to bypass the maintenance mode of the Xinghai Leaping Matrix!"

"That's good."

Li Yao pondered. In this view, Tang Xiaoxing's life safety can be guaranteed for the time being, and he won't suffer from skin or flesh.

The most important thing now is to rescue Captain Tang Dingyuan. If the conspiracy of Speaker Cui Lingfeng can be exposed by the way, that would be great.

In this way, the Xingyao Federation can get a fairly advanced super starship, as well as the star sea jumping technology that the Empire and the Holy League may not have!

In any case, I must help the Federation to do this properly.

Then again, if you want to rescue the captain with the ten great soul infants plus two transforming gods, it shouldn't be too difficult, right? This can only be regarded as a little game to warm up before the Empire and Federation wars.

After thinking about it, Li Yao asked again: "How many powerhouses are there on your Firefly? Are there any gods, and how many primordial infants are there?"

The Xinghai Republic’s government-in-exile is very strict about the Xingyao Federation. The internal information is rarely leaked, especially the number of first-class masters, which is top secret that cannot be found on the Internet.

Tang Xiaoxing shook his head and said: "We have fled for a whole thousand years, and the original deities have fallen one by one in the pursuit of the empire. Now we don't have deities, only about a hundred Yuan Ying."

"A hundred? That's it!"

Li Yao was taken aback, and he was a little unbelievable. With a total of more than 100 million people on the Firefly, how could it be possible to produce more than 100 babies? The output ratio of this ordinary person to Yuanying is a thousand times higher than that of the Federation. This is too exaggerated!

"A hundred is not much."

Tang Xiaoxing said, "Thinking that when the Black Star Emperor just usurped the power of the Xinghai Republic, countless people were dissatisfied with him. On the Firefly number, there are hundreds of Yuan Ying, and there are still many gods!"

"Later on the long way to the stars, many Nascent Souls went into hibernation in order to preserve their vitality. Many people only wake up once every few decades. It is not until we stop near the Starlight Federation that all the Nascent Souls will be taken care of. Wake up, it's been less than ten years, and of course they are all alive and well."

"If it weren't for several accidents along the way, leading to a large-scale failure of the hibernation warehouse, our original number of infants would be several times greater!"

It turned out that it was not the newly-emerged Nascent Soul during the thousand-year journey, but escaped from the center of the star sea at the beginning of the escape journey.

Li Yao swallowed hard, his eyes shone like a weasel who saw an old hen. Each of these thousand-year-old infants is a priceless treasure. If they can join the Federation...

"its not right."

Li Yao suddenly thought of a question, "If you really have so many Nascent Souls, how can you be so vulnerable to a single imperial expeditionary force's claw fleet?"

"Because we don't have many fighting Yuan Ying."

Tang Xiaoxing said with some embarrassment, "Thinking that back then, most of Yuanying went into hibernation. Only a handful of Yuanying was still awake, responsible for manipulating and maintaining the Firefly, but almost all of them were awake at that time, because at that time we were still awake. Facing the siege and interception of the empire army!"

"In order to get rid of the black star emperor's claws, almost all of our fighting soul infants, including several transformation gods...all fell!"

"After several hundred years, we have been wandering in the depths of the stars, hiding XC in panic all day long, and didn't dare to fight against the Imperial Army, and fled as soon as the smell of the Imperial Army was smelled!"

"If you don't even dare to fight, how can a new generation of battle infants be born?"

"Also, after all, we have drifted in the star sea for a thousand years. The naval guns, weapons and various magic weapons units on the ship are all severely worn and almost exhausted. How can we compete with the strong and powerful imperial fleet, even if it is a small one? How can the Claw Fleet contend?"

"My father, Captain Tang Dingyuan, is the person who knows the current situation of the Firefly best. He and most of the technicians on the ship know that we will never fight alone anymore, even if we barely fix it, the Firefly It is impossible to struggle for many more years. Only joining the Starlight Federation is the only way to continue... the spirit of the Xinghai Republic!"

"To understanding."

Li Yao collected all the information.

Every word Tang Xiaoxing said just now turned into a piece of snowflakes swaying countless auras, bumping back and forth in the depths of his brain, knocking out a fantastic plan.

Captain Tang Dingyuan is the key, their task is to rescue him, rescue the captain, everything will be solved naturally.

The question is, where is the captain?

Compared with the Star Federation that encompasses the Seven Realms, the Firefly is naturally just a small gravel in the sea of ​​stars.

But after all, it is connected and assembled by hundreds of starships. The super starship or super star sea city with hundreds of millions of people is several times larger than the fish dragon city. If the captain is secretly detained, Wanting to lock him is not much simpler than finding a needle in a haystack.

Li Yao, Long Yangjun, Meng Chixin, and others, can't really summon the giant soldiers, yelling all the way into the Firefly, right?

"This is called'the temple little demon has a lot of wind, and Chiqian has many kings'!"

Li Yao said silently in his heart. For a moment, he felt that the Firefly was a bit thorny and it was difficult to utter the meaning.

At this moment, the depths of the ears and eyes were itching again, as if someone was scratching and scratching with feathers.

It is Long Yangjun.

"How's your situation there? Is there a new change? We have observed here that there are several secret armor master teams that are suspected of being'Dark Moon Team', all of them are spinning like crazy!"

Long Yangjun grinned and said, looking at the fire from the other side, not afraid that the fire will become more and more prosperous. "In addition, we also found a very interesting piece of information-do you remember'Fitch', who attacked us when we just jumped over? ?"

Li Yao said, "Of course, didn't Fitch hand it over to Qi Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu? What's the problem?"

"Fitch is okay, but didn't he say that he is a peripheral member of the'Emperor Linhui', and there is another'online' in Yulong City?"

Long Yangjun said, "This'online' is a big problem. We found that he was mixed in the armored division of the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce and started searching together, but his whereabouts were secretive, as if he was secretly contacting someone."

"Later, during the fierce firefight between the Armored Division of the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce and the Dark Moon Team, Senior Meng and Senior Wu made a small plan and took this person into captivity. Only after some torture did they find out that this emperor will meet. The immortal cultivator, on the surface, is naturally a armor master under the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce. This action indeed received an order from the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce. However, secretly, the Emperor Lin Hui also issued an order, asking them to spare no effort to help the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce and The secret police on the Firefly caught Tang Xiaoxing!"

Li Yao was slightly startled: "Wait, it's not right. It stands to reason that everyone on the Firefly, whether they support joining the Federation or not, should be the mortal enemy of the real human empire, but the'Emperor's Proposal' is local. The immortal cultivator organization, shouldn't the two sides be incompatible with each other?"

"Then we don't know, this guy is just a small member of the Emperor's Proposal, and can't ask much."

Long Yangjun said, "Although we can follow him all the way to investigate, but it is awkward, we should not do this for now, the ghost knows that the Emperor Lin will make some ugly transactions with certain people on the Firefly!"

"Firefly, Yulong City, Emperor Linhui..."

Li Yao's thoughts turned, and under the agitation of his spiritual thoughts, in the seemingly messy situation, it seemed that a few shiny pearls were connected by him.

He suddenly turned his head and asked Tang Xiaoxing: "Now, is there any starship in Yulong City that will go to the Firefly?"

Tang Xiaoxing didn’t know what to do, and nodded: “Of course, Firefly is undergoing overhaul. Every day, massive amounts of materials and resources are sent to Firefly through Yulong City. This is our top priority, even now. The situation is tense, and it is impossible to completely suspend transportation."

"That's good……"

Li Yao's eyes were shining, and a mysterious smile that hadn't appeared in a long time appeared at the corner of Li Yao's mouth. He said to Long Yangjun, "Give me thirty seconds. A plan to open all the difficult problems!"

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