40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1612: Cheng Xuan Su's Judgment

Two days later, the Firefly stationed at the edge of the Dragon and Snake star field.

Thinking back to the end of the Xinghai Republic more than a thousand years ago, the predecessor of the Firefly used to be the latest generation of deep space exploration ships.

At that time, the monks of the Republic had high hopes for this test ship. They filled the round whale-like hull with all the magic weapons of the empire era, the relic technology of the prehistoric era-and all people's hopes that the Republic could unearth.

This test ship was originally going to complete one of the greatest missions-starting from the heart of human civilization, exploring the Xinghai four directions, to find those worlds lost in the "doomsday" war when the Xinghai Empire collapsed, and let them rejoin the Xinghai Republic. The big family, together to create a more splendid human civilization!

When the huge hull of the Firefly slid out of the space dock for the first time, a total of ninety-nine power units arranged in a diamond shape bloomed the most dazzling blue light at the same time. Among all the cheering Republican monks, no matter how proficient in deduction and calculation were present. People in, never thought of the extremely absurd fate of this test ship in the future.

The Firefly’s first official voyage was not for exploration and discovery, but for concealment and exile.

On the long journey of exile for a thousand years, the Firefly indeed relied on its powerful detection magic weapon to discover many large worlds, and was supported by the practitioners of these worlds.

Countless cultivators who are unwilling to succumb to the rule of the empire have carried all their possessions, supernatural powers and magic weapons into the dazzling starships of various styles. After a simple technical transformation, these small The starship of, connected to the body of the Firefly, is like a pot vine attached to a big ship, or a small fish swimming with a blue whale.

The advanced star sea jumping matrix on the Firefly can release a special protective light film to avoid collision and fusion accidents that are very likely to occur when two starships jump in the star sea at close range.

This technology made it possible for hundreds of starships to closely fit together and jump at the same time, and it also constructed the basic form of the Firefly for hundreds of years to come.

At its peak, with the "Star Sea Republic Deep Space Exploration Test Ship" Firefly as the center, a total of nearly 600 large and small starships were clinging around, forming an extremely large exile team with a total population of more than 500 million.

The good times didn’t last long, and the bloated structure and redundant internal control system greatly reduced the Firefly’s combat effectiveness. After several thrilling siege and suppression battles, although they managed to escape the empire’s siege, they formed the "Firefly Group". The number of starships has also been reduced from more than 600 to less than 300, and most of them are unpowered, uninhabitable, empty iron coffins, which are dragged into the large army, and the population has dropped by 80. %, on the verge of collapse.

Before encountering the Star Federation, the Firefly was like a whale that had decomposed more than half, drifting in the depths of the star sea, knowing that his body was slowly decaying, but he could not get rid of any "iron coffin". , Because in the starry sea where resources are scarce, even from starships that are completely scrapped, a lot of useful tatters can be dismantled, helping them to survive for a while.

Yes, for the Firefly and the "orthodox government" of the Xinghai Republic at that time, what else could they do besides lingering?

Overhauling such a starship, or "a bunch" of them, which has been in exile for thousands of years, is riddled with holes and rust, and is almost scrapped. Undoubtedly, it is a huge and protracted project, and its difficulty and cost are no more than refining hundreds of stars. How much smaller the ship.

Fortunately, compared to the "hillies" at the edge of the star sea like the Star Federation, the Firefly from the center of the star sea still has a little clean home.

The exile government used the superb technology and magical secrets from the center of the Xinghai to exchange a large amount of resources with the Xingyao Federation, and built a large or "a piece" of large-scale dock and floating maintenance base station on the edge of the Dragon and Snake star field, which started to flourish. Maintenance.

He even purchased a large number of starships directly from the Star Federation. After a little modification, they were connected to their own bodies to increase the space for activities and improve the quality of life. Anyway, in a universe without gravity and resistance, regardless of the star The shape of the ship's teeth, claws, and odd shapes does not affect its sailing ability.

Therefore, looking from a distance from the transport ship that transports resources, the Firefly, which is illuminated by the red glow of the red giant star at this moment, does not look like a firefly, but hundreds of fireflies are gathered together and covered by one Surrounded by circular orbits, docks, floating star ports, and maintenance base stations.

Hundreds of transport ships kept delivering supplies to them, and hundreds of thousands of maintenance technicians were wearing crystal armors, working hard in the cold vacuum outside the Firefly, like a group of desperate in the sea of ​​stars. Struggling ants.

A seemingly unremarkable transport ship without any signs on the outside passed through a circular orbital dock, and then passed a ship that had long been scrapped and peeled off from the body of the Firefly, ready to be completely dismantled, and slowly moved towards the Firefly. The body of the number is the deep space exploration ship that escaped from the extreme heaven more than a thousand years ago.

Nowadays, this deep space exploration ship has long gone beyond recognition. The outer shell is densely connected with hundreds of traffic hoses, which firmly connect it to other starships around it, like a heart with countless blood vessels extending out.

The transport ship drove unhurriedly, and now it has completely moved into the interior of the Firefly, with countless near-defense guns turning dexterously in all directions, and the invisible lock mysterious light passes over it from time to time, and there are hundreds of heavily armed. The armored master floated in a vacuum, and all his shoulder-mounted crystal magnetic guns released their seals, and the muzzle shone with stars from time to time. Behind the cold mask, there seemed to be sharp eyes staring at the transport ship.

The transport ship slid into a secret dock a few kilometers away from the "heart" of the Firefly.


The huge air-tight gate slowly closed, like a steel giant with two rows of teeth biting together.

In the dock, there are hundreds of armored masters who are fully armed, like a big enemy.

They are all secret police from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the government in exile to welcome a special batch of "goods."

The hatch at the rear of the transport ship opened downwards, turning out a ladder and a freight conveyor belt.

Some members of the "General Election Observation Group" were escorted and released by Wuhuada, and the other "traitors," who were considered more dangerous, were put in special box restraints and sent down via freight conveyor belts.

Among all the people on the scene, only a few did not wear crystal armor.

Including a middle-aged woman wearing a black trench coat with a severe face and a mutilated left eye, replaced with three scarlet crystal eyes.

She is Cheng Xuansu, the leader of the special investigation team of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the government in exile, and the commander of this arrest.

"and many more!"

When most of the prisoners were escorted to the shuttle car inside the starship, ready to be sent to the secret cell, Cheng Xuansu suddenly called a stop, and the three crystal eyes mounted on the same circular base slowly rotated and released A faint red glow came out and shot at a prisoner held in a box restraint.

That is... Tang Xiaoxing!

"Team leader!"

The secret police escorting Tang Xiaoxing stood at attention.

Cheng Xuan Suzai carefully looked at Tang Xiaoxing who was falling asleep, and said lightly, "The process of capturing you Tang Xiaoxing will be repeated again and again. Such a refiner who has no power to bind a chicken has actually gotten from your hands twice. Escape?"

"Yes it is."

The secret police hesitated and said, "The first time we used the'shock bomb', trying to stun her and then arrested. Who knows that she was not affected by the shock bomb, and slipped away quietly, and even set a trap. , Hitting our six team members severely; the second time we had captured her, who knew that a mysterious tactical team suddenly came out and rescued her again; until the third time, we cooperated with the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce , Constantly narrowing the encirclement, and through Yulongcheng's monitoring crystal eyes, according to her walking posture, she locked her hiding place."

"The other party seems to have used the strategy of'sounding the east and hitting the west'. Most of the people are walking around with us. There are not many people around Tang Xiaoxing. Seeing the situation is not good, we can only give up Tang Xiaoxing to break through.

Cheng Xuansu asked blankly: "From beginning to end, how long did Tang Xiaoxing take to leave your control?"

The secret police replied: "No more than six hours!"

"Six hours?"

Cheng Xuansu sneered, "Furthermore, the other party has an'anti-tracking expert', and have all the tracking and locking chips we set up on Tang Xiaoxing found out?"

The secret police hesitated: "Yes."

Cheng Xuansu looked at his subordinates coldly, and after a moment of pondering, he said, "Help me prepare a sterile room, and then call two policewomen over. I want to check her body."

The secret police stunned slightly: "When we were in Yulong City, we had already scanned it all, and there was nothing on her."

Cheng Xuansu looked at his subordinates.

The secret police trembled slightly, panting, and said, "I understand. Now prepare the sterile room!"

After half an hour.

Cheng Xuansu walked out of the sterile room, holding a small glass bottle in his hand, and lying in the bottle was a **** flesh-red small bead.

"this is--"

The secret police responsible for arresting and escorting Tang Xiaoxing suddenly sweated.

"An anti-tracking expert must also be a tracking expert. You don't understand such a simple truth?"

Cheng Xuansu frowned and looked at his subordinates, "I have carefully studied the action report you sent back yesterday. The person who was with Tang Xiaoxing at the beginning was obviously a real master, and the team that raided you behind was also training. Well-known experts, do you really think that if Tang Xiaoxing falls into their hands, he will spit out so easily?"

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