40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1618: Professional enough...


The voice calling Huazi Ba Xiaoyu came from the communication channel.

In the ancient sacred world, Ba Xiaoyu is a sloppy ranger who travels alone. He often investigates evil spirits such as the "Black Sect" in order to be a chivalrous man. It can be said that among the Twelve Ancient Sages, with the exception of Long Yangjun in the face and Li Yao in the dark, the Nascent Soul who is best at this way.

He smiled and said, "We have explored the firefly's external defenses and weaknesses, and have found the most suitable place to start. As long as we wait for the friend of the Lingjiu, we will scan the internal key structure and the distribution of forces. Then you can do it all in one go, and attack like a broken bamboo!"

Li Yao was startled slightly: "So fast?"

The Firefly is composed of hundreds of large and small starships connected together. The external structure is as complicated as a three-dimensional maze. The ancient sages rarely fight in the vacuum of the universe in the past. Li Yao thought they would take at least half a day. !

"We have Heiyelan!"

Ba Xiaoyu said, "Don’t forget, she had attacked the Firefly nearly ten years ago. If it hadn’t been stopped by the'Red Flame Dragon King' Ding Ling, she would have killed the Firefly long ago, and it would be the deadliest. Naturally, his weaknesses are clear."

"Of course we won't explain the whole plan to Hei Yelan, but when she heard that we are going to raid the core part of the Firefly, how can she not come up with ideas and help her?"

"We don't have any problems here, but it's fellow Lingjiu Daoist——"

Meng Chi’s meaningful voice came, “It’s really hard work to sneak into the Firefly secretly and pretend to be Professor Luode. If this campaign is successful, the daoist Lingjiu should remember the first merit.”

Li Yao blinked and said, "It was the king who planned and planned well, and he helped me carefully prepare this vivid human skin mask. I just acted according to my plan and put some effort into it. I shouldn't be the first to succeed. Meritorious?"

"What's more, this Professor Rhodes is notoriously indifferent, withdrawn, with a weird temper, and staying away from strangers. He keeps himself in the refining room for research all day long. The chance of contact with the outside world Rarely, others will not easily enter his refining room, pretending to be such a person, in just a few minutes, it is difficult to be seen through!"

"However, just in case, I still have to stay here to pretend to be Professor Luode, lest any students or craftsmen come to him by chance, and those who can't find him, then wear help!"

"In this way, the real infiltration rescue operation will only have to do all the fellow daoists."

"Do not worry."

Ba Xiaoyu smiled, "We have nine primordial infants and two transformations, and we have insight into the structure of the starship's core position and the distribution of forces. If we can't break the prison and save a few people, wouldn't it be too ridiculous? ?"

Li Yao thinks so too. Today is not what it used to be. He is not alone now, but has the most luxurious assault team within a few hundred light-years to provide military support. Does such a configuration still need him to do it himself?

He would feel comfortable and be his "Magic Director" safely!

"Then wait for the good news from fellow daoists."

Li Yao smiled slightly, and said leisurely, "I am here to provide remote magic weapon support for fellow daoists, and will send the latest scans of the core area to your tactical brains at any time-with the strength of fellow daoists, to rescue Tang The captain is naturally easy, but remember our purpose, don’t make too much noise, let alone cause irreversible damage to the Firefly, we are here to save people, not to kill, but to gain the trust of the government in exile. , Not hostility! If it really turns upside down and attracts the attention of the Star Federation to us people, then it goes against our original intention!"

"of course."

Meng Chi said solemnly, "It is very simple to save people, but the point of this mission is to save people silently and unconsciously without revealing our twelve true strengths, except Except for a very small number of people like Captain Tang, it is best not to let others know of our existence. If possible, try not to see blood, restraint, conceal, and keep a low profile!"

"Yes, restraint, concealment, low-key!"

Li Yao exchanged a few more words with everyone, and the communication was interrupted.


He stretched out a big and long lazy waist, snapped his fingers, and used the magical power of the air defense to help himself make a hot hot tea, and he floated in the air.

It’s really good that you only need to make suggestions, and then there are a lot of Yuan Ying and Huashen responsible for charging the trap. It seems that I must change my mentality and habits as soon as possible. I am now a magic weapon director, a civilian, sitting in an office, and fighting. Kill this kind of heavy work, and leave it to other Nascent Soul bosses and Transcendent bosses to do it!

Li Yao sipped a sip of tea, gently hummed an old song more than a hundred years ago, and easily continued to browse the refining log of Professor Luode.

There are a lot of things worth studying in Xinghai Central's Artifact Refining!

At this moment, the eardrums oscillated slightly.

It is Long Yangjun.

Li Yao frowned and said softly: "What's the situation?"

"Nothing. You don't need to be so sneaky. Everyone is investigating separately. I use a private communication channel and I won't be heard by them."

Long Yangjun smiled and said, "I just came to you to say, "Don't dare to be", I don't have a lot of "strategic planning, well-planned", the whole plan is not your own, you came up with it in just an hour. Huh? Tsk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk I can't help thinking about the style of'Vulture Li Yao' a hundred years ago!"

"and many more."

Li Yao took a sip of the tea foam, "What is meant by'stupid all day'?"

"that's not important."

Long Yangjun said, "One thing, I really want to figure out, why are you sure that there is no monitoring crystal in Professor Luode's mixing room? If someone monitors it in real time, wouldn't your overall plan fail? "

"There can be no monitoring crystal eyes."

Li Yao believes, "No master refiner would endure being monitored throughout his refinement process. This not only involves the issue of confidentiality, but also about... self-esteem."


Long Yangjun was slightly startled, "I don't understand."

"This is a matter for our craftsman, of course you don't understand."

Li Yao thought for a while, and said, "Let’s put it this way, for our craftsmen, especially senior master craftsmen who are successful in cultivation, every magic weapon that we refine by ourselves is like our own child. May I ask, would you install monitoring crystals on the bedside to allow people to monitor the whole process of your'making' children in real time?"

"That's it."

Long Yangjun thoughtfully, "That's why you chose Professor Luode as your breakthrough point."

"Yes it is."

Li Yao calmly said, "I'm not a person who likes to brag, but in the field of climbing ventilation ducts, within a thousand light years, if I am second in self-effacement, who would dare to be the first? I glanced over. , You know what pipes can be drilled and what pipes can’t!"

"Regardless of the area where Speaker Cui Lingfeng, Captain Tang Dingyuan or other important figures are located, all pipelines are tightly guarded. Not to mention normal humans, even mutated cockroaches will definitely not be able to climb in!"

"Only this Professor Luode is in a relatively critical position, and the refining room where he works all the year round is outside the core area. If he doesn't break through from here, where else can he come from? It's a simple truth!"

Long Yangjun smiled and said: "It seems that it is correct to find you to cooperate. You are professional enough to do things."

"Then hope that you can also be professional."

Li Yao said, "You must control the situation. They are all people who are accustomed to beating and killing people in the ancient sacred world. They will be turned upside down and **** at every turn. Please calm down this time, restrain yourself, and keep a low profile. Point! Don't kill and kill crazy hair, summon a giant soldier to completely blast the Firefly, then it's over!"

Long Yangjun said: "Don't worry, we will never go wrong here. You can stay in the refining room comfortably, drink tea, practice cultivation, and send the structure diagram and force distribution diagram inside, and wait for ours. Good news!"

Li Yao smiled and was about to answer, when there was a soft knock on the door.

Li Yao was startled slightly, and suddenly found that a very strange scene appeared on the monitoring light curtain next to him-the little red dot that should be headed towards the core area unexpectedly came back!

what's the situation?

Li Yao swallowed his saliva and looked around. He didn't see any flaws. After thinking about it, he hid most of his body under Professor Luode's refining table and opened the door.

It's the old secret policeman just now.

Behind him were four sturdy men in black combat uniforms who were fierce and fierce, staring at him intently.


Li Yao's face was covered with dark clouds, a pair of refining tools was interrupted, and his mood was extremely unhappy—it was indeed the case.

"Professor Luo."

The old secret police respectfully said, "Your analysis report has just been sent to it. Chairperson Cui attaches great importance to this matter. I would like to hear you explain in person the mystery of this small blood red bead-please, and Let's meet Chairman Cui together."

Li Yao: "..."

Old secret police: "Professor Luo, there is a problem?"

Li Yao: "No, I'll go to the toilet first."

Old secret police: "Of course, Professor Luo please."

Li Yao: "What do these two bears squeeze in together-and staring at my crotch!"

Old secret police: "Professor Luo must not misunderstand, it is just a practice, it is related to national security, would you mind?"

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