40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1619: Chairperson Choi!

Li Yao was sandwiched between four brawny men in black clothes. Under the leadership of the old secret police, through the long and narrow corridor, Li Yao slowly walked towards a special vacuum pipeline vehicle for the inside of the starship.

Behind the seemingly unwavering, even slightly impatient expression, there is a small anxiety hidden.

Li Yao is not worried that the other party has seen the flaws, but the preparation time for him to pretend to be Professor Rod this time is too short, and it is impossible to be perfect. If he stays honestly in the mixing room, he can still pass the test, if it is true. In front of the speaker of the government-in-exile, the ghost knows when to wear it!

Li Yao touched the lines of his fingertips. His fingerprints and iris mimic the appearance of Professor Rod, but blood and genetic tests cannot be hidden.

I only hope that the other party's security measures are not so strict.

Of course, Li Yao’s own safety is not a problem. He still hides the universe ring containing the profound bone battle armor and the giant soldier in his body through the secret method, and can summon the crystal armor and the giant soldier to do a great job at any time. But the last thing he wants to happen is to do a big fight. He wants to tie both the Firefly and the Old Sacred to the Chariot of the Star Federation, and everyone is fighting the empire side by side, not because the empire army has not yet killed it. Before, I fell into a headless chaos!

"Calm down, the situation is not that serious, it's just going to the speaker of the exiled government, Cui Lingfeng, to explain the mystery of such tracking magic weapons. By the way, you can also touch the details of Cui Lingfeng. Maybe it is not as bad as you think!"

Two policewomen with indifferent expressions stood next to the vacuum pipe car. One of them was holding a fingerprint scanner and asked Li Yao to press all his ten fingers on it to scan; the other was holding a shiny crystal rod in his hand. Li Yao swept back and forth for a while, and two Universe Rings were swept out-both were taken by Li Yao from Professor Luode. Fortunately!

"Professor Luo, please leave the Qiankun Ring to us for safekeeping, and it will be returned to you when you return it."

The old secret police opened the car door, leaned slightly, and reached out to Li Yao.

Li Yao gave a cold snort, slightly dissatisfied, and patted the two Qiankun Rings in the palm of the other party, and the cat's waist got in.

Four secret police officers like bears squeezed in from both sides, adding up to a thousand kilograms of weight, and squeezing the pipe truck. After Li Yao was camouflaged, his skinny figure was squeezed in the middle by them, like four Eggs and a toothpick.

The pipeline car has been specially processed, the windows are pitch black, the spirit cannot be transmitted, and the driving is extremely stable, making it unclear whether it is running at high speed or staying still.

Li Yao silently calculated in his heart that one minute and twenty-nine seconds after he entered the closed tunnel car, the sealing partition between the passenger compartment and the cockpit suddenly opened, and a passenger sitting in front was slowly turned around. .

This person has a huge face, a square mouth, a bright red and bright face, and a dignified look. He wears a set of extremely rare materials and a dark silver mustard protective suit that even Li Yao has never seen. The posture of the Malaysian Golden Sword.

It was Tang Xiaoxing who once described to Li Yao, the speaker of the Xinghai Republic’s government in exile and the nominally supreme leader of the Firefly, Cui Lingfeng!

The most powerful person on the Firefly was close at hand, Li Yao's heartbeat increased slightly by 1%, and fourteen plans that could control Speaker Cui within three seconds popped up in his mind.

However, after careful calculations for a while, he still decided to wait and see the changes. Now the situation is still unclear and there is no need to act rashly.

"Chairman Cui."

Li Yao pretended to be "slightly startled" and nodded neither humble nor arrogant.

Professor Luode is a master craftsman of the expert sequence. He is also a type of talented and arrogant and lofty personality. Seeing the leaders of the council, there is no need to be too eager.

Sure enough, Chairperson Cui didn’t care about Li Yao’s slightly indifferent attitude. His stubby hands played with Li Yao’s carefully refined "stick", and he handed it back, smiling: "Time is running out, we are here. I chatted in the car and I heard that you are a top expert in the field of ultra-micro engraving. This tracking magic weapon is analyzed by you personally. Is its accuracy and performance as high as your analysis report?"

"of course!"

Li Yao grabbed the "stick" and rubbed it over and over, his eyes glowed with eagerness, and hurriedly said, "It's not as simple as tracking magic weapons, but a multi-functional combination of tracking, positioning, and scanning. The superfine magic weapon, whether it is the refined materials, the nearly 500 types of rune arrays, and the structure of the seven-fold exquisite tower, including the overall layout of all rune arrays...every detail is close to perfection!"

Chairperson Cui didn't stop Li Yao from talking, Li Yao could only dance, spit and introduce it, and even personally peeled off the outer metal shells and assembled them back. Fortunately, this was made by himself. He has just studied the refining style of Professor Luode in depth, and only then can he use similar techniques to complete the entire analysis.

Naturally, in this way, the other party will not doubt his identity even more-after all, such a professional disassembly and assembly of ultra-micro magic weapons, not an expert in this field, is absolutely impossible to do so.

"In that case, the technical content of this ultra-micro magic weapon is really extremely high?"

Chairperson Cui tapped the handrail lightly and thought thoughtfully, "Then, according to Professor Rod's judgment, on our Firefly, who else can refine such a magic weapon besides you?"

"No one can do it, including me."

Li Yao explained, “This is not a question of technology and supernatural powers, but a difference in materials and styles.”

"If you want to refine a tracking, positioning, and scanning magic weapon of the same size and similar functions, maybe I and a few other refiners can barely do it in three to five days, ten and a half months, but we The materials used, the engraved amulets, including the layout of the amulets, etc., are definitely very different from this ultra-micro magic weapon."

"Many materials used in this magic weapon may not be found by Firefly or even the Star Federation, and the design concepts and psychic operation ideas of many talisman arrays are completely different from our previous styles and even theories."

"I can write a package ticket. This magic weapon was not refined on the Firefly. It was definitely not from the hands of the'Xinghai Brother'."

Professor Luode has a catch phrase, "Write a package ticket", and Li Yao also learned it.

Speaker Cui nodded slightly and continued to ask: "So, who do you think is most likely to refine such a magic weapon? Empire, Federation, or Holy League?"

"I do not know."

Li Yao shook his head and pretended to be honest, "Judging from our technical exchanges with the Xingyao Federation over the years, this magic weapon does not resemble the crafting style of the Xingyao Federation, but we have been away from the center of Xinghai for too long. I don't know anything about the latest refining achievements of the Empire and the Holy League. Before further research, it is really hard to say which family it came from."

"I understand."

Chairperson Cui folded his hands, and suddenly two sharp rays of light burst into his eyes, and his smile became intense, "Thank you for your explanation, Professor Rod, we are here."

The door of the vacuum pipe truck opened silently, but outside was a fully enclosed flexible metal corridor. Passing through the corridor, it was a secret room full of various light curtains and monitoring magic weapons. Many secret police and experts were busy, And in the center, Da Ma Jindao sat, thinking deeply, surprisingly-Speaker Cui!

Li Yao was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the "Chairman Cui" beside him, but under a strange twist of facial muscles, he turned into another somewhat similar, but younger and sharper face!

"Cracking", this "Chairman Cui" burst into a series of bean-like noises in his body, and the whole person swelled in an instant, and explosive muscles protruded one by one from under the protective clothing.

This "Chairman Cui" leaned slightly towards Li Yao and smiled: "I'm sorry, Professor Rod."

Li Yao blinked his eyes and his heart felt bright. It turned out that it was still a test just now. He just said that even though he is the head of the government in exile, he manages more than 100 million people, and he is considered to be a big man. How could it be so easy? Close to him?

Seeing this "Chairman Cui stand-in" has muscles, Kong Wu is powerful, and his temples and eyebrows are raised, he must be a very powerful martial arts cultivator. If the fake Professor Luo is really an assassin, just now If something goes wrong, it will be taken down on the spot in all likelihood.

Ten thousand steps back, even if the assassin succeeded in the assassination, he would only kill a stand-in, but as far as the real Speaker Cui was concerned, he was unscathed.

It seems that this "Chairman Cui" is not lightly susceptible, and he is so cautious of an old craftsman who has no power to bind a chicken.

But I don't know, what exactly is he going to do when he is summoned here-it is by no means as simple as analyzing the small blood red beads. This kind of work can be explained remotely through video, and there is no need to bring him here.

Li Yao thought in his heart, and looked around quietly, especially those with stronger aura among the bodyguards and secret police beside Chairperson Cui.

His eyes quickly fell on a tall and thin woman.

This woman's left eye is inlaid with three blood red crystal eyes. Such a distinctive feature should be the secret police chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Cheng Xuan Su.

Li Yao's eyes flashed from Cheng Xuansu's body.

Cheng Xuansu stared at him for a long time, especially his delicate and delicate hands.

Li Yao didn't know it, but he frowned at Chairperson Cui, and said, "Chairperson Cui, do you need me to repeat what I said in the car?"

"No, it's really worthy of being the premier supermicro engraving expert on our Firefly. The explanation and operation just now are very exciting. I have already watched it in the video."

The true Speaker Cui Lingfeng was more open-minded and open-minded than the substitute. He smiled at the resistance and sarcasm in Li Yao’s words, and walked up to Li Yao without hurries, carrying his hands on his back and looking at him with a smile, "Today is a special trip. Asking Professor Rod to come here is to ask you for another thing."

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