40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1620: By mistake

Cui Lingfeng looked at Li Yao, pointed to one of the intricate crystal brains and magic weapon units behind him, and said: "I want to ask Professor Luo to help me see this'lie detector', as if you just analyzed this Like a tracking and positioning magic weapon, we will dismantle and analyze it in a comprehensive way."

Li Yao was startled slightly, before he could ask, the secret police chief Cheng Xuansu next to him was surprised: "President, what does this mean?"

Her expression was quite shocked. It seemed that Cui Lingfeng's decision was a temporary motive, and even the most confidant police chief didn't know in advance.

Cui Lingfeng said calmly: "Today is the most important interrogation. We can't keep Captain Tang secretly detained for too long. The commotion outside is getting bigger and bigger. If you delay it, the entire Firefly will be in chaos!"

"We must come to a conclusion as soon as possible, so I will come here to talk to Captain Tang in person."

"However, your interrogation a few days ago has not found the answer. Captain Tang’s performance is impeccable. I have been wondering which part of the problem is wrong. To this day, I even used the Firefly’s captain at the expense of the world. Lie detector."

"However, is it possible that the lie detector has been tampered with? If we can't even detect the problem with the lie detector, we will be very passive!"

A strange look flashed past Cheng Xuansu's eyes, and said: "The experts from the Ministry of Internal Affairs have conducted a comprehensive inspection of this polygraph, and there is absolutely no problem! They are all masters who are proficient in this way, and Professor Rod is the most proficient. What he is not good at is not in this field, he is simply an outsider."

"I value Professor Rod as an outsider!"

Cui Lingfeng said flatly, "Xuan Su, have you ever thought that if Captain Tang really became an immortal cultivator long ago, and he is indeed in the next big chess game, how deep his tentacles will be, and whether it is possible to buy them? Is it possible for some people in your internal affairs department to let your experts in the internal affairs department use the polygraph?"

"After all, Captain Tang is engaged in technology, and the experts in your Ministry of Internal Affairs are also engaged in technology. Even if they are really doing something secretly, it is difficult for us to find out."

Cheng Xuansu's face was uncertain: "This, this is impossible, I believe in the loyalty of every member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!"

"It's very possible!"

Cui Ling said with a cold face, "Xuan Su, don't underestimate our enemy, who is Captain Tang, don't you know? Give him a few more years, and he will cover the sky on the Firefly! Really bought What's so strange about the technicians and craftsmen from the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

"So, I have been thinking about how to break this game these days. The key is who can be trusted. In the end, I found the answer-some outsider!"

"Captain Tang is absolutely capable of buying some people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he is also absolutely motivated to do tricks on the polygraph. All experts may be immortal cultivators. In just a few days, it is difficult for us to judge who exactly Can be trusted."

"Even if we ask an expert from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to come here and check the polygraph on the spot, but if he is a cultivator, he can still cross the sea in front of us."

"Professor Rod is different. Before Captain Tang was arrested by us, he was completely an outsider and had nothing to do with key magic weapons such as the'lie detector'."

"And the idea of ​​asking him to check the polygraph was something that suddenly sprouted when I saw his analysis report-until Professor Rod stood in front of me, I didn't tell anyone this idea, either. There is no risk of leaking the secrets at all. You all think that he is just here to explain the little blood-red bead."

"So, as long as Captain Tang doesn't have the magical power of the'unexplored prophet', how can he know that Professor Rod will be involved in this matter? How can he buy Professor Rod?"

"Furthermore, didn't you have already contacted Professor Luode last time and conducted a detailed investigation on him and confirmed that he has nothing to do with Captain Tang and his loyalty to the Xinghai Republic? He is not the best candidate, yet Who is there?"

Cheng Xuansu turned his face, and a drop of cold sweat oozes from the side of his forehead that Cui Lingfeng can't see: "But Professor Rod knows nothing about polygraphs."

"It doesn't have to be ignorant."

Cui Lingfeng looked at Li Yao's hands and smiled and said, "I believe that weapon refining has reached the highest level. There is always something to think about. The analysis difficulty of such a big polygraph is always lower than the tracking and positioning magic weapon of the size of rice grains. Much much more-show Professor Luode the refining and maintenance manual of this polygraph, even if his judgment is really flawed, I am willing to make a bet!"

"Professor Rod, what do you think?"

Cui Lingfeng, Cheng Xuansu, and many secret police and staff around them all stared at Li Yao with intricate eyes.

Li Yao tilted his head and thought for a while, and said in a long tone: "You can try it, but I need time to read the refining and maintenance manual of this polygraph, and there is no guarantee that the problem will be found."

"It's okay, I can wait."

Cui Lingfeng gestured towards Cheng Xuansu, "Bring all the information related to this polygraph to Professor Luo, and then help him make a pot of tea. I heard that Professor Luo likes drinking green Dragon Ball, right?"

"It's'Purple Dragon Ball'."

Li Yao said without raising his eyes.

"Do you want to protect Professor Rod from returning to get his special refining equipment?"

Cheng Xuansu asked in a low voice, "All master refiners have their own tools and magic weapons."

"Professor Rod needs any magic weapon, you can find someone to help him get it."

Cui Lingfeng sat down opposite Li Yao with a majestic sword, looking motionless, "But Professor Rod must stay here and can't leave my sight for a second, so as not to be assaulted on his idea."

"It doesn't matter."

Li Yao glanced at Cheng Xuansu, waved his hand, "The ultra-micro engraving knives I used to be used in such a large-scale polygraph are not needed, so he helped me prepare the supporting maintenance of this polygraph. And testing tools are just fine.


Cheng Xuansu nodded heavily, like a folded knife.

Li Yao got five jade slips and studied it pretentiously for half an hour.

For the precious half an hour, Chairperson Cui, who should be able to deal with everything, has been sitting opposite him calmly, with a meaningful gaze sweeping over every staff member in the secret room from time to time.

If there is really a cultivator hidden here, it is really necessary to be seen by his eyes!

After half an hour, Li Yao estimated that the time was almost up, and nodded to Cui Lingfeng, moved his ten fingers, and started to test the polygraph in full view.

The magic weapon of the polygraph is regarded as an "old friend" with him. I think he used the weakness of an ancient polygraph "Xintai" ingeniously on Cheorwon to expose the conspiracy of the Palace of Longevity. , Quelling the internal strife on the Tieryuan Star and even the conflict between the Tieryuan people and the Flying Star people.

At that time, the "Xinxintai" was exaggerated so that it was a hundred-thirty-five-hundred spirit, and it seemed that there was no lie that could evade its judgment.

But Li Yao now knows that the so-called "polygraph" or "heart-asking station" is nothing more than a very sophisticated magic weapon. It also has its flaws and weaknesses. As long as the level is high enough and certain skills are mastered, there is a chance. Get around it.

Even the most advanced polygraph has an accuracy rate of 99%, but it is impossible to be accurate.

And if you move some hands and feet inside the polygraph, the result is even more unpredictable.

Li Yao held his breath and recalled Professor Rod’s technique of refining the instrument. He gently disassembled the arc-shaped shell of the polygraph, exposing the more precise components inside than the clock, and wisps of divine thought sneaked into it like light smoke. There is a slow flow between the pieces and each talisman array.

Everyone stared at him intently, his hands!

Suddenly, Li Yao's hands were fixed, and then his eyes were fixed, his eyebrows were towering, his mouth was muttering, and from the deepest part of the polygraph, he wrapped his divine mind and slowly took out a fingernail size. The chip was held in the palm of the hand and studied carefully for a long time.

"The polygraph seems to be ok."

Li Yao said to Cui Lingfeng, "On this chip that controls the sensitivity of the polygraph, there is an extra remote control rune array."


Cui Lingfeng's face was expressionless, and he did not show any expression of surprise or doubt, "Remote control what?"

"It can remotely receive an extremely weak spirit, the sensitivity of a remote polygraph."

Li Yao explained, “I have dabbled in some magic weapons such as polygraph and meditation in the past. The principles of these magic weapons are similar, or they are based on the changes in the human body’s heartbeat, respiration, blood flow rate, and facial muscles. Parameters for comparison-when ordinary people tell the truth and lies, there are always some differences in various physiological parameters, such as rapid breathing and heartbeat, pore contraction, pupil dilation, and so on."

"However, for the strong who can precisely control physiological parameters, this kind of polygraph is very easy to fool."

"Another way is to scan his brain waves to monitor which part of the brain is the most active when he is speaking."

"Generally speaking, when we are telling the truth, especially when recalling some past experiences, we will mobilize cells in the memory area of ​​the brain. When lying and require creativity and new ideas, we mobilize a different area-the brain. Different active areas have different brain waves, so you can judge the true and false."

"This polygraph uses the above two principles at the same time, and the sensitivity of each sensing element, chip and rune array is extremely high, because it must be used to deal with the strongest brain and the strongest soul. These people's brains are solid fortresses, extremely difficult to break!"

"So, it only needs a very weak divine mind that will never be noticed, and its sensitivity can be increased tenfold, or reduced to one-tenth."

Cui Lingfeng narrowed his eyes: "So what?"

Li Yaodao: "If its sensitivity is increased tenfold, even if Captain Tang is telling the truth, if the brain waves are extremely amplified, it may be regarded as a lie; if the sensitivity is reduced to one-tenth, it will become a lie. A dull low-level polygraph, a master like Captain Tang can easily fool it."

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