40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1621: Brother 1612

"Demonstrate it to me."

Cui Lingfeng waved to Li Yao, "How did you discover it, don't be afraid I can't understand it, you can take your time."

"There is nothing incomprehensible, it is indeed a very clever design, but once it is exposed, anyone can see the strangeness."

Li Yao smiled slightly, and placed the control chip flat on a special floating refining table, and the faint blue Xuanguang display lamp and ten times magnification light curtain immediately wrapped it.

Li Yao gently extended two thin and long tweezers with hair-like tips, and fumbled for a while on the surface of the chip, gently picking, tearing, and tearing off a thin, almost transparent film that was as thin as a cicada's wings. .

"Please look at the speaker. This is a very rare film overlay technology. First, the symbol array is made with mustard-level refining technology, and it is burned onto this film using a principle similar to'branding', and then the film is gently pasted on it. The surface of the wafer can interfere with the operation of the wafer."

"You can compare it with the original refining and maintenance manual. There is absolutely no such film."

"The advantage of it is that after using it, it can be easily torn off, so it will be unknowingly, and no one will be able to find the slightest flaw."

"Furthermore, the talisman formation is quite insidious. I don’t know what special talisman ink was used. Under visible light, it turns out to be transparent. You can’t find it with the naked eye. It’s only under the reflection of several invisible lights. It will be revealed!"

"Even if the prototype is revealed, such a small rune array is hidden inside such a huge polygraph, it is extremely difficult for a layman to find it."

"That is to say, even if you change a refiner to unload the polygraph and put this chip under the tip of your nose, you will not see the existence of this film and this symbolic array!"

Li Yao flipped the film with tweezers. Sure enough, under the light of the blue light, on the film like cicada wings, a maze-like complex array gradually emerged!

"Sure enough, it's very subtle."

Cui Lingfeng stared at the chip deeply, two mazes appeared in the depths of his eyes, and smiled, "So, how did Professor Luo discover such a subtle hidden talisman array?"

"Very simple, thickness."

Li Yao grinned pompously, "If you change to any craftsman, if you are not a master of this skill, it may be difficult to find this talisman formation. Naturally, it is impossible for me to directly see through the existence of the talisman formation, but I found that it was about 1 silk meter thicker than the parameters specified in the refining manual, which is one tenth of a millimeter. Then I felt the tiny gap between the film and the chip."

Two rays of light burst into the maze under Cui Lingfeng's eyes: "My decision to ask Professor Luode to check the polygraph is indeed correct!"

"Of course it's correct. This is called a "fault"!"

Li Yao is not modest and confident, saying, "I have some small research in the field of'superfine engraving'. My research field is to make a fuss about every inch. This kind of design can hide from other practices. Master Qi, but absolutely can't hide my hands!"

"Professor Rod has worked hard."

Cui Lingfeng smiled very friendly at Li Yao, and turned to Cheng Xuansu, "Xuansu, it seems that I guessed right. Tang Dingyuan really stretched his hand into the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the investigation team-he had come into contact with this station. Everyone in all the links of the polygraph, control it now. Within 24 hours, I want to know the answer, who actually made the move in it."


Cheng Xuansu leaned slightly and nodded.

"and also……"

Cui Lingfeng stayed still, but suddenly his head turned ninety degrees, staring at a staff member beside him indifferently, "You will be responsible for manipulating the polygraph later, right, your heartbeat is fast, are you nervous? "

This staff member is qualified to operate a polygraph, and is naturally a master in the field of refiners and meditators.

However, how can he withstand the strong pressure of Cui Lingfeng, the one of the best management Yuan Ying on the Firefly?

Cui Lingfeng was still sitting still, but his neck seemed to stretch out suddenly. He stared at the staff member for a long time. He looked like dirt and sweat, and he almost slumped on the ground!

"Xuan Su, take him down."

Cui Lingfeng said coldly, "I will use him as a breakthrough point, check each link, I will uproot them!"

The staff member finally couldn't help groaning. When his legs became weak, he was about to slump to the ground. Cheng Xuansu had eyesight and quick hands. He pinched him from behind, and his arm shook. The crackling sound completely lost the ability to move and speak.

"It doesn't take twenty-four hours."

Cheng Xuansu squinted his eyes, and said every word, "Twelve hours, I will dig out the whole line!"


Cui Lingfeng nodded with satisfaction, pondered for a moment, looked back at Li Yao again, and smiled, "Professor Luode, it's not annoying for both of you. Now that you have read the refining and maintenance manuals, you must maintain its normal operation. , It should be okay? Wait a moment, it's up to you to operate the polygraph!"


Cheng Xuansu was stunned again, just about to speak, Cui Lingfeng waved her hand to interrupt her, "I know, there are people in your Ministry of Internal Affairs who can operate a polygraph, but I still hope that someone I randomly selects will do it personally. Others can watch every detail of Professor Rod's operation of it, but they are absolutely not allowed to touch it, understand?"


Cheng Xuansu gently exhaled a turbid breath, and his eyes instantly became a little deep, "I fully understand."

Li Yao keenly caught the elusive light in her eyes, and at the same time, he saw the subtle expressions of some other people present. With a move in his heart, he nodded and said: "I will do my best."

Five minutes later, the polygraph was reassembled.

Speaker Cui Lingfeng also walked into a secret room next door.

The huge light curtain slowly opened in front of Li Yao and the others, and the image presented in the light curtain was a cold and completely enclosed cell.

The prison cell is not messy, there are no tables, chairs and beds, and thick foam cushions are all around it, which seems to prevent the prisoners from committing suicide or self-harm.

Li Yao paid special attention. Sure enough, he couldn't see his favorite... ventilation ducts around the cell.

In the corner of the cell, a tall and thin middle-aged man with a sharp temperament like a sword sat cross-legged.

Even if he was in jail, he didn't wear off his indomitable momentum of riding the wind and waves. The black hair and thick beard that rose to the sky showed a very strong vitality.

A brilliant light flashed in Li Yao's eyes. That's right, this person is Tang Xiaoxing's father, the captain of the Firefly, who advocates actively joining the Star Federation, Tang Dingyuan!

Speaker Cui Lingfeng and Captain Tang Dingyuan stood on diagonal lines in a small cell, quietly facing each other.

The conflict between the captain and the speaker has a long history.

In the heyday of the Xinghai Republic, the power of the speaker naturally exceeded the captain by tens of thousands. At that time, there were more than hundreds of thousands of starships flying the battle flag of the Xinghai Republic, that is, hundreds of thousands or even millions of captains. Millions of captains must obey the orders of the Speaker!

At the administrative level, let alone the captain of a starship, the commander in charge of a fleet and the highest helm of the Xinghai Republic are also separated by a very long distance.

However, when the entire "land" of the Xinghai Republic was left with only a few hundred broken starships to form the Firefly, the relationship between the speaker and the captain became very delicate.

In theory, the speaker manages the administration and controls the "Xinghai Republic Government in Exile" itself, while the captain manages the starship, as well as every detail of the starship.

However, when the "Xinghai Republic" and "Firefly" gradually equated in the millennium exile, the contradiction between the two sides was almost inevitable.

"Dingyuan, do you still have to persevere until now?"

Cui Lingfeng slowly walked to the center of the cell, and sat cross-legged like his opponent, "The general situation is over. If you have a little sense of responsibility for the Firefly, please hurry up, don't make it to the end, and sail this ship. The great starship for a thousand years is completely destroyed!"

Tang Dingyuan was silent for a long time, as if Cui Lingfeng didn't exist at all. After half a minute, his eyes condensed on his opponent, and he sneered: "Cui Lingfeng, I used to think that even if everyone has different political opinions, you are at least a man and you are sincere. It really meant to consider Firefly and Xinghai Republic. Unexpectedly, you should be so despicable. Not only did you fabricate so many vain "evidences" to plant and frame, now when you come to me, you dare not shamelessly say something like'obsessed with not understanding'. Nonsense!"

"There is nothing in it?"

Cui Lingfeng smiled slightly, "There are so many secret documents found in your daughter Jing's brain, as well as the confessions of Zhang Lihui, Ji Wenjun and others, and even the accusations made by your deputy Ding Zhengyang. They are intertwined and the evidence is solid. "Zixuwuyou" can be explained by the four words."

"A long time ago, you turned your back and became an immortal cultivator. You have been waiting for the best opportunity to surrender the real human empire, haven't you?"

"You have been in contact with the ‘Emperor’s Association’, the immortal cultivator organization in the Federation, and you have even secretly seen their leader, Lu Qingchen, the most wanted criminal in the Federation Tianzi, haven’t you?”

"The Imperial Expeditionary Force-the Black Wind Fleet has arrived. Their speed is much faster than we thought, but they are still waiting, still observing, still dormant in the dark, just to find the perfect fighter, they can jump to The most vulnerable part of the Star Federation, a thunder strike! And you want to help the Black Wind Fleet find the Federation's'Seven Inches', right?"

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