40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1622: Speaker to Captain!

Tang Dingyuan sneered: "If you want to add a crime, there is nothing wrong with it. You want to pour dirty water on my head. Even though Luo Zhi's crime is good, why bother to ask me!"

Cui Lingfeng looked at him faintly: "Is it right? You will soon see the result. I want to leave you a little decent, let Dingyuan brother speak for yourself, and bring this matter to an end. But if you have to resist stubbornly...your daughter has been arrested and brought to justice, and it is the same for her."

Tang Dingyuan’s pupils contracted suddenly, and every muscle in his body was tightened. The whole person was like a battleship with full firepower. He roared, “Cui Lingfeng, it’s okay for you to frame me, but you have to dare to touch half of my daughter’s hair. , I will never let you go as a ghost!"

Cui Lingfeng sneered: "Brother Dingyuan, I really love my daughter so much. You shouldn't use your daughter's identity and crystal brain as a cover at the beginning. This is your own responsibility, so why put on an angry posture?"

"I do not have!"

The safety of his daughter finally made Tang Dingyuan completely out of control. The anxiety, despair and anger of the past few days were all vented. He seemed to be imprisoned in this corner of the cell, and he could only struggle to kneel on one knee and yell at his opponent. Cui Lingfeng, I am the captain of the Firefly, and my daughter is a teacher at Xinghai University. Even if you are the chairperson, you are not qualified to secretly arrest and interrogate us! I have no apostasy, I am not a cultivator, and all are framed by you. The most shameless framing!"

"you have not?"

Cui Lingfeng sneered twice, suddenly stared, and raised his voice by an octave, "You have! You have long been a renegade! You have long lost confidence in our business and the Firefly!"

"You are a complete capitulationist, defeatist! You have long lost all loyalty to the Xinghai Republic! You don't believe that we can make a comeback with the Firefly, and you don't believe that the Xinghai Republic's battle flag can float in the Xinghai again. central!"

"If you still have the slightest bit of confidence in the Xinghai Republic, why can't you wait to join the Xingyao Federation? You can surrender to the Xingyao Federation, and of course you can surrender the real human empire. Anyway, you have to sell your country and your compatriots. The price, of course, is to find the richest buyer!"

"Tang Dingyuan, Captain Tang! Do you dare to deny this, do you dare to deny that you have completely lost confidence in Xinghai Republic?"

These few words, like arrows, pierced Tang Dingyuan's chest fiercely, making Tang Dingyuan pale, and even his rattling hair and beard seemed to soften in an instant.

Tang Dingyuan took a deep breath, his expression was solemn, and his voice hoarse: "I don't deny that he really has lost confidence in Xinghai Republic..., but this is not the same as apostasy!"

"Finally, are you willing to admit it?"

Cui Lingfeng narrowed his eyes and said, "Acknowledge that he is a traitor who is greedy for life and fear of death?"

"I am not a traitor!"

Tang Dingyuan dragged the invisible shackles, like a lion trapped in a trap roaring, "Cui Lingfeng, you members who sit in the parliament all day and gesticulate. Of course, you can look at the situation from the customers and talk about what the "Star Sea Republic" will never perish. Such nonsense, use spiritual victory to deceive yourself! But for those of us who command the starship on the bridge, we face tens of thousands of practical problems every day, and watch the Firefly decline day by day, but they are helpless. It is useless to rely on spirit, faith, and patriotic enthusiasm! No matter how firm our belief in the Xinghai Republic is, it will not be able to solve the actual problems of the Starship. It will not change half a steamed bun or half a screw. Nope... we are going to annihilation step by step!"

"Face reality!"

"The Xinghai Republic...has been perished long ago, as early as a thousand years ago, the Firefly that is drifting with the waves in the Xinghai now is just its corpse!"

"It's impossible to resurrect this corpse alone. It will only slowly decay until it finally turns into a handful of dust in the icy universe!"

"We are unable to return to heaven. The Xinghai Republic is in the past. It is a thousand years ago. If you really want to return to the center of the Xinghai and avenge the extinction of the Xinghai Republic, you can only join the Xingyao Federation and only cultivate the two shares. If the power of civilization is united, that is the future, the future of all cultivators!"

"shut up!"

I don’t know if Cui Lingfeng is acting, showing his true feelings, or a combination of both. His face suddenly became extremely terrifying, like something that he had guarded for a lifetime in his heart, and he was smashed all of a sudden. Smash, "You boneless surrender, traitor, listen clearly, the Xinghai Republic has not perished. As long as we are here, it will never perish! One day, we will return to the center of Xinghai. The battle flag of the Republic is flying again in every corner of the Celestial Star, every one!"

The appearance of his blood running through his pupils and an angry rushing crown made Tang Dingyuan a little startled. After taking a close look at him, Tang Dingyuan showed a sarcastic smile: "The so-called'we' means that you are not separated from that class of grains. Are you a congressman who doesn't work? What are you going to use to fight back to the center of Xinghai, your spirit and patriotic enthusiasm?"

Cui Lingfeng took a deep breath and stared at Tang Dingyuan with disdain: "You are a purely technical school, a weaponist, and a cannon supremacy. Naturally, you don’t understand the importance of spirit. Whoever you trust, that's all."

"But let me tell you, don’t underestimate the power of spirit. People have to have a little spirit! Thinking back a thousand years ago, if our ancestors didn’t rely on this little spirit, How can our love and loyalty to the Xinghai Republic break out of the siege again and again and escape the clutches of the empire, even with the loss of 80% of the population and combat power, still persisting to this day?"

"You are the commander of a battleship. You should know better than me. Under normal circumstances, a force that loses at most 20% of its combat power will collapse across the board!"

"But we did not. We did not collapse. Instead, we have gone all the way to today. With the entire Xinghai being swallowed by the Empire and the Holy League, we, Xinghai Republic, are still fighting!"

Tang Dingyuan said coldly: "I refuse to call our current situation a'battle'. Think about the last time we met the Imperial Claw Fleet. It is even more embarrassing than the funeral dog hiding in Tibet! I want a real'battle'. Only by joining the Star Federation and fully integrating each other’s strengths can we have such a small chance to go back to the center of the Star Sea!"

"You ask me if I have lost faith in Xinghai Republic? Yes! I never conceal my thoughts. I think Xinghai Republic is hopeless and dead long ago!"

"But you ask me if I am a traitor? No! I also love Xinghai Republic, I am also willing to inherit the spirit of Xinghai Republic, and I also hope that Xinghai Republic can be reborn-with a new name, new look, and new posture. !"

"The Xinghai Republic is the supreme human civilization that has inherited the spirit of the Xinghai Empire and came into being. If the Xinghai Empire is called the'first cultivation civilization' where mankind dominates the Xinghai, then the Xinghai Republic is the'second cultivation civilization', and Today, a thousand years later, the Xingyao Federation is fully qualified to become the "third cultivation civilization", inheriting the spirit of the same line from the Xinghai Empire to the Republic, taking over the mission that all the practitioners have not completed for 10,000 years, and letting a powerful cultivation. Civilization, once again sweeping the entire universe!"

"This is all my thoughts. I don’t want to surrender to the Xingyao Federation, but to inject the spirit of the Xinghai Republic, which I love and swear to protect, into the Xingyao Federation, and create a world on top of the corpse of the Xinghai Republic. A stronger, brighter country with infinite future for comprehension!"

At the beginning, Tang Dingyuan's sound was as cold as hail, but in the end it roared into a thunder with flames.

Cui Lingfeng didn't seem to have expected him to say such a thing, and for a moment his face was filled with astonishment and doubt.

"Looking at how you look right now, if it wasn't for your acting skills to be superb, I really believe that you are not secretly messing up."

Tang Dingyuan sat back again, fell into deep thought, and muttered as he muttered, "That would be terrible, the two of us, the speaker of the exiled government and the captain of the Firefly were framed at the same time..."

Cui Lingfeng frowned: "What did you say?"

Tang Dingyuan glanced at him and sneered: "Chairman Cui, I believe your love and loyalty to the Xinghai Republic for the first time. However, what you call'we' is not necessarily the same. Not every congressman can be like you. With fanatical loyalty, I am ready to go into exile for another thousand years!"

"For most of the congressmen, what they care about is the little bit of sesame-sized power and status on hand, which can help them get a more spacious cabin and some slightly delicious synthetic food."

"As long as they have the opportunity, these congressmen will never mind selling their loyalty and ‘spirit’. As you said, they can be sold to the Federation and naturally to the Empire!"

Cui Lingfeng narrowed his eyes and paused every word: "What do you mean, make it clear?"

"Do you really think that all the congressmen are like you, willing to sail all the way to the end of the universe under the name of the "Xinghai Republic"?

Tang Dingyuan said calmly, "Yes, the postures they showed in the parliament are indeed like this. All of them are high-spirited and loyal to the extreme, but it is only because the five words'Xinghai Republic' have not been sold yet. They only have a good price in their minds. Do you want to know how many congressmen come to me in private and say that they are not opposed to joining the Star Federation, but because of your **** and persecution, they dare not say it face-to-face?"

Cui Lingfeng said nothing, staring at Tang Dingyuan.

Tang Dingyuan was full of calmness and did not back down.

"Brother Dingyuan, let's talk about it today."

Cui Lingfeng slowly said, "I have something else to do, so let's go one step ahead."

"You should hurry up."

Tang Dingyuan smiled, his smile a little bleak, "If you weren't acting just now, you really found evidence from my daughter Jing's brain, and Ding Zhengyang-he is now acting captain, he really accused me, Then we, the Firefly, the government-in-exile, and the Federation of Stars, our trouble will be big."

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