40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1624: The name is relatively low-key

"The name of this thing is'Green Soft Crystal'. It is a very common spar. It can be burned with psychic energy. Its ignition point is 525 degrees. It has very good stability. It is often used in defensive runes and stable runes. ."

Li Yaodao, "Because it is stable enough and has excellent fusion, it can be used when refining many magic weapons, and basically all refiners will carry one or two pieces with them."

Cui Lingfeng was startled slightly, and looked at Li Yao inwardly.

"But my'Green Soft Crystal' is not the inventory on the Firefly, but purchased from the Dragon and Snake Star Territory. Here, it is not called this name, but is called'Bimang Crystal'."

Li Yao said seriously, "Do you understand what I mean, Speaker? In the Xinghai Republic, it is called the'green soft crystal', in the Xingyao Federation, it is called the'bimang crystal', but to me , I don’t care what its name is, I only care whether it is the kind of material I want, whether it has the nature and function I need!"

"Whether it is called'green soft crystal' or'biman crystal', its properties will not change at all. Its permeability is still around 79%, its ignition point is still 525 degrees, and its hardness and brittleness , Fusion and function... all the same!"

"So, when I need to conduct an experiment and just use such a material, what is its name and what does it matter?"

"On the other hand, in fact, the Star Federation also has a material called'green soft crystal', but it is completely different from what we call the'green soft crystal'. It is very different from nature to effect. Could it be that I They have the same name, do they use the "Green Soft Crystal" of the Star Federation to conduct extremely dangerous experiments?"

Cui Lingfeng was startled slightly and fell into deep thought.

"I haven't been in much contact with politics, and I don't quite understand the topics you've been arguing just now. Those things are too vague to me."

Li Yao thought for a long time, and continued, "But if I really want to make a choice, I think what Captain Tang said is not unreasonable."

"The Xinghai Republic is of course a great country. We have countless proud histories and epic heroes. Even in the past thousand years, the turmoil between us and the empire has been a bizarre and soul-stirring legend. An uncompromising miracle!"

"So, if we can "inject" these proud histories, so many evocative heroes and miracles of the past thousand years, into the Xingyao Federation, so that the Xingyao Federation can fully inherit the spirit and philosophy of the Xinghai Republic. The people of the Star Federation can regard our history as their history, our heroes as their heroes, and our miracles as their miracles. Wouldn't it be better than simply changing its name to do so. Is it more important? As long as the nature is the same, it doesn't matter if it is called'Green Soft Crystal' or'Bimang Crystal'!"

"Since it doesn't matter—"

Cui Lingfeng frowned, "Why can't we insist on calling it "Green Soft Crystal" by our name?"

"This, because..."

Li Yao quickly blinked, "Because the Xingyao Federation retains its original name, it has greater practical benefits than changing its name to Xinghai Republic!"


Cui Lingfeng originally only regarded "Professor Rod" as the object of confession, but he did not expect that he could really say why, "What is the ‘practical benefit’."

"President, look, all kinds of media on the Firefly are analyzing the upcoming war. Even a person who doesn't care much about national affairs can often hear a few words."

Li Yaodao, "But I found that everyone's discussion of the situation is limited to how to deal with the Imperial Expeditionary Force, that is, the Black Wind Fleet, as if defeating the Black Wind Fleet will be all right."

"But I think this is not right. The Black Wind Fleet is just an expeditionary force of the empire. The true human empire has stolen hundreds of thousands of worlds of our Xinghai Republic, and the number of starships under its command is more than 100,000, and the high-ranking monks don't even count them. number!"

"Even if we really defeat the Black Wind Fleet, but as long as the true human empire thinks that our threat is large enough to destroy us at all costs, we can send another'White Wind Fleet', the'Yellow Wind Fleet'. The'Purple Wind Fleet', red, orange, red, green, blue and purple, waves of expeditionary forces take turns in battle, no matter how strong our'spirit' is, it can only be crushed by the real human empire, right?"


Cui Lingfeng thought deeply, "Go on."

"The reason why the true human empire didn't do its utmost to sweep the sea of ​​Xinghai aggressively is because they are in the center of the star sea and are entangled by the Covenant Alliance."

Li Yaodao, "From the perspective of the empire, competing with the Saint League for supremacy in the center of the Star Sea is the most important thing, and the sweeping of the'barren country' on the coast of the Star Sea is just a trivial matter—that’s why we can breathe and develop secretly. opportunity."

"Assuming that we have defeated the Black Wind Fleet in the name of the Star Federation, and the news reaches the empire's capital, Sky Pole Star, perhaps the empire will still treat us as a relatively powerful'savage country'. When dealing with us, We will weigh the pros and cons and calculate the gains and losses. It is unlikely to draw out the elite forces that are confronting the Holy League to conquer us. Even after calculating that the cost of expedition and occupation is too great, it may not be worth the loss, and there will be negotiations, acquisitions, solicitations, etc. Your mind, right?"

"In history, there has never been a central dynasty that can completely wipe out the barren country around it, and the true human empire is no exception."

"However, if we defeat the Black Wind Fleet in the name of the ‘Star Sea Republic’, that’s completely different things."

"For the real human empire, the Xinghai Republic is the ‘former dynasty’, and their process of stealing the power of the ‘former dynasty’ is not very glorious. We will always be a thorn in the empire’s throat, like a thorn in the throat!"

"I found an unknown savage country on the coast of Xinghai, and perhaps it can be tolerated by the empire; it was discovered that the'former dynasty' was resurrected and possessed the ability to defeat an elite fleet of the empire. This is a threat that can never be endured. Shaking the'national foundation' of the true human empire!"

"At that time, the true human empire will certainly send out... what I just said, the'Red Orange, Red, Green, Blue, and Purple', a steady stream of expeditionary troops to wipe out the'Remnants of the Former Dynasty'!"

"To sum it up, what I mean is that the name'Star Federation' is relatively low-key, and'Xinghai Republic' is too high-key. We are so weak now, there is really no need to care about these false names. It is serious to find a way to survive!"

Cui Lingfeng faintly stared at Li Yao with a very deep gaze. He didn't know whether he had listened to Li Yao's words or was thinking about other questions. He suddenly said, "I didn't expect that Professor Luode was not only an outstanding refiner. Teacher, there is such a strategic vision."

Li Yao: "Uh, apart from training, I also read political comments from the media as a way of relaxation and mental exercises."

Cui Lingfeng: "...really?"

Li Yao glanced at the big bear bodyguards with indifferent faces on both sides. Not knowing how to deal with it, the vacuum tube car trembled slightly and seemed to slip to the exit.

"Speaker, we are here."

Cheng Xuansu got out of the car first and helped them gently open the door from the outside. The four bodyguards got out of the car with Cui Lingfeng and Li Yao in their hands.

But it didn't look like "Battle Fort One" outside, but a dimly lit, rusty, and empty abandoned station.

A slightly rusty wind was blowing from nowhere, giving it a somewhat ghostly feeling.

"Huh! Huh!"

Behind Li Yao and Cui Lingfeng, the four big bear bodyguards silently summoned crystal armor and turned into four ferocious steel beasts.

The three crystal eyes on Cheng Xuansu's left face were red as if blood was dripping. The secret police chief drew a large-caliber miniature arrow gun from his waist and stared at Cui Lingfeng blankly.

it is more than words.

Cui Lingfeng looked at the surrounding environment, shivered slightly, and understood, his face was bleak and said, "Aren't you Cheng Xuan Su?"

"Do not."

The secret police chief lowered his head to adjust the spar agitation frequency of the Arrow Blast Spear, and said lightly, "I am Cheng Xuan Su, not being replaced by an imposter."

"It's impossible. Anyone on the Firefly may be a cultivator, but you can never!"

Cui Lingfeng seemed to have been bombarded by the Imperial fleet, and his whole person was swallowed by invisible flames. "Your father is the biggest hero of the Firefly's voyage for a thousand years. He led us from hundreds of times the imperial army's siege and interception. Breaking through, if it were not for his last heroic sacrifice, we would never have been today!"

"You are his daughter, how can you be a cultivator, how can you surrender to the empire?"

Cheng Xuansu smiled, smiling as cold as the shell of a starship in the dark sea of ​​stars: "That man is not my father, but my sperm provider. You were in the 278th year of his death. After that, he extracted the sperm he had stored in the depths of the starship, and gave birth to me—he has nothing to do with me."


Cui Lingfeng paused and said, "Do you want to do this?"

"You forced us."

Cheng Xuan said, "Originally, we did not intend to kill you. You are a very useful shield. You can stabilize the situation on the Firefly as much as possible before the arrival of the Black Wind Fleet, and you will come forward to contain the Star Federation. , It’s because your suspicion is too serious. You even figured out a way to randomly select a refiner to check the'polygraph', and our...Professor Rod, the professional level is really too high, really He has seen the flaw-we have no choice but to make this bad move."

Cui Lingfeng raised her voice: "I'm asking why you want to betray your father, betray the glory of Xinghai Republic, and take refuge in the real human empire!"

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