40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1625: Sometimes there are miracles


Cheng Xuansu held the gun's fingers and rubbed the handle for a long time, then smiled lightly, and carefully looked at Cui Lingfeng's face, "I should ask you this question. Mr. Speaker, what kind of fanatical spirit is this? Support your morbid beliefs, make you firmly believe that the'Xinghai Republic' still exists, and that the'Firefly' made up of hundreds of scrap copper and rotten iron can still sail for another thousand years, and even one day return to Xinghai. Go to the Central Committee to defeat the extremely powerful real human empire?"

"Tang Dingyuan is right. Xinghai Republic is dead a long time ago. As early as a thousand years ago, Wu Yingqi rushed into the Supreme Council and died the moment he announced that he was the Speaker! The Firefly is just its corpse. We are just living in this decayed corpse, insignificant little bugs!"

"Go back to the center of Xinghai and rejuvenate Xinghai Republic? Impossible, stop dreaming!"

Cui Lingfeng stared at Cheng Xuansu, his eyes were like two sharp hooks. He wanted to hook her head to see clearly. His voice was low, but it was full of desperate power: "Xuansu, even you are like this. Think? Even if this is really a dream, it is not just my dream, but the dream of thousands of people, including your father! Your father, there are countless heroes like your father, for this dream, Pour out their lives without complaint and dedicate all of them! Just to leave a little hope for... that great country a thousand years ago! How can you, how can you think like this?"

Cheng Xuansu’s face was indifferent, but the light of her crystal eyes became deeper and deeper, red and purple, purple and black, and coldly said: "Again, that man is not my father, and the hope of the so-called'Xinghai Republic' is just You immortal, self-deceiving dreams, what does it have to do with me?"

"Perhaps for you, the'Xinghai Republic' really represents a great history, representing many things, representing everything about you! Many of you were born in the center of Xinghai, and grew up in the heyday of Xinghai Republic, witnessing and Enjoyed its power and prosperity-just like my sperm provider, and then you were put into the hibernation warehouse like zombies, hibernating all the way to today, you naturally remember the old country that has long been annihilated. "

"But what about me?"

"I was born on this cold, dark, cramped and wet broken ship. From the time I remembered, I faced endless disasters. Today is the leak of this cabin, tomorrow is the explosion of that pipeline, and the day after tomorrow is artificial. Famine caused by greenhouse failure!"

"Behind our **** are thousands of empires chasing soldiers, and in front of us is the dark sea of ​​stars that no human has ever set foot on, and our broken ship rusts and rots day after day, there is no hope!"

"That's it, that's all, it's just that you have to use the'old glory of the Xinghai Republic' to deceive others, and what jokes of'kill back to the center of the Xinghai'!"

"Because I am the daughter of that man, because I have his blood flowing in my body, and because of your nonsense, since I was five years old, I have "voluntarily" accepted the most severe practice, stimulated by lies. , Constantly pushing the limit, trying to turn himself into the same'hero' like that man, until in the end, he turned himself into... now this looks like a scarred, human, ghost or ghost!"

"So, after discovering that I have been deceived and that I have struggled for half my life, it is just a complete joke, which can never be realized, is it a normal reaction to choose'betrayal'?"

"You ask me why I chose the real human empire? Haha, it's very simple. I have had enough of the days on the Firefly! The dull air, the small cabins, and the food that tastes like chewing wax, I feel scared day and night, as if A dark voyage with no hope at all like a fly without a head...I have had enough of all this!"

"I have dedicated the first half of my life to this carrion in Xinghai Republic, and in the second half of my life, I want to change my way of living and live like a real person!"

Cui Lingfeng now looks like a zombie who has been dead for a long time. He hissed: "Even so, even if you really... don't want to stay on the Firefly, you can choose the Star Federation!"

Cheng Xuansu sneered: "What is the difference between the Xingyao Federation and the Xinghai Republic? You are destined to be unable to resist the conquest of the real human empire. I have already escaped once. I don't want to be a bereavement dog for the second time. I don't want to die! The empire can give me. Everything you want, everything!"

Cui Lingfeng said sadly: "So you betrayed your compatriots and became a cultivator?"

Cheng Xuansu looked at him sarcastically: "What is the difference between a cultivator and a cultivator? Naturally, everyone will say,'The cultivator is the sword of human civilization', and'The cultivator is born to protect ordinary people.' ,Is the truth really like this?"

"If you practitioners of the Xinghai Republic are really that great, then won the support of ordinary people, and Wu Yingqi of the past, what chance do you have to usurp the power of the Supreme Council and become the'Black Star Emperor'?"

"Just say that on the little Firefly, the higher the cultivation base, the better the treatment and the greater the power?"

"Ordinary people and bottom sailors live in small, dark and humid cabins. Many people don't even have their own independent sleeping cabins. They have to share a place with their families and sleep in turns."

"And the lofty cultivators, whether it is your congressman or the bridge commanders of Tang Dingyuan, can enjoy a treatment that is dozens of times better than ordinary people-at least you don't have to take turns squeezing a sleeping bin, right?"

"There are nearly a hundred Yuanying monks on the Firefly, but I have never seen a cabin where a Yuanying monk lives. It will be smaller than a cabin of a bottom sailor. This is just a legal different treatment. As for the members of your staff. I’m not too lazy to talk about illegal activities, the use of power to converge supplies, black market transactions, etc.-in that case, what is the difference between a cultivator and a cultivator, and what is the difference between the Xinghai Republic and the real human empire? What is the essential difference?"

Cui Lingfeng's face was red and white: "This, this is an extraordinary period, a last resort method!"

"Yeah, very time."

Cheng Xuansu smiled, "I still remember the last'exceptional period'. Because of the extreme shortage of food, the parliament at that time even made a decision that no one is allowed to conceive and give birth naturally, and sperm and eggs must be frozen. According to The material circulation and demographic changes on board are used to precisely control the number of newborns. It is under this policy that I was nurtured by'precision control'-is this something that a cultivator can do?"

The corner of Cui Lingfeng's eyes twitched, as if his heart was being severely ravaged, he gasped and said, "That was a difficult decision, but we have no choice. The resources and space on the ship are just that. If the population is allowed to explode, In the end, there will be an uncontrollable famine and fall into the horrible **** of cannibalism!"

"Facts have proved that this policy is effective. We have gone through a difficult one hundred years and finally overcome the problem of food shortages, and our society has returned to normal and returned to life!"

Cheng Xuan said: "Sir, do you think I am opposed to the policy at the time? No, on the contrary, I very much agree with this policy. Under the circumstances at the time, if we want to continue our civilization, there is no choice. The only plan!"

"Aware of this, I suddenly understood and figured it out!"

"Many times, right and wrong do not make sense, and it does not make sense to cultivate or cultivate immortality, because we have no choice."

"The Firefly has limited resources and limited space, but the population growth can reach infinite at any time. For the continuation of civilization, we have made many...no other choice."

"In a broad sense, the entire human civilization at the helm of the real human empire is nothing more than a bigger'Firefly' in the vast dark universe? Perhaps, in order to allow the entire human civilization to continue, the empire I have to make a lot of choices without choice!"

Cui Lingfeng was really stunned, thinking for a moment, and trembling deeply: "You, where did you learn so much...apostate thoughts!"

Cheng Xuansu smiled: "Don't underestimate the wild country of Xinghai Beach. Don't all the legendary masters of the world live in such a place? President Lu Qingchen of the'Emperor Linhui' is really an immortal cultivator. There are scholars who have studied the Dao very deeply, and many of his thoughts are shocking, and it is suddenly enlightened!"

"Well, if you have nothing to ask, let's stop here."

"Excuse me, Lord Speaker...No, Uncle Cui, even though you have deceived me for decades with those nonsense, let's call you Uncle Cui at the end! No one wants things to be like this, really, it's not private. Gratitude and grievances are not even counted as great disputes. I just want to live the kind of real human life that I should have had.

Cheng Xuansu raised his pistol and aimed it at Cui Lingfeng's eyebrows, "Remember that time, every time I was exhausted in practicing and couldn't get up anymore, you would encourage me to say that as long as I persisted to the end, I would definitely be able to create miracles!"

"However, it is a pity that I have really been a long, long time, and I don't believe in the existence of miracles."

Cui Lingfeng's face was as gray as death, and he was so sad that he couldn't utter a word.

"That one……"

Li Yao scratched his hair and raised his hand to speak.


Cheng Xuansu raised his eyebrows, and the red glow from the crystal eyes locked on Li Yao, "Professor Luode, I'm sorry to involve you in this matter. It can only be regarded as your bad luck. Do you have any last words? ?"

"There is no last word, but I really want to say a few words."

Li Yao looked at Cui Lingfeng, then at Cheng Xuansu, blinking his eyes and said, "First, I think, the universe is so big, there are still things like ‘miracle’ occasionally."

"Second, between the two of us, there is indeed a person whose luck today is not very good, but it should be...not me."

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