40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1626: No more fleeing! (Fourth!)

When the words "not me" blurted out, Li Yao made a low roar in his body that looked like a wild beast awakening, and it seemed like a surging flood broke through the dam and dashed across the ground. The whole person's temperament instantly changed drastically!

The three crystals on Cheng Xuansu's left face were almost bursting with jealousy. Without any hesitation, he aimed the miniature arrow gun at Li Yao and fired six shots in one go!

This miniature arrow-burst gun was madly modified by the refiner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and coupled with the magical spear technique of becoming a mysterious element, six burst bullets inlaid with crystal marrow fragments whizzed out almost at the same time, and five of them were fired at the same time. Li Yao's eyebrows, heart, abdomen, two knees, and one of them turned a corner and shot towards Cui Lingfeng!

As soon as the bullet blasted out of the muzzle, Cheng Xuansu threw the gun and retreated quickly, her hands folded like a lotus flower, and strands of light flashed out from between her fingers, and the light turned into crystal armor, layer by layer on her body. cover!

"Kill them!"

Cheng Xuan Su screamed.

She is like a sophisticated killing machine, making every right choice.

But...it's useless.

Li Yao's figure was suddenly blurred, as if invisible and invisible gel was released from every pore in his body, condensed in front of him, and turned into a flexible shield, stagnating all the five bursting bullets that attacked him. Live, as for the last bullet that was shot at Cui Lingfeng in a bend, he copied it lightly and copied it directly in his palm!


The burst bullet was extremely sensitive, and it exploded fiercely when there was a slight shock and obstruction, and turned into a dark red fireball, but it was still caught between the fingers by Li Yao, just like holding a fiery red ball!

Four secret police officers wearing heavy armors yelled at Li Yao from all around.

But before their movements were fully stretched, Li Yao's right palm holding the fireball was already heavily pressed on the breastplate of the first secret police.

All the destructive power contained in the burst bullets was turned into a beam of rainy particles, which easily shredded the ultra-high-strength breastplate, and smashed the chest of this secret policeman!

"Papa Papa Papa!"

With a wave of Li Yao's left hand, the other five bullets frozen in place suddenly turned back, "cracking" and bombarding the second secret police.

These five bullets were not subject to strong pressure by Li Yao, and the secret police just had time to open the psychic shield, but did not suffer much damage.

However, his sight and the perception of the crystal armor were disturbed for a moment by the sparks from the explosion-between the sparks and fire, a super-flexible crystal silk 90% thinner than the hair was running along between his helmet and breastplate. He penetrated into the gap, broke through his jaw and nasal cavity all the way, and penetrated into his brain. After being filled with psionic energy, it turned into a spiral shape, stirred vigorously, and instantly stirred the secret police's brain into a ball of pulp. paste!

This crystal wire is the real Professor Rod, the "positioning antenna" refined to track Tang Xiaoxing.

In the hands of a monster like Li Yao, a small antenna is a peerless weapon that can easily kill a master!

Until this moment, Li Yao had just begun to summon the profound bone battle armor, and the door was still wide open behind him.

The third secret police dashed over like an angry rhino, with arcs in his hand, and the crackling assault stings, really like the big horns of a rhino or even a rhinoceros!

But he still had no chance to get close to Li Yao within half a meter.

Still one meter away, Li Yao used the magical power to lock the throat in the air, causing the iron-clad rhino, which weighs more than five tons with crystal armor, to abruptly stop in mid-air.

Afterwards, with five fingers, the crystal armor on the secret police "crackled" bursting open, turning into fine pieces and flying around the sky.

Finally, the five fingers shrank and pushed again, and the secret police seemed to be hit hard by the invisible ultra-high-speed crystal rail train, and flew out several hundred meters in a flash, making a deafening roar on the rusty bulkhead. Bumped into meatloaf.

From Cheng Xuansu's shooting to the death of the super-class master among the three secret police officers, it took no more than five seconds.

Cheng Xuan Su's crystal armor has been reproduced.

But she was not equipped with a helmet and visor, and her pale face was clearly shown in front of Li Yao and Cui Lingfeng.

Li Yao's crystal armor has also been reproduced.

Although it was just an ordinary battle armor of profound bones, in this gloomy, ghostly environment, it was as terrifying as the ghost in the 100,000 heads of Nine Secluded Yellow Springs!

The fourth secret police still did not move.

It can be clearly heard that the sound of "click, click, click" came from inside his crystal armor, as if countless components collapsed in an instant, making the crystal armor unable to move or detach, and it became An iron coffin that confines people to death!

Cheng Xuansu only took 0.1 seconds to analyze that he was definitely not Li Yao's opponent.

No, there is no need to analyze it at all. As long as you smell the wisps of arrogance that penetrates the gaps in the profound bone battle armor, you can draw conclusions with the survival instinct like a herbivore facing a carnivorous beast!

Her heart, stomach, and lower abdomen all contracted, and every trembling cell made the same sound: "Run!"

Cheng Xuansu ran away.

When Li Yao downplayed the killing of the first secret police officer, she came to the most correct conclusion; when Li Yao stabbed the second secret police officer to death with a crystal thread, she had not put on a full set of crystal armor, and she would be driven The talisman array was stimulated to the limit; when Li Yao removed the third secret police's crystal armor and blasted people out, she had instantly flashed a hundred meters away; it was when Li Yao controlled the fourth with a ghostly technique. When he was a secret police officer, Cheng Xuansu took out a crystal-clear and exquisite ball from his waist and slammed it on the ground.

"Zizizizi", Cheng Xuansu's whole body was instantly enveloped by wisps of electric arcs, and the arc condensed into a large blue ball with a diameter of more than two meters, which firmly wrapped her inside.

Under the electric arc, Cheng Xuansu stared at Cui Lingfeng with a sorrowful smile: "That's it, it turns out that everything was arranged by Uncle Cui. You suspected me a long time ago, and you set a trap, just to lure me into the bait. Out of everything."

"Unexpectedly, you are still raising such a master, or is this another old monster that has been sleeping for a thousand years and has just been released by you?"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter..."

She tremblingly stretched out her hand, covering her left face, and took off the bionic material inlaid with three red crystal eyes from her face, revealing the scarred skin and the empty left eye.

Deep in the eye sockets without eyeballs, red blood and tears slowly flowed out.

Cui Lingfeng's face changed drastically, and he said anxiously, "Xuansu, no!"

Li Yao also realized what Cheng Xuansu was going to do.

But his assault was blocked by the arc around Cheng Xuan Su-this is a high-level defensive talisman array, even Li Yao could not break through within a second.

But Cheng Xuansu was able to pull out another arrow-burst spear within a second, and stubbornly held it against his temple.

"Uncle Cui, I said it."

Cheng Xuansu smiled faintly, "I have had enough of this life, I will never run away, never!"

Before Li Yao tore through the arc defense, she had pulled the trigger and exploded all the organs above her neck. Every brain cell was wiped out between the arc and the flame.

To die so fiercely, even if you want to transform into a ghost cultivation, it is absolutely impossible.

The abandoned station has once again restored the dead silence of the past.

Except for the rusty draught wind, it added a strong **** smell, it was almost the same as ten minutes ago.

Li Yao and Cui Lingfeng silently looked at the four corpses lying on the ground and a secret police who was kneeling next to them, and then glanced at each other with intricate eyes.

Cui Lingfeng let out a muffled snort, and slowly fell to the ground, clutching his chest tightly. There was no joy from the rest of his life. Instead, he was full of frustrated tiredness. The original deep eyes became muddy.

Listening to his conversation with Cheng Xuansu just now, Li Yao guessed that his relationship with Cheng Xuansu must be extremely close.

Cheng Xuansu called him "Uncle Cui". It seems that he had been trained since childhood and took care of him like his own daughter.

Also, if it weren't for that, how could she be assured of letting her become the chief secret police, the most important confidant?

Cheng Xuansu's betrayal and suicide must have dealt a huge blow to Cui Lingfeng. At this moment, he didn't even look like the speaker of the dignified Xinghai Republic, but just an old man who had lost all hope and was dying.


Li Yao can face a brawny man who has strengthened his back and screamed without changing his face, but facing such an old man who is more than heartbroken, he really doesn't know how to start.

Cui Lingfeng glanced at him, seeing through everything, his heart was ashamed and surrendered, and he laughed sadly like a ghost: "Hehe, hehehe, the mantis is catching the cicada, the oriole is behind, and Xuan Su and Zhengyang are doing their best. Wanzuo, I didn't expect that you would still be played with applause in the end! You are a Federation, right? You are the dark moon team, the minion of Jin Xinyue?"

"This one--"

Li Yao really wanted to admit that he was indeed a member of the Federation, or the legendary supreme of the Three Realms! However, intermittent voices came from the tactical communication channel. Long Yangjun and the others have already entered, adding fuel to the fire in the chaotic situation!

After pondering for a long time, Li Yao still withdrew the profound bone battle armor and said, "Chairman Cui, don't get me wrong. Of course I am not the real Professor Rod, but I am indeed not a citizen of the new federation, let alone Jin Xinyue's minion."

Jin Xinyue is almost the same as my minion-Li Yao said silently in her heart.

"Not from the Federation?"

Li Yao’s words seem to give Cui Lingfeng a shot of a special heart booster, which suddenly changed him from black and white to color. He quickly rolled his eyes, his eyebrows were towering, and he seemed to be calculating crazy deep in his brain. , After a while, he murmured, "Yes, you have no reason to be a member of the Federation, let alone Jin Xinyue's minion-for the Starlight Federation, I am holding on to the'Xinghai Republic' signboard. The old man is really annoying. First, I will be killed by the hand of the cultivator, and then they will slay all the cultivators on the Firefly as a savior, and take the Firefly as a matter of course. This is the way to maximize the benefits!"


Rao is the computational power of Cui Lingfeng’s Yuanying series, and I really don’t know such a chaotic situation. The Speaker of the Xinghai Republic looked at Li Yao up and down for a long time and said in disbelief, "You are not from the Federation, and it is even more impossible. It’s from the empire—otherwise it won’t stop the conspiracy of the cultivators. So, who are you?"


The long-lost fourth watch!

Whenever I write about the Great Dao Controversy, I am always very excited!

It’s been a long time since I’ve been embarrassed to ask everyone for subscriptions and monthly passes. Please help. Everyone, this month’s monthly pass list is not very good. Let’s work hard together and make a sprint based on the previous month!

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