40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1630: Good cultivators, bad cultivators (fourth!)


Li Yao sighed for the second time, and his name changed accordingly, "Sir, you really changed my outlook time and time again. I didn't expect you to look at the problem so clearly."

"I don't want to be so sober."

Cui Lingfeng narrowed his eyes and said quietly, "When you are in the boundless hell, the more sober you are, the more painful you are."

"But this ‘first’ alone is not convincing enough."

Li Yao asked, "What about the second?"

"Secondly, I am the same as you people in Red Lotus. Even if you really join the Xingyao Federation, you must fight for the basic interests of your compatriots, and win the respect and respect it deserves for the five words of'Xinghai Republic'. Historical position."

Cui Lingfeng said coldly, "But Captain Tang can't. He can only control the starship, and he can only manipulate the hundreds of magic weapon units. When operating this kind of thing, he should bargain shamelessly and fight for profit cruelly? He can't, he is too tender, he will only be played round and round by the Federation and Jin Xinyue!"

Li Yao: "Uh, Lord Speaker doesn't seem to like Jin Xinyue very much. Just now you said that I was her "minion". Usually, the two words "minion" are used to describe the enemy."

Cui Lingfeng snorted coldly and said, "After you rescued Tang Xiaoxing for the first time, you once encountered a mysterious tactical squad and snatched her from the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce and the secret police. This tactical squad is very likely to be Jin. The'Dark Moon Team' under the banner of Xinyue."

"Just ask, Cheng Xuansu's work is so secretive, how did Jin Xinyue know about it before the Federal Secret Sword Bureau did not move? How could there be such a coincidence that a heavily armed Darkyue squad was active nearby?"

"It's not a coincidence. Jin Xinyue must be inseparable from this matter. As for how deeply involved she was and what role she played in the whole matter, I still don't know."

"But if you think about it, you will understand, who is the most good for a disturbance on the Firefly? Of course it is the Star Federation!"

"First, with the help of the cultivator, remove the smelly and hard stone from the pit like me, and then take everything on the Firefly as a matter of course, and Tang Dingyuan may have to be grateful for the selfless help from the brother of the cultivator— —Much like Jin Xinyue’s acting style."

Li Yao scratched his scalp vigorously: "Uh, listening to the speaker said, this Jin Xinyue is not a good person?"

Cui Lingfeng glanced at Li Yao strangely: "I found that your wisdom is up and down, Captain Lin, did hibernation for more than two hundred years have damaged your brain thinking area? Do you know what Jin Xinyue does? The president of the Dark Moon Foundation! The Star Federation has two intelligence agencies, one is the Secret Sword Bureau in charge of homeland security, and the other is the Dark Moon Foundation, which is responsible for external strikes. To put it more plainly, the other is to prevent enemies from coming. One is to go to the enemy’s home to do the sabotage."

"Good guys? Are good guys eligible to be the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service?"

Li Yao was speechless, pretending to be very vigilant, and lowered his voice: "We have also heard a lot of rumors about Jin Xinyue in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory. We have a lot of scruples about this snake and scorpion girl. We are not willing. She entered the Federation by revealing her true identity to a large extent! I heard that she is really cruel and poisonous like a snake! Lord Speaker, do you think she has also become a renegade and degenerates into an immortal cultivator?"

Cui Lingfeng said: "I don't think Jin Xinyue will be a cultivator, but why do you think that a cultivator must be a good person?"

Li Yao was startled slightly: "Will the cultivator be a bad person?"

"of course."

Cui Lingfeng said, "There are also two types of cultivators, good cultivators and bad cultivators."

Li Yao frowned: "I don't understand, what's the difference?"

Cui Lingfeng said lightly: "A good cultivator does what a cultivator should do, and a bad cultivator does what the cultivator is unwilling to do but someone must do it."

Li Yao: "Still...I don't quite understand."

Cui Lingfeng frowned and said, "Is this question very important, do I have to waste precious time to explain?"

Li Yao nodded, very serious: "It's very important. We Honglian people are also cultivators, and we also have our own Taoism and bottom line. Naturally, we can't help everyone. You are reasonable, and we can negotiate this deal!"


Cui Lingfeng pondered for a moment, and said quickly, "There is no time to explain too much. Let's put it this way, now there are two candidates in the Star Federation who are going to run for the most important federal speaker in a century. Among them, Ding Lingdang is a good cultivator, Jin Xinyue is a bad cultivator."

"This is not a phenomenon unique to the Federation. It is the same on our Firefly. Generally speaking, the captain is a good cultivator and the speaker is a bad cultivator."

"Don't worry, you will understand it all by giving an example."

"Did you know that in the past few hundred years, the Firefly has encountered several disasters that were almost completely annihilated. Our cabins used to grow crops and raise spirit beasts have suffered a devastating blow from meteor showers; we have been extremely lacking A key material that has caused certain special drugs to be unrefined for a long time, and is in a desperate situation of lack of medicine and medicine; a very serious plague has spread on the ship, but we are helpless."

"I ask you, when the ship’s artificial greenhouse and spirit beast breeding cabin are severely damaged by the star sea storm, it is calculated that in the next hundred years, they will fall into severe famine. The more the population, the more famine. In this case, it is easy to cultivate. People can make a decision. Everyone prohibits natural pregnancy and childbirth. If you want to have a baby, you can only freeze your sperm and eggs and slowly line up to shake the numbers. Many people have not even seen the birth of their children in their entire lives. Don't you die?"

"Can a cultivator make such a decision that violates human nature?"

Li Yao was speechless and didn't know how to answer.

Cui Lingfeng didn’t let him go, and continued: “I’ll ask you again, when we are extremely short of a kind of raw material, which causes a certain kind of special medicine for heart disease to be unable to refine, one bottle is less than one bottle, and the inventory will be consumed. For the sake of young people and future plans, good cultivators can forcefully stipulate that all elderly people over 150 years of age are not allowed to use this special medicine after suffering from heart disease, even if only this medicine can save lives. No, do you have to leave it to young people?"

"Can a cultivator make such a cruel decision, and can watch an elderly person over one hundred and fifty years old die slowly, but can't save him?"

Li Yao swallowed a mouthful of saliva and another mouthful.

Cui Lingfeng stared at him with eyes like two cold flames: "Well, now there is such a rule that all elderly people over 150 years old are treated equally, and they are not allowed to use this special heart medicine, but suddenly there is one. An expert on the power rune array that is extremely important to the Firefly, he just turned one hundred and fifty-one years old this year and suddenly got heart disease. If he didn't use this special medicine, he would definitely die."

"His death will deal a severe blow to the voyage of the Firefly, and even make a special extreme power amplification technology completely lost, and this technology is the key to us in the past to get rid of the imperial army! In this case, A good cultivator, can he falsify his identity information and change his age to 149 years old, so as to be eligible for special medicine?"

"Later, a reporter discovered this accidentally, and wanted to expose this huge scandal, which may cause a major riot on the Firefly. Those who are good practitioners can bully and lure this reporter into force. Did the scandal cover up?"

"Understood, Captain Lin, good cultivators shouldn't do these things. These things are dirty, ugly, rotten, and cruel. They should be cast aside by all ‘real’ cultivators!"

"The captain of the Firefly, never do this!"

"Captain! Xinghai Republic's greatest deep space exploration ship, deep into the unprecedented realm, the captain of the Firefly! He should be a bright, righteous, perfect, and good cultivator without half a blemish! He should bring it. With a bright smile, invincible faith and fearless spirit, lead everyone on this ship from one victory to another, from light to brighter!"

"The captain's hands cannot be dirty."

"But it's a useless council like a cecum. The speaker who is fat, selfish, cold and ruthless, doesn't know how to sympathize with the suffering of the people at the bottom, it doesn't matter. He is a bad cultivator. Decision!"

"This is the reason why the Firefly still implemented the'double heads' system after a thousand voyages, and it is also the reason why the Firefly can continue to voyage for a thousand years! The captain and the speaker, the good and bad cultivators, the former Responsible for the upright, passionate, and proud part of the work, the latter is responsible for the remaining part of the work, that's it."

"Tang Dingyuan is a very competent captain and a standard cultivator, just like Ding Lingdang, another candidate of the Star Federation, the'Federal God of War', huh, yes, they are the most perfect under the sun. Warrior!"

"But a soldier in the sun is only suitable for fighting in the sun. Tang Dingyuan can shake hands, sign, hug, and show a brilliant smile with Ding Lingdang in front of the public under the spotlight, but he can't be in a place invisible to the public. Going to play games with Jin Xinyue like a wild dog, he definitely can't beat Jin Xinyue!"

"Only I can gain more benefits for the Firefly under the sharp teeth and fangs of Jin Xinyue, and on the condition of the five words'Xinghai Republic', because Jin Xinyue and I are the same kind of people, we They are all bad cultivators, all...people who defend the avenue of cultivation in the dark!"

Cui Lingfeng paused and said, "So, I must firmly control the dominant power in my own hands. After the negotiation is over, it doesn't matter how I go out. But now, I must be the speaker, a powerful, The Supreme Speaker of the Xinghai Republic!"


The fourth watch is sent, Lao Niu continued to roll around asking for subscriptions, asking for monthly passes, and continuing to appear in the book review area of ​​"Forty Thousand Years of Cultivation" on the Chinese website of Qiqiang~~~~

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