40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1631: Everyone agrees to keep a low profile together...

Cui Lingfeng is just a management-type Nascent Soul monk, the nominally supreme leader of a former country that has in fact been dead for a long time.

However, when he said the above words in a not high-pitched but exceptionally deep tone, the huge waves that set off in Li Yao's heart were no less inferior to Li Yaozai, Lu Zui, Zhou Hengdao, Xiao Xuance, When Bai Xinghe, Youquan Patriarch and others were in a duel, they felt that suffocating aura!

Li Yao took a deep breath, brought his legs together, and solemnly said: "Sir, the Red Lotus team has been activated, ready to go into combat at any time-what is our mission?"


Every fold on Cui Lingfeng's face seemed to contain a sword, and said quickly, "The situation has reached the most critical juncture. Although the parliament has been infiltrated by immortal cultivators, the situation on the bridge is not optimistic. Think about it carefully. You know, Cheng Xuansu is only the secret police commander, and at most controls the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but she can’t control the entire Firefly, nor does she have the power to influence the bridge—want to play an important role in the battle between the Empire and the Federation, the ship The bridge is the key!

Therefore, Cheng Xuansu will not be the number one person in this rebellion.

Ding Zhengyang, the former chief commander of the deck, personally stood up to testify against Captain Tang Dingyuan, and produced very detailed evidence. I have carefully studied these evidences. There are many things that are not available to the insiders. This is what I was right at the time. He is convinced that the reason for the secret arrest of Captain Tang! Now he has taken over the duties of Captain Tang as a matter of course, temporarily controlling the entire Firefly!

From this point of view, the role of Lu Qingchen in the rebellion of the Emperor's Council is not to be ignored, the number one person in the Firefly is definitely Ding Zhengyang! "

As Cui Lingfeng said, he activated his miniature crystal brain, igniting hundreds of light curtains in one breath.

He is the Speaker of the Speaker, has the highest authority on the ship, and can mobilize the crystal eye monitoring images in most places.

In the plan of the immortal cultivator, he was killed directly, so he did not close his authority. It would be difficult to close the speaker's management authority over the starship by Ding Zhengyang and Cheng Xuansu.

Everywhere on the light curtain were people filming with tiny crystal brains, with tumultuous voices, turbulence, interlacing flames and smog.

Large-scale chaos occurred at various key nodes of the Firefly. Countless angry people crowded the narrow cabins and corridors and demanded the release of Captain Tang, who was detained. They huddled together with the police to maintain order, and both sides were at war.

At this time, as long as a few people with ulterior motives are mixed in the crowd or the police and fire at the other side, the audience can be detonated at any time!

"Although Ding Zhengyang is the acting captain, the number of immortal cultivators secretly developed by them is unlikely to be many!"

Cui Lingfeng groaned, "The number of people participating in the Fairy Way Propaganda Conference must be very small. Only after the close scrutiny of Ding Zhengyang, Cheng Xuansu, etc., will they be'brainwashed'. It is impossible for them to participate in the Fairy Way Propaganda Conference. 'But all those who are unwilling to transform into immortal cultivators are killed, it is impossible to arrange so many'accidents'!

In other words, the immortal cultivators only occupy some of the more critical positions on the ship, and even if the vast majority of people actually participate in the riots, they are deceived and do not know what they are doing!

Let me guess that the script of Ding Zhengyang and Cheng Xuansu is very likely to be-arranging a troop called immortal cultivators to rob prison, on the one hand, it can kill me logically, on the other hand, it is a solid foundation for Tang Dingyuan's'immortal cultivator'. In this way, whether it is the "Bridge Group" loyal to Tang Dingyuan or the councillors who are loyal to me, they will suffer a heavy blow. In addition, Ding Zhengyang and Cheng Xuansu have joined forces to suppress those who disobey them on the Firefly. !

Cheng Xuansu is dead, but Ding Zhengyang still controls the bridge. When the dog jumps over the wall, he can do anything!

Therefore, the two most important things now are, the first is to let everyone know that the speaker is still alive; the second is to control Ding Zhengyang before he goes crazy!

Ding Zhengyang can't die, he must know a lot about the immortal cultivators, including'The Black Wind Fleet has come and is dormant in the dark, preparing to carry out a fatal blow to the Xingyao Federation.' This sentence does not seem to be a pure bluff. We must squeeze out every bit of intelligence in his mind! "

Li Yao nodded: "What should we do, first save Captain Tang Dingyuan?"

"Do not!"

Cui Lingfeng shook his head and said, "It is useless to save Captain Tang alone. He has been framed by Ding Zhengyang as a'immortal cultivator'. In such a chaotic situation, it is difficult for him to prove his innocence, let alone control the bridge. .

Besides, since Ding Zhengyang chose to take the risk, he must now transfer Captain Tang, and for a while, we can't find him.

Don't worry, Captain Tang holds many core secrets of the Firefly. If Ding Zhengyang wants to completely control this starship, it is impossible to kill Captain Tang immediately. His life is guaranteed for the time being.

Your Red Lotus squad has only 13 soldiers. The number is too small to attack from all sides. Instead of saving Captain Tang, it is better to save the others who were imprisoned by Ding Zhengyang and Cheng Xuansu! "

Li Yao was startled slightly, his eyes flashed for an instant: "Yes, we don't know who the cultivator is on the ship, but Ding Zhengyang and Cheng Xuansu know it all. Those detained by them must be loyal. of!"

Cui Lingfeng disconnected his miniature crystal brain from the Lingnet and called up several three-dimensional maps stored on the chip. The explanation said: "We will separate Captain Tang and the others for interrogation. As of this morning, except for Captain Tang In addition, a total of 122 people were secretly arrested. They were basically the backbones and influential scholars and social figures in various key positions on the Firefly. They were all detained here ---carried by a special ship. The Black Rock Prison converted from the heavy transport ship "Black Rock" for dangerous goods!

I will now transmit to you a ‘Highest Authorization Secret Pattern’. You will transmit this secret pattern to the rest of the Red Lotus Team so that they can control part of the ship’s authority and go to the Blackstone Prison to release people!

I allow them to act cheaply. If the prison does not cooperate, they can take all measures!

Just tell them, now on the Firefly, below the Speaker, they are the biggest!

After rescuing everyone, we escorted them back to their respective jobs, and quelled the chaos of the Firefly as quickly as possible. All troops encountered along the way, took the command of the secret pattern as an order, and were commanded by the Red Lotus team. !

Captain Lin, can your people... do such a task? "

Li Yao licked his lips and laughed: "No problem, but I really didn't expect that the power of the Speaker should be so great that he can turn the clouds and rain on the Firefly in minutes, covering the sky with one hand!"


Cui Lingfeng also laughed gloomily, "For a thousand years, the'good cultivators' headed by the captain have been trying to weaken the power of the speaker and the council. We have made concessions in many places, but on this bottom line," A bad cultivator', naturally, he won't give up!"

Li Yao nodded: "It should not be too difficult to break the Blackstone Prison. After all, the prison guards cannot all be immortal cultivators. There are only a few bosses at most. The problem can be solved by implementing the'decapitation tactic'.

But my magic weapon of communication has not been laid in this area, and the signal has been intermittent until now, it is difficult to contact them. "

"It's okay!"

Cui Lingfeng said flatly, "Just use the civil spirit net!"

"Public network?"

Li Yao was startled slightly, "Isn't it easy to be spotted by the enemy?"

Cui Lingfeng sneered and said with high morale: "First, the situation is so chaotic now, the other party has no time to find you from the messy Lingnet signals; second, the matter is now, are we still afraid of being discovered?"

Li Yao took a deep breath, thinking through from front to back, indeed!

The Red Lotus squad has been activated, and what should be feared now is Ding Zhengyang's immortal cultivator!

Cui Lingfeng glanced at him, knowing that these "red lotus people" must have secrets to discuss that were not enough for outsiders, so he walked away empathetically and collected all the crystal brains of the five immortal cultivators to see if there were any accidents. evidence of.

Li Yao walked to the corner and contacted Long Yangjun and others through the public network. The background of the other party was noisy and chaotic.

Li Yao: "What is your environment?"

Long Yangjun: "Finally contacted you, what's your situation? We have been silent for such a long time! We have already sneaked into the Firefly, but the progress is very unsatisfactory. It seems that something has happened on the ship, and there are angry crowds everywhere. , The fully guarded police and soldiers, the defense has not only increased tenfold! We have been hiding our strength very low-key, and it is almost impossible to do anything!"

Ba Xiaoyu: "Yes, Fellow Daoist Lingjiu, we have always been worried about your safety, for fear that a disturbance here will cause you trouble, but also keep in mind your thousands of warnings, to be low-key, to restraint, to be calm, fundamentally I dare not let go of my hands and feet and do a big job, I'm almost suffocated to death!"

Li Yao: "Uh, let's actually talk about it. The outside world is so complicated, not as simple as ours. When performing tasks, it doesn't matter if you occasionally respond to changes, it doesn't necessarily have to be so low-key..."

Ba Xiaoyu: "...what do you mean?"

Li Yao: "Ahem, that's the case. Actually, I have been with Speaker Cui Lingfeng of the Xinghai Republic just now. It turns out that Speaker Cui is pretty good, not as we originally misunderstood."

Long Yangjun: "Talk about the point!"

Li Yao: "The point is that in front of Chairperson Cui, I showed my strength far beyond the elementary stage of the Yuan Ying stage. At the very moment, I killed four immortal cultivators, including the secret police chief Cheng Xuan Su, to turn the tide. After saving the Speaker, Speaker Cui said that he admired my talent very much and wanted me to be his new confidant general, special commissioner, and the leader of the "Red Lotus Squad" directly under the chairperson’s secret armed forces. He also said that as long as the rebellion of the cultivator is resolved, All of us'red lotus people' identities will be dealt with by him, uh, basically that's the way it is, so don't worry, I have solved our biggest headache."

Long Yangjun: "..."

Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun: "..."

Han Baling, Qi Zhongdao, Yan Liren, etc.: "..."

Ba Xiaoyu: "My friend Lingjiu, listening to your words, the beggar's heart is really mixed and speechless. I wonder if I can use a local slang I just learned from the Lingnet to express my state of mind at this moment?"

Li Yao: "Oh? Fellow Daoist Ba has something to say, but it doesn't hurt to say it."

Ba Xiaoyu: "Everyone agreed to keep a low profile together, but you secretly ran out and pretended to be force?"

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