40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1632: Lead the snake out of the cave!

Li Yao gave a dry cough, pretended not to hear Ba Xiaoyu's words, and quickly introduced the whole thing, and finally concluded: "Our goal is to obtain a suitable identity. Then, cooperating with Speaker Cui is obviously better than peace. Captain Tang cooperates better.

First of all, he is the genuine Speaker of the Xinghai Republic, and he is a well-deserved number one person. In theory, Captain Tang still needs to be restrained by him. He wants to be a hindrance. We can't completely bypass him, but he said that there is such a thing. Captain Tang couldn't falsify the secret "Red Lotus Squad".

Secondly, Chairperson Cui has no one available right now, and Captain Tang is still absolutely reliable about the more than one hundred confidants in the jail, so even if Chairperson Cui has doubts about our identity, he is forced by the situation. I have to cooperate with us sincerely, until he can form a new team and can balance with Captain Tang-but it is not easy!

We have no malice towards him or the Firefly, but we just want to use this springboard to enter the Star Federation. There is no conflict of interest at all, and we believe that cooperation will be very pleasant.

Third, Speaker Cui is different from Captain Tang in that he does not blindly fall to the Xingyao Federation. Even if he is really willing to let go of his obsession with the'Xinghai Republic', he must conduct an in-depth and thorough investigation of the Xingyao Federation-as long as he is willing. Concession on this point, and using the many precious magical powers and magic weapons on the Firefly as a bargaining chip, I believe that the Star Federation will open the door, and let his'special envoy' that is us, go deep into the core department of the Federation for inspection, and this , Is the purpose of our trip!

Finally, in fact, the Master is really a person who is indifferent to fame and fortune, and does not like to pretend to be forced. However, the situation is really critical just now. I was forced to be helpless. I have already blasted out at least the mid-level aura of the Yuan Ying period in front of Speaker Cui, not with him. What else can we do if we cooperate, we can't kill people, right?

Fellow Daoists, you have carefully pondered, is this the same thing? "

There was silence on the communication channel for a while, and Meng Chi's low-hearted voice came: "Although it was a mistake to get to this point, after listening to the analysis of Taoist Lingjiu, it is indeed more advantageous to rely on the chairman than to rely on the captain. The Red Lotus Squad is the Red Lotus Squad. It only needs to have a special identity that can swagger into the Federation!"

Li Yao just breathed a sigh of relief, and Ba Xiaoyu's voice came again: "Wait, I have a question, why are you the leader of the Red Lotus team?"

Li Yao quickly blinked his eyes and said: "Because I revealed the middle-level cultivation base of the Nascent Soul in front of Speaker Cui, but I said that you only have the strength of the Jin Dan realm from the core to the Nascent Soul! It’s not Yuan Ying being the team leader, is it still golden core? Only twelve or three golden cores, he was dumbfounded. I can't say that all of you are from high-level to the top, and there are even gods, right? Don’t scare him to death! In a small realm with a bad environment and chaotic spirits in the Red Lotus area, where is there such a variety of infants and gods!"

Another old ghost Wu Suiyun said indifferently: "Since we have come to the modern world of comprehension where our lives are unfamiliar, our twelve ancient sage monks are all one, and everyone is for the survival and future of the ancient sage world. What does it matter if you bear this name? By chance, Daoist Lingjiu rescued Chairperson Cui by chance, so naturally he should be the leader of the Red Lotus team. Not only that, I also propose Daoist Wang Xi to be the deputy captain— Because the purpose of the formation of the "Red Lotus Team" is very similar to the "Ghost Painted Talisman" formed by Taoist Wang Xi. He is responsible for the actual command, and is better than me, Taoist Meng and the other Taoists who are used to driving thousands of troops. More appropriate."

Long Yangjun’s "previous life" is, in all likelihood, the commando captain and special warfare captain on the Nuwa battleship. That's why she established an organization like "Ghost Painting Talisman" in the Dagan Dynasty, and she served as the Red Lotus. The deputy captain of the squad, responsible for the attack on Blackstone Prison, is indeed very familiar and easy.

Many ancient sages have no objection, and Long Yangjun is also doing his part. Everyone quickly discussed the plan. Li Yao took the opportunity to use Chairperson Cui’s portable brain to get the detailed structure diagram of the entire Firefly, as well as the new identification of friend or foe and special permissions. Send them all.

"I will send you a bunch of runes below."

Li Yao swiftly operated, "You jump to this secret spiritual network node dedicated to the speaker through runes, and log in with the twelve spiritual patterns that I will send next, and you can download the twelve highest-level permissions separately. , Poured into the tactical crystal brain and crystal armor, will be recognized by all the defense systems, hatches, magic units, police, soldiers...all kinds of armed personnel on the starship as'friendly' and'superior'! Who! If you don’t recognize your identities and don’t obey your orders, let them see how powerful the Red Lotus team has been sleeping for more than two hundred years!"

"Haha, hahahaha!"

Huntian King Qi Changsheng said in a strange tone: "This is what is often said in the drama,'holding a sword of Shangfang, you have the right to cut first and then play', right?"


Li Yao suddenly thought of something, "How are you going to tell Hei Yelan? It's not appropriate to tell her directly to fight a cultivator, right?"

"Nothing inappropriate."

Meng Chi said unhurriedly, "Just tell her the truth, there is no need to lie to her. Anyway, this is a rebellion that will never succeed. Even if we don't take action, the schemes of these immortals will never succeed."


Li Yao didn't understand.

"The authorities are fascinated, and bystanders are clear. After listening to the commentary of Taoist Lingjiu, the truth is already clear at a glance."

Meng Chi said indifferently, "Don’t you think that this immortal cultivator’s rebellion was too hasty and it’s a mess of catching the ducks on the shelves? Neither Ding Zhengyang nor Cheng Xuansu were ready to take the entire Firefly. , Even if it is a fluke, you will soon face the powerful pressure of the Star Federation!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes: "What do you mean by Meng Senior?"

"It's very simple. Someone secretly stuns Ding Zhengyang, Cheng Xuansu, and other immortal cultivators who are hidden in the dark, but it may not be the'Liu Zhenren' of the Emperor Linhui who stuns them. It is more likely to be the Minister of Federal Development and the Dark Moon Fund. The master of the meeting, Jin Xinyue, or,'Lu Qingchen' and'Jin Xinyue' are in the same group. This is the trick of'drawing the snake out of the hole'."

When Meng Chixin said this, she turned her head and said, "Dao Fellow Wang Xi, you are more familiar with this kind of intrigue and conspiracy than I do. What about you?"


Long Yangjun laughed softly, "Both the Star Federation and Firefly are facing huge military pressure from the Imperial Expeditionary Forces, and the war is about to start, but the Black Wind Fleet is only an external threat. It faces the extremely powerful real human empire and looks quite On the alluring avenue of cultivating immortals, the Star Federation of the past 100 years and the Firefly of the past 1,000 years, there will surely be a large number of immortal cultivators in the dark.

Neither the Star Federation nor the Firefly can completely eliminate the mind of the cultivator, because the mind cannot be killed, not killed, and cannot be sealed. The more blocked and killed, it will only make it more attractive. The stronger, the stronger!

In a situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak, the birth of immortal cultivators is inevitable and impossible to prevent. They become a very serious internal threat, and they are very likely to become a deadly stinger in a war!

Therefore, before the start of the war, it is necessary to dig out all the immortal cultivators who hung on the Federation and the Firefly, uproot them, and kill them all!

Rather than exhausting their efforts to dig out the immortal cultivators, let them take the initiative to jump out--see, under the influence of the'Lu Zhenren' of the Emperor Linhui, the immortal cultivators on the Firefly have all actively jumped out, right? ?

If I’m not mistaken, within a few days, there will be a federal fleet that "coincidentally" appears near the Firefly, and the Dark Moon Foundation or the Secret Sword Bureau will also announce a group of immortal cultivators about Ding Zhengyang, Cheng Xuansu and others. The key evidence that made their conspiracy completely bankrupt!

In this way, not only will the immortal cultivators on the Firefly be wiped out, the government in exile will also lose a lot of bargaining chips with the federal government, making the ‘join’ and the subsequent integration of resources smoother, and it will kill two birds with one stone!

If Lu Qingchen is not Jin Xinyue's subordinate, it is really difficult to explain that they chose such a stupid time to launch such a hasty rebellion!

By the way, there is also Tang Xiaoxing, why did the Dark Moon team steal Tang Xiaoxing? It's very simple, because she holds a part of the key'jumping key'. Without her, even if the cultivators like Ding Zhengyang and Cheng Xuansu want to jump over the wall in a hurry, they can't do it with the Firefly and slip away instantly. They can only use conventional power. Sailing, but the Firefly has not been repaired at all. How fast can it be with conventional power? Being overtaken by the Federal Fleet is not a matter of minutes!

This should be the plan of the Dark Moon Foundation. If it succeeds, it will definitely add a heavyweight to Jin Xinyue's campaign.

Fellow Daoist Lingjiu, do you understand? The immortal cultivator on the Firefly is a dead end no matter what. Hei Yelan is a smart person who will never be emotional, and naturally knows what to do now! "

Li Yao was silent for a long time, and said: "...I didn't expect Jin Xinyue to be so insidious. It seems that it is a very dangerous choice for us to join the Xingyao Federation. If she is careless, she will swallow even the bones of her belt. Don't spit out any scum!"


Long Yangjun squeezed his throat and smiled slyly, "Why did Fellow Daoist Lingjiu say this? If it's not insidious, how can you fight against the real human empire? If the senior leaders of the Star Federation are soft-hearted, women-like, and'innocent and kind'. Sage, that is really not worth entrusting us to the future of the ancient sacred world, fellow daoists, don't you think?"

There was a deep laughter over the communication channel.

"Well, everyone hurry up."

Long Yangjun laughed, and said every word, "Red Lotus Team, start it, this time, the higher the key, the better!"

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