40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1633: Please avoid

Li Yao smiled slightly when he heard the sound of the crystal armor "clicking" on the communication channel, knowing that with the abilities of Long Yangjun and others, he didn't have to worry about their next actions.

"What shall we do, Lord Speaker?"

Li Yao looked back at Cui Lingfeng, who had gathered the crystal brains of several immortal cultivators and carefully studied the three-dimensional map of this area.

"Cheng Xuansu hasn't contacted Ding Zhengyang for so long. Ding Zhengyang must have realized something is wrong and will send someone there soon."

Cui Lingfeng pointed to a point on the map, "We are now in an abandoned starship waiting to be dismantled and scrapped. It is a long way from here to the parliament, No. 1 Battle Fortress or other garrison cabins. Once Ding Zhengyang finds out that I have not Dead, will do everything possible to intercept us.

Therefore, we cannot go to the central area of ​​the Firefly. The closest and most reliable place to us is here-the Third Military Academy of the Republican Guard!

This is a military academy aimed at the "spiritual roots to be developed". It trains basic-level officers at the company and platoon level for the Republican Guard. It is impossible for immortals to infiltrate the academies of these basic-level military academies, except for a very small number of instructors and high-level officers In addition, most of the scholars must still be loyal to the Parliament, to the Speaker, and to the Xinghai Republic!

Moreover, the Third Military Academy has a large-scale armory, which stores a lot of offensive magic weapons. Arming the students can control the situation, so let's go here! "

"The spirit root is waiting for developers?"

Li Yao was startled slightly, and understood, "Is it an ordinary person?"

"In the official context, Xinghai Republic does not have the term'ordinary people'."

Cui Lingfeng said sternly, "To call people without spiritual roots'ordinary people' implies that only those who are cultivators are'uncommon' and can do a great cause? This is politically incorrect, anyone No matter whether the spiritual root is developed or not, as long as you work hard, you can make a career and become'uncommon'."

Li Yao: "Uh, I understand, but the name'spiritual roots to be developed by developers' is so confusing, why don't you call them...the spiritual rootless, the unawakened, etc.?"

Cui Lingfeng: "What is an'unawakened'? Does having a spiritual root mean'awakened'? If there is no spiritual root, it is a muddle-headed person who will never be called a person who is not awakened? This is even more politically incorrect! As for the'unawakened' Well, this statement is not accurate enough, because everyone has the opportunity to awaken spiritual roots. Now that there is no spiritual root, it does not mean that there will be no one in the future. This statement is equivalent to denying the possibility of hard work. In summary, there is only "spiritual roots to be developed." The term "zhe" is the most accurate, it can best explain the relationship between practitioners and non-cultivators, and it can best represent 99% of the citizens of the Republic."

Li Yao: "...It's so complicated? Mr. Speaker, forgive me a lot. We just came from the red lotus world, no, we just woke up after hibernating for hundreds of years, and we are not used to the newest name yet."

"It's okay."

Cui Lingfeng said, "But when you really represent the Speaker, you must be cautious in your words and deeds when you go to the Xingyao Federation. Now the Xingyao Federation also pursues this set of'political correctness' theory, privately calling it'ordinary people'. It doesn’t matter, when you really speak publicly as the'Special Envoy of the Speaker', the three words'ordinary person' will cause trouble, and you can only use the words'lingen to be developed','lingen to be developed','lingen to be developed' Choose one of the three titles, remember!"

Li Yao scratched his scalp vigorously.

Well, a hundred years have passed, and many things in the cultivation world have changed. He, the "Old Demon Li", has to learn a lot and adapt to the new world as soon as possible.

"This is where the Third Military Academy is located."

Cui Lingfeng waved his hands in the void, spreading, splicing and condensing the semi-transparent three-dimensional maps in mid-air, and tuned out one by one the thin and intricate secret pipelines, which were more secretly scanned than Li Yao through the detection of magic weapons. The pipeline is much more detailed, "Captain Lin, study it, how should we get there?"

Li Yao squinted his eyes and carefully looked at these winding, tortuous and complicated ventilation pipes, maintenance pipes, psychic pipes, toxic waste water and exhaust gas inlet and outlet pipes. Hundreds of secret sneak routes appeared in his mind for a moment... After that, he shook his head vigorously and grinned: "After the study, Lord Speaker, we swaggered over. If we encounter any obstacles along the way, we will reveal the status of Speaker. If the other party is a cultivator, he will definitely obey your instructions. , Obey you, protect you, and follow you; if the other party refuses to obey or even says that you are a counterfeit, then it must be a cultivator and just take him down."

Cui Lingfeng was startled slightly: "It's that simple?"

Li Yao nodded: "For our Red Lotus team-it's that simple!"

Humph, he can now sneak into a ghostly ventilation duct with the secret weapon planted by the Supreme Speaker of the Xinghai Republic more than two hundred years ago, the Red Lotus soldier with the highest fire authority on the ship!

five minutes later.

With a complicated mood, dragging the corpses of Cheng Xuansu and other immortal cultivators to the corner to hide, Li Yao really took Cui Lingfeng and swaggered from the central corridor of the abandoned starship to the Third Military Academy of the Republican Guard!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The doors that were originally closed were opened obediently under the agitation of Cui Lingfeng's spirit.

He is the Speaker. In addition to the physical destruction, neither Ding Zhengyang nor Cheng Xuansu can cancel his control authority. Apart from forcibly breaking the starship’s main control crystal brain, the only way to cancel his highest authority is in the council. Impeachment was proposed and the speaker was dismissed.

This is obviously impossible.

Only a few gates have been cut off from the Lingwang, directly sealed or even welded to death, and cannot be opened with the authority of the Speaker.

But no matter how thick and indestructible they are, it is impossible to withstand Li Yao's bombardment.


Every gate that could not be opened was blasted cleanly by Li Yao with a punch or kick.

It wasn't until a super alloy gate that was more than five meters thick and made of more than a dozen super-strong materials such as Tianhe copper mother and diamond colored diamonds.

"Sir, please avoid it."

Looking at the gate that had only been dented two or three meters inward after taking two punches, Li Yao frowned and reminded Cui Lingfeng, putting on the profound bone battle armor, standing sideways, both legs Slightly separated as a support, the left hand is back behind, the right hand is raised flat, and the five fingers are separated. A series of light green spiritual flames surging out from the gap in the arm armor like a ghost fire, winding and rotating on the entire right arm continuously, gradually Turned into a psionic drill bit condensed by green ghost fire.

"Zi! Zi Zi Zi Zi!"

Suddenly Li Yao shook his right arm, and the psionic drill whizzed towards the superalloy gate, igniting sparks that were more dazzling than the supernova explosion; landslides and ground cracks, deafening roar; the entire tunnel was immersed in his explosive spiritual flames During the hurricane, the gate was melted, torn, and drilled!

Five seconds later, on the five-meter-thick superalloy gate, there appeared a two-meter-diameter hole, dripping with molten iron and copper juice!

"Okay, Sir, please, be careful."

Li Yao stretched out his index finger and blew out the last small green flame still lingering at his fingertips. He turned his head and gestured to Cui Lingfeng with a gesture of "please", but when he saw the latter, he was slightly startled, "Speaker. My lord, why is your face pale and frightened, even your psionic shield has been devastated and torn apart?"

Cui Lingfeng: "You..."

Li Yao: "Didn't I just say, let the speaker go 800 meters away to avoid it, you didn't go?"

Cui Lingfeng looked at the two-meter-diameter, five-meter-long channel, and the turbulent flow of molten iron and copper after melting, and also looked at the set of Li Yao's body which is definitely not an advanced mass-produced bone. Battle armor, completely speechless.

He finally knew why Cheng Xuan Su Ning chose to commit suicide, and was unwilling to confront the mysterious Red Lotus monk "Lin Jiu", and even the thought of running away could not be born-not necessarily because she really hated running away, but as a person. The Cheng Xuan Su who fought Yuan Ying knew very well that it was impossible to escape under the hands of "Lin Jiu"!

——The same as Cui Lingfeng's speechless, extremely shocked, and the other side of the gate.

On the other side of the gate, there was an armored division that hurriedly arrived, with a total number of 122.

They just arrived here, before they had time to open the gate, they saw the extremely solid super alloy gate, like plasticine, suddenly two bulges protruding outward, and then there was a scalp-numbing metal rubbing sound. , Was burned out a small hole, the small hole expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it expanded to about two meters in just a few seconds.

Many armor masters have stretched their necks to the limit of the crystal armor. Through the burning holes, you can just see a armor master wearing a mass-produced profound bone battle armor, gently blowing out the last touch of the finger Ray of flames.

Li Yao and Cui Lingfeng, under the blessing of the psychic shield, slowly floated, passed through the extremely hot hole, and appeared in front of 122 armor masters.

One hundred and twenty-two armor masters, like one hundred and twenty-two steel statues, quietly looked at Li Yao and Cui Lingfeng.

Cui Lingfeng did not wear a visor, and ordinary police and soldiers naturally knew who he was.

"Which unit are you from and where is the commander?"

Li Yao stared at them, and actually locked the commander long ago, "The Speaker has just been attacked, and the situation on the Firefly is extremely critical. No matter what mission you are performing, stop it immediately and follow my instructions directly to protect the Speaker!"

Every time he uttered a word, Li Yao took a step forward, almost walking to the middle of this heavily armed armored division. His footsteps were obviously very light, and there was no sound, but it was like a heavy war drum. An armor master hit hard in his heart!

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