40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1635: Lu Zhenren

The picture presented in front of the agent captain of the Firefly was collected by the crystal eyes installed in the various compartments of the starship and the detection rune array installed on the crystal armor of the Immortal Cultivator.

However, even if the number of crystal eyes and detector arrays he could control was increased tenfold, it would be difficult to completely see what the "Red Lotus Team" was.

Because the speed of the Red Lotus team is too fast.

Especially during the raid at Blackstone Prison, except for the three Red Lotus soldiers who walked slowly towards the defense line at the beginning, leaving behind a fairly clear appearance, no one else appeared under the crystal eyes from beginning to end. It's like an unexplored prophet, knowing where all the crystal eyes are distributed!

Even these three people...When the explosion sounded, after they suddenly started, they turned into wisps of ghostly shadows, unstoppable flashes, a series of white fog that broke through the sound barrier, and residual images remaining in the retina and crystal eyes!

No matter how Ding Zhengyang's eyes widen, the violent psychic energy almost bursts his eyes, and he can only see the screams of the cultivators who are loyal to him, dancing like puppets, fighting with invisible monsters, and suddenly Throwing it high, suddenly the tendons broke and fractured, slumped to the ground, and suddenly was cut in two for no apparent reason. The crystal armor, known as the "king of magic weapons", seemed to be made of tofu, and the cross-section was flatter than a mirror!

One of the light curtains presented an incredible picture, which left a deep impression on Ding Zhengyang.

In this picture, the cultivator loyal to him seems to have captured the figure of one of them. Three crystal magnetic cannons separated by hundreds of meters at the same time adjust the angle, all aiming at the red lotus warrior who looks like a dwarf. The long-held magnetic track crackled, and the arcs pressed deeply like springs, and the psychic projectile at the end of the track could hardly wait to whizz out.

However, the picture flashed suddenly, and the bald dwarf waved his hand carelessly, as if he was yawning, and as if to drive away a few trivial flies...

The three crystal magnetic cannons separated by more than a hundred meters, but the magnetic tracks broke at the same time-not cut off obliquely, but unbiased, like a sugarcane split vertically from the beginning to the end, cut into two pieces!

Boom boom boom!

The violent psychic energy that bursts like a flood suddenly loses control and spews out frantically, entangled the fort like three crazy pythons, and instantly turns into three ever-expanding spherical lightning, with Ding Zhengyang inside. The immortal cultivator's gunner who finally transformed, didn't even have time to make a scream, and all was wiped out, leaving only the fine bones and scum!

"This, what kind of sword technique is this, how can there be such a terrifying sword technique in the universe!"

Even if this bald dwarf was able to explode the three cannons with the invincible strength of the realm of transforming gods, Ding Zhengyang would not be so surprised, because at least it was still within his cognition range.

But he is absolutely certain that, judging from the surging psychic energy fluctuations of this bald dwarf, he can at most only show the peak cultivation base of the pill-forming period, and he can do it all by relying solely on "sword technique" instead of "spiritual energy" !

All of Ding Zhengyang's experience and understanding of the cultivation way collapsed.

His ambition completely collapsed in an instant.

"Where did this bald dwarf emerge from? Too, too, too exaggerated!"

The explosions and riots in the depths of Blackrock Prison gradually subsided.

But judging from the rows of soldiers kneeling and surrendering outside the prison, no matter how optimistic Ding Zhengyang is, it is hard to believe that all the Red Lotus soldiers who invaded the prison were eliminated.

And in another light curtain...

Ding Zhengyang saw the speaker Cui Lingfeng, who should have died long ago, striding forward towards the Third Military Academy under the **** of another man wearing a mass-produced profound bone battle armor with messy hair and seemingly unremarkable.

The man in the profound bone armor was very face-to-face, and he didn't seem to be as sharp as the bald dwarf at the entrance of Blackstone Prison.

Ding Zhengyang did not see him take action, because he had no need to take action at all. Behind him and Chairperson Cui gathered a large number of grassroots soldiers. These soldiers, who were originally headless and chaotic, did not know what ecstasy they had eaten from this man. Under his leadership, he was full of courage and courage!

They are like magma, like red lotus, like a torrent of steel billowing forward, surrounded by Speaker Cui, and rushed into the Third Military Academy unstoppably!

When the mysterious man raised Chairperson Cui to the flag-raising platform, he screamed, and led many grassroots soldiers into the armory, took out a large number of offensive magic weapons, and armed thousands of students, Ding Zhengyang’s last hope was shattered. Up.

For a moment, he even hoped that this was a very clumsy trick-is it possible that the enemy invaded their master crystal brain and played a pre-recorded fake video, in fact, all the pictures are virtual , Synthetic, the situation is not so bad at all?

However, panic-stricken screams, hoarse roars, and Liushen Wuzhu's request for help came from the secret communication channel, which quickly dragged Ding Zhengyang back to the cruel reality.

The huge bridge, the air pressure is extremely low, everyone is whispering, creating calm before the storm.

Although Ding Zhengyang designed to send the former captain Tang Dingyuan to prison, he controlled the supreme command on the bridge with one hand, but there were hundreds of masters, navigators, communications officers and other staff who operated the Firefly on the bridge. No matter how hard he puts in and confuses him, only one-fifth of these people are his partisans, and 80% of them don't know everything.

Just now, in the name of Cheng Xuansu, he conveyed to them the news that "the cultivator has launched a rebellion, threatening the life of the Speaker, and the Firefly is in the most critical situation." They believed it.

But now, Ding Zhengyang blocked most of the images transmitted by Crystal Eyes, but it was impossible to isolate all the information exchanges between the bridge and the outside world. They would soon have doubts!

"How to do?"

Ding Zhengyang saw that many of his party members were guilty of conscience, and looked pale at him frequently.

He pretended to be calm and nodded to his subordinates, indicating that everything was under control. He tried his best to control his nerves and muscles, opened his legs, and walked into the captain's room at the deepest part of the bridge.

He closed the hatch heavily, and his hands immediately began to tremble uncontrollably. Even the simple action of taking out a secret crystal brain from the Universe Ring and activating a top-secret communication line was repeated four times before barely succeeding.

A very distorted, dim light curtain full of ripples and snowflakes, gradually brightened.

The ripples, snowflakes and ripples slowly condensed into a face, a face that looked ethereal and frowning, as if forever thinking about it.

The owner of this face should be very young, but the strands of his drooping hair are all gray. About his brain is really a life-swallowing beast, sucking his flesh and energy continuously!

"Didn't I tell you that if you don't have to be a last resort, don't use this secret route?"

The gray-haired person in the picture was expressionless, lightly reproaching him.

"Mr. Lu!"

Ding Zhengyang let out a long sigh of relief, and said, "Now it's a'last resort' situation. We have exposed, failed, and finished!"


To say that there is no surprise in Lu Zhenren's heart, then he definitely did not show a little bit on his face, and he still has a plain and watery tone, "Don't worry, speak slowly, and explain the cause and effect."

"How can it not be in a hurry, it is clearly a foolproof plan, but the speaker has not even counted it. He has hidden a secret weapon under the box, the **** Red Lotus team!"

Ding Zhengyang gritted his teeth, his face twisted, picking the key points and passing the whole thing quickly, and finally begged, "Mr. Lu, what should I do now, can I only retreat to the Dragon Snake Star Territory?"

"Let me think about it."

Zhenren Lu has been listening carefully, keeping a very focused expression from start to finish. Until this moment, he is still not in a hurry. He held his forehead to ponder for a moment, lifted his eyelids slightly, and stared at Ding Zhengyang deeply.

Ding Zhengyang was impatient: "Mr Lu, is there a way?"


Zhenren Lu nodded and said lightly, "Martyred."


Ding Zhengyang was slightly startled, but did not react: "Wh, what?"


Zhenren Lu’s head was enlarged, it seemed that he had leaned over to get closer to the crystal eyes, and the deep sunken eyes burst out with a fascinating light, and he said with a serious face, "The situation on the Firefly is irretrievable. The key is that it cannot be saved. It spreads to the Daoists hidden in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory and within the Federation, so only the strong can break their wrists! Martyrs, Daoyou Ding, summon all the Daoists who know the secrets on the ship, kill them together, and blood-stain the avenue of immortality!"

"Open, what a joke!"

Ding Zhengyang was dumbfounded and stammered, "This, this is different from what we said at the beginning!"

"The current situation is also different from what we estimated at the beginning. The Secret Sword Bureau and the Dark Moon Foundation are watching us very closely. Several underground sub-rudders in the Dragon Snake Star Territory are exposed to danger. It is impossible to risk you anymore. Get there."

Lu Zhenren said, "Since embarking on the Road of Xiuxian, you are embarking on a thorny road full of snakes, scorpions, tigers and wolves everywhere, and you must be ready to sacrifice the ego for the entire civilization at any time! Ding Taoist friend, are you afraid of death? He doesn't even have the consciousness of martyrdom, he is still a true cultivator of immortality!"

Ding Zhengyang was speechless, his face flushed instantly and turned pale again: "I, I, I--"

"So you are really afraid of death."

Zhenren Lu's brows gradually frowned, like the third eye that opened his eyebrows slowly, emitting a stern light, "Huh, Lu originally thought you were a real immortal cultivator, so he wasted so much time on you. , Discuss the avenue with you, help you develop daoists, and help you accomplish great things! I didn’t expect that you are just a shameless person who is greedy for life and fear of death, selfish, and wants to use the'Xiuxian Avenue' for his own benefit!

What right do you have to be a filthy villain who defiles Xiuxian Avenue, begging for mercy in front of Lu Mou, and begging for shelter on Xiuxian Avenue? There are different ways, and the stars are vast, and there are thousands of avenues. Don't pass this way and go your own way! "

"Don't, don't, don't!"

Ding Zhengyang panicked completely, as if being pinched by an invisible iron hand, he lowered his voice and pleaded, "Friend Lu, I am a real cultivator, of course I am a real cultivator! I am loyal to the Taoist cultivator, yes Absolutely loyal! Trust me, trust me!"

"Okay, then I will believe you again."

Zhenren Lu looked at him up and down, showing a faint smile, "Since you are a true immortal cultivator, then prove it-martyred!"


Zhenren Lu unilaterally cut off the communication, and the light curtain turned into a dark abyss. No matter how Ding Zhengyang called, there was no answer.

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