40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1636: The face behind the blood lotus


Every muscle in Ding Zhengyang's face was trembling frantically, his expression suddenly desperate and hideous, like a wild beast that fell into a trap and clamped his thigh tightly, and watched his companion leave without looking back.

His Adam's apple quivered sharply, making a sound that looked like a low growl and a sob.


Ding Zhengyang threw the miniature crystal brain to the wall and smashed it to pieces, staring blankly at the shimmering fragments on the ground for a while, then took a deep breath and rubbed his hot face vigorously, as if rubbing it. With a pile of muddy mud, it took ten seconds to finally rub back his calm expression.

I quickly looked around, took out a large number of secret jade slips and the key to control the "central nerve" of the Firefly from the safe box full of prohibitions, and put my brain into the universe ring, and lighted it on my own portable crystal brain. Ding Zhengyang gave a secret command to the other group of minions with a light tap. Ding Zhengyang pretended to be calm and walked out of the captain's room with his chest folded.

The whispers outside became more and more noisy. Many people looked at him cautiously. These gazes were like a trickle of doubt and bewilderment, converging into an ocean, about to set off him completely. Torn stormy waves!

Ding Zhengyang gave a dry cough and walked unhurriedly to the teleportation formation on the other corner of the bridge. While walking, he summoned some of his most confidant party members. They seemed to be discussing important matters related to suppressing the immortal rebellion, but actually It is using the magical power of "transmitting sound into secret" to say: "Leave it alone, run!"

There are two state-of-the-art teleportation arrays on the bridge, of which only the captain has the power to open it. After adjustment, it can lead to any one of the hundreds of starships that together form the "Firefly". At this moment, the outside picture is still blocked, Ding Zhengyang is still the one and only acting captain, and no one dared to ask him where he was going.

And when most of the staff on the bridge and a small group of immortal cultivators who had not been taken away by Ding Zhengyang finally realized something was wrong, Ding Zhengyang had already set a destination, and disappeared neatly in a burst of mysterious light. !


Ding Zhengyang and the four confidants appeared in a dimly lit, battered, draughty cabin with a large number of fragments, which was almost scrapped.


As soon as he stepped off the teleportation formation, he fired a shot at the back without looking back, completely destroying the teleportation formation.

In this way, it is impossible for people on the bridge to directly transmit here.

And he had already modified the main control brain of the bridge teleportation array and concealed this destination. The destination that others saw from the bridge teleportation array control brain was not here, absolutely no one. Know his whereabouts.

"Fortunately, fortunately I was prepared! Lu Qingchen, you bastard, wait and see, I won't let you go!"

Ding Zhengyang's upper and lower rows of teeth rubbed fiercely, and he let out a silent curse.

This was the last escape route he carefully prepared for himself. It seemed that it was close to being scrapped and was about to be unloaded from the main body of the old starship that was completely dismantled. All the crew and passengers inside were evacuated, but- The escape room is still intact, with two of his secretly transferred from elsewhere, the most advanced escape cabin!

Of course, these two escape pods did not have the ability to travel through the world, but they were enough to make him arrive at Yulong City quietly. Of course, Lu Qingchen’s Emperor Linhui had their secret stronghold, but Ding Zhengyang also set aside Lu Qingchen for himself. Secretly prepared two lairs.

Cunning Rabbit Three Caves is nothing more than the case.

"Are you there yet?"

Ding Zhengyang looked cold and summoned another group of party feathers in the communication channel. He pretended to rob the prison at first, but actually moved the combat team of the original captain Tang Dingyuan.

That was the elite team with the strongest combat effectiveness among the immortal cultivators on the ship, except for Cheng Xuan Su. Without their protection, Ding Zhengyang couldn't do anything by himself.

What's more, huh, the former captain Tang Dingyuan is a very good hostage, and he has to rely on him if he wants to save his life or even make a turnaround!

Therefore, Ding Zhengyang asked the elite team to transfer Tang Dingyuan to a cabin not far from here, and found that the major event was not good, so he asked the opponent to retreat one step earlier.

"You have arrived at the escape center? Okay, I'll be there soon!"

Ding Zhengyang breathed a sigh of relief, barely squeezed out a smile, and continued to listen to the response from his subordinates in the communication channel, "What, did you forget to bring all the blood red beads? Well, of course, this thing is indeed Very strange, it can help us track down who is manipulating everything behind the scenes, but..."

Ding Zhengyang faintly felt something wrong, and the more he pondered, the more he became frightened, his smile stiffened, torn, and converged, but his eyes protruded inch by inch, and the bloodshots that bounced out instantly made a "crackling" explosion on the surface of the eyeballs. sound!


He roared desperately, "You idiots, quickly destroy this little blood red bead! Professor Rod has a problem, Professor Rod definitely has a problem! Destroy it, destroy it!"

That's too late.

At the same moment he roared, there was the sound of "Ping Pong Pong" fire from the communication channel. The crystal armor was easily torn, the bones were cleanly smashed, and the screams of his subordinates. , Wailing and exclamation, all the sounds burst out like fireworks, but they returned to silence in just a few seconds. No sound can be heard on the communication channel, just like the escape center. Everyone was completely swallowed by darkness!

Before Ding Zhengyang groaned, he was plunged into darkness.

It is not the rhetorical "darkness", but the real darkness all around, originally emitted from the array of lighting symbols engraved on the bulkhead, all the faint glows are absorbed by the thick and ink-like darkness. , Even if he put on the crystal armor with his hands and feet, and activated all the scanning and detection magic weapons, he would not perceive the existence of everything around him!

This, this is an extremely clever prohibition that can shield all light and fluctuating "smoke bombs"!

In the absolute darkness, Ding Zhengyang couldn't hear or see anything, and fell into a vortex of fear spinning around the world!


A scream came from behind him. It was the voice of a party feather. The screams got farther and farther, as if he was dragged hundreds of meters away by some kind of beast with crystal armor, and hit the bulkhead with a heavy impact. Smash!

"Crack, click!"

Before his cold sweat flowed out, the second party feather was like a crystal armor, squeezed alive into a small metal ball, a metal ball mixed with flesh and blood!

"Ah, ah, ah ah ah ah!"

The remaining two party feathers had a complete breakdown, one forward and the other backward and fled, but Ding Zhengyang could only hear their voices, but could not see the flames released by their crystal armor, and the mad screams were also After a moment, it stopped abruptly at the same time.

The two party feathers didn't make a sound anymore, as if they ran all the way into the sea of ​​stars without looking back, and completely disappeared from this world.

Next, there was a long darkness and silence. It was so long that Ding Zhengyang felt that his heart would stop beating. Only a short distance between his eyes, did he slowly bloom a flower that seemed to be irrigated by blood. red lotus.

The volatile red lotus reflected a mysterious and unpredictable face entangled in black mist.

It was the face that Ding Zhengyang had seen on the surveillance light screen just now—the mysterious man wearing a mass-produced profound bone armor!

Just now, Ding Zhengyang still felt that this person was not the most threatening existence in the Red Lotus Team—at least not as threatening as the bald dwarf holding a short sword.

Until now, under the shadow of the red lotus, this person stared at him from the depths of darkness, and he discovered that the horror of this person was unfathomable, a hundred times more weird than that weird bald dwarf!

"He, who is he?"

"He, he, he is not human!"

"He is a monster, he is a monster a hundred times more terrifying than the monster race!"

Ding Zhengyang saw a sea of ​​blood condensed from red lotus in the depths of the opponent’s mysterious eyes. This sea of ​​blood was like some kind of hungry blood-colored beast, which would burst out of the eye sockets in the next second. Eat his flesh and blood and spirits thoroughly, eat, eat!


Under the brutal, cruel, and insidious aura of the opponent, every bone in Ding Zhengyang's body was completely melted, and he couldn't even think of running away!

"Hey, it's almost there, right?"

In the darkness, Li Yao frowned, and said to the Scarlet Heart Demon from deep in his brain, "You mean it, just put a bit of murderousness to scare him, don't make it really look like the villain is on the stage, OK? Do you want me to put some scary sound effects from the dantian to cooperate with you?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon was very aggrieved: "Why are you doing this? People did exactly what you ordered. You have so much to say? I won't help you again next time!"

"...Well, count me wrong, anyway, okay, don't really scare him to death!"

While soothing the scarlet heart demon, Li Yao continued to stare at Ding Zhengyang "without expression", and said coldly, "Should you call you Captain Ding, or call you "Ding Zhenren"?"

"Don't, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Ding Zhengyang was completely frightened and collapsed by the terrifying arrogance released by the Scarlet Heart Demon, clutching his heart, begging with a pale face.

"Don't kill you?"

Li Yao looked at Ding Zhengyang up and down. Under the red lotus fire, a cold smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, "It depends on whether you are the mastermind behind the scenes, or just a claw for the tiger. Help us find out the real culprit of the whole conspiracy!"


Ding Zhengyang saw hope, and his tone changed like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, "I, I am not the mastermind, I was instigated by someone, I was instigated by Lu Qingchen of the Emperor Linhui! I said everything. The list of all the immortal cultivators on the Firefly, Lu Qingchen’s several secret lairs in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory, and the conspiracy of the Emperor Linhui and the Black Wind Fleet, I, I will tell you all, as long as you give me a way out, Let me take the blame and do meritorious service!"

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