40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1637: Confused Captain Tang

For Tang Dingyuan, the real captain of the Firefly, the experience of the past three hours is like driving a broken ship sprinting in the rapids of the star sea, so turbulent and thrilling.

He has been thinking about the whole thing these days in jail.

Even though he knew the betrayal of First Mate Ding Zhengyang from the beginning, at that time he thought that everything was instructed by Speaker Cui Lingfeng. The so-called "immortal cultivator" was nothing but Cui Lingfeng's persecution and Ding Zhengyang's random fabrication.

Just this did not make Tang Dingyuan into despair, he was just saddened by Cui Lingfeng's stubbornness and Ding Zhengyang's greed.

However, the conversation with Cui Lingfeng just now in the prison, hand-to-hand with each other, made him horribly aware of another possibility-if the whole thing was not caused by Cui Lingfeng for power struggle, Ding Zhengyang was not Cui Lingfeng's. A puppet, but someone who deceived Cui Lingfeng in turn-that is to say, the immortal cultivator really exists and successfully played both of them in applause!

Tang Dingyuan's heart suddenly fell into a black hole.

The unexpected change afterwards proved his judgment more and more.

Shortly after the speaker Cui Lingfeng left, there was a deafening explosion outside, and a mysterious armored division broke through the secret detention site, under the guise of "rescuing" him, but actually forcibly took him away.

These people are not his subordinates, and he doesn't care about his order to see their true colors. He has his eyes and ears closed all the way, he can't see or hear, and he doesn't know where he was transferred. .

However, before being blocked from sight and hearing, I faintly heard them talking-the speaker is dead and killed by them.

Cui Lingfeng is dead!

Tang Dingyuan was struck by lightning, like an ice cave!

Tang Dingyuan, as the captain, and Cui Lingfeng, as the speaker, had not worked well in the past. On many major policies that determine the future of the Firefly and the government-in-exile, there are many frictions and conflicts between the two, especially whether to join Xingyao. On the issue of the Federation, it has repeatedly confronted each other and made no compromises. It is an out-and-out political enemy.

Tang Dingyuan strongly disagrees with many of Cui Lingfeng’s practices. He is too bloated, and intervenes everywhere, arrogantly, and the parliament that lays command of the insider has long been displeased-but even in his eyes, how stubborn, arrogant, and reliant on the old. , Old treacherous and cunning, at least he has never doubted that Cui Lingfeng, as a cultivator, is loyal to the Xinghai Republic and the avenue of cultivation!

Cui Lingfeng can do everything, but it is impossible to surrender the real human empire!

The death of such a speaker undoubtedly made the situation aboard the Firefly extremely sinister.

Sorting out the whole thing in the dark, Tang Dingyuan deduced a general idea about the future of the dragon. Ding Zhengyang definitely has a problem, even some very close people around Cui Lingfeng!

However, it was only then that the conclusion was reached, and it did not help.

The speaker is dead, and his long-planned cronies can naturally take over his power; and his command as the captain has long been deprived by Ding Zhengyang.

Regardless of the parliament or the bridge, the cultivators have unconsciously seized power, and most of the cultivators are kept in the dark.

Rao is Tang Dingyuan, able to control the "Firefly" composed of hundreds of scrap copper and rotten iron, galloping horizontally and horizontally in the most violent stellar storm, allowing the flaming meteors to "crackly" bombard the psychic shield or even It was the outer shell of a starship, but it was only a drizzle of steel men. When they arrived in such a field, they fell into deep despair.

He spent the darkest three hours of his life in this way. Although he did not give up hope for a second, he still racked his brains to figure out how to fight back, but when the light reappeared in front of him, he still didn't think of a half feasible. Strategy.

However, the picture presented before his eyes made him dizzy, speechless, and so absurd that he wanted to laugh.

The "mastermind behind the scenes" in his guess, Ding Zhengyang, the former chief mate of the Firefly and modern captain, actually kneeled before him honestly. He was so ashamed that he could not find a way to sew him. The look of getting in!


Tang Dingyuan looked at Ding Zhengyang, and then at the man who helped him release the restrictions and helped him up. Although the opponent was very face-to-face, Tang Dingyuan could still feel a faint blood and strong breath from him. He was a real master. !

The Firefly, which is extremely lack of training resources and fled all the way, hasn't seen such a master in how many years?

"Captain Tang doesn't need to worry too much."

Li Yao smiled and said, "The immortal cultivator’s rebellion has been resolved. Our Red Lotus team has successfully rescued all the people detained in Blackstone Prison. Everyone is returning to their jobs to stabilize the situation. Most of them I just rushed into the bridge and took control of the bridge again in our hands!"

"Gulian Team?"

Tang Dingyuan chewed on this unfamiliar name silently, still confused and confused.

"We are the highest secret weapon that belongs directly to the speaker of the past generations. It was formed by Speaker Shui Yi'an more than two hundred years ago. After completing the training and weaving, we erased all traces, and we have been in hibernation. In order to prevent such a situation from happening today!"

Li Yao said with a serious face, "In fact, all of these are the bureaus set by Chairperson Cui. Chairperson Cui has long noticed that there are many immortal cultivators lurking on the Firefly, but it is extremely difficult to distinguish them without evidence. That's why. Deliberately staged such a good show, and awakened our Red Lotus team, just to get the snake out of the hole and catch it all in one go! In order not to leak the news, I did not disclose it to Captain Tang in advance, which caused Captain Tang to suffer a lot of wrongs. He, say to Captain Tang—it's hard work!"

Tang Dingyuan still had an unbelievable expression: "Is it the game set by Chairperson Cui? This, this is too..."

He always felt that something was wrong, the whole thing seemed not so simple.

"Fortunately, the result is finally satisfactory!"

Li Yao showed a brilliant smile again, and Tang Dingyuan was not allowed to think, and continued to say quickly, "Cheng Xuansu, the immortal cultivator lurking next to Chairperson Cui, has already been punishable, and the'First Mate Ding' lurking next to you is also willing to commit crimes, regardless of the bridge. The parliament is also the immortal cultivator in various key positions, and all of them can’t escape! After this unpredictable storm, our Firefly’s combat effectiveness will not be weakened, but will become stronger! Join the Star Federation Negotiations can also start as a matter of course!"

"Negotiating to join the Star Federation?"

Tang Dingyuan was taken aback again. He only felt that in just two or three hours, the whole world was turned upside down. "Isn't Speaker Cui the most opposed to joining the Star Federation?"

Li Yao sternly said: "Chairman Cui is far-sighted, strategizing, and his gaze is like a torch. Everything is under his control. Under the current situation of the enemy, how can he really oppose the merger with the Xingyao Federation? It's just that the Firefly was hidden in the past. Many immortal cultivators, before these "viruses" are completely eliminated, rushing to merge with the Star Federation will only lead to the continuous spread of the deadly virus, and even a complete outbreak in key battles! Speaker Cui’s painstaking efforts, Captain Tang Can you understand it?"

Tang Dingyuan smiled bitterly. As the captain of the Firefly and a standard technical school, he was not a person who likes to intrigue and deceive. He just thinks that everything Li Yao said is too complicated compared to controlling the starship. : "If it is so..."

"of course it's true!"

Li Yao stared at Tang Dingyuan's eyes, his voice slightly raised, "Captain Tang, the firefly has undergone such a twist, and now it is necessary for the captain and the speaker to work together to stabilize the situation and restore combat power in the shortest time! Speaker Cui wants to know. Under the premise that he agreed in principle to join the Xingyao Federation, but the details still need to be studied, are you still loyal to the parliament and the highest speaker of the Xinghai Republic’s orthodox government?"

Tang Dingyuan looked at Li Yao's eyes very seriously, trying to find some answers from these eyes that couldn't see the slightest light, but he never found anything.

He thought deeply for a long time, and finally nodded firmly: "...Of course!"

Half an hour later, when Tang Dingyuan returned to the bridge under the **** of Li Yao, he felt quite like a dream.


It wasn't until his daughter Tang Xiaoxing rushed into his arms and cried and laughed that he completely recovered the calmness and determination he deserved as a father and a captain.

With a rough sweep, one-fifth of the staff on the bridge is missing. I think they are all immortal cultivators on Ding Zhengyang’s list. Instead, dozens of elite soldiers with live ammunition and crystal armor all over the bridge fill the bridge. The atmosphere of killing.

However, the officer who led the team was Tang Dingyuan's own person, and he was also an absolutely loyal cultivator who had just been rescued from the Blackstone Prison.

The monitoring light screen of the master crystal brain transmits the picture from every corner of the Firefly.

With the continuous proliferation of the students of the Third Military Academy, they were granted high authority by the speaker and engraved the spirit patterns themselves, and they soon received the support of a large number of grassroots soldiers like a snowball, even if a few immortal cultivators were commanded by them. It won't help to wrap it up.

The chaotic crowd gradually restored calm and order, and the cultivators rescued from the Blackstone Prison also played a key role.

The immortal cultivator was originally launched hastily, deceived rather than attacked. When the two leaders Ding Zhengyang and Cheng Xuansu fell to death, there was another force like the "Red Lotus Team" on the opposite side. The complete collapse was the only ending.

An hour after Tang Dingyuan returned to the bridge, this immortal cultivator's rebellion was like a thunderstorm in the summer afternoon, coming fast and going faster, and the last flames of the stubborn resistance were completely extinguished.

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