40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1638: A new superhero... is born!

"More than two hundred years ago, Speaker Shui Yi'an, who led the Firefly out of the'extraordinary period', wrote his own report on the'Red Lotus Project' and also engraved his unique spirit pattern?"

Just as Tang Dingyuan took over the supreme command of the bridge again, he also sent a series of reports from Cui Lingfeng on the origin, role, position and authority of the Red Lotus Squad. It was written in black and white, and it was clear, not only by the founder, Speaker Shui Yi’an. Even after Shui Yi'an, each speaker left his own unique spiritual pattern in the document, the ins and outs, and the orderly inheritance, until Cui Lingfeng is the representative speaker.

This document proved the identity of the members of the "Red Lotus Squad" and also endorsed their current raids on the immortal cultivators that are currently rushing inside the Firefly.

At this moment, Red Lotus Squad is the person with the highest authority on the Firefly, except for Cui Lingfeng and Tang Dingyuan. It is really like what Qi Changsheng once jokingly called, "Cut first, then play, live and kill." The majesty is at its extreme!

The Red Lotus squad, headed by Captain Tang Dingyuan, felt very complicated for the red lotus squad that had descended from the heavens and suddenly came out of the darkness.

It stands to reason that these elite fighters are directly under the speaker’s private arm, and they were secretly formed by Speaker Shui Yi’an more than two hundred years ago, bypassing the bridge and even the parliament!

With the few resources that belonged to the entire Xinghai Republic, the formation of a private soldier who only followed the orders of the Speaker was indeed a behavior that was walking near the bottom line and completely incompatible with the spirit of Xinghai Republic.

In normal times, the "Bridge Faction" will definitely criticize the existence of Red Lotus Squad, attack it as a "scandal," and even try to deprive the Speaker of the command of this force, split this force and merge it into others. Among the more controlled troops.

However, today, the backbone members of the "Jiangqiao Faction", including the captain’s daughter, are all detained in Blackstone Prison. The Red Lotus Squad personally rescued them, and even Captain Tang Dingyuan himself was the captain of the Red Lotus Squad "Lin Jiu." "Rescued.

Not only that, "Captain Lin" used his own power to rescue the Speaker and the Captain successively, and indirectly killed Cheng Xuansu, and also captured Ding Zhengyang, reversing the whole situation in one fell swoop, using the words "turn the tide" to describe it. Not an exaggeration!

Such "splashing credit" undoubtedly deeply proved the rationality and necessity of Speaker Shui Yi'an forming this force more than two hundred years ago. How embarrassed Tang Dingyuan and other key members of the "Jianqiao Faction" were? Does his savior make irresponsible remarks?

What's more, facing the shocking names on the list provided by Ding Zhengyang, Tang Dingyuan had to admit that the "infection" of the immortal cultivators on the Firefly had reached an extremely serious level. At this moment, perhaps only the "red lotus team" It's the only one you can trust!

Tang Dingyuan is not a person with a strong desire for power, otherwise he would not be able to take the initiative to join the Xingyao Federation. The conflicts between him and Chairperson Cui are mostly on official matters. Now that Chairperson Cui’s position has undergone a subtle change, There is no reason for him to continue to confront the speaker at this juncture.

Besides, if everything stated in this document is true, then "Lin Jiu" and other "Red Lotus Warriors" who were willing to be sealed for hundreds of years are all true heroes, no matter how Tang Dingyuan views Cui Lingfeng. , Can't deny this.

Having figured this out, and during a conversation with "Lin Jiu", he found that the captain of the Red Lotus team had no interest in the struggle between the parliament and the bridge. He was just thinking that he wanted to hit the immortal cultivators severely. Tang Dingyuan couldn't help but be right. This life-saver from more than two hundred years ago was in awe and straightened up his attitude towards the Red Lotus team.

Compared with Tang Dingyuan, for Speaker Cui Lingfeng, his choice was even more tangled.

It was impossible for Tang Dingyuan to see through these "ancestral secrets" forgery passed down from generation to generation in the parliament. He could confidently believe in the existence of the "red lotus team" without knowing it.

But for Cui Lingfeng, who personally forged these "red lotus secrets", this is a gamble that will make the entire Xinghai Republic and even the Xingyao Federation impossible to recover with a little carelessness.

"Should I completely believe in these "red lotus people" of unknown origin?"

From beginning to end, this question entangled Cui Lingfeng's heart fiercely like a poisonous snake.

In the beginning, he might not have thought about relying on the Red Lotus people to tide over the difficulties, and after the dust settled, he would think of ways to throw them away or isolate them for examination, and thoroughly figure out their origin and purpose.

However, when the immortal cultivators lurking inside the Firefly were uprooted and put up in a string, the situation was more serious than he thought.

The bridge where Ding Zhengyang is located is of course the hardest-hit area, and many of the staff in key positions have all been transformed into immortal cultivators; but the parliament is not too generous, and several heavyweight members have been involved.

Not to mention Cui Lingfeng's side. For so many years, he has trusted Cheng Xuansu so much, treating her as a righteous daughter, and entrusting her to take care of all the affairs around him, and the result is almost "annihilated."

Cui Lingfeng was very embarrassed to find that, as Li Yao said, he really became a polished commander, and there was no one around him.

Moreover, his situation was worse than Tang Dingyuan's.

Theoretically, Tang Dingyuan was only the No. 2 figure in the government in exile. He ordered a secret arrest at the beginning of the entire conspiracy. Everything that happened afterwards can be said to have nothing to do with Tang Dingyuan.

But he is different. Even if he was deceived and deceived by Cheng Xuansu, Ding Zhengyang and others, the order to arrest at least a hundred high-level members of the bridge and members of the public was personally issued by him. If now, he denies the "red lotus squad." He denies that everything is his plan to "lead the snake out of the hole". That is a huge scandal. He is so "unintelligible and incompetent", he must bear the responsibility of leadership and be ousted, and he has already suffered a lot. Kong's parliament, once again affected by this kind of influence, will become even weaker and unable to fight the "Bridge Faction"!

Without the checks and balances of the parliament, God knows what kind of franchise agreement the group of technicians on the bridge will reach with the Star Federation!

Cui Lingfeng never believed that the three words "cultivator" are synonymous with noble morals and sacred glory. Daoists belong to Daoists, negotiations belong to negotiations, and brothers have to settle accounts clearly!

Therefore, he can only rely on the "Red Lotus Team".

Then, Speaker Cui discovered that the Red Lotus team is so easy to use!

At the beginning, Cui Lingfeng was not optimistic that the Red Lotus team could play a big role outside of the battle. He thought that the "Red Lotus people" except for Li Yao were pure martial arts.

Unexpectedly, these red lotus people are sweeping all the immortal cultivators on the ship, pacifying the angry people who do not know the truth, boosting the morale of the grassroots soldiers, and intimidating immortal cultivators to obtain more information and benefits... Almost every aspect, they have shown orders. Cui Lingfeng was stunned, with impeccable perfect results.

As a starship commander, Tang Dingyuan may not be able to see through all the capabilities these people possess.

But as the speaker, Cui Lingfeng, who claims to be a "bad cultivator", is very sure that these "red lotus people" are by no means ordinary cultivators of the martial arts system.

They gave him the feeling...Either he is a general in the battlefield, or hegemony of one side, or a powerful official with a grand title, even the youngest and immature "Zhu Zongyou" who seems to be the youngest and immature "Zhu Zongyou", all walks with a dragon. , Not angry and prestigious, the bearing of the royal family!

At this moment, Cui Lingfeng is absolutely certain that these people are definitely not spies of the real human empire.

——Neither the empire nor the holy league was extravagant enough to train dozens of such "extraordinary and extraordinary" spies, to the extent that they don't need money to send them to the sea of ​​stars.

Not to mention the Xingyao Federation, among the poor mountains and the bad rivers, the rich landlord who suddenly became rich, how can such a "foundation" cultivation person be cultivated? Look at the demeanor between these people's gestures, it is more stylish than the original Xinghai monks!

Cui Lingfeng finally deduced it--could it be some kind of bitter trick? They are really the spies of the true human empire, deliberately sacrificing people like "Cheng Xuan Su, Ding Zhengyang" in order to control the Firefly and break into the Xingyao Federation?

This speculation was quickly overturned by him.

Based on the situation and their strength at the time, there was no need to superfluous, play any bitter tricks, and directly kill him and Tang Dingyuan. Through the cooperation of Ding Zhengyang and Cheng Xuansu, the goal could still be achieved.

The real spy would never choose to appear in such an "obtrusive" way. Besides, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to know beforehand that he would summon Professor Rod to his side.

As long as the opponent is not an imperial spy, Cui Lingfeng is ready to ignore their identities and take a gamble!

Just treat them as "red lotus people"!

After all, with the blood of a hero, you know your roots, and you can betray a profound element with a big hand. What can the so-called "origin" prove?

For the government in exile, which is extremely lacking in high-end combat power and has been quite passive in the past with the Xingyao Federation, the emergence of the Red Lotus Team may be able to add a lot of bargaining chips to the next negotiation. Maybe they can really become The government in exile... the last hope!

Cui Lingfeng took a deep breath and thought it through.

The superb computing power of the management-based Yuan Ying has soared to the limit. He opened his bow from left and right, eloquently spreading out. While he was able to forge the "red lotus secrets" with ease, he drafted a speech called "A Letter to Compatriots on the Ship".

Soon after, this speech was transformed into a sonorous and decisive sound wave, tumbling, spreading, and stirring in every corner of the Firefly!

Just now from the unpredictable chaos, barely calmed down, the frightened crew and passengers, shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, quietly listening to a special force called the "red lotus team", twists and turns are bizarre The story; listening to the legend of how a superhero named "Lin Jiu" turned the tide at the moment of his death!

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