40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1646: The legend of Dabai

In Tang Dingyuan's description, an incredible picture of war slowly unfolded in front of Li Yao.

Bai Xingjian's "junk fleet" was put on the battlefield in the middle of the "Sky Ring War". Of course, it was not the main force in frontal combat, but the **** fleet responsible for protecting the supply line.

The guard mission for the first six months was carried out so-so and without success, and it was impossible to see how much command ability the White Star Sword had left after being confused and his cultivation base plummeted.

However, in an ultra-large-scale strategic material transportation mission jointly executed by the four **** fleets, they were attacked by the main force of the Tianhuan fleet.

This is a raid that the people of Tianhuan meticulously planned for a full six months, and completely deceived all the eyes and ears of the Federation Base Camp.

The four improvised and weak frigate fleets were not the opponents of the Tianhuan main fleet at all. They fought fiercely for several days and ended in annihilation of the entire army-at least, at the time the Federal Expeditionary Force Base Camp thought so!

However, in the next six months, there was faintly strange news coming from the rear of the Tianhuan people.

It is said that a "ghost fleet" composed of the ghosts of the EFF war-dead appeared in the rear of the Tianhuan people. All the fleets are riddled with holes and tatters, and there is no power to see the "ghosts". ferry".

The ghost fleet appears ghostly, erratic, harassed, ran away, and disappeared without a trace as soon as it ran. Its combat style is not only a real ghost, but also a star that once ravaged the flying star world more than a hundred years ago. Pirate fleet!

The size of the ghost fleet is not large, the firepower is not strong, and it did not cause a fatal blow to the sky ring man, but it flew around the sky ring man’s head like a buzzing mosquito, flying to the sky ring. People are dizzy and upset.

The people of Tianhuan intend to eliminate this "mosquito", but no matter how much force they mobilize, they can't catch it; leave it alone, it will take a bite at the weakest part of the Tianhuan realm, and Meimei **** on a tube. blood.

It wasn't until the Ghost Fleet had been active in the depths of the Celestial Circle for half a year, the Federation Expeditionary Force Base Camp finally figured out that it turned out to be the garbage fleet of the White Star Sword!

In the raid half a year ago, almost all of the four **** fleets of the Federal Army were defeated, especially the six flagships of the other three fleets were all destroyed, and they fell into a chaotic situation of dragons without a leader.

At the critical moment, the White Star Sword came out to turn the tide and led the remaining remnants to retreat, and before retreating, it also detonated a large amount of ammunition and spar that was originally intended to be sent to the front line, forming a splendid interception line.

Afterwards, he did not retreat in the direction of the base camp of the expeditionary force, but led this group of defeated soldiers into the hinterland of the Tianhuan people by surprise!

Regardless of the Sky Ring Army or the Federation Army, no one thought that he would take a group of mobs who had just been defeated to the point of falling, and their morale was extremely weakened, and the lone army would go deep into the hinterland of the Sky Rings.

In fact, from the investigation of many officers who belonged to several other **** fleets at the time after the "Sky Ring War" ended, even they did not know Bai Xingjian's crazy plan.

They were all deceived by the White Star Sword.

"Intelligence shows that our back road has been completely blocked by the Sky Rings. Another Sky Ring fleet is waiting for dumplings on our retreat route. We have no choice but to move forward temporarily and wait to get rid of the Sky Ring fleet. Think of a way to go home afterwards!"

That's what Bai Xingjian said to these officers when the battle was at its peak.

At that time, the commanders and chiefs of staff of the other three **** fleets were all killed, and the officers who could take over their duties were knocked out of their heads and scared by the sudden attack, completely at a loss.

Bai Xingjian is the commander with the highest rank and position among the survivors. It logically took over the highest command of the four remnants and issued the order to "take a detour home".

No one knew that when these four words were uttered, there was no "go home" in Bai Xingjian's crazy brain.

The order to "take a detour home" was actually implemented two years later.

At that time, this ordinary Xinghai fleet, which never had the capability of independent cruise operations for more than one year, had already carried out various harassment, sneak attacks, looting, and looting in the hinterland of the Celestial Circle just like an excellent deep-space fleet. Destroy the task.

According to post-war statistics, in just two years, they sank and looted a total of 1,925 transport ships and merchant ships in the Celestial Circle, with a registered gross tonnage of 38.55 million tons. !

Not to mention, their raids on the various resource planets, Xinghai Fortress, Floating Starry Sky Dock and Star Torch controlled by the Tianhuan people.

Not to mention, when finally deciding to go home, Bai Xingjian accurately grasped the decisive opportunity between the main force of the Sky Ring Fleet and the main force of the Federal Expeditionary Force, namely the Liaoyuan Fleet. In a camouflage raid, he even successfully implemented the "decapitation tactic". , Captured the flagship of the Fifth Fleet of the Sky Ring Army, the "Innocent Glory" and the chief of staff of the fleet with the rank of lieutenant general.

The Baixing Sword Shotgun changed its guns and drove the "Flawless Glory", swaggering and returning to its glory.

That was the highest-ranking enemy captured by the EFF during the entire war, not one of them.

Of course, according to the Liaoyuan Fleet, it was the White Star Sword who had shamelessly "stolen" their starships and prisoners of war from behind while they were fighting hard in the front.

Bai Xingjian didn’t care about the criticism of the Liaoyuan fleet, and even said in a big way at the press conference where they warmly welcomed their return: “In fact, there was a chance to capture a fleet commander alive, but think about it, it’s better to grab a'chief of staff' and come back for comparison. interesting."

——Talking directly refers to Bai Xinxing who performed well in the Celestial Ring War, has outstanding combat achievements, and has just been promoted to the chief of staff of the Liaoyuan Fleet.

It seems that between Bai Xingjian and Bai Xinxing, there is really something wrong with being an outsider and will never be able to resolve the old grievances.

After this battle, the main force of the Tianhuan fleet fell into a slump, and the war came to an end, ending with the merging of the Tianhuan realm into the Star Federation. However, the war hero Bai Xingjian, who was still glorious not long ago, was sent to a military court.

He faces two charges.

First, the military investigation team questioned many officers of the remaining fleet that were not originally affiliated with him, and after studying and judging the first battle in which the four **** fleets were attacked in the past, they discovered that there was nothing waiting for an ambush in that battle. Their Sky Ring Fleet!

In other words, they could have safely and safely withdrawn to the base camp of the expeditionary force, without risking a lone army to go deep behind the enemy-Bai Xingjian did not receive any orders, and was not qualified to control this defeated general by making such a crazy move!

In 99% of the cases, such a move is not only an act of sending death in vain, but it is even suspected of "leading the enemy to the enemy"!

Bai Xingjian’s response to this was: “You know what a fart, and if you change someone else, for example, Bai Happy’s kind of half-hanging command is naturally an act of dying, but since I’m in charge of it, it can definitely be in Tianhuan’s ass. Behind, there was an ups and downs! At that time, the main force of the Tianhuan fleet was exhausted, and we had just looted a large amount of supplies, and we were sweeping the battlefield beautifully. The defense line behind was extremely weak! The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss is not to come. Don't take this opportunity. Go in quietly, when will you wait?"

The second accusation is even more alarming. The military court found that the White Star Sword had looted and captured enemy starships during a two-year guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines, but it would not have been informed of the base camp of the expeditionary force. The officer of Shaotianhuan was released and enriched into his team, completely ignoring whether these people had committed any unforgivable crimes, and even after the war did everything possible to help these people cover up, tamper with their identities, and try to get through!

Bai Xingjian confessed to this accusation.

"War is like this."

Bai Xingjian said, "Will your gang of pigs fight war?"

Even if he is surrounded by the aura of a "war hero", once these two accusations are established, the best outcome waiting for him seems to be forced retirement, and the "junk fleet" he formed will fall apart.

Jin Xinyue stepped in at this moment.

Jin Xinyue is an ambitious woman with an extremely strong desire for power. In recent decades, as her wings have grown, she has not concealed her aspiration to become the Speaker of the Federation and lead the entire Xingyao Federation.

To become the Speaker of the Federation, it is not enough to rely on the support of the major factions in the core world. You must also find strong allies or subordinates in the military.

The military is a weak area for Jin Xinyue.

After all, she is from a monster clan. Because of the war between the blood demon world and the Tianyuan world a hundred years ago, the blood demon world "conditionally surrendered" and voluntarily gave up a large part of its armed forces. For a hundred years, the influence in the Federal Army was very weak. .

Jin Xinyue’s competitor, Ding Lingdang, is different. Ding Lingdang’s birthplace was originally inextricably linked to the "Old Federal Army". Ding Lingdang’s "Patriot Front" also had a large number of members who were Union soldiers or As a military member, the EFF is almost Ding Lingdang's home field.

As for the Liaoyuan Fleet, the most elite ace army of the Federation, it had only one purpose at the beginning of its establishment-to fight the empire!

In a century of vicissitudes, the Liaoyuan Fleet has always stayed out of the various factional struggles, abides by its neutrality, and firmly grasped the principle of "soldiers not in politics."

Jin Xinyue can neither penetrate into the ground forces of the new Federation Army based on the "Old Federation Army", nor can he intervene in the affairs of the Liaoyuan Fleet. When there is nowhere to speak to the military, a White Star Sword emerges. "Wonderful flower", didn't the two sides hit it off?

Jin Xinyue mobilized the power of the Skyfire Organization, the Federal Development Department, and various sects in the core world to mediate and help Bai Xingjian keep his "junk fleet" and the position of fleet commander. Even after some operations, he gave Bai Xingjian’s empty shelf of an "independent deep space fleet" theoretically raised the level of the "junk fleet" to the level of parity with the "fire prairie fleet", giving him almost unlimited autonomy, equivalent to what was said in ancient times. "Open the mansion and build the teeth, recruit troops and buy horses".

In this way, in the past thirty years, Jin Xinyue has smashed countless resources on Bai Xingjian, tried every means to obtain a large number of advanced starships, war shuttles, and crystal armors. In addition to the Liaoyuan Fleet, the "Trash Fleet" of the Federal Army has become one of the best "Big White Fleet" in the miscellaneous army!

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