40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1647: Should be... mediocre?

The story of Bai Xingjian and the Great White Fleet made Li Yao sighed with emotion. He did not expect that when he was sleeping in the hibernation cabin, such interesting characters appeared in the Federation and staged scenes of wonderful legends. It was really impressive. look forward to!

After thinking about it, Li Yao asked, "How is the strength of the Great White Fleet and how far is it from the Liaoyuan Fleet?"

Tang Dingyuan smiled and said, "The gap is really too big. After all, one is a century-old trump card, and the other is a newly established army of miscellaneous brands.

This is the deep space fleet that pays the most attention to bloodlines, heritage and resources. A ground force can be called an'veteran elite' after two to thirty years of **** battles, but the deep space fleet has not been polished for a hundred years, and it is not considered'formed' at all. 'of.

First of all, the Liaoyuan Fleet is the "Central Army" of the Federal Army. A large part of the annual defense budget, as well as the most advanced starships and various experimental magic weapons, are all sent to the Liaoyuan Fleet.

The Great White Fleet only had the background of Jin Xinyue. Even if Jin Xinyue and the Skyfire Organization were rich, they would be unable to do what they wanted to build a fleet like a bottomless pit.

Besides, many advanced technologies and experimental magic weapons cannot be bought with money, they are all top secrets!

Therefore, although the size and equipment of the Great White Fleet is much stronger than other miscellaneous forces, it is still completely incomparable with the Liaoyuan Fleet.

Secondly, there are officers and sailors.

The Liaoyuan Fleet has its own training base, the Liaoyuan Military Academy, which absorbs the best students from the seven great worlds, each of whom is an elite among the elites and rare geniuses. This tradition has been maintained for one hundred years, that is to say, the past hundred years. All the best talents in the Federation were'harvested' by the Liaoyuan Fleet!

The best talents have joined the Liaoyuan fleet. No one is willing to go to the poor reputation. The coach is a weird Great White Fleet. What should we do?

Bai Xingjian is still his old style. On the one hand, he has stepped up the search for the "former star thief" who has just been released from the prison for decades, and on the other hand, through the mediation of Jin Xinyue, he has tried to compare the groups in the "War of the Sky". The excellent Tianhuan prisoners of war came out, especially the Tianhuan commander who fought the Liaoyuan fleet in that battle, the more Bai Xingjian liked it!

By the way, in addition to the Celestial Circle, the three new worlds of Nether, Crystal and Sea of ​​Trees, although they are peacefully joining the New Federation, there are also many opposition parties. These opposition parties are not very willing to serve the federal government, at least they are Unwilling to play for the Liaoyuan Fleet, but I don't know how Bai Xingjian persuaded them to get such a ticket into the Great White Fleet!

In short, unlike their white paint, they look upright and majestic starship shells. The composition of the Great White Fleet is just eight characters—the flurry of demons and the misty smoke!

The equipment is inferior to human beings, and the crew is such a group of mobs, how can the combat effectiveness of the Great White Fleet be equal to one-tenth of that of the Liaoyuan Fleet?

However, this is also normal. After all, the Liaoyuan fleet is the trump card of the Federation. It would have been impossible for a miscellaneous army to challenge the status of the Liaoyuan Fleet in the Federation. The White Star Sword can take the Great White Fleet from the tattered'junk fleet'. At this point today, it is already at the limit. It can only be said that he was born at an untimely time and had bad luck. It is a pity! "

Li Yao moved in his heart and said, "Why do you say that, isn't he doing very well?"

"If his character is not so aggressive and extreme, but stays in the Liaoyuan fleet, obediently obeyed Bai Xinxing’s orders and climbed onto the backing mountain of Bai Xinxing, his achievements will certainly not stop there. You must know that Bai Xinxing is already the Liaoyuan fleet. The chief of staff is second only to the position of the head coach, and there are still a large number of shares in the Yaoshi Group, which can be talked about with all the bigwigs of the original Li Yao!"

Tang Dingyuan said with emotion, "Yes, the performance of the White Star Sword in the'War of the Sky' is indeed called'exceptions and ghosts, and the emergence of strange soldiers', but the way of using soldiers, the combination of odds and positives, should be based on'rightness'. , It is impossible to win by surprise every time!

Perhaps it’s been a long time mingling with the gang of ‘former star thief’, Bai Xingjian’s command art gradually brought on a strong star thief’s characteristics.

This tactic is indeed very effective when leading a small-scale raid fleet to conduct guerrilla and harassment operations-but it does not stop there!

In determining the fate of the two great powers in the sea of ​​stars, the real main fleet strategic decisive battle, this mosquito bite-like tactics are not very meaningful, they are just supplements and aids!

The predecessor of the Liaoyuan Fleet was the coalition forces of the various factions in the Flying Star Realm. As a starship civilization, the Flying Star Realm originally had a very deep art heritage of large fleet command. The leader in this regard is known as the'the strongest in the Flying Star Realm in a thousand years. Fleet Commander's Yan Xinjian!

Although that was an ancient man who had fallen hundreds of years ago, and his life has a lot of disgrace, but his art of command can be called "horror". I have carefully studied some of the starships he left behind. The command monograph has analyzed his various battles-whether it is the case of killing the Star Pirates as the'Deputy Commander of the Sixth Sage United Fleet of Heaven's Sage', or the'Star Pirates Fleet Commander' after defecting to the Spider's Nest. The battle of identity against the combined fleet of cultivators made me stunned. I didn’t expect that there would be such a strange person in the Xinghai Beach!

It's a pity that Yan Xinjian was born out of time. It was short-lived and then fell. There was no great development of Kunlun relics, the seven worlds were fully integrated, and various super starships were like dumplings in the best era of galloping in the sea of ​​stars!

The Liaoyuan Fleet inherited the command art of the ‘Flying Star Stream’ represented by Yan Xinjian. This is the ‘right art of war’ that can dominate the Xinghai Sea. Even after reading many of the teachings of the Liaoyuan Military Academy, I have gained a lot of insights!

Bai Xingjian did not learn such a clever righteous art of war, but relied on his own cleverness to go to crooked ways and learn the tactics of Star Thieves. Wouldn't it be that he picked up the sesame seeds and lost the watermelon?

In the face of a lonely world like the Sky Ring Realm, the Star Pirates' tactics can still work for a while, but the Black Wind Fleet is not comparable to the Sky Ring Fleet!

What I regret is this. After the Bai Xingjian went crazy and fell sharply, he led a garbage fleet to have such a radiant performance in the Celestial War. It is really hard to imagine-if he was a little bit back then. Containing his temper, obediently obeying Bai Kaixin's command, successfully rushing to the Nascent Soul Realm, and fully absorbing and inheriting the "Feixingliu" righteous warfare represented by Yan Xinjian, how strong is he today?

unfortunately! unfortunately! such a pity! Bai Xingjian had the opportunity to become a famous general who counterattacked the empire and smashed Xinghai, but went astray, got deeper and deeper, and wasted such a great talent and potential in vain!

As the commander-in-chief of a miscellaneous army like the "Big White Fleet", leading a gang of mobs to play tricks of sneaking, harassing and assault-the future of the White Star Sword will only stop here! "

The Firefly is a super starship assembly composed of hundreds of starships connected together. Therefore, Tang Dingyuan can be said to be the captain of the Firefly or the commander of the "Firefly Fleet". He has a good idea of ​​the White Star Sword. The subtle emotions of sympathy and hatred that iron cannot become steel, shook his head and sighed, revealing the true feelings.

Li Yao rubbed his chin, it was a pity that Bai Xingjian was a teenager, but if it weren't for this, his little apprentice Jin Xinyue wouldn't be able to recruit such a "geek". After pondering for a moment, he asked again: "This Bai Xingjian, what realm is it now?"

Tang Dingyuan said: "The White Star Sword has gone insane, and his cultivation base has plummeted once, and it is not easy to cultivate again. In the past thirty years, Jin Xinyue has provided a lot of resources to help one of the few under his own that understands the way of starship dominance. The general's cultivation, using all kinds of natural materials and treasures, barely helped him break through the Nascent Soul Realm. Now, it should be the first stage of the Nascent Soul!"

"Oh? Is it purely managerial?"

Li Yao knows that military commanders are often management-type cultivators. If they are from ground troops or armored divisions, they may also have the dual talents of combat type, but the commander of the fleet is not necessarily. "How is his personal combat effectiveness? Can you fight?"

"can not fight."

Tang Dingyuan said, "Bai Xing Sword was originally an academy in maintenance in the Liaoyuan Fleet. It seemed to have a talent for maintenance, but it was quickly transferred to the bridge management, and since then it has been on the path of the'ship master'. It is pure. A managerial cultivator! I have never heard of his hands-on battle. Neither the commander of a ship nor the commander of the fleet has any reason to go to battle. His combat effectiveness should be... mediocre, right?"

"All right!"

Cui Lingfeng has been listening to the two people talking at a speed ten times faster than ordinary people. After Tang Dingyuan almost confessed the background of the Bai Xingjian, he said, "Captain Tang, the interrogation should be suspended. ', tell the Dabai Fleet that they are allowed to berth at the outermost dock of the Firefly for maintenance, but it will take a day, because we have just quelled a not-so-serious immortal rebellion, and there are still some troubles to deal with.

If there is any difficulty, we can send a batch of supplies to their ship first.

Captain Lin, you personally bring two members of the Red Lotus Team to Bai Xingjian, and explain what happened on the Firefly. Be sure to express a clear meaning-all the riots have been dealt with in time by the Red Lotus Team. The next solution is perfectly solved. They don’t need the help of our most sneaky “ally”, so they just stay outside to avoid any “misunderstandings”. Is there any problem? "

Li Yao laughed: "No problem."

He was gearing up in his heart, and couldn't wait to meet the generals of his little apprentice.

Only Tang Dingyuan sighed beside him: "Everyone is obviously allies, why do you want to do this?"

"Captain Tang——"

Cui Lingfeng said indifferently, "Since the invention of war by mankind, the so-called ‘friendly forces’ have always been more troublesome than the ‘enemy forces’. Are you still not used to this?"

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