40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1648: Strong Lin Jiu!

The spider's nest star, the underground battle fortress, the dark and deep palace is like a dark forest. The bright light on the dome is like a silent beast. He opened his bloodthirsty eyes and stared unblinkingly. The two people who are burning in the dark, facing each other.

Li Yao was wearing a profound bone battle armor, his shoulder-mounted crystal magnetic cannon and every offensive magic weapon were all excited to the limit, and countless ball lightnings hovered around him.

Opposite him is the overlord of the Spider's Nest Star, wearing the dragon king's battle armor, with outstretched teeth and dancing claws, the invincible king of star thieves, Bai Xinghe!

"Don't be obsessed with Bai Xinghe anymore. You have been completely deceived by the cultivator, you are completely deceived by the cultivator, so quickly wake up!"

Li Yao's righteousness is awe-inspiring, and his righteousness is strict!

"Hehehehe, this is the Spider's Nest Star, and this is...my Boss Bai's world! No one can rule the Spider's Nest Star except me! No cultivator, neither can you, you nameless man!"

Bai Xinghe laughed strangely. On every rising dragon head behind the Dragon King’s battle armor, the scales were erected in pieces, arousing an extremely splendid sound and light effect, "Die, kid!"

"no solution anymore!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth, the spherical lightning on the surface of the profound bone battle armor continued to expand and agitate, almost causing half of the dark palace to be plunged into a thunderstorm. "Then let you see the power of Jin Danqi's ultimate realm! "

The two turned into two streams of light almost at the same time. After the collision of a spirit wave that was more violent and exciting than the supernova explosion, most of the dark palaces collapsed. The flesh-and-blood remains, struggling painfully among the ruins, wailed before dying.

"The golden core stage is the ultimate realm? This, what realm is this, how can it be so powerful!

"Who are you, who on earth are you an unknown person, why is this, why?

"You won! You actually killed me, killed the king of the spider's nest star Bai Boss! Ha ha, ha ha ha ha, but it's useless, useless! You don't even know that the spider's nest is real The master is not me, but the legendary "Star Thief Supreme" Yanxin Sword! Even I was controlled by him, and he was hiding behind the scenes and manipulating everything..."

As Bai Xinghe's voice became weaker and weaker, another extremely powerful aura rippled from the burst of the dark palace, and gradually condensed into an abyss-like black mist in mid-air, and another strand penetrated into the remnant of Bai Xinghe. Among them, amidst the bursts of screams, an incredible mutation occurred!

An extremely gloomy, secretive, and evil voice came from Bai Xinghe’s swelling body, but it was no longer the tone and tone of Bai Xinghe’s just now. It was completely changed: "Who is... bold... dare to bother I practice in retreat and hit the realm of God Transformation!"

In front of the black mist, incomparably lingering, and not sure whether it was Yan Xinjian or Bai Xinghe's behemoth, the crystal armor was broken, and Li Yao, whose whole body was crumbling, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, squatted slightly, and done well. Prepared for a fight to the death!

And the crystal dome in mid-air continued to "crack" falling, adding a bit of mess and tension to the upcoming decisive battle!

Suddenly, the picture freezes.

Regardless of Li Yao wearing a profound bone armor, I don't know whether it is the terrible existence of Bai Xinghe or Yan Xinjian, or the crystal shards that collapsed in the midair of "Thorn Xingzhai".

A line of shining small characters jumped out from between the two drawn swords: "The most terrifying'Star Pirate Supreme' Yan Xinjian finally appeared five hundred years ago. Before the Federation entered the era of the Big Bang, he was well-deserved as the number one in the Three Realms. "The strong" is far above all of the contemporaries, and has the ability to attack the realm of God in the groping alone! Can Li Yao defeat such a terrible enemy? Let us help Li Yao. Right! During the game promotion period, all the following items and equipment will be 30% off, and there will be a bonus of doubled points. If you accumulate 50,000 points, you can exchange for a powerful'Ship Slashing Sword'!"

"Da Huan Dan, the original price is 500 star coins, and 350 star coins during the promotion period-help Li Yao return to a state of full blood!"

"The Ultimate Edition of Blood Moon Chasing Dragon Knife, the original price is 1,000 stars, and 700 stars during the promotion period-the ultimate artifact with endless blood-sucking power!"

"Mysterious bone battle armor Xinghai fierce battle form, the original price is 8,000 stars, 5600 stars during the promotion period-this is the strongest black bone in the universe!"


There were dozens of different kinds of elixirs and magic weapons before they could be introduced, the light curtain was brutally closed, and the black virtual mirror reflected an unbearably ugly face.

"I'm going! What kind of broken game is this?"

Bai Xingjian cocked his mouth and muttered to himself, "This cutscene is too messy. Li Yao is not in Yan Xinjian's supreme cave. He has absorbed the essence of Yan Xinjian's inheritance, and has worked hard for several years before breaking through the ultimate state of the alchemy period. Is it true? How could the'Ultimate Golden Pill' burst out when fighting against Boss Bai? Also, why did Yan Xinjian, a dead old ghost, pop up right now? The battle against the cultivator on the Spider's Nest Star , Guan Yanxinjian's ass!"

He was muttering, the light screen flashed, showing a picture on the bridge: "Report, there is an echo from the Firefly!"

Bai Xingjian’s eyes suddenly burst with light and heat like a volcanic eruption, and they were different from just now. The supreme commander of the Great White Fleet grabbed the crumpled military cap and stepped out of the captain’s room towards the original sky. The flagship "Infinite Burning" bridge, which was modified from the main battleship "WuXiao Guanghui", stepped away.

Along the way, several senior fleet officers came to him in a hurry.

"The Firefly has agreed to our request for berthing and maintenance, and we will be berthed between the 12th and 14th round docks."

"The firefly's force distribution and weak links have been scanned, and until this moment, they still don't know our intentions!"

"The Firefly has kept the inner Lingbo silent. Neither Cui Lingfeng, Tang Dingyuan, or Ding Zhengyang have shown up yet, so they can't analyze the current situation inside them."

"It doesn't matter."

Bai Xingjian smiled, "Let my brothers get ready to do a big fight, this time, we have to turn the tide!"

Above the bridge, huge ring-shaped light curtains are layered on top of each other to form a shimmering palace, making the bridge of the "Infinite Burning" seem to be directly exposed to the vast universe.

It can be clearly seen that dozens of starships painted in a white snow are slowly shrinking from the battle formation to the anchor formation. With the help of the pilots and barges sent by the other side, they are slowly moving towards a circular orbit. past.

This is a very routine entry and anchoring operation. The command systems of both sides have maintained a high degree of communication. It seems that no accidents have occurred, and the progress is going very smoothly.

Bai Xingjian embraced his arms and stared at this orderly operation scene, with a confident smile on his face at first, but as time went by, especially the white starships all approached the orbiting dock. Above, there were more and more barges and transport ships belonging to the Firefly nearby. His smile slowly faded, replaced by a thoughtful expression.

"His, hiss."

He moved his nose, like a poisonous snake sticking out his forked tongue, collecting dangerous smells in the air.

"Haven't Tang Dingyuan or Ding Zhengyang show up yet?"

He frowned slightly and asked.

"Not yet, it is said that some small disturbances have occurred on the Firefly."

The Fleet Staff replied, "But it will be done soon."

"Little riot..."

Bai Xingjian stared at the barges, transport ships and his own warships mixed together, dragging out a long tail flame streamer in the dark universe, and the streamer intertwined into a large net in the depths of his eyes. His face suddenly became very ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Let all the starships that have not yet entered the port stop entering the port, maintain the battle formation, and all the commandos are in place, ready to take up the battle at any time!"


The Fleet Staff was stunned, "The battle...with whom?"


Bai Xingjian stared.

Facts have proved that his judgment is quite correct.

Only ten minutes later, the flagship of the Great White Fleet "Infinite Burn" had not yet arrived at anchor in the port, and the barges and transport ships near the orbital dock were in chaos. The entire channel and the federal warships that had entered the port were completely blocked, and the other party erected The fixed turrets near the ring dock were all activated. Hundreds of naval guns of various types all sparked a daunting light, like a hungry beast with shining eyes!

With the strength of the Great White Fleet’s psychic shield and firepower density, these defensive systems set up on the orbital dock certainly cannot pose a fatal threat to them.

But if they continued to advance just now, all the warships were trapped between the narrow starport and the intricate orbit, and they were firmly blocked by countless barges and transport ships, the situation would undoubtedly become very passive.

This is not necessarily a sign of hostility, but it is an unabashed vigilance. The Great White Fleet is like a thief sneaking in. Before he could start, he was caught by dozens of searchlights from the owner.

Although the Infinite Burning stopped advancing, the chaos in the dock continued, and several Federal warships were completely immobile in it.

The news from the Firefly made Bai Xingjian's expression even more weird.

"The latest news comes from the Firefly. They have just put out a rebellion of immortal cultivators. A large number of immortal cultivators, including the former first officer Ding Zhengyang, have all been captured, and they have completely controlled the situation!

"However, there are still a large number of immortal cultivators at large. They suspect that some of them are from the imperial congregation. These immortal cultivators happened to escape in the direction of the 12th to 14th orbital docks, which caused the riots just now!

"Now the vast majority of immortal cultivators have been captured, but they still suspect that a small number of immortal cultivators may have escaped to our ship. Colonel Lin Jiu, the commander of the Speaker's Guard of the Orthodox Government of the Xinghai Republic, asked, asked... to board the ship for inspection! "

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