40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1649: A hundred years later, the first collision

Bai Xingjian's nose was almost crooked with anger.

The so-called "a small group of immortal cultivators are very likely to abscond to the starship of the Great White Fleet", it is clear that they are open eyes that both know well.

According to common sense, everyone is allies. If the Firefly is really catching the cultivators, they shouldn’t be allowed to stay at anchor at such a sensitive time. At least, they should be informed of the corresponding military information in advance!

When their starships have shrunk from the battle cruise formation to the port anchor formation, and even many starships have already been connected to the dock, then they come here. What does it mean?

Bai Xingjian's heart was bright, knowing that there must be a master on the Firefly, and he had already seen through the real purpose of their trip, and even the series of layouts hidden behind them.

However, Bai Xingjian didn't mean the slightest embarrassment. Instead, he became more and more curious. Did they make mistakes in their previous evaluations of Tang Dingyuan and Cui Lingfeng? The real methods of these two people were far beyond their imagination?

Bai Xingjian was about to meet this "Colonel Lin Jiu, Commander of the Speaker's Guard of the Orthodox Government of Xinghai Republic", and he was full of interest in this person.

Isn’t the armed forces around the speaker of the government in exile a secret police headed by Cheng Xuansu? What happened to this "President's Guard"?

He had never heard the name "Lin Jiu" before, but he had a faint feeling that this person must be the key to the whole thing!

Of course he would not let Lin Jiu and his party "board the ship for inspection", but arranged the meeting place for the two sides in the cold and empty hangar near the No. 7 airlock of the "Infinite Burn", with rows of exudes. The cold and radiant newest star war shuttle of the Federation and the armored divisions of the two commandos fully armed come to welcome this unmasked "ally."

The Firefly's silver transportation boat with a smooth and elegant style in the center of the star sea slowly slid into the No. 7 hangar through the nine-fold chain airlock.

There were only three people who walked down from the transportation boat and walked into a jungle of murderous steel.

Bai Xingjian squinted his eyes and looked at the other side indifferently.

It was... an amazing combination.

On the left is a five-short figure, a winter melon head, a shiny dwarf, and a Xinghai Republic military uniform that seems to have just been made in a hurry. It feels a bit muddy and funny. There is still a handle in his arms that is incompatible with this era. The dagger just dug out of the ruins was as ridiculous as a clown in a circus.


When the dwarf's eyes collided with his eyes inadvertently, the two of them were stunned almost at the same time, and their pupils suddenly shrank to the extreme.

The dwarf's hand pressed the hilt of the sword involuntarily, and the White Star Sword stepped back slightly before reacting, and both of them returned to their original state without incident.

Bai Xingjian took a deep breath and looked to the right again, just to see a flat but tall woman looking at him with a smile.

"How come so many monsters appeared on the Firefly?"

Bai Xingjian frowned in his heart, and then focused his gaze on the middle-aged man in the uniform of Colonel Xinghai Republic.

Compared with the dwarf holding the dagger and the smiling woman, this is a man who has no characteristics, even a mediocre man, but for some reason, the more Bai Xingjian thinks about it, the more he feels, as if he has seen him where... !

"What's the matter, I haven't seen this face, but why does he feel so familiar?"

While Bai Xingjian was looking at "Lin Jiu", Li Yao, who was aliased as Lin Jiu, was also looking at Bai Xingjian calmly.

In Li Yao's eyes, the general under Jin Xinyue, the former "traitor" of the Liaoyuan Fleet, and the commander of the Great White Fleet, had a slightly sloppy appearance that contrasted greatly with the brilliant record.

His major-general uniform and military cap are as if they have been worn for half a year, so crumpled and drooped on him, a sallow face that is definitely not handsome, and also a shabby beard. I can't even get interested. I will yawn at any time while casually saying: "I'm not targeting you, I mean everyone in your Liaoyuan fleet is rubbish..." and so on.

Yes, this is the feeling, a kind of helpless arrogance, careless arrogance, as if the words "Come hit me, idiot" are written on the forehead!

While observing Li Yao, he muttered in his heart: "What's the matter, why does it seem to see a faint feeling in this guy's eyes? There is no reason. When I left the Federation a hundred years ago, he was at most ten. How old is he still playing in the mud at the Liaoyuan Military Academy. He has such a personality. If he has ever seen it, he will not remember it for no reason!"

Li Yao and Bai Xingjian came together in frowning.

"Major General Bai!"

Li Yao was very indifferent and first saluted the other party with a casual military salute, vividly denoting the domineering and arrogant temperament of senior officers from the "Orthodox Government" of Xinghai Central.

The corner of Bai Xingjian’s eyes twitched a few times, and he returned a salute to Li Yao: “Colonel Lin, what happened on the Firefly, how could such a big trouble be caused? If necessary, my fleet can help at any time. You don't have to be polite, it is everyone's common responsibility to wipe out the immortal cultivators!"

"no need."

Li Yao smiled and said, "There was indeed a serious rebellion of immortal cultivators on the Firefly, even the first mate Ding Zhengyang and Cheng Xuansu of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were involved, but this was originally a game we set up, and it was "to lead the snake out of the hole." 'The purpose of the strategy is to kill the cultivators in one fell swoop!

"With the wise decisions of Chairperson Cui and Captain Tang, as well as the unremitting efforts of our'President's Special Guard Red Lotus Squad', the vast majority of immortal cultivators have been suppressed, and only a handful of them are still fleeing.

"Major General Bai does not need to worry about the safety of the Firefly. It is your fleet. I heard that it has just encountered a star sea storm and the loss is quite heavy. Perhaps there will be many loopholes in the defense. It is not known that these unscrupulous immortals sneak in. It is recommended. It is better for you to conduct a comprehensive search with our cooperation!"

"Both Cheng Xuansu and Ding Zhengyang were suppressed? Cui Lingfeng and Tang Dingyuan knew all this beforehand? The Speaker's Special Guard, the Red Lotus Team..."

Bai Xingjian quickly analyzed the latest information, and while he was pondering, his portable tactical brain trembled frantically.

Judging from the way of shaking, it is the highest level of alarm!

When he raised his wrist, Bai Xingjian’s expression was even more gloomy-at this moment, in this second, he had just moored on the assault ship "Silver Light" on the opponent’s dock, and unexpectedly detected that someone had sneaked in secretly. Moreover, after the opponent broke through their three warning lines in a row, it was still wandering around inside the starship, no one could stop it, and there was a big sign of going away after a lot of drifting!

Bai Xingjian's forehead was full of blue veins, staring at Li Yao furiously: "Lin, Colonel, Colonel!"


Li Yao's face was expressionless, but there was a sarcasm in his eyes, "Is there really a cultivator sneaking into your starship? Do we need to coordinate the search?"

"No need!"

Bai Xingjian gritted his teeth and said every word, "No cockroach can sneak out unscathed after sneaking into my starship, no!"

"That's good."

Li Yaochao Bai Xingjian gave a slight salute, "I am here to inform you of the latest situation of the Firefly, reminding you to be vigilant and cautious during the stay at anchor, and don't make any misunderstandings, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

"After all, the immortal cultivators have not been completely wiped out. In case there are a few guys who jumped over the wall in a hurry and ran into the depths of your starship, thinking about the same thing as your starship or even senior officers, no one wants to see it. This kind of thing happens, right?"

The gazes of Li Yao and Bai Xingjian collided in mid-air, sending out "crackling" sparks, almost detonating the entire empty hangar.

Standing behind Li Yao, Yan Liren and Long Yangjun, one left and one right, also squinted, looking at the steel giants behind Bai Xingjian, as if looking at a bunch of chickens and dogs.

"Colonel Lin..."

Perceiving the tense atmosphere, Bai Xingjian coughed slightly and laughed, "I really didn't expect a character like you hidden on the Firefly. You are right. The situation is so messy. You should be more cautious and don't make trouble. What kind of trouble, after all, everyone is allies, and the true human empire is our common enemy.

"I look forward to one day, on the battlefield against the real human empire, I can fight side by side with Colonel Lin and see the true strength of Colonel Lin!"

Li Yao took a deep look at Bai Xingjian, "I think so too."


Until the silver transportation boat slid out of the "Infinite Burn" hangar again, Bai Xingjian still frowned, thoughtfully.

He summoned a tall, majestic and hideous armor master behind him: "Fifth, I am not good at fighting. What do you think of the strength of the three people just now, they are purely individual combat power."

"Old Fifth" is the commando captain of the "Infinite Burning" who is responsible for the battle. A powerful combat infant, he dared to rush to the enemy starship alone, but he also hesitated at the moment: "On the right. The woman of is a bit tricky. Judging from the body shape, breath and pace, it is not easy to deal with; but the dwarf on the left is even more powerful. His breath and footsteps are no different from ordinary people, but they give people a creepy taste. , It seems that as long as he is willing to make a move, all the crystal armors and war shuttles in the entire hangar will be cut in half by him!

"When he glanced over just now, several of the brothers were extremely nervous, as if, as if a knife was resting on their neck!"

Bai Xingjian nodded: "Where is Lin Jiu?"

"Lin Jiu?"

The old fifth tilted his head and thought, "It doesn't seem to be special, it's between that woman and the dwarf, right?"

"is it?"

Bai Xingjian murmured, looking at the closed gate, lost in thoughts and memories.

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