40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1650: Play pig eat tiger……

Back on the Firefly transportation boat, Li Yao was still thinking about the meeting with Bai Xingjian just now, and a subtle smile gradually evoked at the corner of his mouth.

"Very interesting guy, although his heart is still a little impetuous, with the help of such a general, Jin Xinyue is getting closer and closer to her dream, right?

"It's just that I always feel that I've seen him somewhere, it's really weird!"

Li Yao was trying to search his deep memory, comparing Bai Xingjian with the people he had left a deep impression on one by one, when he suddenly heard a weird "click" and looked up, it turned out to be the "sword idiot" Yan Liren. Shaking next to him, the upper and lower rows of teeth kept colliding, and there was a terrifying light from the bottom of his eyes.

Li Yao was startled slightly: "Friend Taoist Yan, what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay, just excited, very excited!"

Yan Liren laughed "Hoho" deep in his throat, licking his lips, retorting the taste, "I didn't expect that in this'modern age of cultivation,' which pays more attention to the decisive battle of the big army and the big fleet, you can still encounter such a worthy battle Opponent!"

Li Yao was stunned, and looked at each other with Long Yangjun, and found each other's eyes at a loss: "Who is Taoist Yan referring to? We have also scanned the commandos behind Bai Xingjian. There are a few battle infants. But it's not so exaggerated, right?"

"Hmph, the scraps behind him are naturally not worth doing. I mean him, Bai Xingjian!"

Yan Liren took a deep breath, let out an incredible light in his eyes, and murmured, "Although I only looked at him, I can be sure that he is a masterpiece I have never seen in my life, and he is the most worthy of killing in my life. people!"


Both Li Yao and Long Yangjun were extremely shocked.

Li Yao used to practice swords with Yan Liren for three months, not to mention Long Yangjun. When he was still the "Great Eunuch King", he had a sword fight with Yan Liren every year. meeting.

Both Li Yao and Long Yang are masters in the world, but Yan Liren was not so excited when he was fighting swords with them. The meaning of "unseen in his life" is obviously an evaluation of the combat effectiveness of the white star sword. , Still above them!

Long Yangjun and Yan Liren had a good personal relationship, and it was true that the Ziji Sword Sect was almost included in the "Eunion Party" line. She naturally knew that although Yan Liren was arrogant, she never exaggerated it.

As "the first sword immortal of the ancient sage", he has the courage and Dao heart to kill even the **** of transformation, and he is the most poisonous among the twelve ancient sages to evaluate the eyes of his opponents!

"Brother Yan!"

Long Yangjun pondered, "What do you mean by "unseen in your life"? Let's leave aside our "Three Sages and Four Sages". You have even seen Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun. After studying, although they have all lost their flesh and blood and become ghosts, their strength is not as good as before, but this white star sword can be more powerful than the two gods? Could it be that he has already reached the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, and even broke through ——Has it been transformed?"

Yan Liren slowly shook his head, and said every word: "I see people, and they are never divided by realm. This era has extremely clever'sound-grabbing technique' and'soul-concealing technique'. It is also necessary to conceal one's true cultivation. It's not difficult, so I don't know whether Bai Xingjian is a god, and I don't care.

"I only know that he is terrible. It was so terrible that for a moment, I just wanted to draw the sword and kill him at all costs! And I knew very well that even if I did draw the sword at the time, it was not necessarily true, no. , It must be impossible to kill him, but he might be beheaded! Yes, he is alone, and the armor masters behind the chickens are just covering up, and he alone may kill me!

"Since the mastery of kendo, I have never experienced this kind of feeling. Even though Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun, two god-level ghost repairers, stood in front of me, I have never had such a sense of uncertainty! 'Fear'? Wonderful, wonderfully unspeakable, it is really wonderful fear!

"Cultivation! Since there are such terrible opponents in this era, it has completely aroused my heart of cultivation! I have a hunch, as long as I can fight with Bai Xingjian happily and not die, my Swordsmanship will definitely be able to take it to the next level and become a real sword that slaughters the gods!"

Yan Liren shook his head and shook his head, completely immersed in the world of kendo, but squinted his eyes, gestured with his fingers, and imagined the thrilling battle with Bai Xingjian in his brain.

Only Li Yao and Long Yangjun were left dumbfounded, with the words "What are you kidding?" written on their faces.

Long Yangjun looked solemnly: "...If even Brother Yan said so, isn't my perception just now an illusion?"

Li Yao: "Hey, hey, hey, no, even you can perceive it, but the master is in the dark and knows nothing?"

"No, Fellow Daoist Lingjiu misunderstood."

Long Yangjun shook his head and said, "Neither you nor I have the keen sense of swordsmanship like Brother Yan. I didn't realize that this fleet commander, who seems to have no power to bind a chicken, has such a terrifying combat power. I just, I just vaguely feel that his appearance is not quite right, the kind of gritted teeth and impetuous heart, including the expression of being'choked' by you, slightly, slightly..."

"Don't say he is acting."

Li Yao said coldly, in terms of acting skills, he has never convinced anyone, "I also carefully observe every little expression of his, he is completely true, not a disguise!"

Long Yangjun nodded: "I know that his emotions are real, but this emotion is slightly different from the true emotions in the general sense.

"Let’s put it this way, suppose you are playing a game, and you encounter setbacks in the game, or you simply lose, you will also be frustrated, annoyed and even angry. These are all your true feelings, and no one can say such emotions. And your performance is fake, right?

"But in the end, no matter how real this emotion is, it is just a game after all!

"This is the feeling that the White Star Sword gave me. If the Great White Fleet really wants to completely control the Firefly, this matter is very important to Jin Xinyue and the Xingyao Federation, and it is even a matter of life and death—at least it will It has a big impact on Jin Xinyue's election!

"But Bai Xingjian gave me the feeling that he was playing a game, as if the rise and fall of the Jin Xinyue series was not important at all. He just played with Jin Xinyue casually!

"That's how it feels, it's really hard to believe, so I've been thinking about it just now, and thought it was my own illusion, but since even Brother Yan said so, this White Star Sword... is really worth noting!"

Li Yao took a deep breath, and a turbulent sea throbbed in his heart.

He absolutely believed in the judgments of Long Yangjun and Yan Liren.

Therefore, what happened in the "Infinite Burning" hangar just now was not that he caused Bai Xingjian to suffer a dark loss, but that Bai Xingjian let him deliberately.

He was disguised as a pig to eat a tiger by the white star sword!


"What kind of person is Li Yao, my vulture. Since I debuted, I have fought hundreds of **** battles and pretended to be countless. I was the only one who pretended to be a pig and eat tigers. I didn't expect that one day, someone would pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger."

"Asshole, no matter what your background is, no matter what your purpose is lurking next to Jin Xinyue, playing this trick of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger in front of me is too much!"

The more Li Yao pondered, the more cold he felt in the back of his head.

Judging from Tang Dingyuan's introduction and the information on the White Star Sword he had just collected temporarily, this should be a rebellious, domineering, defiant, impulsive person.

However, is it possible for a person who is "unruly, domineering, and impulsive" to hide his true fighting power for a whole hundred years?

Even Yan Liren was terrified of his combat power by three points, and Yan Liren was a peerless sword repairman at the pinnacle of the Yuan Ying Period!

A combat powerhouse of at least the Yuan Ying level, in the process of growing up for a hundred years, has never been discovered by anyone before?

Or is it that all the people who have seen him make a move have been completely destroyed?

"Is this guy really an aggressive, impulsive, fierce person?"

"Did he really leave the Liaoyuan fleet because of a conflict with his boss?"

"He really went crazy, and his cultivation base fell drastically. It was the trivial ‘primary stage of Yuan Yingqi’ that was finally piled up with Jin Xinyue’s numerous resources?

"Whether Jin Xinyue chose Bai Xingjian or Bai Xingjian... did she choose Jin Xinyue?"

"Does Jin Xinyue know his true strength, or does he really regard him as a subordinate who can command casually?"

Li Yao couldn't help but hugged his arms, suddenly felt that his little apprentice was dangerous!

At this moment, Li Yao's portable tactical brain trembled slightly, and it was Cui Lingfeng's special line.

"President, the situation on the Great White Fleet has been brought under control. Their commander, Bai Xingjian, has a very clear understanding of the current situation and should not act rashly."

Li Yao thought for a while, and was not going to tell Cui Lingfeng about the discoveries of Yan Liren and Long Yangjun-mainly because there was no way to explain it. With the apparent strength of Yan Liren and Long Yangjun, how could it be possible to see through one at least close? A master of transforming gods.

Moreover, this matter is related to the safety of his little apprentice. Of course, he, a master, can't just sit idly by, he must act in secret.

Cui Lingfeng shook his head and said, "The Dabai Fleet is set aside. Ding Zhengyang has just confessed a lot of information, including a lot of information about Lu Qingchen and Di Linhui, but compared with the next piece of information, none of these things are worth mentioning.

"Ding Zhengyang said that the Black Wind Fleet desperately needs a suitable jumping point and a starry sky gate so that it can penetrate into the softest abdomen of the Star Federation. In order to achieve this goal, the spies who secretly infiltrated the Federation and the Emperor Lin will be together. The high-level federation has begun to corrode, and it seems that one of the high-level federations has been transformed into an immortal cultivator. This is also an important reason why Ding Zhengyang and Cheng Xuan have the courage to initiate a rebellion."

Li Yao was shocked: "High-level, how tall is it?"

"Of course Ding Zhengyang doesn't know the specific position and who."

Cui Lingfeng said, "But his original words are, ‘a person who can reverse the course of this war’!"

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