40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1652: Cosmic dinosaurs!

Tang Dingyuan pinched a handprint in the void, and a large number of crystal-clear starship structure diagrams outlined with golden lines appeared in the deep star map.

Ten years ago, when the Claw Fleet to which Heiyelan belonged was pursuing the Firefly, the Federal Fleet led by Ding Lingdang raided from behind, and the entire army was wiped out.

In that battle, the Federation captured many imperial soldiers. Through their interrogation, they obtained a large amount of information about the Black Wind Fleet. This information was transferred to the Firefly, causing the people in exile to the Black Wind Fleet. There is also a general understanding of his strength.

"The technical strength of the true human empire is higher than that of us and the Star Federation, but it is not so high that it is invincible. This is because everyone has a'technical bottleneck'."

Tang Dingyuan said, "For ten thousand years, the technological peak of human civilization was the age of the Xinghai Empire. It is said that the Xinghai Empire received the help of three volumes of the "Book of Gods" in the development process. It developed a splendid like a big bang almost instantly. Brilliant civilization.

"After the sudden collapse of the Xinghai Empire, the entire human civilization turned into stardust debris. Later, all civilizations were constantly chasing the height of the Xinghai Empire, and the closer to the height of the Xinghai Empire, the slower the development speed and the bottleneck encountered. The more.

"This is true of our Xinghai Republic, and so is the true human empire.

"In the past thousand years, although the true human empire has made great progress in various fields, the overall level of civilization has not been much ahead of us. In the past few hundred years, it has almost stagnated.

"The Star Federation is different. It has leapt from a single world civilization to a cross-stellar civilization of seven great worlds, and has obtained a large number of technologies from the Kunlun relics of the prehistoric civilization. The Federation has experienced a golden development period like a big explosion in the past 100 years. Today, even if it is still behind the empire, but it has the ability to deal with the opponent, it is like the difference between a bronze sword and a steel sword. It is backward, but it can kill the opponent!

"The current comparison of forces between the two sides is like this-the Black Wind Fleet’s starships are higher in rank, more powerful, and the number of powerful men on board is also greater, and they are deep in foreign operations. They are the offensive side and have more diversified tactical options. Without any scruples and burdens, on the surface, he fully grasped the battlefield initiative.

"But they have a fatal weakness. They lack a solid enough rear area. They are a lonely expedition. They go deep behind the enemy line. There is no possibility of supply other than burning and looting on the spot.

"In the final analysis, the Black Wind Fleet’s intelligence was incorrect. When they set out a hundred years ago, they thought they were just going to conquer and develop some uncivilized worlds that were not highly civilized and could not even fly out of their own galaxy. Encountering a head like Xingyao Federation is quite tricky, maybe it will bite back a bite of the'prey'!

"The Black Wind Fleet can't fight a protracted battle. If their starship bursts, one will be lost, and the strong will lose one, and they will not be supplemented at all! Even if they slowly drain the Federation in the protracted war. All the blood, but they themselves were exhausted to the extreme-that was definitely not the result that the Black Wind Fleet Commander wanted to see.

"So, for the Black Wind Fleet, the most likely strategy to choose is to jump to the federal hinterland by surprise and seize one of the seven worlds of the Federation with the momentum of lightning and thunder.

"As long as we have a world as a strategic fulcrum and logistics base, with the Black Wind Fleet higher than the Federation and our military strength, we can continuously refine more starships, arm a large number of slave soldiers, and gather sufficient resources. Support them to continue to erode around, forcing the main force of the Federation to conduct a strategic decisive battle, and the victory will be determined in one battle!"

"This is almost an inevitable strategy, but it is also a very risky strategy, because the moment of jumping from hundreds of light years away to the federal hinterland is the most vulnerable moment of the Black Wind Fleet-if anyone doesn't understand it, Think of it as a huge cosmic dinosaur crossing a rugged and narrow canyon.

"As long as this'cosmic dinosaur' passes through the canyon smoothly, it can hunt and slaughter unscrupulously.

"However, when it gets stuck between the rocks and cracks in the canyon and moves forward with difficulty, it is when it is at its weakest. Even a beast that is weaker than it, seizes the opportunity to kill it!

"This is the only opportunity for us and the Federation!

"As far as the Federation is concerned, in fact, it does not want to fight a protracted battle, and it has turned the territory that it has worked so hard to build for a hundred years into a piece of scorched earth. After all, the Black Wind Fleet is only an expeditionary force of the true human empire, even if the Black Wind Fleet is eliminated. , It is also possible to face new threats that follow.

"The Star Federation must maintain a certain level of strength to have a bargaining chip and the real human empire. The next game will prevent the empire from rushing to send a second expeditionary force.

"In the quick decisive battle, the Black Wind Fleet was resolved cleanly, and a large number of Black Wind Fleet’s starships and materials were obtained, so that I could complete new upgrades and truly have the confidence to talk to the Empire. This is probably the most perfect in the Federation’s vision. ending.

"With all the current military power of the Federation, if it can predict which world the Black Wind Fleet will jump to and carry out a devastating blow during the opponent's Star Sea Jump, there is still hope to accomplish this strategic goal!

"So, to simplify this upcoming war, it is actually a game of'choose one out of seven'. The Federation must bet on which of the seven great worlds the Black Wind Fleet will appear in, and dispatch all the elites in advance. Set an ambush in this great world.

"It's a bet. When the Black Wind Fleet is really jumping in the Star Sea,'Half-crossing and hitting it' and annihilating the opponent in the ripples of four-dimensional space, the Federation is very likely to win the final victory!

"It's wrong to bet. Let the Black Wind Fleet successfully complete the star-sea jump, complete the battle formation and even occupy a certain big world. It is equivalent to the'cosmic dinosaurs' passing through the canyon, and the ancient landing army successfully established the'beachhead position'. The Federation will definitely be defeated!"

When Tang Dingyuan said this, he paused and stretched out his hand below: "Excuse me."

A senior professor from Xinghai University and a senior member of the parliament asked: "If this is the case, is it possible to divide seven forces and set up ambushes in seven great worlds at the same time to plug all loopholes?"

Tang Dingyuan smiled slightly, and shook his head: "It is absolutely impossible. The military strength of ours and the Federation was originally weaker than the Imperial Expeditionary Army. If the troops were divided into seven directions, it would be even weaker. They could not resist the enemy at all, and would only be defeated by the Black Wind Fleet. Eat it bite by bite.

"Not to mention that the troops are divided into seven directions. Even if the elite forces are divided into two halves, it is impossible to achieve the strategic goal of interception and encirclement and annihilation. Only by bringing all the elites together and squeezing them into one fist can it be possible to smash the Black Wind fleet's jump. And unfold!"

The professor frowned deeply and said: "The Federation has a total of seven great worlds. The Black Wind Fleet can choose any one to carry out a jump strike, and we can only choose one of them to set an ambush. Choose one from seven. The situation seems to be quite unfavorable for us! "

"That's not all."

Tang Dingyuan once again manipulated the light screen to show the basic overview of the seven great worlds of the Star Federation, and the brilliant and colorful planets were presented to everyone. "Look, everyone, although the Star Federation has seven worlds, it doesn’t Not everyone is suitable to serve as the base camp of the Black Wind Fleet.

"This is the world of trees and seas. The mother star, tree, starfish, is covered by a large primordial forest. The degree of development is very low, and there is not much industrial basis for refining magic weapons and resource collection. The locals are all excellent beast masters, and they are good at cooperating with spirit beasts. Fight together, but useless to the Black Wind Fleet.

"Even if they occupy the Shuhai Realm, the Black Wind Fleet will find it difficult to gather enough resources to strengthen itself in a short period of time. Instead, it will be trapped and killed in the primeval forest.

"So, the Shuhaijie can be ruled out.

"This is the crystal world. It is a world rich in spar resources. The problem is that apart from spar, almost no other resources are produced in the area. The home planet is an endless desert, even the most precious water resources. Extremely scarce!

"Water is the foundation of everything, and in many cases it is even more important than spar. Therefore, there are a lot of spar resources in the crystal world, and the level of civilization is still not high. When it was discovered by the Star Federation, the aborigines of the crystal world were in severe drought. Struggling hard, almost happily joined the federation and exchanged spar for water resources.

"Although the Federation has been improving the harsh local environment in the past few decades, it cannot be completed in 30 to 50 years to completely turn the desert into fertile land and develop an industrial base sufficient for the Black Wind Fleet.

"Unless the Black Wind Fleet masters the magical powers of using sand to forge magic weapons, the crystal world can also be ruled out.

"Not to mention the Netherworld. This is a world where resources are exhausted and full of radiation, and it is only suitable for the life of ghosts. After all, the Black Wind Fleet is mostly composed of living people, occupying such an overcast, ghostly world. , It's useless to them."

"In the three core worlds, the blood demon world is taking the path of biochemical technology. The facilities for refining various biochemical beasts and skeletal warships are incompatible with the industrial foundation required by the Black Wind Fleet, and the aborigines of the blood demon world are sturdy. There are also a large number of people who are good at digging holes and drilling ground. As early as a hundred years ago, there were strategic preparations for the'scorched earth resistance'. They really occupied the blood demon world, and they had to face numerous guerrillas and resistance forces, which was quite troublesome.

"Of course, the Tianyuan Realm is good, but as the capital of the Star Federation, its defense is also the strongest among the seven realms. It is difficult to be occupied in a short time!

"To sum up, there are only two targets that are most suitable for the Black Wind Fleet to carry out a jump strike, the Flying Star Realm and the Sky Ring Realm!

"The Flying Star Realm has two habitable planets, Tioryuan and Spider's Nest. In the great explosion of the past 100 years, both planets have developed a very good industrial foundation. By the way, the Spider's Nest has also There is a "Thorn Star Studio", the largest cosmic observatory of the Federation. It has extremely high military value. It can not only help the Black Wind Fleet to rapidly increase its strength, but also seriously weaken the power of the Federation. , The winning ticket is in hand!

"The Celestial Circle is the last world to join the Federation. The Federation has only built the Celestial Circle for 30 years, and its local influence is relatively weak.

"It also has a large orbital dock from the Star Sea Empire era, which can provide all the facilities needed by the Black Wind Fleet and help the Black Wind Fleet to strengthen and upgrade in a short period of time, or to refine a new starship!

"So, perhaps we are not facing a game of'choose one from seven', but'choose one from two'. We must guess where the Black Wind Fleet will emerge from, the flying stars, or the sky ring!"

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